/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

Still no real changed edition


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Velvet Shell is OUT

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>ranked with buddy
>get unranked trios in own team three times in a row
>get rus 5man twice for enemy

why doesn't ubisoft just tell me to go fuck myself and save me two hours time

What headgear do you think is new? I checked the store after the patch and didn't see any new headgear

I don't remember seeing this headgear until today.

Nah, that came with the other movie reference headgears ages ago.

That's not new, you're just blind.

Where my Gray universal skin bros at? Looks so fucking good.

Shit, my challenges don't want to load. Anyone else getting some trouble with this?

I wouldn't call 1 month ago "ages ago"

Why is Bandit literally the most bro operator?

All the GSG-9 speed with none of the carbine bullshit.

The bonus lasts how long?


Anyone knows how to fix this shit? It's annoying the FUCK out of me. It keeps happening with every game I download too. Clearing the download cache doesn't do anything.


>play casual
>doing callouts and asking for directions when left alone vs 3
>team stays silent and does fuckall
Goddamn betas, I already initiated the conversation, just fucking answer.

>must wait 3 minutes with duplicate reply
What the fuck?

Maybe they just don't know?
Saying nothing is better than blabbering pointlessly.

Can't make callouts if your drones are destroyed

>Guys, which side were the enemies that killed you 3 seconds ago?

Is he /ourguy/???

>match on bank as hibana, secure area in CEO
>3 people enter in lobby and die to a cav and bandit
>bandit gets gunned down by jackal repelling
>walk in and start droning for cav but can't seem to find the ninja cunt
>as soon as I get off drone she comes around the corner peeking the right when I'm on the left
>spray her down just as she turns around
>jackal managed to make his way upstairs and we begin to push in with 20seconds remaining
>jackal ADS walked into a trap
>too little time to revive start pushing
>valk and frost come peeking at the exact time greedy for the kill and get a collateral headshot
>crawling through a mile of barbed wire make it on the point with 1second remaining
>begin capturing and start spamming flashes
>doc runs into the room spraying wildly left to right before getting shot in the head
>win the game
This game is hard on the heart.



been like that for days for me

Did you have some left-over challenges that you didn't redeem? Because that's all I can think of that is different from the usual.

Not him but the new ui from Velvet Shell caused a lot of the movie headgears to not show up in the loadout menu the majority of the time, so it's probably not his fault he didn't see it.

>Jager and Bandit are 3 speed defence operators
>Jager is always that cunt that peeks at the start of a round, literally the Ash of defence
>Meanwhile, Bandit is chilling and actually playing the game how it was meant to be

Why are Jager mains so cancerous and why are Bandit players such bros?

we have a spawn killing ps4 bandit player here though.

smoke is so fucking fun I can't handle it.

I mainly just like shotguns and impact grenades for flanking through walls and shit, but pair that with the slick looks and dank smoke and he's one of my go to niggas. Feel like he's going to get nerfed, at least the SMG-11, that thing itself is more reliable than a lot of defenders primaries.

I see plenty of bandits spawn peeking. German niggers need to die.

>Bandit is chilling and actually playing the game how it was meant to be
Bandit main here, I'm doing it too at a different spot.
I frequently jump outside to shoot people too :^)

>GG Get gassed

Bandit batteries take time to set down, especially with 4, and it's a more important part of a point defense. Bandit-tricking is almost dead but the mentality of sitting close to the objective stuck with a lot of Bandito players.
Meanwhile Jager can slap his shit anywhere and think he's helping and he has the carbine so he can decent damage without even having to aim for the head most of the time.

I dont even bother doing the country flag charm challenges anymore, when you have disco balls, twitch drones etc as charms its a little boring to have a jap flag on your gun.

I like using flags that match the ops I'm using.
Except for Smoke. He gets the German charm.

I would assume it has something to do with jaeger having the best gun to use beyond medium range on defense

>tfw spent over 95 dollarydoos on this game
>tfw probably also gonna get For Honor and maybe Wildlands, if the beta holds up, as well
>work hours are slowly getting cut and won't have a steady income for a while

Fuck me and my poor shekel management.



fuck it, you cant take that shit to the grave


You right user.

Instead of bingeing on drugs and alcohol like all my mates I'll binge on vidya games.

>black skin gets rid of all that other shit on guns
Now this is operating.

Unlucky I got the game as a gift and spent a steam gift card from christmas on season 2 pass. 350hrs and counting, think this is the most value for 0 money ive ever gotten for a game. gloat over.

About time.

Now you can complain about the Eotech being tan.
I do like the grey MK17, shame that I don't really enjoy playing BB right now due to ADS speed feeling awful. Is Angled worth using on BB?

Tfw got base game for 15 dollars at a GameStop and proceeded to spend a shit ton on Ubi Credits and Year 2 Season Pass

>4v5 after round 3
>still string me along for 3-5 HB

at least it's not 4-5 : )

That was me all last week. I made it work for me in a weird way. Exit uplay, visit the ubisoft club webiste and pick your weekly challenges there, then relaunch the game and they should show up again.

Thanks mate!

Well /r6g/? Black or Gray?


Depends on the gun, so both.


>Now you can complain about the Eotech being tan.

I purposely run iron sights on some guns because none of the electronic sights match the skins I bought for the weapon.

either, and sometimes brown, sometimes olive. BUT THAT'S IT.



I mean everyone has a vice. Honesty living vicariously through a 3d escapist oasis of fantasy in every flavor seems preferrable to getting strung out until you go to rehab or overdose

They fucked up IQs hair

100% as someone who almost always plays as the point defender i feel as though i have the advantage no matter the numbers so long as time is limited and their are 3 or less entrances, and he can roam if you want, my fav operator atm along with sledge on attack

Must have used the wrong type of hair gel.

Just put the gray skin on almost every weapon. Wanted this shit for over a year.

>they changed blackbeard's rifle shield hp in terrorist hunt

Pls don't do this to the DE.

What's the problem


What's the difference between flash hider and muzzle brake?

He doesn't want to look like Spike Spiegel

Why does every update come with unwanted ugly changes always, courtesy of the house?

I mean, I'd like to think it's intentional, because if this is an accident then I fear for this game and its future, because its spaghetti code cranked up to 11

Am I the only one who's weapon skins all got de-equipped?

The default Desert Eagle skin was changed from silver to black with Velvet Shell. This new "Black" skin removes a lot of detail and texture such as the gray metal bits are now black, and the grip is flat. Overall, Black looks worse for it.

This grip is hilarious.

>The default Desert Eagle skin was changed from silver to black with Velvet Shell.
Wew, didn't know that. But why even.

>using the barb wire/hidden Gas Grenade combo
>they either have to slowly go through the wire to avoid the gas and risk getting shot, or double back through the gas to reach safety but take the damage
I need to use him more often

I just got a 14.22GB update, the fuck? Wasn't it just a hotfix?

Spike uses a Jericho 941.

The only similarities between a Desert Eagle is that they're both made by IWI.

>If I get the Year 2 pass now, I won't get the Obsidian skin.

Welp, that's turned me off.

>Ultra textures memer

Same, wtf. And I had to verify my files too which took forever.



>Deciding whether to get the season pass based on a shit skin (black camo just released anyway)


oooh is that what it is?
Thanks buddy

>7-day 50% renown boost


I know he uses a Jericho, and the two guns look a lot similar

> 5gb

what the fuck? i thought this patch was all minor bug fixes.

I'm guessing this is they secretly added the crate system with this update

>1 hour and a half hour for 5Gb
Jesus dude, what third world country do you live in

a lot of minor texture updates, yes, as well as probably a bunch of skins and shit they're going to release over time

northern canada

for now but i'll be going home soon

Ash, Mute, and Kapkan
How about you user?

I know your struggles Live in a city in the Netherlands, chances my ISP will lay new cables in my street are fucking null

That's not one.

Im trying to buy atleast one DLC operator from each CTU so I can do those weekly challenges and the last one I need to buy from is BOPE, however I cant decide who to buy between Capitao and Cav

how do i gitgud as smoke?
hes probably my favorite op conceptually, but i just cant use him effectively, and ive gotten the hang of nearly every op

Are you good at roaming? If yes Cav. If no Capitao

This happens if you go offline and then reconnect back to the servers.

Cav, for sure. Interrogating people feels so incredibly satisfying.

>first time playing
>scared of fucking up and making my team lose
It feels like there's so much I should know to be able to do well but I don't know anything

Cav is more fun, Capitao really doesn't get a lot of play anymore since both his gun(s) and ability are lackluster in comparrison to what the other operators have to offer.

They did this when Velvet Shell released, not with this patch