Radar detectors thread! What do you use br/o/s...

Radar detectors thread! What do you use br/o/s? I've been thinking about getting either the Escort Passport or the Genevo One. Anyone has any experience with either of these?

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dont break the law nigger

i have an rx 65 red that i got off ebay for $125

its the best auto related purchase ive ever made

im not a fan of hard wired radar detectors

I got a uniden DFR1 on amazon for $45 buckeroos

has a ton of false alerts but you know what? It fucking works.

If you're not going to get a Valentine 1, just don't buy one at all.

said no one ever

the escort series hast a 2 mile detection radius and the v1's directional detection is gimmicky bullshit

Ayy lmao

Escort Max360 is better now. No need for companion apps and tuning. It does all the work for you.

I want a portable one.

Escort Max is almost twice the price of the Passport, is it worth it? I know that it has the GPS but it seems that the database is not as good as the Genevo One.

I don't get how they help.
>detector goes off
>cop already has your speed and pulled you over and ticketed you
>all it did is tell you when you got fucked

That's not how it works.

You have
>Normal radar
This thing will tell you WAAAY ahead if it's nearby
Might help against handhelds but you are fucked when it's stationary then it tells you just as you are already being pulled over. You would need another type of ACTIVE radar detector but these are illegal (at least over here).
>Stationary stuff
GPS and database solves this problem
>Passive detection
You can't do jack shit about these but most of the time that same police car has also normal radar and so you detect that.

Oh okay, thank you for clarifying for me

np friendo

Never had one before- where do you usually put them? I'm guessing you don't want one visible if you're pulled over...

These are legal over here so you just mount them on the dashboard.


An not 4yo V1, A new one.

canadafag here, are there any here that are undetected by the OPP?

What do you mean by "undetected"? All of the radar detectors in this thread are passive.

radar detectors are only illegal in virginia and other shit states where no non loser would live

with k and ka band radar it takes around a second for the gun to send out a ping and get it back, meaning if you are going 90-100 and a cop pings you if you slam the breaks the instant you get the radar hit then that means the cop will definitly read a lower speed, also if your headlights are on he will see them dip super hard

radar detector detectors are super redundant and not a thing like they used to be in the 80s

laser jamming is 100% legal in the USA because believe it or not light is actually regulated by the FDA and trying to regulat light violates the constitutional right to free speech

the best time and way to use a radar detector is to go out speeding at a time when there are a lot of other cars on the road with your radar detector mounted high with good solid visibility

radar WILL bounce off cars so the more traffic the more likely you are to get the hit way sooner

same goes for laser hits as well ive seen my rx65 red get a Ka band radar hit 2-3 miles before i saw the cop

also knowing what frequencies certain guns use and being able to identify the frequency of radar hit will help you deturmine if the hit is false or not as well as what the cop is doing, if its an instant on (iO) then you know the cop is most likely driving and following a person getting in front of or behind them and pinging them real quick with the flick of a switch

if its a constant on then its more likely that the cop is sitting up the road parked just hitting every car he sees

if its K band chances are its a valiable speed detector/camera mounted on the highway

if its x chances are its interference from a hospital or airport

>Passive detection
Hope that the radar is really strong and somebody in front of you sets it off.

Wut? I don't think you understand what I meant.

The cops have both a passive system (measures their speed + cameras that can calculate your speed relevant to theirs aka they know if you are closing to them or getting further away and so they know if you are speeding) and an active system (normal radar in Ka). Now, they can use each independently but because they are lazy pieces of shit they just use them both at once. So even if they measure you with the passive one you can still detect them by simply detecting stuff in the Ka frequency.

KA-POP band is the underlying one, the newer fuzz busters pick em up, glad I live in a state where they have to be stopped to radar you.

The Escort Passport Max detectors are excellent, it has already saved my ass more times than I can count.

My eyes............
Where I come from that is illegal

Uniden DFR5, nice little piece but i can never truly rely on it because 6/10 times cops are cruising with their radars off.

Hello Germany

How well does it handle false alerts?

I use the Passport 8500 like the one in your pic, but I have the red text version. That thing is fucking gold in my Camaro. Has saved me a handful of times.

I bought the hardwire remote kit for it and mounted the remote under the dashpad in the shade. I was having trouble hearing the detector go off on the highway with the windows down and couldn't read anything on the screen due to the sun. Remote kit allows me to always see when the detector goes off and now I run with volume off, too. Handy for driving around town.

If you need a radar detector to prevent your retarded ass from getting pulled over, then you're clearly a shit driver, and a liability to everybody else around you.

Please consider careening into a tree and killing yourself.


Moralfags should leave Veeky Forums forever teebeeaych

Fags in general should stop taking b8

Damn, that sounds nice. Did you also get the vertical mount? They say it enhances the sensitivity a lot.

t. bus rider


I don't use the vertical mount, but I've never tried it either. Seems too flashy, I don't like when people have electronics and cords just placed everywhere exposed in the interior. The detector seems to work just fine butted up against the windshield and dashpad with the suction mount keeping it from sliding around. 3rd gen camaros are already lowish and I'm lowered another 2". Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

>laser jamming is 100% legal in the USA because believe it or not light is actually regulated by the FDA and trying to regulat light violates the constitutional right to free speech

Wikipedia says no:

Several states have passed laws that specifically prohibit the use of laser jammers, including: California, Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia. The legality of laser jammers in Nebraska and Washington, D.C. is disputed.

>I don't use the vertical mount, but I've never tried it either. Seems too flashy, I don't like when people have electronics and cords just placed everywhere exposed in the interior.
I like the Escort since it's a well-known brand. I really don't know if I need the GPS module. Especially here in the countryside.

It's not even moralfaggotry though.

Most speed enforcement is purely about revenue generation and not safety. Even with that said, simple situational awareness to spot cops is not at all an unreasonable countermeasure.

I mean I'm not as extreme as KYS user but come on people, just step up a little bit of forethought and situational awareness when you decide to flagrantly violate traffic laws.

>flagrantly violate traffic laws
Going 5MPH over speed limit is hardly that. Also I don't want to have to explain why I have "such an expensive car" to some hillbilly cop just because I'm in my 20s so radar detector makes my life easier and less paranoid.

Is there a good way to mount these on bikes, or is that just a stupid idea?

There are special mounts and accessories including sound output made specifically for bikes.

Escort 8500 like the one in OP's pic has a built in headphone jack.

not really sure. i turn that setting off because i dont mind and its nice to have it flash k band when retarded moms fly around. i reccomend it though if you're looking for the bare minimum in a scanner

yeah i was going to say this why would the FDA regulate light? Especially for data transmission or data collection, that would be the FCC, and they regulate the FUCK out of everything they get their hands on


a radar detector that detected his radar detector

I never really understood why people get these. Why would you speed on a highway or in an area that you're not familiar with? I commute in WA and basically know when there'll be a cop, and if I'm speeding I check all the on ramps. Sneaky bastards hide over hills so you cant see them as you go up, so I just dont speed like an idiot over a blind hill.


I can't really talk since I have several pending speeding tickets but I can say that I got all of them simply because I'm an idiot who thinks he's invincible.

Had I used caution and simply slowed down I wouldn't have gotten the tickets. They were all I resendential areas too. Speeding on the highways is much easier to get away with, and you really don't need too mjch more than the Waze app for those scenarios

Stealth install K40 RL 360i

t. xzibit

I can't really give a good comparison as the Max 360 is the first detector I've ever owned but it's saved me more times than I can count and I've been ticket free since I bought it.

Let me guess you faggots don't have undercover cops measuring speed on highways, do you?

This. What's the point in wasting money on some electronic gizmo that may or may not work and risk an expensive ticket and insurance hike, and lower mpg and less safety, just to get somewhere 5 minutes faster. Only time you should speed is if you have some kind of medical emergency with the hazard lights on.

>insurance hike
Jesus fucking Christ, where do the hell do you live?
>less safety
Sure, going 10MPH over the limit on straight, empty road in the middle of the night (AKA the favorite time for cops to cash in overtime and bonuses) makes world a much more dangerous place...

>what do I use
Antilaser Priority LIDAR jammer with a Beltronics STI-r antenna (essentially an Escort Redline) with GPS lockout via bluetooth connection to my phone. No visible part of the system within my passenger cabin (under hood/behind dash).

>what do I recommend
At the lowest end, the Passport 8500 X50 has great bang for the buck. DO NOT GET THE OLDER GRAY MODEL - only the one with the black casing.

The Passport Max 2 went on sale a bunch for $230-$250 around the holidays which is a steal considering the sensitivity and GPS capabilities

Passport Max 360 for directional arrows + false blocking from vehicle safety sensors if you have the money. around black friday it went on sale for $450

Redline + Escort live app for GPS lockouts if you drive in an area where radar detectors are prohibited

in any event get either a blendmount (mounts from rearview mirror) or visor clip + Escort directwire kit or mirror tap and it's a lot less obvious that the detector is in your car vs. windshield suction cups. Higher mounts are also more sensitive to radar.

Go away.

V1 is overrated as fuck because Mike Valentine refuses to recognize the benefits of GPS sensitivity changes or lockouts. He also hasn't iterated the horn design substantially in many moons, and false alerts from vehicle safety sensor are an enormous problem.

Laser jamming is illegal in cerftain states but it's also extremely hard to prove. The sensors are generally in your grille with the control system behind the dash. They'd have to take your car apart to find it. Some guns do have indicators for "potential jamming" but it can go off from reflections or sunlight too.

POP is only legal for estimates in most states and then speed must be confirmed through another means (regular kA, pacing, etc.)

fuck off Jimmy

>Jesus fucking Christ, where do the hell do you live?
You know, a lot of people, including myself, have insurance where you get a DISCOUNT for driving safely and not getting tickets. It's not necessarily a hike, but having a regular rate is higher than a safe driving discount.
>Sure, going 10MPH over the limit on straight, empty road in the middle of the night (AKA the favorite time for cops to cash in overtime and bonuses) makes world a much more dangerous place...
Of course you literally pick the most mild form of speeding for your example... what's annoying is people speeding around me on a 2 lane road and cutting me off just so they can get to the damn red light 4 seconds sooner. It's completely unsafe.
Best President ever. Too bad he only had one term.

Passport 9500ix with blue illumination because I find it soothing.
Excellent detection for my purposes.

>Best President ever. Too bad he only had one term.
opinion discarded
>tfw the "land of freedom" is less free than the land of the nazis

I have yet to see/read about someone getting pulled over because of that.


The roads are government property, they can set the rules as they see fit. Driving is a privilege not a right like speech or guns.

Good thing I don't drive, I travel. I don't get paid for operating my car.

>government property
Wrong, they're public property. Also you could hardly be more of a cuck.

I doubt even libtards would be that retarded

Government property that is for public use. Look it up.

>Government owned roads are the most common. The federal government owns roads serving national forests, parks and dams. State governments own most of the highways between cities and towns and the Interstate highways. Cities and counties own the local roads.


It's owned by the public, managed by the government


>trusting the government
you don't think they'd use all their available resources to overreach, do you?


What I'm saying is that a government website is likely to be filled to the brim with misinformation that allows them to get away with things they shouldn't.