League of Legends General - /lolg/

void husband edition

old: eyosongive.us


i want to look EXACTLY like irelia

I wanna BE Ahri and be forced into sexually pleasing noxian nobles for all eternity!

xth for breast metal waifu

I'm not playing Kled jung, that's retarded

Why Titanic?


also speaking of, my bf made me a metal voidling for my birthday! Look how cute he is!!

i'm going to nibble on your dick if you don't stop missing your smite, user!

Xth for Morde is a cancerous flawed design and his rework only made it worse


shit quality but we need a good pool party jinx

matched her so perfectly

why does no one waifu vayne

she seems at least marginally waifuable

these threads are literally making me gay

can anyone tell me how to win lane as Lux right now? seems like she just gets fuckin countered by everyone

>its 4:00am youre having a comfy cuddle sleep with your bae Shauna Vayne
>she awakes because of noises and immediatly wakes and goes downstairs to inspect
>this repeats itself every single night several times
>she has also powerful enemies while being at least somewhat depressed and living in the past due to her trauma

Shed be a great fuck but not a good waifu

also every lulu skinconcept seems to have shit quality

comfy bfs~

He's soooo cool!
Tomorrow is a big day for me, /lolg/, wish me luck!

this want meant for you

>tfw have many many skin/champ concept ideas but can't really draw so have no good way of showing people

>You are now reminded that Galio's rework is almost here and that Riot is still pushing him as a magic resistant tank in mid

Cancer is coming and I don't want it to

I wanna cut off Ahri's tails and sell them to the highest bidder.

Why is it a big day for you?

what's happening tomorrow?

xth for underrated waifu

Finally getting fucked by Style?

Cancer? If anything Galio's gonna be the chemo. I'm so fucking tired of Control Mages completely dominating the mid lane


Okay I've actually wanted to start playing Braum. I normally main Leona so I have the idea of catching one of them out of position with my E and stunning them to all shit. But I understand Braum is much more of a defensive support, right?
With Braum, is it basically my main goal to defend my adc with W and E, and just put my passive on everything?

look at what we got here, a normie showing off her bf. next thing you know he'll be cosplaying as malzahar to accompany your lux!

She's one of the few I don't see people go for

Sivir for whatever reason never gets waifu'd ether

>not helping your wife with overcoming her trauma patiently over the years

Olaf needs tank stats. Your job as Olaf JG isn't to deal superior damage all the way through the game. Your job is to do a shit ton of dmg early then transition to a tanky bruiser where all you need to do is run at the enemy damage dealers "safely" by flanking them or ambushing them from the fog of war- slow them and let your team delete that target.

you don't need attack damage items to do your job. Olaf's kit has solid base damage. So even with a full tank build Olaf can delete squishy targets- and win duels against tanks.

Also, Kled is more fun. Jungle is for Ivern.

I want LeBlanc to kill me!

No spoilers!
Might tell you tomorrow if it goes well.

he wants to cosplay janna actually!

Sivir is almost as boring as Cait.


good luck! watever it is...

...is he a real fuccboi?


Cait is for Vi.

Give it up for the best girl!


he does main janna if that's what you're asking

Guys tell me about Vi what kind of wifu is she?

>do the blitz buff pull cheese
>enemy botlane stays to help their jungler
>both miss the first three cs exp
>Hecarim is late to his second buff anyways and gets jumped by Lee Sin
>this happens
>neither of them afk'd

love is like bussines, if you can get the same or better more reliable results with less investment, its usually a better option.

not saying vayne isnt qt but maybe she also doesnt have enough personality in her lines, would love for riot to do a major overhaul and give all the champions that lack VO updates

lolg sure has alot of cute submissive male sluts.

Got room for a female one?

I can't stop crying and missing her.

all vayne fags where scared off by vladfags in a similar fashon how the ashe and sej posters could not keep up with lizzfags shear autism

xth for Cute Ashe

yes but you're gonna have to work extra hard

I know Kled is more fun, but he's not a member of Pentakill, and I'm trying to get every member of Pentakill to level 7 mastery before the new album drops.

My line of thought was that I need to carry harder to get an S, which is why I built Ravenous over Titanic

Also I don't have Ivern

meant to reply to you holy fuck I need to sleep im fucking up all my replies

last one for now

>All these monogamous faggots in here

i bet you're not the real faker

you're probably just a n imposter

Someone hug me tightly and say that the day has been great and colorful and all that happened was a bad dream.

yes, as long as you have a penis

Today was a great day

>hugs you but because our sizes differ so much your face is touching my cross

Its all better now

literally do it in stick figures user then slowly make it fancier

She is a big girl.

how degenerate

It's all gonna be okay. Tomorrow will be a better day I promise.

>splitpushing ALL game in a vg vs vg

why do you guys have to be cunts for no reason?

I'm actually triggered by lux's hair in that picture

where are her natural smooth waves? why the fuck does it look like she got some ghetto ass crimp job??


If you're looking for straight counters to prevent blitz from landing hooks on your adc, you're going to need those reflexes. If morg doesn't work out try tahm kench, malzahar was pretty good for the job but not so much now, and thresh is good to lantern the adc back to safety.

If you get grabbed often and want to make plays from it then alistar might be better than braum. You can get a free pulverize then head butt combo or an enemy minion back to safety if necessary

Her hair's all messed up after getting fucked by a REAL Top Laner.

hey it's gonna be okay, sweetheart
you'll get through this, just talk to me, I'm here for you

you forgot to mention leona

>blitz hooks leona
>lol freegapcloser while I cc your backline for 5 minutes

xth for Syndra

I'm looking for gay counters actually

>tfw so many cool concepts that riot will never make

>getting out-rotated by memers
uninstall pls

i'm gonna pretend that girl in the gif is a loli riven and enjoy that thought for a while

tryndamere main spotted

I believe he mentioned Leona in his post. I did forget to mention nautilus who can make use of getting grabbed better than Braum can, especially late game.

>Five man stun
>Ult immediately after as my team moves in

Goddam this hero is pretty fun.

braum is a pretty good counter though

strongest level 1 teamfighting in the game so counters his invades
In lane is generally stronger too, depending on the adc
lategame maybe not as much since he usually wants to peel and not engage

Xth for Katarina
best girl

ever played vs a taric rengar premade?
Its the most cancer ive ever encountered

>rengar jumps in and lands aoe stun or stuns squishy and becomes invulnerable for 2.5 seconds

As long as his team can follow up its a guaranteed won teamfight, or at least a trade of jungler for either mid/adc

Rengar was on enemy team. 7/0 by 10 minutes. I'm trying to focus on the positives though.

Too bad his laning phase is absolute hell against most matchups.
But man I would be lying if I said he doesn't synergize perfectly with locket+redemption making him the most useful late game support

Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums results, gave them the blind man dicc

I don't understand how Taric isn't meta.

He can survive lane vs the cancer poke mages thanks to his sustain, if he hits them once with his stun good chances you're gonna blow some summoners. His ult is objectively one of the best in the entire game

One of my old favorite builds was Olaf top. Stack attackspeed and lifesteal. It's volatile, but you can duel anyone and it's sleeper op when ahead. Ravenous and PD are a must.

Pressure turrets around the map, avoid teamfights. Fight 1v1 as much as possible. Maybe this will get you those S's.

tankmo is literally the most horrific lane i've ever had to fight against. fuck that shit

>a Karth has 13 KP out of 58 kills
What were you even doing

pressing r in the fountain and shoving in lanes when minions reached our towers, how else do you play karthus?

>a player has left during champion select
>a player has left during champion select
>a player has left during champion select
>a player has left during champion select

This game is literally unplayable.

>He's never laned against a Yorick as someone without a dash

he was playing "spawn karthus" like the mongoloid he is

You flash into the enemy team

mint come play inhouses

ok but my mejais stacks? very important part of the karthus process.

How bronze does one need to be, to get literally stomped by teemo?

Can GP use Titanic active with his Q? :thinking:

apparently you have to be playing shen

Since you guys seem to know so much about karthus, do you think righteous glory would be useful for him?

who else to add to the sissy list?

The Destroyer - power bottom
Trismegistis - enjoys monkey themed bedroom play
Gumi Cat - will moan Euler's name while you fuck him and completely ruin your mood
Angel Wiggums - the very archetype of a bratty sub, acts hostile and rude in an attempt to invite punishment and domination--unfortunately few people are capable of fulfilling his fantasies
Megu Wormie - shy but very receptive as long as you take the lead
Bukkage - 5 star difficulty rating to tame but once broken in will prove unmatched in quality as a cum slave
dawt - comes bundled with Bukkage
Meliorne - easily the most chatty of all the lolg sluts
Rumia - literally cannot stop thinking about sucking dicks for more than 3 seconds

hes sort of a "scaling" support.
early game he has a low impact, less optimal roams etc.
But in lower elos where games generally get to late hes pretty op, and he does see some play in challenger and masters too into melees/low pressure botlanes

That lucian is punching his couch.