>Latest news -New worlds/ Dagannoth Kings Slayer Lair -Golem memes -Dark items void and jewelry (charged and uncharged) -More hair (wew) -30% more buff to raids drops
Maybe on this shitty board, most of this site isn't as bad as the faggots on Veeky Forums
Adrian Bailey
Your king is a faggot
Jeremiah Gomez
>rune pickaxe kys, go kill some venenatis or callisto you moron
Gabriel Bell
i'm not at the level of doing bosses, but how the fuck does anyone do any boss with these fucking servers
James Hall
Reminder that if you're not playing on an ironman you are playing on easy mode and all of your accomplishments mean nothing.
Landon Perez
>ironmen pretending they matter lol
Logan Peterson
t. ironmeme
Dylan Carter
I'm level 74 mining and still using a rune pickaxe, I don't have the excuse of being an iron though. I'm just cheap
Mason Phillips
t. armaa
Leo Barnes
nth for Hook is cute.
Michael Ward
You're right, I don't play on easy mode. I'm not a casual.
Samuel Perry
Dont bring me into this now
Cooper Gomez
What is the least annoying way of training crafting cutting gems?
Jonathan Reed
>whats the least annoying way of training crafting this way?
Adam Roberts
>Being this pedantic Is gem cutting the least annoying way to train crafting?
Jeremiah Davis
You really needed to put a comma there. Also probably, it's very easy and fast.
Dominic Lopez
Quality servers jagex
Carson Butler
is there a point to f2p ult ironman
is that even allowed
Jacob Morales
Why the fuck is ult ironman even a thing how do you even play the game. Transcends autism
Jacob Adams
I forgot the question mark that wasn't rhetorical.
Alexander Miller
i just assume it would be a fun lil challenge
Ian Hernandez
>how do you even play the game. There's still several places to store certain things as I understand it (various coffers, armour stands), so you'd only really need some armour and runes in your inventory. Skilling items (knives, fishing rods, etc) can just be dropped and reobtained when needed.
It's pretty fucking dumb though I agree.
Robert Murphy
Got pissed off with the lag spikes and decided to call it a day hit log out >Connection lost attempting to re-establish This game man.
>log in >go to dks >flicking supreme and prime >10 seconds in get lag spike and die REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Lucas Carter
with teamviewer?
John Jackson
>log in without issue >play for two hours with no issues >log out when im finished playing
feels good
Ryan Adams
>reminder if you dont *things i do* you are worse than me in a videogame for kids do you sometimes reflect on your own false sense of accomplishment? is literally playing single player in an mmo your way of reassuring yourself that you are better than other people at *something*? if you want to see how far you can get, enjoy the challange, have played this game for years and want to replay it from a different perspective etc, more power to you, but if you only do it to prove something, you have a problem.
Angel Hill
>jagex servers kick in full ddos mode >connection re-establishes, in lumbridge with 6hp always carry a ring of life, people
Have an account with 99 mage, 77 range, rest are garbage stats (50s for melees) and full void im looking to get rid of. looking to sell it for GP. anyone interested?
Dylan Smith
are servers still lagin
John Sanchez
Why would you max magic first?
Gavin Nelson
would a leaf bladed battleaxe be better than a d scim for slayer? working up to a whip
John Perez
>buying something that the original owner can take back at any point in the future
>sell account to shitter >let shitter level it up and make money for a couple months >take account back >now have higher level account and more money to sell
Adam Richardson
Carter Davis
Jaxson Ortiz
>talk to genie >doesnt give me a lamp ??
Jackson Nguyen
looks like u got scammed
Nathaniel Richardson
report him
Austin Hernandez
Why is this thread so dead
Jason Martin
discord, people got sick of anonymous shitposting
John Roberts
servers are dead
Jason Allen
>get dced during fruit tree run >log in again >tool leprechaun has a new pet >no one is underneath him
>takes a full inventory of lobs to kill four bronze dragons
why didn't I just skip this task
Landon Morgan
? did you antifire?
Aaron Bennett
its not that I'm taking big damage, its that I'm getting whittled down while I hit for so many 0s in a row my exp tracker fades out
Noah Nguyen
you shouldn't get whittled down as the breath should be doing 0 damage to you are you dizzy lad
Andrew Evans
the dragon has other attacks that aren't breath my guy
Andrew Hall
if you can use ibans blast, that was pretty effective for me as a lower level
Eli Walker
real excuse retard excuse
Mason Bennett
why are you meleeing if you can only afford lobs?
Luis Taylor
because my mage is shit and my range isn't much better
Nathan Ortiz
any fire spell would likely be better than what you are doing. are you even praying?
Nathan Taylor
can someone bring me a spade to 327 calquat patch pls and thank you
Ian Moore
I'm too poor to buy 37 - 43 prayer
you're revealing me as the shitter I am, pal
Noah Morgan
pls send help
Ian Long
battlestaffs are probably the easiest but are like a minimum of 10 gp/xp if buying everything with the potential of small profit if you forgo your varrock diary daily staffs for xp