Before asking to be spoonfed, try the following: ● READ THE OP ● Read carefully the cards ● Lurk and read the archives ● Google your deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event, see the provided links above ● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play
So does anyone have an example decklist for Dark Synchro so I can see how it works?
Gabriel Edwards
Remember to choose wisely.
Jaxson Evans
Christopher Rodriguez
Nolan Reyes
Owen Diaz
I want to fuck this Rabbit
Eli Martin
cute boy
Joseph Morales
Is Blue-Eyes meta now with Link Summoning?
Josiah Wright
>Gofu SS Token >Token change into Missus Radiant >proceed to masturbate It's still (barely) alive, boys.
Ayden Parker
Theory: Konami made the Link mechanic to make players go beyond the 40 card deck limit, and is gonna overcome the Accel Synchro/big Fusion/big Xyz fuck-up by printing more easy to SS monster fodder to use for synchroing/fusing/xyzing/link summoning.
For example, if you had to mill 20 cards to summon an Accel Synchro in pre-Links era, you'll now have to mill 40 cards in a 60 card deck to summon the Link monsters to build the necessary field to summon an Accel Synchro monster during Links era, including using cards that pop your Link monsters after you've used-up their effects or they no longer link to a necessary monster zone similar to how you popped Pendulum Monsters in Pendulum zones after you've used-up their effects or their scale was no longer needed during the Pendulum era, thus essentially making Links Pendulums on steroids.
Blake Scott
>using dark tokens to make a link monster that requires earth materials
Julian Davis
Charles Wright
>he doesn't know
Adrian Martin
Xth for the Link Mechanic actually ruined the game.
Ayden Rodriguez
What the RULE CHANGE was meant to answer was pretty obvious. I wouldn't be surprised at more leniency towards easy to summon monsters now though.
Kayden Scott
Yth for people bitching who have yet to even play a link card.
Jack Lopez
Ian Lewis
>>Token change into Missus Radiant
Alexander Nguyen
Konami: We changed the game, now you cannot masturbate into stupid boards anymore. Except if you buy these new blue cards. Also we printed this Link 2 one that requires earth monsters as one of the first ones, so you cannot do it unless you use Zoodiacs. Buy more rat.
Oliver Howard
Spider is Earth. You summon two spiders and use both for Missus. You go from two tokens to one Missus.
Noah Stewart
When will we get the first link monsters anyway? In around two months? Or around the same time japan is getting them?
Isaac Walker
It's a pretty obvious combo just like Tour Guide change into Dante. Or Terror into Rat.
Nolan Anderson
Well shit.
Nathan Lewis
Cute waifu.
Jaxson Ortiz
not until after maximum crisis, so no sooner than 3 months
Aiden Hughes
Huh, my bad then
Nolan Clark
>two months >Or around the same time japan is getting them Remember D/D/D?
why is tour guide at one but terrortop is still unlimited?
Kayden Ross
D/D/D was fairly optional, we have to get the starter before COTD
Lincoln Ross
Whoa... that's big. Holy shit. I didn't realize that. That turns any two normal monsters into a 1/3 link-2. What does this mean. Huh. I don't know.
Cooper Butler
Let me correct that for you:
Konami: Fuck our customers, fuck the game, fuck your petdecks, fuck the long-term, fuck the R&D department, fuck virtually every deck made in the last 9 years, fuck double sleevers, fuck custom sleeves/mats, fuck rulings, fuck Sychro monsters, fuck the banlist, fuck the TCG
And fuck you. Now go buy our Link monsters and Zoodiacs.
Ayden Wright
That´s enough time to calm down and gauge the mess then. Thanks.
I didn´t play D/D/D so I didn´t keep up with that delay. So no.
Hunter Sanders
Because you touch yourself at night.
William Lee
>terrortop >still unlimited Soon.
Tyler Cox
Modern retrain when?
Alexander Torres
why she has a scorpion in her mouth
Elijah Brooks
Sure just burn 3 ED spaces for an enabler that'll get handtrap loli'd
Jackson Nelson
Because she's both a shit and ugly waifu.
Isaac Gonzalez
shes an /absolute madwaifu/
Mason Harris
Duel Link God here.
I'm so glad you otk punks will be humbled with Link monsters.
Adrian Sanchez
>I always draw my out! That's why I put barely there, user. And Reaper is solid proof that ED space mean shit. And surely Link Spider and Radiant won't be the only Link monster available.
We should be seeing and playing with them well before then I believe with the starter deck which seems to have a pretty good starting engine since they have the combo of link markers you need to set up a good amount of extra zones, though you may need to use some weird cards in order to support their requirements for the time being. General decks will really want Missus Radiant and Gaiasaber eventually though.
Jaxon Howard
No but seriously are Blue-Eyes viable in a link summon era?
Leo Bailey
Aiden Morales
It's still a solid example for KoA upper limit on delaying stuff.
Jaxon Robinson
Thank you Duel Link God for cucking all the petdecks instead of the current top decks. Now I can continue playing Zoodiacs unopposed for 3 more months. :)
Thomas Morgan
Superheavys will be forgotten when Arc-V ends but I'll remain STEADFAST and keep using them
Liam Johnson
And if you look in the comment section, some french guy posted a 2 card combo as opposed to this video's 4 card combo.
Aaron Cruz
>when your opponent is running 3 twin twisters and you rely on field spells and continuous spells/traps
Jaxson Reed
Link monsters is a GAY mechanic.
Prove me wrong, nerds. PROTIP: you cant't.
Jaxson Walker
Not as gay as xyz Two MEN overlaying on top of each other? Gay as fuck
Noah Ward
Link monsters are the only thing letting your old mechanics work now, you should be thanking link monsters :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)
Mason Jones
I disagree
Leo Martin
>you cant't. So Link monsters is not a GAY mechanic?
Alexander Rivera
underrated post
Parker Long
delete this
Julian Myers
Tyler Baker
>2 beyblades stack atop each other >upon which a blue italian man then lays atop >then after standing up and sitting down, a lady sits on his face
Robert Richardson
No. They need their synchros to win and synchros are dead.
Logan Garcia
>Gofu+Arma masturbate into Sohaya -> Donglong -> Power Tool >SS Decode Talker >SS Sohaya, DDR Sohaya, change them into Accel and then Quasar Fucking Gofu, man. Can even bait Reaper into banishing Missus Radiant/Link Spider first by Gofu SS Token.
Nathaniel Taylor
Jaxson Martinez
So why did Konami think it was a good idea to introduce a mechanic that ruins almost every deck they've ever made/
Elijah Garcia
Will goyo defender get a retrain?
Brandon Evans
When you link another monster on the field basically you're just creating a buttfucking chain.
Nolan Gonzalez
We won't need one if improper summon goes to MMZ.
Zachary Ortiz
It's obvious when you say it like that; It forces people to buy the new cards to continue playing and devalues older decks to such a degree that they're gonna be even less attractive to play pushing people to only buy fresh new cards and stop buying older cards which don't make them money.
Evan Evans
Because people bitched about extra deck spam and the rule change was a convenient way to answer that while also allowing them to shill a new mechanic.
Cameron Wright
It's a clever way to force you to pay out for more product to just play the game without trampling on the current line of product.
Liam Hughes
>bahamut will still be able to summon toad this will be spicy. i can already see the butt hurt
Evan Rivera
I want to make a cuck theme deck. What archtype/cards do I use?
Mason Rogers
Still hoping for one.
Put back together Quickdraw Synchron on Percy and goddamnit I can't stop spamming Synchros everywhere.
I'm going to fall in love with this terrible game all over again.
So you would have to buy their new cards instead of playing with just your old ones.
Charles Ward
Should I order a box of Fusion Enforcers or nah
Christopher Gonzalez
Its forces players to buy the new products so they can play their old decks while casting the illusion that its for the sake of the players and making the game healthier by slowing it down.
Its basically killing two birds with one stone.
Christopher Brooks
Because we needed you to stop playing with those dirty old cards that you've already bought and buy our shiny new blue cards goy- I mean prized customers.
And while you're at it, be sure to buy plenty of Gems on Duel Links, our exciting new DLC on Legacy of the Duelist, and our beautiful pristine official Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (TCG) sleeves and playmats made by Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. (KONAMI). :)
Bentley Perry
It's not a phishing scam, dummy. Anyway what could they do with my fake email address made for signing up for things, but no password?
Robert Allen
link monsters literally hold hands
Jeremiah Gutierrez
The handtrap lolis outside of Cherry won't do shit to the current links. Ghost Ogre won't kill them because they won't be activating any effects and Ghost Ash has nothing to negate.
Luke Thomas
I love the new rules guys!
Wyatt Harris
Jack Martinez
enough already
Austin Brown
I unironically like them.
Chase Allen
Me too, but I don't know the full scope of the impact of the rules change so. From a pure design perspective I genuinely think Pendulums were way worse.
Andrew Bailey
Pendulums have the added negative of looking terrible from an aesthetic perspective.
Thomas Green
You thought it was a jew, but it was me, Dark Magician!
Jonathan Taylor
>Not watching our boy Billy shit on Jeff Jones
Elijah Lopez
I actually think they look pretty good and wish all cards had their ratio of art to effect but I might be the minority on that. Maybe they could have even kept the pendulum text box but used it for flavor text on effect monsters. But oh well.
Christopher Sullivan
Begone Hebe; your Judaic magic nos non potest adficere!