/vn/ - Slept through an entire thread edition

Visual Novel General #1347

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This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion

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When it comes to that, patience is the name of the game.
Just keep reading Japanese for a year or two and you'll be good. There's no way to speed it up. If you insist on translating while bad at Japanese without waiting, I suggest working on mediocre nukige. In those cases, there's almost no chance of them being translated otherwise, and readers won't mind bad TLs of them so much (as long as the English is good), so in the end it won't be a big deal. Though it may tarnish your reputation, so releasing it anonymously may be wise.
By the way, the problem with translating usually amounts to size, that is, a Taba scene could be an easy 500-1000, but a full VN will be anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 which really wears down on one psychologically. Not an insurmountable wall, just noting that people don't tend to give up 1,000 lines into something, it's usually 5,000 out of 30,000 or something, cause they've been working for a month or more and aren't even close to being done.



A reminder that liking traps are gay, and this is coming from someone whose fetish is cross-dressing and self-inserts as traps.

Ayy, Welcome back umibro

Not today friend

Amane's a complete fucking whore and then you get the longest flashback of all time. Buckle up chucklefuck.

How would an all ages Subahibi even work?

Thats standard for her.



So..are you a trap?

Black out the screen and just include the text

I don't know how to break this to you buddy but self-inserting as traps makes you gay

top kek, kinda wanna read Tsui no Sora if it's like that anime


You know, there's something I don't understand.

Amana route spoilers: If she only wanted to fuck Yuuji to punish herself, what the fuck is she doing in that scene? Is she just that much of a whore? It doesn't really make sense.

I wish, too lazy to shave as of late.

>but self-inserting as traps makes you gay
Everybody's got a little gay in them. I've just got enough that I want to pretend I'm a cute girl but not want to suck dick or get fucked in the ass.

You're waifu is shit.
also cocks.

traps are degeneracy.

Get the fuck back to /soc/ you filthy normalfags




has anything changed since then?

>tfw all the Majikoi girls are wonderful in different ways

I think I love this VN

Why don't you have a parrot with an ojou-sama laugh?

SP BTFO MG with their 2017s line up of vns?


I resigned myself to editing. My ability to translate japanese is dog shit but my english is acceptable.

My nigga

Yes, dovac is banned from the internet.

She's also legitimately a huge slut. Not as big as Sachi or Yumiko, but still really out there.

>Either they are all-ages that was originally +18 or translation/qc/kickstarter limbo

Yeah about that.

Umi is for whoring out to old men!

DESU I hated her route anyways.

>Everybody's got a little gay in them.

This is what gay people actually believe.

>its capital desu now
thanks based hiroshimoot

>all the Majikoi girls are wonderful

If you're into men, I guess so. Only 2 of the main heroines register as women. The rest are 1 haircut away from being bulldykes.


somehow I'm remember of this endless debate on /ksg/ about whether or not lilly has pubic hair.

It has happened a couple of times to me now but i'm so retarded i can't decide what is being filtered.

Its said that inside of every straight person is a gay one trying to get out.

But no - I say, outside every straight person is a gay one trying to get in.

Why is Moon. so underrated?

Most of it is in Subahibi except the Ayana ending and some characters are swapped.

Damn you, mongoloid! THIS Umi is great and for tender loving only!

>implying a random who that pretended to be your dead little sister just for the lulz is good

Its so tragic how fantastic Harukoi's chibi art was, but how insufferable all of the writing was. It wasn't even Koiken-type mediocre writing, it was just straight up awful.

>It wasn't even Koiken-type mediocre writing
Harukoi is not SO bad, user.

opinions on noble works?

>Its said that inside of every straight person is a gay one trying to get out.

Who the fuck says that? I can only assume you're posting from your SafeSpace at some ""college"" in California where their primary goal is brainwashing kids into believing liberal horseshit about refugees-of-peace and having 48 different genders.


Get over yourself, kusoge-user. Koiken was decent, it's just that the writing couldn't even come close to holding a candle to the absurd production values, so it looked worse in comparison.

Harukoi's only redeeming feature was the chibi art. The only routes that were even tolerable were the ones with the most chibi art in them, because they really broke up the monotony of the godawful writing and absurdly forced drama, e.g. Sonya's and Kisaya's. Umi's and Yuika's routes were both just painful, Riru's route somehow managed to be probably the single worst route I've ever read in a moege, and I never even read the other girl who just stops existing ever in all the other routes.

Mei a sex-slave


>it's just that the writing couldn't even come close to holding a candle to the absurd production values

This so much only route I liked was Yves, but my favorite girl was Touko cause I love kuuderes.

>the first nekura meme

The biggest problem about Koiken Otome was it tried to be a moege/chuunige hybrid and it suffered from it because the action was terrible and there was just too much of it instead of the moe. It just ended up doing neither well.

I just had a flashback of when Irru introduced the characters of Hatsukoi. In my shitty memory he introduced 4 characters but isn't there 5 in Hatsukoi?


He excluded Midori because he had posted about her a bit already

The 5th one has her route already translated.
Runa is next, you heard it here.

>MC saves a cute girl from being bullied
>she devotes herself to him
But why?

>my favorite girl was Touko cause I love kuuderes.
My nigga.

>this will never happen in real life

>yfw queef stalled Nekura release because he wanted to sell it to MG.
>yfw negotiations failed and now he'll release it for free

Akane a best.

none of you guys believed me, but i called it first

>has anything changed since then?

Since last June?

Sekai specifically has expanded Denpasoft significantly along with starting a strong push towards Vita. Although their huge announcement last July (Baldr Sky) kind of fell flat and ran into a logistical nightmare when they were unable to make a deal with Aroduc. They have also been unable to get any of their new titles design to be viral hits since then to really take off, with them ranging from mild successes to disappointments.

For the industry as a whole plenty of new companies are involved in localizations and a ton of large announcements were made during the Summer convention season through now, although a lot of that is momentum from the Steam craze which has dropped off significantly during that time. The console market looks quite promising with Vita looking particularly promising for VNs. There has also been an increase focus on 18+ platforms, with special mention of Nutaku throwing a ton of cash around.

>curry scene from starless
lel this is funniest shit I've read in years. how can one fap to this?

I liked it. We need more more vns with despicable siscon as protags.

post the text log




I'm working on it, JOP-chan!


What majikoi has student president torako in it?

Some guy said he was gonna play it for her last thread.

>cheesy and yellow semen
that don't sound healthy

Holy shit this just made my day.

Funny story, I had almost this exact same thing happen last year at thanksgiving. I mean the names were different and stuff, but ... Crazy coincidence.

We need more vns about WW2, dammit.

I want to marry an eternal loli.

That a fact?

I want to marry a JOP.


there is no better feeling than being a JOP

fuck everything.

Whoa! Whats on her face?

wow she's hideous


Go away.

What vn is this from so i can avoid it like the plague.

I'm going to translate Cross Channel!

Who is the ugliest VN girl?

your waifu

I am going to rape of chinks and make vn about this!

Fate/Stay Night


fun moege.

Maya best girl.

>old hag
Truly worst girl.