Fighting Games General /fgg/
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is it fun?
only those 3 nations care about esports though
I am truly astounded at just how much incompetence Capcom has displayed with SFV. Like someone mentioned already, I'm convinced the project started with three-four freelancers making a bet with the CEO to make the game as barebones and low-budget as possible and still sell a few million copies. Anything else makes no sense. I have never seen a major IP become this mismanaged. It really is like a fan part-time project and not an actual SF game.
And then the rootkits, the useless updates, netcode from the 90's and the awful PC optimization that basically emulates the PS4 version. And now there's discovery that the game has animation-bound loading system that makes a 3-second loading upwards a whole minute. It's honestly reaching the point where I am geniunely fascinated just how incompetent and out of touch a company can be for the simple process of making a fighting game.
You can pick up any fighting game out there, and it will feel more complete and geniune than SFV ever will. Everything about SFV is cheap, greedy and ugly. Capcom is getting outdone by fucking everyone. They're dead-last and because of this, doing the most damage to the genre.
Fap to my game
How much does it cost to travel to a major? I live in South Carolina and want to go to Final Round, but how much will it cost to, say, travel by bus and stay at the hotel?
wud buy desu
the west doesn't take esports seriously at all
esports has been growing very rapidly in the last 10 years, surely you've noticed this?
yeah its not korea level or anything but its getting bigger and bigger every year. now even some TV channels run an esports event from time to time
all this is a shit development by the fucking way
Delayed wakeup didn't fix anything, made things more messy and more boring to watch AND play
i've only seen FIFA being shown on tv regularly here
guess who has channels on tv devoted to esports? Certainly not America. When was the last time they showed an FPS tournament on tv? I remember G4 having Arena 15 years ago, but their commentary on non-FPS games was awful.
And nowadays, what do we have? CoD doesn't have a show devoted to its esports scene. You have to look that shit up on twitch.
SFV is neither competitive nor casual. Can we just admit it's a failure on all fronts? If it was competitive, there would be actual skill gap and not 6f delay. If it was casual, it would have actual content.
I hate grapplers desu
Any nigga can make a youtube or twitch channel. Getting on TV? That takes a bit more effort. Call me when The Mike Ross show gets broadcast on Fox.
it might be a failure but it will remain the most played fighting game
Reminder that tekken 7 got so much delay because of the underpowered 8th gen consoles.
Tekken is coming
Have you been to a major before? Do you have any specific advice about the hotel and such?
Its both.
Most competitive fighting game and also the most accessible entry in the series since SF2.
tekken has the MK syndrom where it gets huge sale numbers but the actual playerbase drops off hard to the usual dedicated tekken fans after a month or so
granted, t7 might have a better chance this time since apparently many people are waiting for something new
then again the t7 hype died down since asia has had the game for like 2.5 years now
hard to tell
Unfortunately, 3d games die fast because casuals just want to mash buttons and no one new is willing to put in that much effort to learn frame data.
At least, that's my experience with Virtua Fighter.
>but its getting bigger and bigger every year.
Except sfv got less viewers than sf4.
Rob Python > Mike Bison
>sakurai isn't working on the next smash
smash 5 is the final nail in the coffin for street fighter
fighting game
Reminder 600 of those SFV players are bots.
>3d games die fast
Why do you keep making shit up?
No they're not. They're offline players. Meaning they don't log into CFN. But they are logged into Steam. This is why it still shows 400 or so playing when CFN servers are offline.
Did that guy at that smash tournament actually die?
I hope he did.
if i had the dedication i'd screenshot this post and show you the player numbers 3 months after release
That's because its community refuses to call anything that's more popular than it a fighting game. If Tekken or Injustice (lmao) happen to have a bigger playerbase I guarantee they'd be just dismissed as party masher games too.
Sakurei has not been doing much for smash 4 either. He functioned like shiggymoto in that he overlooked things but did not claws his mind into the game.
Bamco was doing most work on 4 which is easily noticable by the rage mechanic they put into everything now.
You can still find games in Tekken 6.
lets be happy that there's no chance of that happening then
>rankedboar FG
>600 offline players
you can still find games in vsav.
>bigger than sf
haha casual mashers lmao
>smaller than sf
haha animeneets lusoge begger goober
Why are sfags this way anyway?
capcum guzzling capcuck game lmao
why are GGfags this way anyway?
its not everyone dude
Post 30 seconds of you queueing for ranked in vsav.
When it becomes more apparent than ever that SFV is failing but you're a dedicated shill site so you'll just carefully phrase your words around the fact that people are already sick and tired of SFV after only just one year
Would you buy?
why do people watch this retard?
Yeah I'm sure there's always 600 people on steam always playing SFV when it's down
didnt know that only ranked games count
is GG dead then?
>muh goobers
But thanks for showcasing a typical specimen.
I wonder how many troll accounts are just the "writers" from eh baiting more clicks.
So it took one whole year for them to sell 100k copies after the launch... One whole year. The game will never reach the 2 million goal they had set for March 2016.
What a financial disaster.
>sees new life
>still 500.000 under what they expected in the first month
He's funny and entertaining.
A better question is why wouldn't you watch him?
Combined with the fact they dropped the price of the game in half very quickly, meaning those 100k copies are basically revenue worth of under 50k copies. In a year.
The only way to bring life to SFV is just rebrand the game completely when significant changes have been made. In its current state, the game is still very betaish.
Post 30 seconds of you knowing more than me about melty
go away dsp
The funny thing is that the article is wrong. They haven't sold 1.5 million copies. They've shipped 1.4 million and then sold an additional 100k digitally. The initial shipment of 1.4 million to retailers is still the same, which is why retailers are selling it for $20 to get rid of it. Even then, they still haven't sold out their initial shipment, so the game is actually selling way less than 1.5 million.
SE pulled a similar stunt with FFXV. Said they broke all records but when you go and order the game online, it's still the day 1 edition being sold today, meaning that the only records they broke was how many copies they shipped, not how many sold to actual consumers.
Publishers love to twist around numbers to hide their failures.
That's believable, but can you prove this?
>not $5
it would sell millions even with the awful business model
just make street fighter free2play and call it a day
>Come into a new thread
>SFV crying AGAIN
Just admit you're Tsundere about SFV and want it to be good
i want all fighting games to be good
Being critical towards a game you play is only healthy; the opposite would be being a mindless fanboy, something quite common around here.
SF has been shit since SF3, it's never going to be good again.
I play it and im critical about it but I know crying on a japanese image board wont help
Unless Ono is watching
SFV is fucking dead!
you liked the v-ism fest that was a3 then?
You never talk about anything negative with anyone, such as politics or flaws in games, because it won't change them? What a strange and limited human soul you are.
Ive never voted in my life and never will
No need to tell why because that would not change anything.
I spent 10 minutes waiting for a match in VF5FS just a week or two ago.
And regarding Tekken, it takes way longer to find matches than you'd expect for a game with such good sales. Sure, it does great for a console game's online, but let's not pretend that TTT2 is as active now as it was at launch.
inferiority complex, knowing they'll never be as big as real esports like CoD. They have to use "skill" as their coping mechanism, at least until they get to a game that takes more skill like Tekken or KoF, then they'll go "well those are for autismoids."
Shit, they even do this for their own game. Anyone they can beat is a retard scrub, but anyone that beats them is a trainingboar no life try hard.
Do you also think that Winback works for Shoryuken?
Yes, you are correct.
I wanted SFV to be good.
It's not but people keep lapping it up, it "fixed" what made SF4 interesting and there is nothing replacing it.
Play my favourite game or ill scream!
If SFV is dead/dying to you people, what game is alive? I'm not even trolling, I'm legit serious here. I can find matches for it way faster than I can in most of the other games I play and I can find local players for it faster as well. Do you only count ranked for a game being alive? The only game that comes close to SFV levels of popularity where I live ins Smash 4. Only 2 or 3 other guys I know play The King of Fighters XIV or Guilty Gear Xrd.
Yes, it felt like I was playing Guilty Gear
What made SF4 interesting?
I love Karin.
I want to have sex with a certain irish tripfag and I dont care who knows!
You find matches through forums, discords, friendlists, whatsapps groups and whatever else youc an find for most other games that aren't called street fighter.
The amount of different playstyles supported which meant that you had endless small things to learn for the gimmicky matchups.
anyone sfv eu?
i enjoy the fact that you're still enjoying SFV
it makes me happy somehow
Yes, I'm aware of all of these. Hell, I'm in the Nitroplus Blasterz Discord of all things. I'm saying it's still faster to find matches in SFV and there are more people playing it. Do these make the game more alive? I'm still trying to find a definite definition of the term.
good nicepost
Only reason he enjoys it is the money.
Does he actually win enough tournaments for it to be profitable for him?
he's going to buy himself more than a dual core
no i was shitposting
Alive = rankedboaring against laggy nigerian kens
Dead = playing in a lobby with a community familiar with eachother