League of Legends General - /lolg/

Best half breed edition


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What are your ideal 10 bans, /lolg/?



fluffy tails

>Meteos is pissed

Shyvana as OP
Oh come on!

>Clown9 annihilated by punished Meteos

lee sin

I made the past 2 threads,would you prefer to have lulufag spam his shit or a ezreal x talon OP?



>No orianna

I think we have our answer

>no hug for jensen

So what is C9's biggest problem?

Too much reliance on top tier picks? Bad team fights? Can't close games?

>subbing out impact

wasn't it just one bad game? Also why pick fiora into a hard engage comp? wouldn't a tank or a champion that provides counter engage be better?

Why does Ryu look like such a disgusting fat faggot? jesus christ

I wanna cuddle Jinx while she sits on my lap

>hugging the autistic robot

Proxy is a shitty tactic that Rito made sure that it is shit and stay shit back in season 3

Kayle has both the heal and wave clear as well as last hit ability to not be bothered by Singed pushing the wave to her tower

Kayle can easily harass / poke as well as preventing Singed from getting near her thank to her slow / speed boost

Fine. Beggers can't be choser.

>fiora rushes trinity force


got exposed by tsm and p1 getting gud honestly.

he was playing like hot garbage yesterday too

They have issues early game, too much reliance on their ability to just win straight 5v5's

>see semi friend hard grinding to get from p1 to dia 5 the last 3 months but he always falls to p3 then back to p1 and hovers there
>check his match history
>he only plays one champion
>always goes the same suboptimal build on her

holy fuck man
Hed probably get mid diamond if he just started building whats good

>dark meteos obliterating C9

>Cuck9 0-2 this weekend

Meteos plays really well with no pressure

as soon as things stop going his way he goes full toxic shitter meme mode though

At least i dont freakin spam every OP with irelia,do i?

i am tilted as hell and angry today, apologies in advance

Le Blanc

Literally rely on impact, for all the praise jensen and contractz were getting early on the split (contractz has been average for the past 3 weeks) this team relies on impact carrying on teamfights.


Dankest fucking timeline

Shit tier abusable early game is by far their #1 issue.

When your Rengar goes 3/0 there's no way in hell they shouldn't snowball that shit to hell.

Fiora is literally Kled's worst matchup in lane, and they picked it to prevent a tank pick from P1.

Impact and Piglet to TSM when?

This shit must be scripted, no way

yasuo, rengar, camille, leblanc, soraka, lee
Dont really need more bans than that

Ranked games? Or IRL issues?


No. He's mine. All mine.


post face, body and rank please

Oh, now that you mention it, it makes sense. I'm actually somewhat new to the game and i've been playing Kayle for some time now, and the only Singed i met while playing her tried to proxy level 1, but after i killed him, he disconnected from the game. What did Riot do to make sure proxy is a shitty tactic?

>Implying they'd want two washed up gooks on their roster

For all the bashing TSM gets they've done pretty well for themselves not falling for the IMPORT ALL THE GOOKS meme.

What is this? WWE?

>rating piglet
This man was carried by Mandu and was made fun of from the SKT team because hes shit.

Just trying to get a single win for the bonus IP,it has been freaking frustrating

i guess being unemployed is also a bad thing

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +1

>have had a lot more time to play this season
>retards in soloq trying to say "600 games and only d5" as an insult
>when i started the climb all the way from silver 1
why is "you have a lot of games you must suck" supposed to be an insult? shouldn't it be the opposite way around?

Kill yourself, namefag.


>as made fun of from the SKT team because hes shit


>washed up


what icon is this?

You could do a AI match to get the bonus IP if you want. Plus, nothing is wrong if you got a part time job.

What if I suck massive dick?

Silver (qt male)

meowkai icon

>Get shit on by Hauntzer
>Literally getting benched for fucking RAY against a team playing with Subs
>Not washed up

>go to lolg
>0 (you)'s

brb killing myself famalam

ok mines not that big tho

vg vs vg +2

>both c9 go 0-2 this week
>meteos revival
Mixed feelings.

Half the people in vg's suck dick literally and figuratively

Then they definitely want you because they are a giant gay circlejerking bunch that rides homotrains day and night.

that wasn't very nice...

I ended up having to do that yesterday

the thing is... i am extremely lazy,like SUPER LAZY

heck even going out is a chore to me



Press F to this furry

No way. How the fuck did they managed to win with that shit draft?

post your current icon

>Acting as if Impact is the primary toplaner of C9
>Getting washed makes you washed

You'll see.


Any brainlets here?

xmas baron from s2

>am extremely lazy,like SUPER LAZY
I know that feel, but you can do it.

post ur favorites or post ur own

The rage of a man scorned is unstoppable.


Stop asking for the source of every lewd image i post, i just see then posted here and save it to my folder



They just said it, once they got going they just ran them down and C9 couldn't do jack shit against kled ult and olaf ult

just being nice, and get told to kms. feels bad

I feel bad for piglet... From S3 champion to complete shit tier team.. what the fuck happened?

This is fucking immaculate KEK

How was c9's lineup supposed to deal with kled and olaf diving jhin and ryze? stupid meta slave, stacking meta champions does not make your comp good.

no mobility vs kled olaf. they got run the fuck down because they didnt do anything with their early lead, a 4/0 rengar should have been able to do something vs that comp, but contractz shit the bed



>all this talk of exposed and LOL JENSEN LOL IMPACT and saying contractz is average
I feel like they couldve won vs TSM with a brrter draft but honestly even if they did Contractz is such a fucking retard

Hes actually the weirdest fucking guy I have seen

He plays Khazix and Rengar and is completely not proactive, gets outfarmed when HE has a lead, and even loses the midgame against TSm after what are essentially a free TWO kills. (They would have lost anyway due to the awful drafting, but still).

All in all, I dont think its any ONE problem C9 has other than their lack of a definitive game plan and good decision making. They are always constantly scattered and off alone, constantly grtting picked off and applying way too little or too much pressure, not focusing the correct sides of the map, and they seemingly cant draft now.

Someone on C9 needs to step up and become the new Hai. I seriously think they could win NA with their solo talent and a proactive, decisive player calling the shots.

But that being said, I highly doubt it will happen. They will put band-aids over their mistakes, and if they manage to win NA somehow it will be because other teams are too retarded to actually attack said glaring weaknesses.

C9 is definitely a team I like but these reasons have always made watching them downright cringe-worthy if you know how pro games should work. Its not like CLG where they just sperg out and make retarded decisions and lose insantly falling on their faces, C9 just seems like a bunch of potentially good players walking around hoping something will happen and make them win, and when it doesnt they just kinda fall apart and make bad decision after bad decision.

Now and forever.

What about dardoch makes him a top 5 LCS jungler?

>another loss because my bot lane is nothing but deaths and about 70% of the enemy kills that game

Bot laners are fucking cancer


Reverse image search gives the source that being said it's pretty recognizable art style, you should find it with ghettoyouth

he was shit since S4

There's your answer.

there there user.

Piglet was a Mandu babby, kkoma used to belt him alot for it.

Piglet has been trash since 2014.


>He plays a champ with MANA

Nothing because he's not

Akaadian/Moon/Sven/Inori/Contractz are all better than him

6 bans is my ideal 10 bans

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets