what do you think when you see cars with blind spot mirrors?
I never used to use them but after driving my mum's car for the past year due to NEETdom I got used to it. they're really handy when parking
bought my own car and feel funny not having them anymore
would they look gay on a WRX?
Julian Sullivan
my new car came stock with them. pretty useful honestly. Not really needed but they are convenient
Bentley Powell
Adjust your mirrors properly. Cars don't have blind spots.
Liam Nelson
I do adjust them properly I usually have mine point as outward as possible.
I just find them useful for letting me know I am between the lines when parking or for the curb when parallel
Nicholas Nelson
>cars in the land of the OBJECTS IN THE MIRROR ARE CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR haven't already had blind spot mirrors from the factory for the last twenty years It's been standard equipment here for ages.
Kayden Ross
>his mirrors don't adjust automatically in reverse How poor are you guys?
Nicholas Gray
Good for when your rear view mirror is blocked by something
Other than that i assume the driver has a bad neck
Isaiah Taylor
I don't think anyone would notice
Angel Jackson
Whenever I drive a newer car I get thrown off by that. Convex mirrors are nice as an addendum, but if I have to choose between one or the other I'd take a plane mirror every time.
Asher Taylor
I delivery packages for a living, and use them all the time.
My car now doesn't have them, but my older car did, and I never even really used them.
Jason Carter
first thing I did when I got my car was slap them on because it's the only way I can see my rear tires without having to adjust my mirrors every time I want to park reverse/parallel.
Jonathan Ramirez
Extremely useful, but look kinda stupid.
They should make it so it works the same way prescription lenses do, so it's like two different types of glass but they blend seamlessly together.
Luke Davis
IDC if they look gay although I don't have them. They're the shit for shitty drivers.
Parker Bailey
I bought my car used from someone and I got into my car about a week ago and realized both of mine were gone. I honestly think someone jacked me, there's no way they just fell off.
They're extremely useful, but not necessary.
Leo Roberts
I could use them on my DD.
The mirrors don't move far enough to be properly adjusted. Thanks, GM/Chebby.
I never really think much of them - for cars shared by a couple people in a family or something they could be pretty useful to prevent needing to readjust fucking everything each time a different driver takes the wheel.
Grayson Barnes
Go drive a modern car and have fun reversing into a parking space between the lines without them
Jace Nelson
Ford integrated them I to the regular mirrors for a while, but now everyone uses an idiot light
Jason Cox
>but now everyone uses an idiot light what's this?
Daniel Green
I put them on my truck but not on my DD because they do look pretty cheesey
Aaron Collins
Blind sport sensors, lights in your mirrors that come on when there's someone in your blind spot
Dominic Sanders
lmao, wtf, cars have those now.
Jacob Kelly
Welcome to 15 years ago you dip
Bentley Campbell
Blind spot sensors are nice and all, but imagine it mulfunctioned. Thatd suck. And let me tell you, that shit doesn't work when u most need it.
With these little babies I can rely on my eye sight. And if that is mulfunctioning while I'm doing 120, then I got bigger issues.
Tldr; absolutely love the little buggers and I use it on my Volvo c30 which has blind spot sensors. Refuse to daily cars that don't have them