what're the chances that factory farming constitutes the singular greatest source of suffering in the history of the known universe
Factory farming
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the 50% is this website
the universe itself is suffering
t. schopenhauer
Animals don't have souls nigga, fuck em
fucking capitalism ruins literally everything
t. not even a marxist
>meatcucks will defend this
Until lab grown meat is a thing, meat eaters will be seen as the barbarians of our era.
>eating pork
Lmao s m h, goyim
It's sad that these industries have so much fucking power that even taking photos of Factory Farm conditions now land you on the fucking terrorist watch list and no fly list. (seriously, anyone caught filming a factory farm is considered an eco-terrorist).
I have no problems with meat, but let the animal live and die with fucking dignity.
Also fuck Asia, who just take animal cruelty to a whole new level, like that Vietnamese festival where they saw a live pig in half or when they use literal fucking sledgehammers to beat animals to death, or like, in Korea, where they torture dogs as long as possible to make the "meat tender".
(Video is sfw, but still disturbing)
Why in fuck would people want to do this? What the fuck is wrong with them?
Fun fact: That's how you knock out cows for slaughter.
Some just shoot them or use a pneumatic spike.
Seeing shit like this makes me sick and I like eating meat and definitely won't stop. I'm trying to get together the money to have an "organic" farm where shit like this doesn't and will not happen. That shit has to fucking suck even for an animal.
My friend used to work at a place with turkeys and he said they'd just beat the turkeys to death if they were pissed off. It's absolutely fucking sickening.
Cultural norms and practices
Morality isnt a one way street. To those people what they are doing has no bearing on morality or is morally right because it upholds tradition and culture.
Sure animals die, but if treating them better leads to food industries not being as viable in an open market then its morally wrong to impose restrictions on those businesses. In capitalism you are competing for business space and if they can make more somewhere else they will.
So weigh how you think an animal feels, to jobs and industry.
Who cares? Life is suffering. The real problem is the ecological impact.
If pigs were raised locally, small scale in a closed loop system, and then allocated in a collectivist fashion. These problems wouldn't exist
Or you could just buy a Savage or Tikka, a couple boxes of 6.5/.308/hunting round of choice, and a deer license.
Pretty damn tasty burgers.
>the known universe
Well considering that we do something like that, I can't even imagine what an equal or more intelligent race could cook up especially if they were less caring than us
Only retard you like you think that.
Lab grown meat prob won't taste as good because the tissue has not been exercised.
Animals don't 'feel' the way we do. That's just you anthropomorphizeing them.
>wiegh how you think an animal feels
I wasnt anthropomorphizing them, the person I was replying to was. I merely restated his idea of such.
That's lie and you're a retarded
Also they can't get fat marbling right
Great rebuttal faggot
maybe we should graft it onto something living and force it to exercise before we kill it and cut it off
that'll show that tasty fuck
Not that guy, and I like meat too much to give up eating it despite animal suffering, but I'm willing to meet them half way and have mildly less delicious meat that's more humanely produced. I think even if many people will still want the "real thing" (and I expect the industry will push 'natural meat' in the same way we have marketers demonizing GMOs and pushing "natural" foods) it'll still be good to have a viable alternative that isn't vegetarianism.
I eat meat once a week, it's way better to save up any buy better quality. Nothing wrong with killing anything.
Buddha said it first, m8.
meat is more delicious when it is humanely produced
He means labmeat.
Wrong, they will be able to genetically engineer the perfect marbling
You are wrong and veal is delicious
Even veal moves some. Being alive makes a difference.
And yes veal is delicious
If it didn't move at all it would be more delicious
I doubt that. Besides I don't want veal all the time.
Mega farms are mostly concentrated in the U.S. and are emanating from there to a few other countries across the world. The good news is that gestation crates shown in the OP are being phased out in the U.K. and the U.S.
But if we want to keep stopping this we're going to have to worry less about international terrorism and the market and focus more on demanding more regulation.
Nihilists and stoics confirmed for the ovens.
And then you have the nerve to complain about halal slaughter which is probably the most humane method of slaughter that doesn't use advanced technology.
>food industries not being as viable in an open market blah blah blah
There's no reason why Walmart should be allowed to get away with selling hormone laced jumbo steaks to a low income customer group.
>they use literal fucking sledgehammers to beat animals to death
As opposed to? Dumb feelings-nigger, that's how I kill my pigs. Sledgehammer in the head and then a machete to the neck to collect the blood for blood sausages.
who the fuck cares about animals lol
you guys are pussies
Don't worry there will be synthetic meat in the future.
I go to the local butcher. They have their own farm where they free range their animals and slaughter them theirselves.
Since there are less third parties involved the price is only 25% higher than what you get in a supermarket but it is worth it imo.
It's not the universe or life that is suffering, but your expectations and desires.
we'll need far more time of civilization existing for that
it's still evolution. remember parasitic wasps?
I don't understand why people have to be so extreme on this topic. People either keep buying their disgusting cheap processed meat or they turn full vegan.
Whats wrong with a moderate eco-friendly meat consumption.
you realize most people feel exactly as you do
Government made restrictions on such industries is the only way to change such thing but that being said you're right is fucking monstrous how some retarded chinks and jewy farmers treat live stock.
This. I mean it still tastes like meat at the end of the day, but the flavour really is better. I only buy this pork that is local and free roaming in a small oak forest (natural pig habitat), and it tastes amazing. Since I buy it less often (vegetarian girlfriend), the slightly higher price doesn't bother me. Better than buying bulk cheap cut-rate meat, IMO
I think market demand for "fair flesh" is increasing. Free range used to be some posh hippie thing, and organic in general too. But paired with an understanding that we all generally should eat less meat for health/environment, the posh stigma is shrinking.
Non-human suffering is irrelevant, specially for history which is a discipline that studies human and human-related events.
When Children kill animals - "uh we better keep an eye on this one they may be a psycho"
Adults who kill animals - "it's natural normal and I need my protein"
Both kill animals unnecessarily.
Pig meat is disgusting anyway. Same goes for horse, lamb and goat.
So what about the ethical feasibility of only eating chicken? They're dumb as shit, and basically fascists. I do not respect the chicken as an organism, and i do not consider it fit for life. I do not consider it's capacity for suffering very great.
This, i fuckin hate chickens. They are just so incredibly dumb that i couldn't care a shit about them
Chickens are dinosaurs, eating them is just revenge.
You're very wrong about their capacity for suffering tho, chickens aren't thought of as smart animals but they are actually pretty clever. All the birds are, really, their brains seem very small to us but that's because they use different technology that really packs neurones in, their brains are very "front loaded" with "thinking matter".
But they do feel.
In their unique animal way, should we ignore that?
I don't like the holier than tough morality aproach, but we all have to come to a stance in animal rights.
Give an animal a Truman show, so you can kill him, and eat him, it's not more humane.
It's just a big fat justification.
Based Frank
> peta
Fuck off, they cause more suffering than they relieve.
There's no such thing as eco-friendly meat consumption in a world with 7 billion people
Deers and elk have barely any fat to make a burger retard. Chances are you probably have never made a burger and have no idea what you are talking about.
If you've had a deer or elk burger at a restaurant they most likely added cow fat.
>food production under capitalism is now so efficient that obesity and diabetes has replaced starvation as the major health problem facing the developing world
>ruins everything
>Give an animal a Truman show, so you can kill him, and eat him, it's not more humane.
The comfort of the animal isn't a consideration on whether it's more humane? Yes, killing and eating anything is a little unfair to the thing being killed and eaten but that's nature, you can still take efforts to reduce suffering.
Also I'm pretty sure lab grown meats are meant to cut out the "raising and slaughtering the animal" process and get the end result (the meat), not clone an animal outright that we then kill.
ahaha dumb pigs BTFO
That depends. A local farmer bringing out one of his normally ranged animals to a local festival with some solemn dignity to the whole affair is one thing, but nowadays halal meat is just the same slaughterhouse horror show but with a dude who maybe says a quick line for the hundredth time that day and kills a malformed animal that can barely walk on its own legs.
you can argue that killing an animal for fun is morally equivalent to killing one for meat, since in both cases it's usually just for personal enjoyment as people can subsist on other foods, but killing for taste and killing for sadistic pleasure say different things about somebody's psychology
that said, i guess killing animals for fun isn't necessarily sadistic. it can be, but in other cases like hunting for sport, it's not really the animal's suffering that the killers are supposed to be deriving pleasure from, just the challenge, the action.
A lot of modern hunting is like vidya on cheat mode though.
>eating meat when we are herbivores
>eating meat when it takes the calcium phosphate out of your blood to digest
>eating meat even though it is the primary cause of disease
Sure it tastes delicious, but it really makes no fucking sense.
>baby pigs have their ears mutilated
didnt know pigs grow ears on their butthole.
It really isn't that good when you have half the world getting obese and the other half starving to dearth
Especially considering stuff like pic related
I agree, I eat pasta every day
Everybody should eat pasta
Italian here btw
They were showing castration which Baldwin said immediately after you fucking autist
If someone told me they would kill and eat me in 10 years but in the meantime I get a nice room to live in that'd be much preferable to living in some shitty little place and waiting
I'd rather not get killed at all
Humans>anything else
id rather fuck ur mom kid
100% with this. The animal needs a decent quality of living and a painless death for the meat to be any good
Omg you can just kill yourself at anytime you know?
The central theme of life in this reality is you have to kill and eat another living thing to survive.
You feelings bases sacks of shit are just going to have to accept it.
Barbarians are those who choose to live in a fantasy land away from actual reality.
To hell with you fruit bowls.
No, it wouldn't, idiot.
You can off yourself at anytime to help out with the problem.
>eating meat even though it is the primary cause of disease
vegetarians are delusional faggots.
Animals do not have ethical significance.
No they don't feel. You are anthropomorphizeing basic CNS reactions and the basic instance of self preservation.
They have no sense of self.
We arent herbivores. We are omnivores like many other mammals.
Meat is how you get b12.
Unlike communism where there just isn't any food
Every time I read one of these articles I think "man, we should really get around to de-populating the third world".
I wonder if every meat consumer had to be exposed to this every time they ate pork, would they become desensitized or be reviled enough to never eat it again?
There's nothing wrong with eating meat. Factory farmers are obviously horrible but they are not typical of the treatment of animals for most of human history. All animals are going to die, what does it matter if they die sooner than if they would in the wild, especially since if they're humanely treated, they're likely to have a happier and better life than in the wild?
> singular greatest source of suffering
That would probably be the life itself.
Dinosaurs done nothing bad to humans, so I am not sure about revenge part.
Because otherwise I cant buy steak.
As humans we really need to eat less meat. Eating it only 2-3 times a week would make a huge difference, and the focus could be put on quality instead. Eating meat everyday is rather unhealthy or (b-but I only rabbit and lean chicken breast!) becomes environmentally hazardous.
Beef (as it is generally raised) is pretty wasteful, and ought to be reserved for special occasions... Lamb is also fairly wasteful, but sheep less so. Problem is most people find grown sheep unpalatable, tough and strong-tasting especially if you're not used to it. And due to sheer numbers chicken also gets pretty hazardous. Pork is a little more sustainable, if not too intensively raised. Fish has a whole other set of problems... We're literally emptying our oceans at a fast pace, and farmed fish is pretty shit.
I'm a meat eater btw, but you can't stick your head in the sand any longer about ecological side effects.
I don't disagree, but I suppose I judge on the result, not on the intent
So they should suffer for the developed world's overconsumption?