>What should I do with the armour/weapons I don't want/use? Purple/Blue = Disassemble (Then use the blue mats to forge a purple if you have enough) Yellow/White = Sell or you can give it to the kodamas for amrita and the odd free item.
>What does the summoning candle do? It returns your guardian spirit to you when you die along with the amrita you collected.
>Should I use soul match? Honestly, no, not unless you have basically finished the game and have a weapon with some really great stats. As you progress you will get a steady flow of new weapons and armour that is better than what you have. Don't waste your money on soul matching until later.
>Why do people keep mentioning "smithing texts"? Bosses tend to drop pieces of their armour and weapons when you defeat them. Very rarely they will drop a smithing text which allows you to forge their armour/weapon.
>Which clan should I join? (clan unlocked through progression) Whichever one has a bonus that you think will benefit your build the most.
>strongest set, could be considered gamebreaking >weakest set, needs to be made useful for anything at all >best looking set >ugliest set >favorite build/playstyle >favorite weapon >favorite boss >least favorite boss
Bentley Campbell
Nioh is for casuals.
Justin Bell
Where does one get Takezo's headband and is it refashionable?
Parker Kelly
any place to get the tanuki/fox helmet?
Nathan Ramirez
your mom is for bbc.
Levi Stewart
Do 2 Kat mystic art mission then an Oni region mission will open up.
Jace Jones
red demon set nioh the purple one that looks like saika clan red demon set 1kat and spear raikiri for that lightning crackle giant toad centipede
Kevin Hill
>strongest set fanatic >weakest set genius strategist >best looking set demon king >ugliest set red demon >favorite build/playstyle 1kat with onmyo and ninjutsu >favorite boss yuki-onna >least favourite boss orochi, the boss looks cool but it's so boring to fight.
Christopher Adams
Possible Rygar reboot?
Hunter Jenkins
>going in ng+ >haven't done a single mission solo except greater demon hunting and giant toad sub mission >scared of being by myself
Kevin Mitchell
Can someone help me beat Nue?
Matthew Baker
About to get the game, had a question:
>Stamina scales with Axes, and Strength scales with Axes. Does that mean I should be pumping both stats, or do I have to choose?
From what I read online the difference at endgame between 50 Sta vs. 50 Str is negligible, and some people were getting 50 stamina and then pumping the onymo / spirit stuff
Low stance axe just looks really appealing to me
Caleb Perry
stuck at umi bozu, ran thru my stockpile of elixirs and am now getting the free ones only at res. can i leave the map to farm and return to the shrine by the boss or am i doomed to have to rerun the whole mission?
Isaac Green
Lucas Gonzalez
Forgive me for being a retard, but what do the +1 levels do for items?
Dominic James
whats your psn
Julian Wood
Does anyone know what other bonuses are in the same group as guard ki reduction?
Lincoln Wood
just make a secret password
James Rogers
If you wear reddit demon armour you should be castrated to be perfectly honest lads.
Meme armour is not allowed. It's the Fallen Knight set all over again.
Grayson Bell
So far Red Demon seem to be given the title of strongest set. Weakest set seems to be Raging Bull. Or crossed Sickles. Best looking set would have to be either Youngblood or Greater Good. Ugliest is Unusual or Pirate. I go full 1kat and never look back, no magic and no ninja. I have to say that my favorite weapon is probably the Dashi-O or whatever it's called. Best boss is probably the Ice-bitch and Nobu. Worst boss is the centipeide.
Parker Foster
the password is /NG/
Owen Gutierrez
you have to redo it all
Isaiah Davis
fuq alright. gonna keep trying to summon then
Jonathan Long
Except this one gives a massive set bonus, making it an excellent choice for anyone going light armor. If you don't like the look you can refashion it.
Kayden Sanders
you heading on now?
James Fisher
Ayden Price
Alright i'm genuinely starting to question if it even exists so if you have it can someone post a picture of a divine giant frogs spear so I know all my efforts aren't in vain, also tips on increasing my luck, right now its 125+ whatever i get from luck talisman and rabbit.
Carter Roberts
axe has become really fuckin fun late game especially when you divulge in synergies with it that the game offers. i went katana mostly and i'm starting to ween off of it
Jonathan King
Xavier Wilson
Adam Scott
Red Demon obvious choice, but Obsidian and Fanatic are really strong too Just too many to name, Strategists for example Frontline set, Veteran's set All the pajama cloth shit 1kat + heavy armor 1kat Froggo Onryoki, because he is reused too often
Justin Lewis
Go to online settings and enter the secret word "UmiBozo" and i'll come help you if you still need it.
Caleb Morris
is this game worth getting if I don't want online stuff?
Joshua Gonzalez
>crossed sickles >weakest
N-NANI?!? Thing has final blow and from behind damage, you know, the thing that's melting bosses in all these webm's people post.
>red demon strongest
ha! well that explains your opinion.
Jeremiah Moore
Or just UMIBOZ since there's a character limit
Cooper King
Yeah it's not bad solo.
Jacob Cox
Just pump STAM
heavy armor with B agility is fucking amazing
that and hand cannons do shit tons of damage if you hit the weak spot
Juan Gutierrez
>delete my character after 30 hours because I fucked up prestige >create a new character >my hair and clan stuff are still there
What the hell. I lost no glory.
Blake Adams
Can someone help else help me with Nue? Idk where the other user is.
PW: /NG/
Eli Nelson
Hey, I'm just saying. It's widespread for a reason. Massive crutch.
That said personally I use the Obsidian set.
Jaxon Moore
is the online content basically Souls stuff where you just summon or fight other people? also how difficult is it compared to Souls?
Levi Cox
Glory is account bound
Also why the fuck did you restart? It's not like prestige is super limited.
Aaron Davis
OK, what other weapons should I use then?
I know axes and cannons will get scaling, do I just get Stam and then Onmyo / Spirit stuff from there? And ignore alternative weps?
Jack Clark
>Sohaya Tsurugi >Kusanagi Tsurugi >both are katanas You'd think Japs would know better.
Sebastian Stewart
PvP isn't in yet, will come later for free though. Summoning is similar, but you can only have 1 visitor at a time.
The difficulty is steep in the beginning, but as you gain more levels and unlock more skills the game becomes ever easier. The only real difficulty spike after that is postgame. I'd say Souls is easier overall.
Brayden Kelly
No PvP yet. Just bro-op. It's a bit easier than Souls but the combat has some gimmicks that don't play at all like Souls (Or really any Souls analog like BB) so you gotta learn its quirks or else you will get stomped.
Juan Foster
Which one?
Isaiah Ross
Best level to Amrita farm? (Level 175)
Also how the hell did you fellas actually do them dual bosses legit?
I'm ashamed to admit I was corrupted by the dual kat/sloth combo first time around.
NG+ turned into me just baiting Muneshige with quickdraws behind the rock while Honda sat and watched.
Liam Brown
Is the Forboding Sea twilight mission just the regular mission but harder?
Grayson James
2kat or 1kat?
I'm still on 2kat but all those 1kat armor sets look amazing
Brandon Sanders
Grinding for smithing texts is so fucking dumb.
Zachary White
To whoever helped me and died right at the end, I finished him off. Thanks for your help.
Jacob Russell
Kingo's or Fanatic for 1kat?
Kingo's got that damage. It's appealing.
Owen Long
>Already 65% Unlimited Ammo >Still haven't Soul Matched it onto my Legs or Shoes
So it looks like the upper limit for infinite ammo is probably around 85% if you were stubborn about maxed out rolls. I've got some 4.5 and a 3.8 or two, but if you stuck to 5% you'd probably get to 80-85%. This is with Saika's Yatagarasu Set and level 30 Yatagarasu obviously. Pro-tip: you can get infinite ammo on weapons, so you need to stack it there too.
Cameron Martin
How do we fix Ninjutsu? It doesnt even have prestige options. Thats how much of an after thought it is.
Joseph Wright
love 2kat, but no question 1kat gets more stuff and is probably stronger anyway. hopefully dlc adds more 2kat support. 1kat forging page is like twice as long as everything else.
Nolan Perez
Dammit, theres one of those revenant summoners nearby but I cant see where. Guess I gotta run through them to find him
Ryan Morales
>It doesnt even have prestige options. Press R1.
Dylan Green
is it viable to split ninjitsu and omoyo stats wise? if so whats a good stat split?
Carter Smith
>It's widespread for a reason
It's widespread because it's easy as fuck to forge, it only requires demon horns whereas the other sets require rare boss materials.
Jose Ross
I'm leve 79 and the missions I have to do are in the 90s
Should I just ignore the levels
Cooper Lee
Well, Nobunaga is easily countered and if you stay close to him he doesn't spam Living Weapon. After that it's easy enough to counter him to death. Nohime is easily dealt with.
As for Shiggy and Honda, take Shiggy down first, counters are as effective as always and the rock is a valuable ally. Honda is easy after that.
Oliver Kelly
sounds like something I'd enjoy, then thanks
Noah Thomas
>Also how the hell did you fellas actually do them dual bosses legit? Shot Honda in the face in the beginning and spearfall'd Muneshige to hell then killed Honda. In the other one I first shot Oda in the face and did the killing strike. Then spearfall'd him while occasionally dodged Yukionna. Wasn' really that hard since Oda likes to do the double stab reach so he comes after me and Yukionna stays at a distance.
Camden Baker
How come i can't transmog into all those cool and unique helmets NPC phantoms drop? And don't tell me those douple pistols shitty ashigarus use are enemy-only.
Logan Kelly
so i need to do this longass level to farm the obsidian text?
fuck me
Anthony Rodriguez
Fuku's character bio says she was later employed as a wet nurse.
>tfw some kid gets to suck her tits and you don't
Jordan Miller
Yes, but why the fuck are you so low at this point? Do you never do side missions?
Connor Ross
bout to attempt forging a lv320 wpn, wish me luck ! Please use prayer gesture for support!
Carter Gray
Quit to menu after beating him and then continue and you start at the shrine.
Samuel Edwards
I have done literally every single side mission and main mission so far, even the advanced dojo ones
Andrew Wright
Dammit, i didn't get the title for killing Umi-Bozu without lighting any of the bonfires. I would assume doing it in the twilight mission would be more impressive, but I guess not
Easton Turner
>tfw you're starting stack up blue and pruple bonuses on your chosen set of gear
Sense Enemies is never useless. I've also got 60% total elemental damage reduction while guarding, shorten recovery time (out of ki) and Amrita Life Recovery 35
Jaxson Hill
But its okay, because I went back and redid the base version and got the "No killing any enemies", "No dying or using shrines", AND the "Kill umibozu without any fires" titles
Hunter Sanders
Alexander Sanders
Does proficiency bonus give you a bonus to damage depending on your current proficiency, or does it just give a boost to proficiency gained?
Jacob Long
Fuku is an old hag
Okatsu is life
Joshua Rivera
Axes are all ya need bruv
After that it becomes personal preference. Cannons are low ammo high damage so they get a lot out of improvised projectiles. There's also ammo carry and extra damage stuff in the ninja tree. But none of that is really necessary.
Onmyo magic has the sloth meme that's useful for any build, but that's about it. The healing talismans are ok i guess
you will need a few points in str for the armor requirements. I like 20 spirit
Carter Ward
A bunch of titles and shit don't work unless you're in the normal mission in Way of the Samurai
Nicholas Young
Spiritfu is the only one for William.
Jackson Hernandez
Boost to proficiency. In the future you can press the start button and it will tell you what each thing does
Jacob Lopez
Is there a way to roll good stats for reforging? Bare handed attack damage and fuck all unlimited Onmyo don't get me too far.
Juan Price
that level is not fun to go through ill tell you that. but now i got a route covered for it that level is dark cooridors of nofun
Jaxon Powell
divination, pleidaes, extraction, carnage, sloth, luck, the LW/amrita/gold passive, and even talisman/element shots are all useful. heard protection (flat damage block) was good too.
Ian Thomas
Just have to be lucky
Aiden Johnson
>mfw there are people in this thread right now who aren't using the Tower of London set like proper English gentlemen here to spread civilization to the savage land of Zipangu
Nathan Torres
With how bad some skills in this game are translated, I wouldn't trust those descriptions all the time.
Grayson Carter
I feel like kingos is really strong paired with the bat and sword mystic art I hit it like 5x as hard from the back
Tyler Myers
Aaron Barnes
It's a real shame that Saoirse is such a shitty spirit. Was really looking forward to using her the whole game only to get her back and find out that she has pretty much no good abilities and shitty stats.
Buff when? I just want to romp through Japan killing demons with my spirit waifu.
Easton Richardson
What armour set to wear with Kusarigama?
Jordan Clark
Charles Nguyen
>not playing as ninja He-man user
Parker Hughes
kingo for behind the back low stance spam/ reaper
Jeremiah Lopez
>full LW Gauge every other kill is shitty
Ayden Wood
Anyone know if you can reforge Change to Defense (Magic) onto armor?
Blake Walker
Do those Axe mystic arts stack with regular weapons?
Evan Garcia
She's a God for anybody that wants to spam Living Weapon and gain all the Amrita in the world though. If something is vulnerable to water she can put some evil numbers out.
Might not be the best Spirit, but I still use her all the same.
Nathan Garcia
what the heck does tempest actually do? automatically make you do an attack when you break their guard that downs them?