/hbg/ - Homebrew & Hacking General

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3DS: 11.2
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60
PS4: 4.05
PS3: 3.55

3DS: pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
↳a9lh + CFW: 3ds.guide/
Wii U: pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
Vita: pastebin.com/v3caHHnp

-Nintendo released 11.3, thoroughly patching downgrading for latefriends who update. 3dbrew.org/wiki/11.3.0-36
-rxTools BTFO, Menuhax's "last known Home Menu vuln." dead. Current solution is to switch to Luma or better yet, install a9lh per the guide.
-hblauncher_loader 1.3 and new *hax 2.9a payloads fix Homebrew for 11.3. github.com/yellows8/hblauncher_loader/releases/tag/v1.3
-NTR CFW 3.4 Preview6 and BootNTR 3.1 released. (BootNTR Selector updates automatically.) github.com/44670/BootNTR/releases

>Wii U
-FlimFlam69 removed the Brazilian method from the guide (you can still find it at: github.com/FlimFlam69/WiiUTutorial/blob/master/btimsg.md). The pastebin has been updated to contain that link.
-People speculate about a new Wii U firmware version before or at launch of Zelda: BotW. Even if the Wii U is out of production, you may still want to use to block updates.
-Boot0 code execution displayed at 33c3, along with boot1 dumping.

-Activation without PSN access now possible. wololo.net/2017/02/10/epsp-bubble-installer-2-0-activation-without-psn-psvita/
-fl0w teases usb mounting for pstv only. wololo.net/2016/12/24/theflow-unveils-usb-mass-storage-ps-vita-releases-february/
-PSN spoofing is broken on the Vita for both HENkaku and taiHENkaku currently.

-4.81 Rebug CFW released
-It's possible to run games on OFW 4.70 without ODE and IDPS. gbatemp.net/threads/447577

Other urls found in this thread:


first for RFI


What's a ticket?

FUCK. THE TIK IS UP AT if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight

stupid boy.

fuck u

I care more about the satisfaction of having the game early than actually playing the game.

i can't find rfi, am i being truffle shuffled?


tonights the night

>The stuff people want: 3.63 psn spoofing, 3.61+ game decryption/running, permanent henkaku hack, hacks for 3.63, etc is orthogonal to hacking f00d. It is much “easier” to do though other means like finding a kernel exploit or porting an existing WebKit exploit. We (molecule) have retired from all that stuff so it’s up to other people to pick it up.

What did he mean by this?



I'm pretty sure the title key isn't out. Time to go home.

Thanks user

It begins.

JESUS user IT'S REAL!!!!


Put the ticket in the bag and no one gets hurt

I dont have a Wii U so I guess I cant get excited

Who else is getting the fuck out of /v/ until march if this is legit

Reminder that DS ROM loading from SD is not worth waiting for


WHATS UPDOG!??!?!?!?!?!



Is this what japan time felt like?

Fuck off. It's getting an update within the next few days. It already runs some games perfectly.


not much you?

What's up dog?


Fucking Yakuza.

Same. I also don't give a fuck about Zelda so suffering through this cancer will be rough.


It's not Mega Man, but it's not the key. Fuck off.

This isn't anything like Japan time. For that, we knew exactly when the news was gonna drop. It was just a game of how disappointing the news was going to be. But on occasion it was fucking awesome shit like Red, or Sanic that caused /v/ to completely melt down.


What do they feed you /hamburgers/ anyway, gullible soup?

It may be happening right now, but it might be worth waiting a day or two for shitposting to die down and for there to actually be links if any at all.

Will get the files, turn off the internet and play the game if this is real.

uh, hamburgers

Well, this was amusing, but I have a game to play.

If it's any consolation, the ticket wouldn't be useful to you yet anyway...the game isn't on NUS and I'm not gonna upload 11 GB.

i want this more than zelda

I'm about to mod my Wii U now. Is REDNAND worth doing or should I just skip that part?

I wish I had been there. I enjoyed japan time on my own, of course.

>the game isn't on NUS
but it is

>tfw streaming it on a livestream site whose target audience is pubescent girls
Nintendo will never know.

Katsuragi gets my motor going at full force.

>Not gonna upload 11gb

Thats because your the biggest fag that ever lived.



nice trolling

fucking give Link now

Y-you too.

do you NEED Utikdownloadhelper to get the USB ready game?


Au contraire, user.

Use sign_patcher

the whole game isn't tho. there is a major 3gb update missing.

It is. Share it with us pls.

have you ever floated the possibility that the tripfag merely created fake images

thanks for the ruse user, watching these idiots scramble about was hilarious

Who /waitingforstoryofseasons/ here?

but the game is 13GB!

>there is a major 3gb update missing.
What fucking patch?

If you mean the required install, that's just game files from the disc for less shit loading times on the wiiu

>NA version


It's been up for EU most of the day

lowest effort troll in the history of trolls.

That's actually funny.

If he's Eiji Aonuma then sure, I'd believe it.

The game will be up in 5 hours

no one here actually believes that any of this shit is real (I hope)

Here's a thought, autists

Without the plugins specifically designed for the game, how are you going to get past the crippling bugs?


what does Mocha Cfw do


>huge Nintendo release leaking on Veeky Forums again
>in my home thread

go away, you have no idea what you're talking about.


I played A New Beginning and liked it. Ill probably play trio of towns when it launches. Though I havent cared enough to download any of the other titles

wait does this mean I can get this without a 64gb sd card?

There is no leak lol


So if I download it from NUSGrabber, does it actually do anything?

everything was so hype earlier. What the fuck happened? Ill suck my own cock for a title key please anyone.


sign_patcher allows to install and use DLC, games etc
for mod on Smash, I use kernel + SDcafiine
There is no need for fw.img or whatever

Also what's going on with BotW Wii U?

not until someone leaks a .tik file from the disc

Does Cemu actually work well enough to even play the game?

It takes up 10gb of space quite well.

it's on what.cd

Guys the game is 9.8GB

It requires a 3GB install from it to run.
It's like the content installers for Dissidia FF012
Bringing it's total size to 13GB.
There are no extra files to be downloaded.
Everything is there we just need a damn tik file.

too soon

So I can essentially download it now and then wait for the .tik?

What's sign_patcher? The sick guide in the OP doesn't mention it.

>all this hype for nothing


But I can't download the update?


>tfw they embedded code to brick your console for pirating it early

Has anyone pre downloaded the files for BOTW?
Should I do that while waiting for the ticket?

Welcome to Veeky Forums a place full of scum.


they did this with smash and they'll do it again with botw.

just buy the game if you want to b safe

will botw run on loadiine?