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Previous thread: This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels. E-celeb shitposting is not allowed. Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion
>hiding the thread until you can get umi first post shameful
Nathan Gray
Jose Stewart
Jonathan Scott
>not looking at the timestamp on posts >not realizing that umi-user is so fast he did it in 9 seconds fucking neck yourself faggot.
Dominic Torres
2 more.
Emo girl is last.
Last Sachi Spoiler Ahh... Fuck.
This was a pretty good route. In comparison to Michiru's route, it was a bit more consistent except for that completely out of place blowing up the school shit. The bad ending technically wasn't very well thought out since 'GETTING HIT BY A FUCKING TRUCK LOL' is not good writing: however I feel like it is more acceptable in this instance due to the fact that it was done previously in the story. It made Yuuji feel the emotion Sachi had and showed us the fragility of life. Those choices were entirely meaningless, just like Michiru's route, since she doesn't do either of those things. Overall, I feel like Sachi's route wasn't as good at showing the pain that Sachi experienced from her accident as Michiru, though this might be related more to the nature of the accident. It was a painful, quick, debilitating experience and that's exactly what her symptoms were: Painful nightmares that perked up at awful times. Overall, pretty well written: I try to look at the story objectively and not how it makes me feel as a person but rather how well it describes that feeling. Sachi's route was very good at showing the strange life that results from swift painful incidents: One of normality with terrible climaxes. Still not sure which route is the best written out of Michiru/Makina/Sachi. Though, I do have a soft spot for Makina.
Jack Hernandez
>Emo girl is last If you mean Yumiko, hers is by far the most comfy, but I'm a yumikofag, so my opinion is pretty damned biased.
Aiden Diaz
break's over, roach
Michael Gutierrez
Amanefag here and i wish i had kept it for last, for its healing powers
Colton Clark
Read his visual novel.
Christopher Smith
Amane was actually my blind playthrough, got the bad-end too, didn't even realize what I did was wrong.
Jaxon Fisher
Same here, honestly thought it was the correct choice too. I was wrong.
Andrew Thompson
> Its the one with the queen i think, its slightly edited, she has a bulge and its captioned to say "I'm aroused but not amused"
Brayden Bennett
for real Amanefags both endings are bad so it doesn't really matter
Hunter Barnes
>both endings are bad Umm no? Both are quite excellent, what the fuck are you smoking.
Justin Cruz
you shouldn't just ignore how it makes you feel, user. That's the magic of visual novels. A routes objective writing can be ass but still tear your heart out. Everyone will be affected differently by routes. I think that's the most important part when looking back on how much you enjoyed a vn. Not by the objective qualities, but what it meant to you personally.
>Why isn't humanity using catgirls and catboys as shock troops in military conflicts since they are expendable anyway? Who says they aren't? We only see the nice part of the Nekopara world in the VNs, if you pay attention to the small details you'll notice how fucked up the world actually is. We know from the beginning that it's pretty common for people to just straight up abandon infant catgirls on the street when they can't care for them anymore as it happened Chocola, Vanilla and the takoyaki stand's catgirl, now, if average citizens are capable of that, imagine what actually evil people would be capable of.
We also know that catgirls are infertile and develop extremely quickly which makes them ideal as sexual workers, just grab a litter off the streets, care for them and groom them into whores and less than a year later you have a fully functional catgirl brothel that is going to rake in cash.
Also since they are like 95% human, they are the perfect test subjects for pretty much any industry without morality getting in the way of more extreme experimentation. Make-up, drugs, toxicity of new chemical compounds, hell even send them to space to test what the atmosphere of other planets does to them, you name it.
And finally since they take so little to grow they are perfect as disposable troops in conflict, even if you lose millions of them, you can repplenish their numbers in a year at most, not to mention they are pretty agile and have sharp senses from the cat genes which makes them ideal for warfare, the only downside being that from their appearance they don't seem to be stronger than your average girl but who gives a shit when you can throw 20 of them at a single soldier. There are also catboys but we don't know yet if they are weaker than your average human or not.
Sayori is the new Urobutcher.
Henry Foster
i wasn't referring to the quality m8
Jack Perez
How about, they are just your cuddling partners?
Adam Thomas
Is this a new pasta?
Lincoln Price
Yeah I eventually realized that. I was just having an existential crisis on whether or not to delete that post. I'm sorry.
Nathaniel Moore
So, is Sakuradite down for everybody else, or just me?
I'm trying to add some new titles to Visual Novel Reader after some impulse buys, but everything seems to be down at the moment. ( _ _)
Jonathan Anderson
Sebastian Bailey
I like lolis.
Michael Gray
>other user playing Sachi route >they just blew up the fucking school >Sachi seems to be somewhat healed >still haven't made any significant choices >all of a sudden H-scene I dunno. This just feels kind of stupid now. Like the order of events just feels out of place. Something feels missing.
Daniel Sullivan
grisaia's not that great honestly
Carter Russell
Yeah this is my final route, nearly finished(?) and it's honestly starting to feel less and less exciting. The magic is beginning to waver.
Benjamin Reyes
Is that you Umi anony?
Parker Adams
>I'm sorry. i-it's okay
Charles Thompson
When I get to next choice back to Imopara or Nekopara vol 2.
Isaiah Thomas
>2.91MB You expect me to view this picture?
Cameron Moore
Good, I thought I was the only one. That shit was whack.
Lucas Diaz
Sango was hot. also >cake behind a locked route who the fuck thought this was a good idea
Elijah Allen
i dont think you should stop. At least do Umi's route and walk away from the title with tooth cavities.
Cooper Howard
I want to hang out with you, Umianon
Carson Turner
Your right i can't stop lol, going for Umi.
Jaxon Murphy
>Sachi route >just blew up the fucking school >seriously, the school is supposed to be destroyed now >it's fucking blown up >its in pieces >next scene after the H, everyone's back in the dormitory as if nothings happened. This is just spiraling out of control now. Michiru's route might not be the worst afterall.
Kevin Wood
there are a few of us. I think Im one of the originals.
Nathan Brooks
Who's hyped for Utawarerumono
Charles Wilson
It's a little bit silly, isn't it?
Gabriel Green
I know I am, the MC looks really interesting.
Hunter Hall
Which one, the one in September or the one in a few weeks/months? Its bizarre that two of them are coming out in the same year.
Thomas Taylor
It's not that bizarre since it's two halves of one story so they pretty much needed to commit to doing both parts. Kind of like Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2.
It's nice to see real localization companies actually release stuff in a timely fashion without using a Kickstarter. It'd only happen for console games though.
Juan Morris
Yeah but it's definitely a fun read, it kinda grew on me after I finished it.
Bentley Russell
Name 1 (ONE) artist better than Sayori
Jeremiah Bell
Ooyari Ashito
Mason Nguyen
It's the characters for me. The routes aren't anything earth shattering, but I've read MUCH worse.
Jordan Edwards
Nolan Bell
Joshua Miller
Ueda Metawo
Ethan Mitchell
Her faces are kind of same-y though. When she draws doujins it's obvious
Chop Chop Fruit salad Mystery Jam DokiDoki Dating Sim THingy
Angel Watson
Logan Russell
Is Itsusora ever going to be translated? I want to sex moogy.
James Lee
Post it on reddit where people will actually critique
Hudson Russell
Stop translating visual novels for EOPs
Hunter Price
the absolute madman you gonna try to translate the entire thing?
Lincoln Clark
Okay, can someone please recommend me visual novels that aren't about 1. School 2. Getting giggidy with kawaii animu waifus 3. Slice of life
I've already played All 3 Zero Escape games, Ghost Trick, Ace Attorney, Ever17, Remember11, Steins;Gate, Steins;Gate 0 and now I'm halfway through Root Double.
What I didn't like about Steins:Gate is that it took too long to get into the meat/the action of the story and Steins;Gate 0 had too many "Yay! and now we're gonna have a kawaii animu waifu get together!" scenes.
I also gave up on Higurashi after the first boring scene.
Dominic Watson
Fata Morgana
but you should stay away from the medium if you don't like that shit desu it's pretty much 99% of it, even shit like Subahibi and Dies irae have school settings
Charles Rodriguez
watch anime or something
Nolan Foster
Tears to Tiara 2
Jaxson Thomas
Oh yeah, that reminds me I tried getting into Fate/Stay Night, it was interesting at first but got boring as scenes like having breakfast take forever. I may try to get back to it.
Jaxon Sanchez
Just because a VN contains those things doesn't mean it's about them, you know. Like said the best stories to come from this medium have school/SoL.
Josiah Peterson
Dude, I have no idea if that translation was accurate to the source, but it sure was a lot of fun to read.
Carter Rodriguez
Ask in the /jp/ thread.
Nicholas Watson
>translating vn that looks like shit and aged like warm milk
Landon King
Hanachirasu Fata Morgana Kikokugai Saya no Uta
Easton Moore
Read Tsukhime first (assuming you're ok with no voices), based on what you've read it would appeal to you a lot more.
Hudson White
You serious? Could you name me the top VN of all time then? Cause I still think 999 and VLR are the best in story for VNs.
Julian Torres
Nobody plays that game for the art. It's Mareni.
Adrian Cruz
Take your pick from
Gavin Bell
Can't you narrow it down to the single best VN of all time?
Austin Wood
There's no serious answer to this question. My favorite VN is Umineko but most people on /vn/ hate it.
Jacob Jones
The best VNs of all time, no questions or rebuttals:
Muv Luv Alt Steins Gate Umineko Fate Witcher 3
Luke Jackson
Whoa, that looks hard xD
Juan Butler
The top rated translated VN is the Muv-Luv trilogy but it has plenty of school, SoL and getting giggidy with kawaii animu waifus on it's first episode.
Zachary Walker
Cross Channel for Japanese VN Planescape Torment for Western VN.