Overwatch General - /owg/

When does Season 3 end?
>February 21st.

>Live Patch Notes

>PTR Patch Notes

>Additional PTR changes coming

>Overwatch Dev Tracker

>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info


Previous thread:

Reyes isnt a nigger

I guess I'll choose this to be the new thread because D.va.

What do you think of this?

Reyes is satan

Hana's tits and pussy



I would train the shit out of a Truself.

Any ow versions of this?

Remember, the best ships are friendships

I want to fuck Reaper


I main lucio cause then it feels less of my fault when we lose and people rarley get mad at healers


What's going to be the next Overwatch event and why is it Summer Solstice/Beginning of Summer event?


>play lucio while team is 5 dps
>only use speedboost
>nobody notices

>yfw winston can't stand it anymore and Primal rapes Tracer but she cant even feel his tiny monkey cock and she just laughs as his tears mix with his cum


looking for mindbreak involving roadhog please respond

Let's just hope they don't make the same mistake as TF2 and introduce the Conga.


>play summer and torb with a friend for like 8 games, doesn't matter what map or attack
>win all but one

Really activates my almonds.

Every weapons is switched to a water gun. wettest ;^) team loses.

This guy gets it.

>d.va is the only female in a two piece


More like
>Winston fucks her furiously and cums inside her
>Tracer recalls to undo everything
>Because Winston only lasted three seconds


oh man, pool party overwatch skins would be the best

>no sombra
>all my favorite gay couplings together

>Symmetra isn't even in a costume, she just took off her leggings

I like the way you think.

>liking dick


stinky cheater uninstall

That's why she recalled m8, willies are gross

Did you not notice Tracer?

that hand placement worries me

I'm just here for fapbait

post tracer


>Roadhog rubbing Junk's twink dick with his huge finger.
whats to worry about

do you know why i play on xbox? because the game actually fair on that platform, for everyone.

xbox: everyone has the same hardware
>perfectly fair, only skill decides the outcome of a match

>buy expensive mouse with perfect sensor, buy expensive mechanical keyboard with mx clear switches, buy expensive nvme m.2 ssd (so you always load in faster and can instalock your main), pay for expensive 100/100 internet connection for perfect ping, buy expensive 144hz monitor with g-sync ulmb, buy expensive 7.1 audio system
>get an instant competitive advantage over people too poor for that stuff

A best

Why does every single female I've ever seen in this game play Mercy and nothing else? Why are women so fucking terrible at everything in life

Le autistic brown waifu.

>Ohh... there sure are a lot of boys on this team...
What did she mean by this?

>playing an fps with analog sticks for movement and aiming
might as well break your hands with a hammer

Pharah isn't autistic, she's naive.
Symm is the real autistic brown waifu.

Analog sticks allow you to walk slowly, keyboard forces you to crouch and shimmy into an exact position.
That's the only major perk I can think of.


Sticks are fine for movement, they're just horseshit for aiming.

How do we fix her?


What's the best Tracer skin? I really liked her chinese new year one, but I think I'm starting to get bored of it.


origins baller shades

300/300 health/armor
But Blizzard is retarded so they'll probably make up some other way to make her completely overpowered again.

300 health with 300 armor.

they just fixed her. you can stop complaining when they buff her dm again.

t. D.Va main

Is there any point in soloqueuing comp these last 2 days or is the risk of getting matched with downrankers too high?

You missed one, sport

no point at this point. unless you are less than a few wins from a rank up don't bother

She means that good for her, she won't get distracted by multiple latex butts!

300 armor/300 health a lot of people seem to say, but honestly, even 250 armor/350 health might be fine if Blizzard feels like being careful. If that isn't enough, they can always go for the 300/300 way I guess

Walk up to the second point, see this. What do?


Works both ways, your team can match up against the other teams thrower. Just finished the easiest match against a widow, pharah team.

winstons bubble was destroyed a picosecond after this picture was taken

I wonder if Tracer ever runs by a window and sees her latex butt in the reflection and accidentally gives herself a ladyboner

Kill Pharah, finish Winston after the Junkrat ult, cap the point

How so? She's idealistic

I reckon Bastion would be very balanced if he kept his overpowered gun but was stuck at reduced tracking speeds like that.

Why is Tracer such a qt

She's a bubbly, genki dyke, what's not to like?

Will Hanzo become non-meme pick considering new bastion?

She's in good spot, according to Geoff. So enjoy.

And Mei... and Tracer.

Sporty for sure.

After 1 five-minute round, what is a good amount of damage to have as soldier?


>clawed my way from 1750 to 2750 in 2 weeks
>only 1 and a half days to get to master

I'm not going to make it am I

Why not focus on getting to Diamond first.

doubt it, since they'll always be a rein shield in the way.

But don't ask here, people hate snipers forever and it's never going to change.


When it's all said and done, what will overwatch be remembered for?

Junkrat animated short fucking when? This is the year of Jamison Fawkes

Probably around 7k

Hopefully soon.
The Junkers are the only part of the OW story I want to see more about.


r34 and diversity

Oh that's what I meant

And Tracer

nano bastion can fully survive a hanzo ult without even moving

And a new map to go with it, please.

Nano bastion can survive all ultimates and that's without even bothering to self heal.

I will remember it for D.Va.

the best Demolitions Expert in video games since the TF2 Demoman

>let's just add a damage cap instead of balancing the actual abilities

Sasuga Blizzard

What was she thinking?

remember when mccree was broken so they nerfed mercy

Beg vampire Symmetra for a quick death.