How do banks enslave nations?

How do banks enslave nations?

How to revert the process?

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they enslave nations by keeping people uneducated.

we can start to reverse the process by teaching you that processes may be reversed while only states of being may revert.

among other useful bits of information that make up the standard 3rd grade education.


go back to bartering

They give stupid countries money they can't handle, the countries mismanages the money, the country is now in debt scrambling to make minimum payments and foreign countries get involved to get shit working against the local populace's will.

May I ask who Lily is?

>those ugly asf chucks


See: the IMF and the World Bank

They prey on third world shitholes and offer them loans that they'll never be able to pay back

>oy vey colombia
>you need some money for development?
>here's 50 billion
>plus interest ;^)

It's simply jewing on an international scale

and what if shitty country doesnt want to pay back?

Love it how the US, Australia and most of Europe have the most external debt of any country.

About one can not speak, one must remain silent.

Pls you need interest to run a bank. Otherwise defaults eat away at your money.
And the IMF has waived billions in loans so many times

Loaned money to USA makes USA money. Loaned money to a third world shithole is stolen, misappropriated and neatly stashed into private offshore accounts, while the shithole as a whole is now indebted with nothing to show for it.

Not saying they don't prey on retards, but there's no intrinsic reason why any third world shithole couldn't *not* steal the money and, you know, invest it appropriately. There's no reason for you to max out your credit cards and pay a shit ton of interest, but hey, idiots do that and people prey on idiots.

Get educated here:

>offer them loans that they'll never be able to pay back
that's not how it goes tho, if said shitholes put the money in infrastructural and economic development and not steal all of it and some they would easily be able to repay them with a bigger economy as the interest rates are quiet nice sometimes compared to what the market offers generally (ie their own bonds).

the problems start when corrupt politicians and officials enter the equation.

what this guy said

>How do banks enslave nations?
have you ever heard of the fed reserve?
based jefferson

1. because banks are evil
2. a socialist revolution

>go to third world country with a given natural resource
>give loan to infrastructure, mainly for resource extraction of the given kind
>the contractors have to be from the us

You just made back your money, and their debt to you puts them at your feet. Now, for bonus points, "stabilize"/destabilize an oil region for added effect due to changing oil price.

There's no record of him actually saying that, and the quote is widely regarded as a fake.

The sensible way for countries to fund their own development is to borrow their own fiat currency from their own central bank. That way, if things go wrong, the worst that can happen is competitive devaluation.

But in the 3rd quarter of the 20th century, nearly everyone had fixed exchange rates, so that wasn't an option (as there would have been an unacceptable risk of hyperinflation).

So instead, they borrowed US dollars.

But in many countries, things went wrong and their economies stalled. They were unable to pay back the money without borrowing it from somewhere else. And because of the increased risk, lenders imposed ever stricter conditions. But many of those conditions were counterproductive, further weakening the economy of the indebted country.