/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1231

■ Current Update (2/8): 「ARKS NEW YEAR CARNIVAL 2017」 Part 3

■ Weekly Boost & Events Schedule
├ Google: google.com/calendar/embed?src=pso2emgquest@gmail.com
├ Random EQ Hourly Advance Notice (JP): twitter.com/pso2_emg_hour
└ Regular Maintenance: Wednesday @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST

■ Scratches: pso2.jp/players/catalog/scratch/
├ Sweet Love Passion (until 2/22)
├ Sparkle Fashionista (until 3/10)
└ [SG] Bright Dark Heroine (until 6/14)

■ Next Update (2/22): 「ARKS NEW YEAR CARNIVAL 2017」 Part 4

├ General Information/News: bumped.org/psublog/
docs.google.com/document/d/1Ml9MGiN2Ich09mDtR82N1zn62oa1Mp6x6yzRjHrEf8c/ (Last Updated: 7/25/2015)
├ Basic English Patch: psumods.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=206
├ Buy ARKS Cash using PSO2es: pastebin.com/raDBtSpa
└ /Pso2G/ Discord: discord.gg/4bVJeSX

□ Database/Wiki
pso2.swiki.jp/index.php (JP)
pso2wiki.net/ (JP)
pso2.arks-visiphone.com (EN)

□ Simulators
├ Skill Tree: arks-layer.com/skillsim/skillcalc.php
├ Affix: pso2affix.seilent.net/
└ Damage: 4rt.info/psod/

Previous Thread:

Reminder that shit 2 is superior to all other shits

ERP time, who wanna suck my girl dick

>thread is as dead as the riding quests and UQ at 2am japan time
one of those days, is it.

I'm making a Te/Br as my second character and I have a few questions. Is ketos proi necessary, or can I use another PB? Do I need to JA buffs and zanverse? Would an all class katana be useful? Does attack advance work on wand gear explosions?

>necroing dead threads
let it go fagms

Bad taste OP

Ketos proi is not necessary but it helps with tech spamming. I'm not sure what you mean by JA buffs since there aren't any on either Te or Br's tree but you do JA your techs and smacks, people also expect a Te to handle zanverse on bosses. A katana would be useful for guren dashing and that's about it. Attack advance does not work on explosions but they do give your actual smacks a nice chunk of damage.


What I mean is, does shifta buff more if it is JA'd, and thanks for your answers.