League of Legends General - /lolg/

OT eyosongive.us

Patch 7.3

Upcoming Patch 7.4

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late night edition

Xth for Katarina
best girl

At another account 2/8 for 2 days too.
I just want to hang myself.


All she wants is love.

I want to know your recently played champions.

same desu family

>Leaves a trail of fire at the base of the pole signifying the Liandries burn


>lose a very close fight level 2 as support and get double killed
>notice adc still had heal
>"its my choice to heal or not"
>run it down mid

who /devilish/ here?

she wants my funk soul, brother

>Mid and Top feed out the ass like retards

So tired of Flex Queue. Silvers in normals are better than this shit.

I tried playing Singed for the first time in years but he just feels like a piece of garbage that doesn't do anything.


Sometimes i wish Thresh would just steal my soul.

+2 vg vs vg

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA

do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior rice?



You deserve everything bad that happens to you.


is there such thing as bad luck? because i've been quite unlucky with teammates lately

i found a four leaf clover on my birthday which is in march

i lost it that same day

so yes

>watch n3ac3y stream in Korea
>his teams are so monstrously awful on a constant basis in breaks his spirit
>games boil down to pure luck
>fucked him up so bad he changed his name
Reminder that this game is luck and you're deluding yourself if you think otherwise

mong pls.

She already found it though

Yes My season has been ass. I got into my promos to plat 2 6 fucking times. I lost them all I would always do avg or well and I almost always won one. The last 2 where just fucking ass teams or trolls. Keep in mind I was plat 1 last season.

didn't have a good time on warwick desu

the search continues


>be me
>get poked down in lane and start complaining about my zilean support fucking up my farm with his Q's
>saves me with ult several times
>gives me all his exp passive
>speeds me up when needed

legit felt bad after that game i will never flame supports again

also kindred best grill


Shen Mast 6,
Thresh Mast 5,
Leona Mast 5.

I like tank supps too much.


How long dies it typically take riot to fix the problem you've sent in a ticket for? I sent one in, I immediately got a response saying they'll send me over to the people who deal with rp, it's been like 5 hours and they said that they'd deal with it "shortly". Did they forget about my problem or do they typically take long?1. Talon 300k
2. yasuo 100k
3. leblanc 80k

isn't that the user that asked us for a name for his OT Wukong account?

>picked anivia mid blind
>enemy picked ryze
>game loads, asked if i like gold
>comes to my tower and use his ward along with jungler
>take the free gold and checked, yep, they were duo
>they ganked, we roam, but the passived saved me at least 3 times
>gain super wave clear at 6 ryze couldnt roam with ult and tp
>game was a stomp
>after game end, told him i thanked for this +20 gold and sorry i took his lp
>report him and the jungler for intentionally feeding


give me ----> ONE

I suck at jungle

>blind, first pick top
>teammates doesn't hover what they want to play
>took wukong
>enemy took mundo with full tank
>mid laner was talon, jungler graves
>couldnt roam, couldnt kill, couldnt tp, ganks wouldnt even help


dead thread?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums no bets

Does meliorne feed literally every game?

americans are asleep

>full health
>farming near turret
>Quinn flys at me at the speed of light with ult, ghost, and ghostblade popped
>basically one shots me with vault and an auto
Lethality nerf when

just build armor

I had the most assists at least.

>You have declined a ready check. Returning to lobby.
>the client just kicked me out of the queue on its own
>after searching for 6 minutes on what was originally a 1 minute estimate

the first half of pic related is my fucking face when

>build ninja tabi the most op item in the game
>quinn now needs 9 spell rotations to kill you


the deed is done

thanks for all the funny monkey names

>kled camped
>nasus still solo killed

>Welding lost to a Silver II

Welding confirmed silver surfer now?

don't make fun of silver surfers

we will fuck you up

t. silver surfer

Hey he played fine. I was nervous since he had ign. Just unlucky on his part

watch the replay and see the hecarim jungle feed multiple kills to nasus

we seeing some bukkage buttfuckery going on

I'm still adamant in the fact that the late game Baron call was a bad move when all of them were still alive.

I've been playing for quite a while now, and still I can't seem to get the hang of cs'ing. I think the minions movements, targeting and attacks are super unpredictable. Is there something I'm just not seeing? Something that I'm not paying attention to that I should?

>play normals with friend to unwind after a long day
>get a nasus rammus botlane
>they feed in their lane then roam to other lanes to feed
>any amount of complaint is met with "it's jus a game :DD"
>surrender vote fails because they're a trio
>enemy team decides to drag the game out for 40 minutes

What am I supposed to do in this situation? I didn't dodge because my buddy said it wouldn't be "that bad"

game should have ended long before that but hecarim made it a point to bait kled and the rest of his team several times and give kills to other players

very unfortunate since the blue team had no lategame compared to red team


really depends on who you are playing, play a certain champion enough and you'll get a real feel on how much damage you will do to them and will be able to just know when to CS

>no muslim champ
Defend this, bigots.

>dawt steals first one from me
>I steal second one
Truly a worthy adversary

thats not what he was asking

>tfw Meliorne was a garbage support but it doesn't matter because he still won anyway

>that swoosh sound of someone dodging is the sound of me losing 5 minutes of my life for fucking nothing

I already know that, the question is more "how the fuck do minions work?". I can't predict their actions, it seems they're just targeting each other at random, sometimes just running into tower range and such.

Just think of the dodge as a mad yas, riven, or vayne main not getting their role or champ. Makes me feel better about the wait.

>start to play again on new account
>its still this hard to carry
I was expecting faggotry in low levels but this is aids.
What is up with all the wave clear now?
>shit on Ryze
>he just has a tear
>what I assume is his E bounces through the whole wave
>Qs a minion and the wave just vanishes
>my E+W clearing doesn't start to one shot the wave until I have a DC
These are drastically different amounts of aoe clearing when compared to our resources.

>is there such thing as bad luck?

I bet you don't even know how to freeze a wave lmao cuckold.

Reminder to not be a Graves player


>see graves coming for a gank
>literally just walk away
>his gank gets ruined


Name a worse ultimate than Jax's.

His active ult or his passive? Because his passive is cool


Alright boys, redpill me on ignite toplane - mainly on pantheon why is it considered the go to?

I'm in plat and i have never once lost my lane as the new busted lethalmeme pantheon with TP, it lets you ult in literally any lane and still be able to hold your tower giving you massive map preasure vs winning your lane even harder? I really don't get why i see it so much, it just seems like such overkill sacrificing so much utility and a backup plan even on champions like Garen.

>Play Singed
>Proxy farm and give 0 fucks all day

very fun

Did you guys notice Riven mains stopped existing

wow champion has a good clear
wooow big deal

Is Illaoi cute?

How do I beat loneliness?

take it when you know that you're going to smash toplane and you don't care about helping your team

will there be Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums EUW again today?

>warwick walks into a lane with E on
>burns a flash for free
>returns later with E on
>gets a free kill
>later in the game
>unkillable sustain tank like S2 vlad

wow... so this is the power............. of riot balancing........................................

spend your dedication on getting gud and then realize there's no reason to get gud

lol just CC him XDDD

yeah, it's up to you to make it

Buy a ward and an Executioner's calling dumbass

Does anyone have the Dan Dinh image with him laughing in the last panel and its like HRREEGHHH or somethin?


>Sona will never be my sweetheart ;_;

Split himself in two.

>imthem is a tristfag now
uhh she's taken back the fuck off

trist main get it right idiot there's only one girl for me

I would ask for more, but back the fuck off??

>tfw you need to afk to teach people lessons

it's tough love!

you don't, you accept the fact that you're just not a person that people will enjoy hanging out with, so to substitute you shitpost here and be obnoxious in games in order to get the attention and social interaction necessary for you to not go completely insane

every empty night just drink yourself into a stupor to forget the fact that you are a socially undesirable freak, and wake up the next morning preoccupying yourself with a hangover and streams and pointless internet games to avoid confronting your crippling and un-fixable social anxieties before doing it all over again when evening comes again

the day you defeat loneliness is the day you realize that there is a better life for you on the other side, and discard all flimsy inhibitions that would seek to keep you suffering in the present. I am waiting for my parents to die of old age before I do the deed, as I am too weak to overcome the guilt of leaving them suffering, but maybe you can rise above me and be a more courageous and stronger person and free yourself from this awful life.

thats nice, but uh..... she's taken.