League of Legends General - /lolg/

previous eyosongive.us

based drawfags edition

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xth for breast metal waifu

"lolg, come for the ______ stay for the ______."


shitposting, addiction

[spoilers] shitposting, shitposting [/spoilers]


straight lewds, gay lewds


>There are people in this thread that have never walked into a teamfight as a fed as fuck Karthus

game / cute sissy sluts

you posted this like 5 minutes ago cmon

shitposting, shitposting/fanart

it was meant to be humorous

it's just memes my guy

Shitposts, lulu posters

I can't stop thinking about cumming inside of Dark Lux. What do I do?

>suck a fat cock
>it was just a joke my man, im not actually gay ha ha

roleplayers roleplaying straight people, im laffin

"lolg, come for the comfy stay for the bfs~"

it's time to learn how to lucid dream user

Waifu/Sissy/Ironic/Shit posting

>I can't stop thinking about cumming inside of Dark Lux. What do I do?

Keep thinking about it. Is this some sort of trick question?

Post and r8
>filename GET

Why don't pros play balanced Talon Talon Talon?

>making a stupid joke list
>equivalent to putting a penis in my mouth
you're better than this

Today's the birthday of everyone's favorite PTSD scout.
And also Morgana's, but no one cares about her.

what do i do once I'm out of silver? Do people unironically play after getting gold rewards?

I've tried, every time I realize im dreaming I wake up

He got picked in LCK last week. With how busted he is it's only a matter of time until someone else whips him out.

The only reason I don't like blitz is because blitz mains are the 2nd worst type of people to wind up with/against.

LCK has like 3 games with him

Melee damage champion.

In professional play there is such a thing as "kiting" and "peeling" and supports aren't retards. Talon would get bullied in lane for being melee and the team would never let him assassinate the ADC.

It's why heros like Yasuo are never played.

fanart, gays

What does the text say?

It's hard to get anything important done though

Lucid dreaming isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I've been lucid dreaming since 7 or 8 when I taught myself to wake up from nightmares. Then I hit puberty and started purposely turning dreams sexual.

Through my teens and 20s I had probably hundreds or even thousands of lucid dreams where I'd realize I was dreaming, turn the dream sexual, then, as if I'd broken a rule, wake up before anything good happened. I thought it must be my superego shutting off my somehow illegitimate fun.

Only recently did I realize that I've probably had lots of excellent sexual lucid dreams, but that I don't remember them, as I only remember the dreams I wake up in the middle of.

Size isn't everything.

Find some erotica and rub one out, it does wonders.

>rengar/kha in every game
>pick malphite top, build a bit of ap and max cdr
>ult and combo them any time they try to jump on one of the squishies
>they tilt 100% of the time

i've been spamming him all day and winning nearly every game. he is kind of a boring champion but denying their carries and instakilling them is too good


Thanks user

Could you point them for me?


Talon and Jhin are based

also I have a huge respect for morde mains

Azir is also based, always love having a vi on my team too

What champion do you hate the most?

>as I only remember the dreams I wake up in the middle of.
I'm pretty sure that's just a normal dream, I think by definition you remember lucid dreams

heres your solution

Jinx's tummy is for _____________________!

LZ v AFS G 1 and 2

literally same, it's like the sexual situations i conjure up are so absurdly, unrealistically good that even in my dreams it triggers my morals and logical processes and suddenly forces me to wake up

i'm a fucking loser man, i can't even get any in my goddamn dreams


>Find some erotica and rub one out, it does wonders.

Actually no, rubbing one out cultivates a response/reward mentality that will have you lapsing into fantasy and constantly.

Any appetite you feed will sate for a few minutes, but come back stronger next time. Dark Lux Fap included.

it was a good list babe, now make more listings for me~

>the amount of detail into that list
>ha ha just le joke for le laffs friend, no homo ha ha

got em

Ability Power or Healing Power for more raw single target healing even with Grievous taken into consideration?

So like, what'd heal more here?

Soraka with 650 AP + 10% Healing Power or Soraka with 400 AP + 40% Healing Power?

I still can't stop even after I fap.

Also league erotica is 90% garbage

i am having a blast with _nunu_ top

having so much fun should be ilegal

>In professional play there is such a thing as "kiting" and "peeling" and supports aren't retards.
Its much easier to live as melee assassin in professional play because you can do split and your team is coordinated enough not to fight 4 vs 5.


No, a lucid dream is a dream in which you are aware you are dreaming.

As a general rule, lucid or regular, you don't remember any dream that you don't wake up during. They can tell you dream by your eye movement; if they wake you up after eye movement ceases, you have no memory of it.

Hey, RenektonFuckingUpAgainstDariusWebmPostingFor(You)sBro, is Darius actually your most hated champion or is it for the (You)s?

Also Jhin.

>It's why heros like Yasuo are never played.
yasuo used to be very popular in pro play.

Bets - legendary zyra skin or new void champ?

>zyra, void edition

I was gonna say Dragon Tamer Zyra because of the egg, but Void Zyra sounds more likely.

s@20 already said Zyra skin. Riot directly funnels this shit to popular outlets so it's 100% confirmed Zyra skin.

It better come with a fucking nerf like DJ Sona did.

Anyone who keeps up with Riot knows that the next champ won't be released for a while. It's definitely a zyra skin

gays gtfo

If you're aware, then the parts of your brain that record memory are active.

I guess I'm not an expert but it doesn't make sense to me to have a lucid dream and then forget it.



cumming all over
just like my secret egirl crush that has a perfect tummy

>can't do basic math
American education

Dragon trainer Zyra, obv.

I like you

Not too shabby, not bad at all

How comforting

the only detailed entry was yours and that's only because you're so homo it practically writes itself

hate to disappoint but i don't actually want to be pounded by guys

Taliyah is honestly someone that I hope stays in the garbage can forever. Nobody asked for a Twisted Fate with a better laning phase and a shit late game. Her full Q off worked ground has 442 base damage with a 117% AP scaling on a 3 second cooldown. Just because of her shitty worked ground mechanic, this is considered okay and acceptable.

Fucking Christ she's so cancerous to lane against when she's strong.

n-no bully pls

youre cute rumia

you sure sound like a brat that wants to be pounded tho

>The only reason Sona was even got that sorry excuse for a first rework was because they were giving her the ultimate skin

>Then they nerf her and now we have this hot mess of a support.

DJ Sona's cool and all but she seriously needs an actual rework.

Are you sure? You should try it before making a judgment.

they admitted it's not even them and they post it every day for yous

be my bf?

Get a blonde girlfriend and teach her to cosplay.

So is it an Elise skin, Zyra skin, or a new champ?


The Destroyer - power bottom
Trismegistis - enjoys monkey themed bedroom play
Gumi Cat - will moan Euler's name while you fuck him and completely ruin your mood
Angel Wiggums - the very archetype of a bratty sub, acts hostile and rude in an attempt to invite punishment and domination--unfortunately few people are capable of fulfilling his fantasies
Megu Wormie - shy but very receptive as long as you take the lead
Bukkage - 5 star difficulty rating to tame but once broken in will prove unmatched in quality as a cum slave
dawt - comes bundled with Bukkage
Meliorne - easily the most chatty of all the lolg sluts
Rumia - literally cannot stop thinking about sucking dicks for more than 3 seconds, very deep in the closet but wont fight you if you come on to him

That turret asshole. His player base is full of fuckers. His playstyle is lazy, overly safe, retard proof, and uninspired. When's he not meta he's annoying when he is he's annoying. He's a champion that I hate him being on my team or against. Also being able to shut down nearly every single melee champion by doing nothing is just dirty and absolutely unforgivable. The midget rat deserves to rot in hell, I have no respect for people that main him.

Now that there's a new Zyra skin, the only champions who deserve new skins are Cass and Swain


No matter how often I see that clip that renekton triggers me


He got a rework recently, so it's like he got two new skins

>push on the other side of the map
>team dies 4v5
>"lol wtf is [me] doing?"
People who can't read the minimap don't deserve to win.

>some 3DPD slut
>even comparable

>the only detailed entry was yours


hey the tier list u keep harassing me about will b done soon haha pls stop

also remove me from homosex i am not cumslut hello
u can keep the dawt thing tho thats p funny

Retard detected.

Taliyah main here, she was only ever "strong" ONCE, and that was only for a short while after her release before her bonus minion W damage and E damage was gutted.

>strong laning phase

Lolwut. Her laning phase is terrible. Her Q is blocked by minions, and if she spams it to clear waves then there's Worked Ground everywhere and her damage goes to shit. If she tries to only use 1 spot of Worked Ground then she can't clear waves, which means she has to spam E more, thus running oom and preventing her from attack you as well.

Her laning phase is dogshit. That's why she was good before with the bonus minion Q damage because it let her not worry about laning, her weakest point, and simply roam and get kills/gold that way, which is her only strength.

it's just a game senpai no need to get angry

Next time your top picks ranged AD try Blitz/Donger bot lane.

>i am not cumslut hello

thats cause no ones tamed you yet as the list states