/civ4xg/ - Strategy/4X General

/civ4xg/ - Strategy/4X General
(eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate, genocide).
/cbg/ /rtsg/ /wgg/

Dead and Forgotten Edition

>Civilization Resources
- Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE) - well-of-souls.com/civ/index.html
- CivFanatics Database and Forums - - - - civfanatics.com/
- Wiki of all Civ games - - - - - - - - - - - - - - civilization.wikia.com/wiki/Civilization_Games_Wiki
- Browser Civ game, similar to civ2 - - - - - play.freeciv.org
- /civ4xg/ steam group - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- steamcommunity.com/groups/civ4xg

>Civilization VI

>Civilization V
- CIVILOPEDIA Online (Civ V) - dndjunkie.com/civilopedia/
- Civ V drafter - - - - - - - - - - - - - georgeskleres.com/civ5/
- Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot - multiplayerrobot.com

>Civilization modding
- Wiki for Civ modding - modiki.civfanatics.com/index.php/Main_Page
- Civ V mod workshop - steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse?appid=8930
- Civ V mods - - - - - - -- forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=393
- More mods - - - - - - - - pastebin.com/5ANRmRur

>Stellaris Resources
- Mod archive - - - - - - - -- mega.nz/#F!hpBCSbCC!vZNs1Qhip_UJQPSSdoZjUg
- Mod recommendations - pastebin.com/qsTFCyvh

>Endless Legend Resources
Manual - - - - - - cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/289130/manuals/User'sManual.pdf?t=1413562467
Wiki 1 -- - - - - - endless-legend.wikia.com/wiki/Endless_Legend_Wiki
Wiki 2 -- - - - - - endlesslegendwiki.com/Endless_Legend_Wiki

>Alpha Centauri (SMAC & SMAX) resources
- Essential improvements - pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Sid_Meier's_Alpha_Centauri#Essential_improvements
- Official short stories - - - - mediafire.com/folder/cn11q7nqa00te/Alpha_Centauri

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First for Blorg.

The greatest thing to happen to Stellaris since... Well, ever!

1st for gas Xenos

2nd for a flat Earth in Stellaris

Fourth for Supreme Commander being one of the best RTS.


More ascension perks!
DLC only 30$


Stop toying with me

>Psionics give you Ascendance as god-beings of pure energy
>Synthetics turn you into Sentinels and immortal god-machines

>Biology gives you +3 Trait points


Even those stupid spiritualists realize that the flesh is weak, user.

I wonder if you can go biological+psychic, though.

I want my mega-organism-battleships NOW


Aussies confirmed

I think there should be one perk more before it that also give +3 Trait points.
Or something.

Oh, look.
National ideas.

Just like in Europa Universalis IV.


Depends how it plays out in the game though.

How to be more ancap?

>militarist, individualist, materialist
>mega corporation
>tfw when no pre-FTLs to exploit
>stole a load of neighbors pops through migration treaties and now brainwashing them

My neighbors are all allied with each other so I can't eat the weak ones, what should I do?

How can property be real if the law isn't real?

Enjoy being stuck in the mortal realm as "god"-machines.

Enjoy becoming mindless concepts.

Enjoy dying at my hands.

Enjoy being raped by the warp gods for all eternity.

I want to turn my pops into spaceborne ships that will eventually grow to the size of moons and can eat entire planets

Enjoy your MTTF

Bodies can be replaced.

That's a very particular fetish.

Does Stellaris have any sexy mods?

this is as fucked up as Civ 5 making Polan a civilization

Brethren Moons please go.

Fuck off Red Sun.

emu barbarians when

Jadwiga has hips for days.

She's gone full Mommy Mode.

True, Polan before PLC was kinda eh. And after PLC too.

Even after the universe dies?

>mfw robocucks try to talk down to me and my fleshbros


>He doesn't realize the Riddle of Steel ultimately proves Psionic is superior
>Mind over Body over Matter

>poor little fallen empire

Also, when i select that fleet the fps goes to around 5

Never heard that guy's original voice. He has a very sexy voice.
I need to rewatch that movie.

>Also, when i select that fleet the fps goes to around 5
Quility paracuck coding, it never changes. It's double ironic that their office is like two steps aways from DICE Stockholm which are famout for quality coding and well-optimised games in general.

Well I want to build a meat planet.


So using psyonic focus would I be able to turn my species into the interdimensional vampires?

Realize none of these games will ever properly reflect an ancap society due to a lack of allowance for private investment. Even Victoria 2 forces the fallacy that no state funded education = no schools period.

But to actually answer your question focus your efforts inwards and tech up/build up internally until you can eat them with impunity.

Maybe. Depends on how much Kennedy stuff they were smoking when writing The Shroud.

Yes, it should also enable you to interact with other Ascended creatures.

shit like that is only possible with coding practices taht would get you expelled from even the shittiest college classes

>shit like that is only possible with coding practices taht would get you expelled from even the shittiest college classes
Welcome to Paradox Interactive!

More like let them mind rape you for some bonuses.

What is the best extra large weapon?

What is your favorite for flavor extra large weapon?

I know the Tachyon Lance is still the best, but I've fallen in love with the Giga Cannon.

John Curtin
Civ Unique Ability
Land Down Under
+3 Housing in coastal cities. Pastures trigger a Culture Bomb. Yields from Campuses, Commercial Hubs, Holy Sites and Theater Squares are +2 in tiles with Charming Appeal, +4 in Breathtaking.
Leader Unique Ability
Citadel of Civilization
+100% Production if either they have received a declaration of war in the past 10 turns or if they have liberated a city in the past 20 turns.
Civ Unique Unit
Australian unique Modern era land unit that replaces the Infantry. Gains +10 combat strength when fighting on a coastal tile and also when fighting outside home territory.

Civ Unique Building
Outback Station
Unlocks the Builder ability to construct an Outback Station, unique to Australia.

+1 Food and +1 Production. +1 Food for each adjacent Pasture. Additional Food and Production as you advance through the Technology and Civic Tree for adjacent Outback Stations and Pastures. Can only be built in Desert, Desert Hills, Grassland, and Plains tiles.

>No-one to play Stellaris MP with

Who's that cutie wolf girl?

Actually Giga Cannon is the best.

Maybe you should apply to their coding job or something, since you are such great coders and could do much better and shit.

When would you be available? I'm East Coast so I can only do a game after 7:00 PM.


Focused Arc Emitter for enemies you know are going full shield. Like the Unbidden.

Giga Cannon for everything else.

(you) should do it.

Ao Nanami!

I'm GMT so that would be midnight for me.

I can get Civ V cheap, should I go for it or is Civ VI better?
Never played a Civ game before.

Then I guess we can't play...

... Unless you catch me early tomorrow! NEET life means I can totally be there to play as early as 10:00 AM EST!

Get Civ 5, BUT with all the expansions. Don't bother with Civ 6 yet.

>fps goes to around 5
Even in Galactic Map Mode?

Does anyone have the icon or flag for The Shroud?

Since taxation is literally theft/armed robbery/slavery/rape according to your silly ideology, you should not be building a fleet to use against space monsters. If the free market wants to destroy interdimensional horrors then they will do so without government intervention.

That would be in the middle of my work day.

What if he is a private person that own everything and people are just his employee or slaves?

Nuh uh! Each idea group is arranged in a tree, which is an original feature that has never been done before.

Can pirate join game?

EU IV is really just Planet bound Stellaris

>EU IV is really just Planet bound Stellaris
No, not even close.

Wow, just like Civ 5 !
Such original
Much wow!


Then when would you be available EST?

Anyone got that civ 5 roll chart?

rerolling race

I guess after 13:30 your time.

I can't find a post about it so here you guys go

This seems like a fun way to play once in a while, but I don't like that it costs all of your ethos points so there will only ever be one way to play fanatic purifiers.

>so there will only ever be one way to play fanatic purifiers.
It makes sense for Fanatical Purifiers to be extremely xenofobic and militaristic.

Better would be a mod that makes it so that all empires are always at war. Then you can just do whatever you want with ethics.


I've said it before, but the game would be better with 4 ethos points per nation.

>purification committee
>just a bunch of upset soccer moms

Distant Worlds looks like a cool game, do you cuties know if its going on sale soon (like in 1-2 weeks)?

The Blorg are literally the reddit empire

Haven't checked in quite some time, is 6 AI still bad? Any patches that improve it?

I want to play it so bad because I personally love the look and city building shit but I don't want to be heartbroken.

The patch that came out ~October improved the AI, but it's still so incompetent that people are winning on Immortal difficulty on their first try.

Still bad.

I fucking remember that.
Are you saying they haven't done shit since then?



What new civs do people want to see as future DLC?

making meme civs like australia
and also modding tools/workshop, which is coming in the same patch

How the fuck do I still have so many factions

>not wanting to become a pale form


Too many species, probably too many sectors and too large of an empire in general. And even if that ethos drift is theoretically enough, it'll still take time. Thirteen factions isn't that many for twenty two species.

>free update doesn't include Australia
Why did I ever think otherwise?

Here you go my dude