When did you grow out of fiscal conservatism? Also, economics thread.
When did you grow out of fiscal conservatism? Also, economics thread
I grew out of cuckmunism at age 16
Not history related
I hope you step on a lego cunt
Economics is the study of a broken system. Grow up and advocate for a collectivist society.
18 is when I grew out of the Atlas Shrugged phase
Prove me wrong Veeky Forums
>"Dude save up an open a business and make the economy grow"
>"Dude spend money, fuck saving, SPEND to make the economy grow
how many chicago school economists won noble prizes..... about a couple dozen
how many marxist economists won a noble prize
our survey says...ZERO
Oh gosh. Where is that pic from?
When did you grow out of Whig history?
>nobel "prize"
>not a masturbatory award by the bourgeois, for the bourgeois
kek my man, kek.
>claims to be older than 16
>while using cuck as an insult
I know right? Facts are just products invented by the bourgeoisie to oppress the working class
I suppose you think the elections and the Oscars are fair as well, lel
when the free market didn't give my uncle a new liver.
free market ain't free
You have to be retarded to call "Nobel" prize winning economics research "facts."
Some of the wins for pioneering new statistical methods or for psych/decision research, sure. Maybe even the game theorists since their work has value as pure mathematics even if it sucks for practical economic analysis.
Everything else has been theory, not fact. The theorems laid out in the papers are facts following from a set of axioms/assumptions, but the idea that these things accurately model reality is easily contested and it is very silly to call them facts.
Just as an example, modern portfolio theory won Markowitz his prize and it is literally the opposite of an economic fact.