Why are car manufacturers trying to sell cars to young people when most of them can barely afford a 3k civic?

Why are car manufacturers trying to sell cars to young people when most of them can barely afford a 3k civic?

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Why are millennials so utterly fucking useless?

Why do you project yourself onto a whole generation?

because boomers aren't dying/retiring so we are stuck with shit tier jobs after getting our degrees

Because that's their last hope.
>If the auto industry is relying on millenials to grow business they are fucked
Older people are dying off and shouldn't be driving.
>No it's not normal to get the gas and the brake "mixed up"

What else is new?
It's amazing that people are dumb enough to believe /pol/ memes so hard that they fail to see the reality.

also people lying about their salary on here is quite common, most of them work 50+ hours a week for $30K/year

>mfw i dropped out of community college and make $80k

>mfw i still drive my shitbox $3k civic

We can't compete with mass migration.

I've been asking myself the same question. I can't really make up my mind.

>why is a generation of people largely still in college or even high school not making much money

americucks eurocucks
ameripoors ameripoors

blablabla, quit the memes already and realise we are all poorfags

cuck lmao

I consider millennials anyone born after 1990. I'm 1985, I have a sibling born 1992.

My younger sibling has little interest in driving. And its a growing trend. Used to be everyone waited with baited breath to turn 16, get a license, get a car, cruise around with friends. Its how you FOUND your friends around town. Modern tech has largely changed that, and that combined with public transit expansion, places getting LRT, Uber, etc, younger people just want to be on their phones chatting with other young people. Leave the driving to someone or something else.

Combine this trend with cars that drive themselves, and people born in the 1980s may very well be the last generation to really know driving.

his smug expression is more triggering than a bunch of impotephs

90 percent of advertising isn't to make you aware of a new product. Rather, it's to remind you that a brand exists. Car companies are working to keep their brands in millennials' minds for consideration when they're older.

Don't worry guise! Trump is going to make america great again!

>above the median income for my state

I guess I'm not as useless as I thought

European here, i thought you where all making 100K/year with no problems?


your sibling is probably a female
94 here, I enjoy driving

stop sucking your own dick, old man

He's right though.


Do you even know what a carb is?
You young babbys only know fuel injection and FWD. Power steering and brakes on even the most basic car. You have it so EASY, you don't even know.

Don't forget traction control, stability control, ABS, backup cameras/sensors, GPS...

I didn't like driving when I first started. After I got my full license and could actually enjoy the car to myself without my parents in the car, and once I got to know how the road works so I wasn't always super nervous, that all changed. I absolutely love driving now, and bikes even more so.

>Do you even know what a carb is?
a horrendous fuel/air mixing system and a threat to the environment

>everyone waited with baited breath

It's "bated breath" you jackass.

I'm a millennial, barely by your standard, and I still like cars. I have a fair few friends that like cars too, who are all about the same age I am.

I also work in the trades, and quite a few of the people my age in the trades also still like cars, modifying them at least. It may be lifting a truck, or rebuilding the front end of an older truck, one guy I know even drives a slammed 2010-something Silverado. Another guy drives a straight piped Focus ST. It seems like probably half of the people my age in a job site parking lot either drive a modified something or other, or a brand new truck, so I'd say in the demographic I'm in, auto enthusiasm is still alive and well.

For the people that go to college and are destined to slave away in cubicle hell for the rest of eternity, I'd say it's good and dead though. In an average parking lot of a manufacturing, shipping or processing plant, you're lucky to see one or two non-stock, or even non-economy cars. In an entirely "office" office building, you're lucky if you see one moderately sporty car at all in a group of 50.



That's all we had for quite a few decades.

>It's "bated breath" you jackass.
Apologies good sir.

>so I'd say in the demographic I'm in, auto enthusiasm is still alive and well.
Aren't blue collar trade jobs always shrinking, sometimes due to robotics and other tech?

>you're lucky if you see one moderately sporty car at all in a group of 50.
Depressing. People that used to work in an office often clamored around the water cooler about their new ride they finally saved up for. Now what will they talk about?

>judging wealth by what's driven
I remember when the oil rats were driving brodozers and acting smug over their long hours and back breaking jobs.

>Now what will they talk about?

About how they reduced traffic congestion and reduced pollution. They will also brag about some clickbait garbage they saw on facebook this morning while having a gluten and lactose free breakfast.

And how the Model 3 they just preordered can drive itself, so they can browse facebook some more during their commute.

Nobody wants to mod cars where I come from. Since all "modded" cars look like pic releated.

Yes, you're right, that's not an Audi.

It's a Volkswagen Polo, with a fucking A1 front. Owner was some 18yo fuck who wanted to trade it in for a dirtbike. I even have some pics of a VW Golf 2 with a """modded""" exhaust.

tldr: people who get into modding are retards

>Why are car manufacturers trying to sell cars to young people when most of them can barely afford a 3k civic?

It doesn't matter what they can "afford", it matters how much the clerk can add to the bill at the end of the sale after the 20-something finds someone stupid enough to give him a $25000 loan or co0sign with him.

What do you do man i need a job like that

>I consider millennials anyone born after 1990.

Nah, it's actually more like ~1982 to ~1996... The generation that saw the internet develop but still remember life where getting on a PC was something cool and interesting.

I (1989) have a software engineering degree and over 90% of a mechanical engineering degree. I've had 3 internships all over a year long, all for automotive companies. I worked in a machine shop at age 17 and was making 600/week + free housing + utilities at age 19. By 20 I was the lead test engineer on vehicle certification reports to the EPA generated by software I wrote from nothing.

Now that I'm 27 and graduated (252 engineering uni credits), I've been unemployed living at my parents' for 3 years and can't even get a job at best buy (I've logged 130 job apps since october - ONE responded and I didn't get picked). I have type-1 diabetes (the kind you get naturally), and that costs me around $10k a year to treat. I made around $1,100 last year.

Something's fucky.

Thankfully I bought my miata when life was okay, insurance + gas is around $100/month total.

I'm just waiting for Bernie to win in 2020 so I can get my Starbucks job for $300k starting.

I make double the median income according to that chart and i can barely afford a 3k civic.
Cost of living is bullshit high.

1. the majority of millenials are still in college, or in entry-level jobs.

2. credit and loans

3. there's a difference between being able to afford a car, and having enough money to pay for it. it might not be a smart decision to take on a $400/month car payment, but people can scrounge up money to make it.

Pew Research defines millennial as age 20-36. It's the "hipster" generation. It's not even cool to be a hipster in high school anymore.

Nigger you're a millennial too

I'm waiting for the democrats to take over the House and the Senate in 2018 so we can finally enact state-sponsored healthcare and the corporations can pay for it.


I'm waiting for the majority of the U.S. to realize what a shit show Obamacare really is so nobody who actually contributes more to society than a burger flipper never votes democrat again.

>very last generation to really know driving

If you don't think this is awesome, then you're not looking deep enough into the matter. If people aren't interested in driving enough to actually take it up, that means that we will have few bad/distracted drivers on the road shitting up things for the rest of us.

Looks more like he is just showing off what it really is like in the British (TM) Empire (C) (R) (TM). I also liked how all the brown shit skin chilluns looked at the pale white blonde guy lmao. They probably never seen a white person in that shitty country

Obamacare is total trash compared to proper state funded healthcare like in the rest of the first world

>shit show

You're talking to the guy who bartends at a restaurant full time and for once in his adult life, has health insurance because of the mandates.

So what if my employer is more strict about inventory, hours, and protocol to make up for the lost money? I'm healthy, I miss fewer days, and I can put in more effort when I'm at the job. I'm a walking and talking example of the best part of the ACA.

The only people that think the ACA is a 'shit show' are the people who are too cheap to pay to pay up for insurance or are the USA's top-earners who had to either pay a small percentage more in Medicare taxes or had to take a smaller bonus because their company is providing insurance.

>rest of the first world
at least we dont gotta worry about assault trucks

I don't know why you're so triggered though.

Nah just moose

Triggered about what?

literally don't post anymore

>I'm healthy
Then why are you needing insurance? Or are you trying to say that insurance is somehow necessary in order to be healthy?

Make me

not going to reply to your animepostings after this fag

What if something does happen you idiot?

I can get annual check-ups, I can visit the doctor when I'm sick instead of trying to medicate myself, and when I get injured (which happens a lot in the restaurant industry) I can see a doctor and have it all patched up.

The whole point of the medical industry is to keep people healthy.

Stay mad

If you haven't gotten in a wreck then why do you have car insurance?

t. poorfag who'll one day need to get his foot amputated because he ignored his diabetes

>durr it worked out for me therefore it works for everyone

if Obamacare stays intact by 2018 count on losing even more congressional dem seats then you have already.

>if Obamacare stays intact by 2018 count on losing even more congressional dem seats then you have already.
Not if Trump keeps dragging the GOP through the mud with his incompetence.

What's bad about the ACA? It regulates an industry that is -literally profiting off of people's medical misfortune- and I'm supposed to be sad about it?

I make double the median income in my state, but only take home about 25k after taxes, 401k, social security, welfare, CA tax, disability tax, etc...

lol yeah the regulation of the private industry whose only job is to literally turn profit which is now seeing an epidemic of counties across the country who only have one choice for a healthcare provider (and declinining) and whose premiums will 100% continue to rise next year.


because the auto loan industry is the next bubble. Same things going on that caused the mortgage crisis. Banks are giving loans irresponsibly to tards that don't know any better.


It's more than Trump, it's literally the entire Republican party that is a shitshow. It's funny how the same people that advocate for Christian values are the same ones who

>support state-sanctioned murder
>support splitting up familes with ruthless deportation
>support shutting down travel to people in war-torn countries who are looking for a better life
>have zero faith in God, instead stockpiling in guns and remaining fearful of Muslims and Eastern Europeans

As a Christian, it's pretty insulting to see the GOP try to stand behind Christian values when it comes to gay marriage and abortion, but they conveniently stay away from all the elephants in the room.


You shut your whore mouth.
80s babies are Gen Y. That's what it was called before the media decided to change it around with their bullshit terminology.

Gen Y and Millennials are one and the same. You're a Millennials

>only one choice for a provider.

But that one provider is still under the same regulations as the other ones. The average cost to insure oneself is right around 300/month. Veeky Forums says that's a good price to pay per month for a car, it's an even better price to pay for quality of living.

>premiums will rise

All prices rise, it's called inflation. Anyways, as medicine becomes more intricate, advanced, and specialized, it will undoubtedly become more expensive on average.

That term did not exist a decade ago. And there is a mighty difference in attitudes, tech knowledge, and growing up experiences between 80s and 90s babies.

I'm not one of you. I will move the age goalposts as much as I damn well please.

t. le wrong generation

>just 23% of your income
>23% of your income
why should they be taking more than 5?

millenials are more mild-mannered and kind
>tech knowledge
millenials are more savvy
>growing up experiences
millenials are enjoying the most luxurious time in all of history

I'd rather be a millenial

Fuck off you kike, the Republicans under Trump are the ONLY party that want to open the hand of friendship to Russia.

You're a pathetic, corrupt alien entity that needs to be surgically exorcised from this country.

And we entered the new millennia in the last decade. Coincidence?

A bunch of people in the 80s didn't get together and decide to call us Gen Y or Millennials, you fucking idiot

I'm glad that not all hypocrites and closeted white supremacists. Or outright open like who are more than happy to sell out the United States if it's to the benefit of putting down other races. I can't even say that kind of reckless stupidity is for the benefit of the white race.

>>support state-sanctioned murder
Jesus would not support savages fully convicted of savage crimes to be allowed to live and let the public fund their living at the same time
>>support splitting up familes with ruthless deportation
They broke the law, sure Jesus would be in support of it too. They are not all good people, in fact, it's hard to say ANY of them are good people as they are criminals and cowards who fled their home country. Jesus would not like that either.
>>support shutting down travel to people in war-torn countries who are looking for a better life
>>have zero faith in God, instead stockpiling in guns and remaining fearful of Muslims and Eastern Europeans
>Eastern Europeans
No one fears Russians. That's a (((media))) lie.

It's understandable to be wary of Muslims

>As a Christian
Sure thing

>open the hand of friendship

more like take the $100 bill that comes along with that handshake

I'd believe that they were interested in opening up ties of friendship if they had no business interests over there. But the truth of the matter is that just about every person in the executive branch has millions, if not billions at stake in eastern Europe, so it makes sense to cater to them.

I like Russia, but I don't like that they're infiltrating our government through closed-door business deals.

Gen Z starts in 1995-96 for a reason

This, you're a fucking commie cuck if you think otherwise.

american buy car they can't afford

>I'd believe that they were interested in opening up ties of friendship if they had no business interests over there.
>But the truth of the matter is that just about every person in the executive branch has millions, if not billions at stake in eastern Europe, so it makes sense to cater to them.

How to contradict yourself in two sentences back to back

>Jesus would not support savages
I'm talking more about killing 30-50 civilians with drone strikes once a month and us just shrugging it off. Anyways, Jesus professed immediate and uncompromising forgiveness in all situations

>they broke the law, sure Jesus would be in support of it too
Jesus only supports God's law, not man's.


Yes yes

>no one fears Russians

That's because they're all on Russia's payroll.

>understandable to wary of Muslims

No it's not, in the USA it's statistically more understandable to be wary of NEETs since they've been responsible for the majority of domestic terrorism over the past 15 years.

they don't want to sell them to millennials, they want to sell them to mid-life crisis 70's kids, those are the people that take infotainment systems and "smart everything" so seriously.

>Jesus would not support savages fully convicted of savage crimes to be allowed to live and let the public fund their living at the same time
He was crucified next to thieves. He absolved a woman who was convicted of adultery. He who committed no sin throw the first stone, remember?

business =/= friendship

Look at yurop for a great example of what happens when you start literally importing sandniggers.

god damnit fuck off back to rebbit you fucking retards. this place is getting worse by the day.

Example of what? Imaginary rape epidemics?

the US is an even better example of what happens when yo import niggers and spics to the point where they make up 40% of the population.

Thanks for confirming you are a shill you fucking kike faggot

>He was crucified next to thieves. He absolved a woman who was convicted of adultery. He who committed no sin throw the first stone, remember?
something something context

>muh hugbox

Tfw not even on that chart

Bombings, rape gangs, sharia law zones, you name it.

that's just a cop-out for you guys not having any initiative and not willing to grind from an entry level position upwards.

or not doing an internship/apprenticeship

or making the mistake of getting a degree instead of going to a vocational school.

Not too much is happening in Europe. Probably because it's not a militarized hell like the middle east is, and people can enjoy themselves. Several EU nations are adopting policies that teach and educate immigrants and refugees so they can better integrate.

You must not have been very good on the debate team.

Right, over reported events pushed by the agendas of right wing blogs and profit driven news agencies.

>Probably because it's not a militarized hell like the middle east is, and people can enjoy themselves
That's all you needed to write to prove to anyone lurking that you are a fucking moron who has no idea what he is typing.

go be a faggot somewhere else