Fighting Games General /fgg/

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Reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.


Kolin being played live right now on twitch/CapcomFighters

do people really play on stick without touching the edge of the gates?

how is that even possible

I don't think Korean sticks have a gate

Play Kolin's game

Preorder my game

Surprising amount of Fate OP pics.

Use Fightcade to try out old games.
New games usually make it a point to make it clear to the player what their gimmick is. (Drive in BlazBlue, Dust in Guilty Gear, 3v3 in King of Fighters, claymation in SFV, etc.)

another day of getting fucked in tekken

you can fuck me at evo

Is this accurate?

not even close


every character is red to me when played by certain people

Evo 2017 Registration Leader Board! 1st SFV, 2nd Smash 4, 3rd Melee, 4th T7, 5th GG #Evo2017

playtobi fighter

Just keep the smash babbies in a corner away from other people. The stench...


Why are these always tag/assist games?

What is my gameplan on Ryu supposed to be other than hoping they run into my fireballs and AAing

Fanservice fighters always are


my waifu

The fanart is so much better than the actual Bengus art-made-model.

>LED lights and antennas on his Muslim hat
>Jumps around shouting "Yahoo!" like Super Mario
>High tech Nike Air 2.0 Sandals
>Dragon Ball Z scouter for no reason
>American accent and calls himself a "hero"
>Idle animation copied from El Fuerte

Corny ass Aladdin mother fucker. Fucking garbage character.

By waifu do you mean 'waifu' or 'cute character I'll play for a couple of weeks before dropping her'

no one cares

Do you still play melty or did you just drop everything and only focus at shitposting at this point

just fyi the youtube version of the WSO stream isnt lagging like the twitch one is

>new trips don't even play fighting games
>they're just vocal about x game they hate or political
Kappa was a mistake, people used to play games in this thread.

frame trap
tic throw
tech bait
le fundamentals meme

old trips did this too??

Thanks for the link.

That fag went straight to the ignore list. fgg definitely has some of the worst trip cancer on Veeky Forums. Quite the achievement.

Kolins story costume is CUTE

Also pantyhose.

kolin is hot as fuck with those thigh highs, lord have mercy

most other generals don't have trips

>getting sexually aroused by video game characters

Is the framerate messed up here? The animations seem wonky.


Looks like Kolin is going to be the new Ibuki.

She has her meme "fireball" setups but slightly higher damage and a two-bar V-Trigger.

Fuck, these curves...

what's wrong with that

>DP fireball that also has a hit that knocksdown and cancels fireballs.
Kolin is weird.

It's like every new character they announce they have to make the "clipping issue" meme stronger.

She has even worse clipping than Laura, ffs.

>I showed you my ewgf answer me

>implying capcom is going to work on ANYTHING in this game besides the bare minimum

shes literally a copy paste character from other stuff in sf4 and sfv her overhead is lauras lmao they cant do anything right

CapcomFighters is breaking their agreement with Twitch by simultaneously streaming on youtube.

Make sure you report them.



thanks user, will do
fuck capcom

Is her name really colon wtf

What mental illness is this

Did Capcom rape and kill your family or something

Isn't embracing your sexuality what you should do in the modern progressive society?

>say something bad about capcom

You can dislike them but you're here literally every single day talking shit about a company and doing everything you can to turn new people away form fighting games

And you're still not banned.


Can't wait to farm all the new Kolin's next week. Then drop the game again.

Put Kolin in MVCI

What if I really like May, Platinum, Marie Rose and Kira....

Who the fuck is going to play Kollin? Looks hella lame.

turn new people away from fighting games?

thats what capcom is doing with sfv you retard

im telling people to play every game BUT this abortion


In SFV, in which situations should I quick rise? it seems that every time I try to quick rise I get fucked.

How fitting

Did you have to unlock Ash by completing arcade mode in KoF XIII or did he come unlocked already?

Why would you make that post in reply to me literally helping someone out with a question

>timed out for saying kolin has a nice booty
that'll be the last time i try to compliment capcom

iirc the only characters you have to unlock are billy and saiki

I'm sure in one of your recent posts you said you haven't played melty in like two weeks that's why I asked

Wow those are my favorites too.

wow me2

Kolin looks like a ton of fun.

No regrets buying the season pass so far.

Don't tell me you're still playing JIVE after the rootkit and left behind comment?

be honest, you wouldn't have regretted it even if she looked like shit

Windows installs rootkit on your PC aswell, why are you still using Windows?

I'm super busy so I've been barely playing fihting games for the last week or two. I don't expect to play much more for about a month but then hopefully I can play again.

Who the fuck are you

He never said he was using Windows however

Everyone is playing JIVE on the 28th.

>all this shitposting
Street Fighter V was a mistake

is this the real infiltration? he's fucking terrible for a pro LMAO

Kolin's damage doesn't look that great desu fampai

Pretty sure he tweeted that it's one of his Friends playing and that he isn't playing online at all right now.

Actually, a deliberately ugly looking female character would be a breakthrough for vidya.

I just wanted to ask how many of you have autism and if so has it helped you in your fighting game career??

We already have Juri

How convenient.

Kolin looks fun but she has season 1 Rashid damage..

Which fighting game allows me to play F-Seifuku?

Yeah, that's what I'd say too. I understand that if you actually liked SF IV you would have trouble adapting to the new game; in fact you would probably like it less.

>Urien VS Necalli.webm

Please tell me these costumes are coming with Kolin update.

If you feel left behind by Capcom you can try kof xiv
SNK is teasin a pc release

They also are SFIII costumes, so I'd assume so unless Kolin's is also not on launch.

Do you still play melty or did you just drop everything and only focus at shitposting at this point

Bit late to the stream, does Kolin have any decent anti-air options? Haven't seen any so far.

please tell me you aren't expecting capcom to do more than what they said they would

>Kolin has AA jabs
