Name a better sports car for the money.
Protip. You can't.
For sub $25K what else offers:
Head turning looks
Bulletproof drivetrain
Incredible power:weight ratio
Amazing handling
Tuning potential
Name a better sports car for the money.
Protip. You can't.
For sub $25K what else offers:
Head turning looks
Bulletproof drivetrain
Incredible power:weight ratio
Amazing handling
Tuning potential
Other urls found in this thread:
You're right, Minis are pretty great. What the fuck is that orange thing though?
2 S2000s
Yeah, but I can have 85% of the experience for half the price if I slap a 2ZZ and a bunch of suspension parts in an MR2.
rx7 fd
How the fuck does one get a worthwile lotus for 25k$?
yeah it's pretty great, can be had for 15k.
If you want to use it for anything other than hooning/tracking see
zzw30 is a budget elise that you can daily and is qt.
Hahaha sub 25K.
Everytime one of you guys gives a price its never close to reality.
I've seen elises for sale for 15k in good condition.
t. not a burger
I can finally start talking about how great zzw30 is after I bought it without fearing autists will drive the price up.
For a pure track toy, not much is gonna beat a Lotus.
If you want to be able to daily it, a ZZW30 is a better choice.
If you want to be able to use it for grocery shopping, Boxster or Cayman because 2 trunks.
Worthwhile and not 120hp RHD ones
yeah, 15k.
No proofs
poke around euro car market yourself.
I don't give a a fuck if some autist thinks you can't have the ideal track toy for sub 25k
I do. If you think you can get a 111R or S for 15k ur fucking ret
111s for 18k.
Like those 3 extra grand matter
actually disregard that I don't want some neckbeards driving up prices of anorexic mr before I have one
>not even 15k
>sub $25K
Unless you don't want it with an automatic.
Most retarded side mirrors in all of existence.
170k km.
That's like 3 miles.
And 18 k is a lot closer to 15k than to 25k and it's not 120hp.
You can get one for 13k that is 122hp so it's more than 120hp.
Who cares it's a goddamn great car for cheap.
It's a goddamn toyota drivedrain anyway so even if it never saw an oil change it'll run fine.
t. someone whos toyota has never seen an oil change in 180k miles and runs fine.
Of course a delusional poorfag drives a toyota
Even as a huge fan of the elise or exige it's painful to pay that much and not even get AC or even an attempt at a comfy interior. Also it's infamously a bitch to manage the soft top. hate to pay for a convertible that I'll never use. rest of the points are spot on.
Can be done but only in UK market they are about half the price. It's rare but you can find one for less than 10K USD. import prices not included.
Ye but who cares about rhd cars
Japs and shitpostralians
Incredible maintenance costs.
> Air conditioning optional
The 70's called and want to say hello.
> For sub $25K
Except most on craigslist that have not been wrecked racing are > $33K
they are pure bred race cars that can just go on the road.
If you want elise but want minimum comforts at the cost of GOAN FAST get zzw30
Posting mine.
Looking for a replacement (it's 16 y old), but can't find a proper car sub 30k.
>ride like a go cart
>Manlets only
Getting in and out of that car at 6'2" was a fucking 4 part leg moving process. It's a fucking clown car.
They sure as hell don't cost that much new, and if I'm shelling out above twenty grand, I'd prefer it new, particularly for a handbuilt car.
That said, the new 2020 Elise is going to be the new godmachine and I look forward to buying one outright, cash in hand, when it's released.
i just bought a post facelift one.
It's on the trailer on its way here.
The 2020 will be ugly as fuck.
its gorgeous and azn.
Very mature styling, no vents grills everywhere.
You can buy such cars already, >1000kg and all the features,e.g. the new Alpine.
A real Elise is
>fishmouth grille
What will change in the new model? All I could find it will be a few kg lighter with some exterior redesign. same chassis, same motor, same everything since 2010. pretty sad tbfh.
>Given the toughness of American safety standards, building an Elise that weighs just over a ton will be a tall order for Lotus. Recall that the carbon-tubbed Alfa Romeo 4C gained a few hundred pounds in its transition to U.S. spec.
lol, this is why new mustang gets only 2 stars in europe. really tough american standards yeah. mx-5 weighs 1 tonne in everywhere arund the world.
pointless car even an v6 mustang is faster.
god dam it
fire them all now
Ok, I'm talking about this article:
Apparently there is all new model for 2020 but not much is known about it.
>those side mirrors
That's a 10/10 in the UK
>can have 85% of the experience
>can have, but still doesn't, and will never
Fucking Veeky Forumstists. Keep up with you hypothetical price games.
You too faggot
And you, you dont have any experience with any of those cars to give a remotely qualified answer. Go to /b/ and start a trap thread faggot
holy this one looks great
>2nd gen mr2
>C5 z06
Yeah thats all i got.
Though yiur right. I need to get ine eventually.
>buy a lotus for $25k
>posts an exige that costs more than double
I can tell you're a proffessional bench racer who as driven neither.
Cheap, not that fun to drive garbage. They don't even have a water temp and oil pressure gauge, what kind of "track machine" omits that? Complete waste of money, a Miata is just as fun.
Isn't that just the 2015 concept that didn't get made?
>Complete waste of money, a Miata is just as fun.
sincerely doubt it since 50/50 balance and engine in front
t. benchracer
google images 'elise 2020'
miatas are fun and I'd have one over corvettes or new """muscle cars"""" all day erry day.
I'd have a zzw30 over miat
and an elise over zzw30 if I had something to daily and if I didn't live in a climate where only 3 months a year are the times where roads are actually dry and weather is warm.
Plus, no one is going to sell you a Lotus for below or even near $25k. If you do find one in that price range you should avoid it like the plague. $40k is a good price for a Lotus
You think rearward weight bias is more fun to drive than 50/50? This is what happens when people form their opinions by looking at pictures of cars instead of driving them.
I find something like 55:45 best to drive
Fun is subjective.
I'm saying both are good but I prefer the absolute rarity that is a cheap car with engine in the middle
The answer is a 996 911. For 25K you can get a great example and an IMS fix. Porsche has top tier long term reliability, but it will probably be more expensive for the little things.
If only the Alpine would come to the US I would be set
Kek mustang is utter garbage and always has been. Even the classic mustangs were and are fucking garbage.
>And you, you dont have any experience with any of those cars to give a remotely qualified answer. Go to /b/ and start a trap thread faggot
Well guess what faggot he's right. 996, Cayman, or Boxster are your best bets for 25K unless you've got a hard on for Toyota parts.
These are all good recommendations
Kek this faggot has never hit a track in his life
Have you ever Compared Miata vs Corvette during a long trip? Corvette is really comfortable on the highway.
yeah i'm sure it's a lot of fun for fucking manlets gtfo
Boxtser 986.
which lotus? you'll struggle to find an exige s2 like the one in your pic for the equivalent of $25k here but in that budget you can have your pick of elise s2s including the 111S variant
It's fucking awful if you're not a manlet.
It's a short little dudes car.
Thanks my dudes. Considering one for my next car
Yep, it was when that knob was there, wanted to redo the entire range, make it pigfat and gross. They fired his ass and dropped that concept.
Probably not 2015, maybe 2013
Danny Bahar concepts.
No manual. It can't compete with Lotus