When I was younger in my teens and early 20s I was pretty car obsessed. Cleaned my car all the time...

When I was younger in my teens and early 20s I was pretty car obsessed. Cleaned my car all the time, read about cars often, was part of forums, attended meet-ups, attended auto shows. I even worked at a dealership for six years as a detailer, I was surrounded by autos.

My mother said to me one day "I was like you at that age, but you'll grow out of it at some point". I thought "Pfff, right mom, whatever". But she was right. I got older, met a girl, married, moved out, changed jobs, and now cars are not my highest priority (I still own 3 shitboxes tho). Don't read about them much these days, haven't went to an autoshow in years, and I find it increasingly harder to gather the time to detail them as I used to. No time for meet-ups or forums anymore. Just too busy with other things now.


Other urls found in this thread:


>met a girl
>moved out
You fucked up

>six years as a detailer
Woah son, slow down with that ambition.

>people outgrow their autistic hobbies sooner or later
wew what a surprise

Same here man.
I use to meme like all the kids here about muh manual and muh horsepower and whatever.
Then one day, i realized its stupid. I just wanna be comfortable and stable.
So i sold all my sports cars and got a small 4x4 pickup and a motorcycle.
Life is so much better now.
The truck rides nice and gets me innawoods.
The bike rides nice and also gets me innawoods.
And im a lot less stressed about keeping up with trends or impressing people (for no reason).
Life is good. Probably gonna sell my truck and but an automatic truck too. Max comfy is great.
Being mature is great.
Not wasting money on pointless cars is great.
Being able to afford to eat right and buy a house is great.

So you pissed away your own hobbies and passions just to make more time for some random stranger? Lol.

you know goku, vegeta, krillen, everyone... they all got weaker with a woman in their lives. Goku and Vegeta both get stronger when they abandon their wives.

why are you even on this board

>to lazy to do anything fun anymore: the thread

>Implying I'm not simultaneously getting older and going through my greatest learning period in my life, reading every day.


Learning how to leatherwork too. Never stop just becuase you get a wife.

When you find the right girl, you'll get it. Until then, you won't see it.

I used to Veeky Forums alot from 2008 to 2011. But things change, man.

Way ahead of you bro. You're going to end up divorcing her and then hating yourself for the lie you were living and all the wasted time and you'll be right back here

Hey, I was 19-25 at the time and paid pretty well towards the end (15/h)

No wonder youre alone and sad.
No one wants to be around someone with a bad attitude

>being this delusional

>Never stop just becuase you get a wife.
I never said that. But you know what I do more of these days? Learning how to fix shit around the house. I also travel more because travel with someone is better than traveling alone. I'm the wheelman, she's the map lady.

Well, we knew each other for 13 years prior before marriage...so...no?

She also doesn't want kids, I don't want kids, so its a win win.

If you find the right person, they love your hobbies, too.

She does.
And we are both fuckin autistic with our hobbies. Often making fun of each other.

>Learning how to fix shit around the house.
that's good too


>when you find the right one you gotta give up the things you're passionate about
you never met the right one, you simply settled and gave up the things you enjoyed. Or maybe you never really enjoyed them at all

You're living a lie mate and the awakening is going to be particularly rough when it comes. Your one mission in life is to fulfill your biological role of having children. Philosophers like myself submit that it's not possible to die fulfilled unless you leave a piece of yourself behind (kids)

You ever notice how men do retarded shit they wouldn't normally do when they are with women? Like lay in bed and watch some stupid bullshit on Netflix with her? Or go to the zoo? Or go to whatever meme restaurant you guys can find to help kill the boredom?

It's a lie mate. All a lie. And you're especially hopeless since you're not even leveraging the lie to raise some good kids

Lol see
Please explain how you live your life

I focus on personal development (health), prioritize my career (money), and pursue my autistic passions in my free time. I sit calmly awaiting to find a genetically acceptable woman to mate with, raise kids with (don't care if she fucks off or not), and then die happy knowing I did what The universe wanted me to

Umm.. isnt that what you said NOT to do?

im not alone though I have a girl, and guess what I didn't have to give up shit to be with her

Neither did OP
He just grew up.

You can get a sweet gaming PC instead of a car, a force feedback wheel, and do simulator racing. Auto racing, real or virtual, is great mental and cardio exercise.

It's even something you can easily share with your kids, because they won't get hurt learning to drive a virtual race car. They will become better, more confident drivers when they take the wheel in real life. There's no fuel or insurance to buy, nothing to repair, yet it teaches so many important lessons about driving.

t. never had a gf in my life and almost a wizard

>growing up means giving up all the things you enjoy
whatever you gotta tell yourself man

Im sure if he wanted to do it, he would.
Nowhere did he say he gave it up because of "x" thing or person.
Like this guy says.
Its all pointless stuff, but you can do whatever makes you happy.

>gave up the things you enjoyed
More important things took over. These shiny hunks of metal we drive are not the most important things on earth, you know.

>since you're not even leveraging the lie to raise some good kids
I feel sorry for you. We don't want kids for many reasons. If that makes us selfish, sorry, but I do not want the responsibility of children. You sound like bringing children into a shitty relationship is what you have to do, because thats what some higher power told you do to. That's how we end up with people like you.

>She also doesn't want kids, I don't want kids, so its a win win.
Lol, one of you was scarred shitless of being alone and settled. There is no reason to get married unless you are freightened of being alone of are going to have kids.

Yet you're still posting here on Veeky Forums of all places, remember? You're here forever.

Got a bunch of workmates whove told me the worst thing they ever did was have kids when they didn't particularly want them and it has pretty much ruined their lives. Other ones really wanted kids and seem pretty content with them. Have them if you want them, but don't judge others for not having them like this retard. I know older guys without kids and they seem content enough. Make your own way, it's your life to live.

not to mention piccolo gets stronger every time he becomes one with a man