/svg/ Shadowverse General

"To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure" Edition

2/26 UPDATE:


Read this guide for the upcoming GranBlueF event: pastebin.com/3U2KM9p5

Shadowverse is a free-to-play, collectible card game similar to Hearthstone /hsg/

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>piercing rune nefr
>no levi nerf
shit patch

I want to make Luna pregnant!

>elana cancer was allowed to reign an entire expansion
>daria and roach r not ok lmao

That's because Elana was fine senpaitachi

You are literally describing an improvement in design philosphy

So people are talking about midrange being back, but isn't SahaLuci ramp going to be problem?

It just seems that SahaLuci is going to stop Midrange during the point of the game where Midrange is strongest.

I don't see any problem here.

Ah yes, SahaLuci, the most reliable of combos.

7 mana to kill my 4/2 and restore 4 health to your hero? How can I deal with that?!?!?

And then. He drop Santa on T7.

I was thinking about Salamader's moreso than the actual combo.

You have to realize is that this is a deck that is fantastic at thwarting aggression once they get to 6-7 points to spend.

Too bad neph just murders dragon without fail.

too bad haven will always be popular

>Just a quickbreakdown for players who don't understand the meta and just netdeck what wins

>Forest still stron but no longer oppresses midrange and control that it beat consistently by 7. Can still otk you with roachs IF it draws into combo. Wolfbolt will surely be a staple now.

>Daria rune Piercing Rune nerf means a lot. It buffs aggro against it and especially midrange as it can actually stick a board and trade if necessary. Be ready for srorm Haven and midsword to make a comback.

>Aggro shadow is somewhat nerfed as is aggro blood, via gobu nerf. Slightly better matchup vs daria now so thats a decent trade off.

>Control wont have to worry about forest as much but is still a bad matchup for them. D shift will probably rise a bit. It's a bit inconsistent atm so we shall see.

And that wraps it up.

Haven is the least played class on the ladder, what the fuck are you talking about?


i dunno i played five games earlier and two of them were against haven so that's a 40% playrate

>source: my ass

Decent summary. Tempo Forest will come back too. Get ready for your girl Liza.

I stockpiled a bunch of piercing runes. Didn't expect gobu to be nerfed though.

Does this mean we can bounce Tia up and down and get her off a bunch?

The meta has fully metastasized into cancer with everyone who tech'd against daria/roach which brought in chemo hunters which brought back aggro. Everything is go.

>no mention of dragon
>when there's a debate about dragon vs midrange matchup going on, or rather split off into haven playrate right now

seems like you forgot to mention some other things.

Wow. It's like. Every class is somehow viable or something.

Last time i played against Haven was more than a week ago, are you playing in the shitter brackets or something?

I can't wait.

shut up moron

So GBF event starts after tomorrows reset right?

I just lost against a roost dragon that kept emoting pretty much all match long.

Which one of you memers was it?!


yes, tomorrow

>anecdotal evidence
can someone post the site with class playrate stats? im pretty sure haven isn't the least played

Fuck this bitch

>Do nothing but jack off by ramping and casting Blazing Breath and Salamander's Breath
>Cast turn 5 Saha into turn 6 Lucifer
>Turn 8 Bahamut

I's rather face DShift than this garbage.

Go to shadowlog directly or just use the link on gamepress

it's okay I'm not even mad

it was a fun match

Is storm haven gonna be a thing again?


I didn't mention dragon because I feel like it shoudl be discussed a bit. I think dragon will be a lot more relavent because of midrange and tempo forest becoming a thing. Those matchups will probably be in dragons favor, except for midsword on 9 as alberto can burst for 10. Then again owl cucks sword, so it'll probably be the only even matchup in midrange for dragon. To be honest I have no idea. as I don't have a dragon deck to actually give good critism on it. I can only say dragon is strong and relevant.

I just read the patch notes . Is this how Cygames balances the game? I am honestly surprised. Blizzard should learn from them. The nerf actually didn't kill any craft.


second to last

Any good Sahaluci decklist?
I pulled 3 Saha and want to try this spicy meme

>mfw people tell me their wolf decks will be unphased

I really wonder what people are playing if they don't care about losing reliable roach combos

>Roach and Daria get nerfed
>Everyone jumps to dragon

piercing rune nerfs not enough

Thorn burst :^)

Is Cerberus thicc?

oy vey which mission to reroll

I need a concede, will return a concede if you need it to.

Match ID: 62917


Just wolfburst roach bro

>Roach and Daria get nerfed
>Everyone jumps to dragon
>Everyone realizes how shit dragon still is
>Even more Daria and Roach decks to make up the rank they lost

explain what

The 20g always Post when you get a tickie mission

Different images

Why is this game so degenerate?
>Ancient Elf can't live without dick from the White Wolf
>Forte begs her big black dragon for its big black dragon cock
>Vampires are constantly in an ongoing orgy with the demonic legions of hell
>Sword is full of BDSM maids who only wish to serve their masters every "needs"

Where did wholesome family values go?

Post memes you encountered in ranked.

>Haven second to last least played class
>Shadow is still somehow down there with them
Is Luna the biggest cuck in the game?

second one is directly from the site right now. just go to shadowlog

What do I need for decent Haven deck, just Seraphs?

I'll be making a bunch of babies with Luna.

Does that count as wholesome family value?

to my eyes she's leaning more towards THINN

Then why post outdated data?

Themis, seraph, and the luck to have more seraphs than they have odin

No, this is thicc

is it really that hard

we're looking at another shoah!

Why did Dance of Death have to powercreep everything

Aww yisss

Pls respond
I never played dragon before

i raise you

What's your other big cards?

How many Baha, Genesis, Forte, Satans and so on.


Need a concede, 18629.

Any kind soul want to concede for a daily?


>quit the game for a month
>the only deck I've really enjoyed gets nerfed to unusable status during that time

I guess I dont have to keep playing anymore

Lets trade,

Good. Don't let the door hit ya.

I have 3 Lucis, 2 Baha, 2 Satans but no Fortes

>running genesis forte and satan on the same deck

get fucked tier whorer

>this butthurt

Thanks, sword friendo.

You're the one so butthurt he had to make a blogpost about quitting the game. I'm happy you're leaving. Move on to bigger and better things. Do something with your life. You only got one.

If it was Daria, the deck only got nicked, mainly due to turn 4 going 2nd bullshit.

If it was combo roach, good riddance.

does rowen really make that face in-game? Rowen really is the memiest leader in the game.

>Can't even enjoy polyphonic ramp or ambush royal meme decks
>B-But muh roach/daria got nerfed!
Git fucked shitter

Please concede

>another roach cancer quitting the game
Nerfs can't come soon enough.

You're not allowed to touch my daughter.

>Some other craft for a change

At which rank does this shit stop? Im sick of playing the same fucking decks over and over and over again.

Thank you based vampy

>expected assblasting shitpost
>encouraging post

It will die down on the 26th, but only a little. Runecraft use will barely drop.

It never stops senpai, once you hit masters instead of seeing Daria all the time you see nothing but Dshift

Alright, so you'll want to play the non-storm variant. This means no forte or genesis are not needed nor should they be ran.

You could put in Impieral Dragoon as a 1-of to compliment your Baha. I can't vouch for crafting him though. You put in cards to either deal with the Daria matchup or the Roach matchup. I would recommend going for the Daria matchup more.

Daria matchup to my knowledge is more board control and healing angels. Roachers matchup is just more giant wards. You'll want Odins as well to deal with seraph and the mirror since you can't storm them down. I'm sure there's a better dragon player who can offer better widsom than me.

>daria is OP
Fuck this general I should've crafted Roach

What are you, poor?

I was checking to see which variant he was close to completing.

you should have listened to us
every general people post how daria bricks, it's your own fault for not listening