/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

MHXX is due out for 3DS in Japan on March 18. Demo is out now!
Opening: youtube.com/watch?v=tV8dqB6xVR0
Trailer 1: youtube.com/watch?v=5VV5-opm1TE
Trailer 2: youtube.com/watch?v=XiOBszkWCp0
Trailer 3: youtube.com/watch?v=MnpNGzNoOY0
Spoiler: youtube.com/watch?v=iJAaJHeuNg8

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 (rage)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing
In 3U, Help! A, Lobby 9

Tags: MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread



There he goes again, etc

Look at this fucking perfect waifu


Looks like complete shit only for trailer bait. I bet that wasn't even a true stagger but instead a mount

And here is a prime example of an art that will have next to zero practical use, but hey at least It looks cool, right?

>tfw no disable effects option so you can just see him do the move

Same for all these glowing weapons tbqh

At least it looks like you can do it anywhere, so it's not like the DB equivalent that must be done off a ledge making it even more useless.

This one webm is generations in a fucking nutshell

Screw the concept of the weapon being weighty, it just has to be "COOL".


>not muh mh

>only extra bow skill my charms allow me is bombardier
I usually start off bow runs with sleep bombing, so along with boosting the blast it's actually not that bad. Was hoping for crit boost though.

this one is gud

>Don't get that helm anymore
>Black belt armor also loses it's hairstyle
>No old school female chainmail armor
Shit's unacceptable. Especially now that you go back to Kokoto.

All it does is charge your shield for much less damage and leaving you open. It's trailer bait

There's tons of weight in the move, the hunter is on all fours at the end.

>for much less damage
[citation needed]


the famitsu article. All that art does is charge your phials after the attack. If it charged your phials while dispensing all 5 phials in that concentrated attack then it would have been useful for stylish KOs.


It clearly does damage, though, since the naja staggers. We do not know the MV on it. KOs are not damage and most of your actual damage doesn't come from phials outside of SAED and the energy blade art.

It looks like it has quick startup and hits annoying flying pieces of shit. Its usability will solely depend on how much damage it does.

You'd think people would know better than to discredit HAs without even knowing their MVs.

But that requires actual brain power.

>Alchemy Bazooka only does 60 damage

none of the weak HA got a buff except Supernova which has a sweetspot now. Shit like Sonic Smash is still complete garbage. What makes you think every HA is getting proper damage?

bomb-spam champion still goes to cat, who can now get reduced support move costs and the new support move that gives them full hp + special gauge at the cost of an acorn

What makes you think all of the new HAs are going to be weak?

because almost all of the old offensive HA are weak


>Spinning Meteor
>Corkscrew Jab (no fucking idea why this got buffed)
>Blood Wind
>Sakura Slash
>Critical Juncture
>Round Force
>Extract Hunter

>not listing 10-phial energy blade

Energy blade even with 5 phials is strong as fuck.

you named basically 2/3 of the already strong offensive HAs in Gen. Congrats. Now how about that Sonic Smash and Trinity Raven?
Oh, that's right, still shit.

I had a build based around maximum phial + HA art generation and HA damage just so I could spam energy blade all hunt long

shit was so cash

They will likely get a G rank version, like a lvl VI, V and VI version of those arts.

Yeah, I named a bunch of the strong offensive HAs.
So what makes you think all of the new ones are going to be weak?

Double up is the speed bug you want right?


Source for this image?


Is alchemy actually going to be worth using it is it a meme?

It seems to be a shittier striker with free items, maybe if striker didn't exist it would have a real niche with three HAs. Its only unique attack option is garbage unless there's some factor we don't know about yet, and the items it produces are better than the normal versions of the items (like a whetstone that is also a hunter's drink) but still not good enough to even match what HH or just picking striker can do.

I could be completely wrong, of course, this is all as far as I can tell.

*shake shake shake*

Why do Hellblade weapons look like such shit?
Are there any good alternatives to that for LS, SA and CBs?

Low Rank monsters tend to spam attacks because their moveset is restricted and their AI limited.


For some weapons it's a straight upgrade over Guild (Hammer and LBG).

Grimclaw LS, Silverwind SA, Tigrex CB.

I'm hoping there'll be a way to re-arrange the way your items appear in your barrel so you could get access to certain ones easier. It seems really weak right now besides getting aoe healing and SP buffs

does anyone actually using guild lbg, I was under the impression everyone went adept

I still can't understand how it can do that third move with the wing fingers extending forward like that. It didn't make sense back in the second trailer and it still doesn't make sense now.

i want to feel that squeak under my own weight

Actually, everyone goes Striker on LBG.

it's better when you actually slice the iceball before it creates a tornado, try again nerd.

is that just for god's island memeing or actual LBGs?

Adept LBG is shit, you should always go guild or striker for Full House + Absolute Readiness

I LBG most of the time and use striker because 3 arts is nice to have

It's a matter of preference really. I use striker.

Striker is the best for explosive/status, normal and pierce, other styles are inferior in every way

did somebody say a meme

Will MH4U manage to satisfy my abnormal love for gear and crafting grinding, as well as my love of hack and flash combat? Gunlances and Bowguns look neat as well, but I know nothing of the series aside from a bit of 3U.

If you just like grinding, then yes, 4U's endgame is all grinding, and depending on how lucky you are/what you want, it may never end.

its more of the same PLUS lots of grinding for special final upgrades for your weapons and really fun quests that have a RNG chance to give you the strongest weapons in the game!

you won't be satisfied too much with that one, there's literally only one GL worth making. maybe another if you feel like wide spamming.

>my abnormal love for gear and crafting grinding
user obviously enjoys the journey as much as the destination so it doesnt matter

>hack and flash
What does this mean?

>brain incapable making simple inferences and filling in gaps of data


What is the point of the amatsu event? Is it literally just amatsu except it hits a bit harder and has 10% more health and gives you twice as many accolades? Seems dumb when there's easier ways to get accolades regardless. You even have a higher chance of getting at least one heavenly dragongem from the regular amatsu's quest rewards, as well as a small chance of getting two.

Can't you access it at an earlier HR?

so lazy people that don't meet the HR requirement can still initiate the quest. they have a bunch like it.

He obviously knows you are doing a play on the phrase "hack and slash." He's asking what you mean by flash, which is why he asked "what does this mean?" and not "where does the phrase hack and flash come from?"

Aspergers, I swear to G-D...

Now what do YOU mean?

Oh wow. I didn't think of that. Also kind of dumb, it takes no time to get to 70 (or was it 80?)

It's autismspeak for replace s with f, as in replace the s in hack and slash with f for hack and flash

he obviously meant to type slash but pressed f because theyre close together how do you people remember to breat hoyl sht

I thought maybe he liked flashy gameplay or something, tswhy I asked.

>one is to the left and one is to the right of the previous letter
dyslexics should be purged from the gene pool

Well, I play Warframe/Marvel Heroes/ARPG games and dungeon crawlers with plenty of grinding, so I feel alright with it. My main concern is dead online and being shit on by the early "boss" monsters. Like that fucking Congolla(?) in 3U. It's under $20 to purchase, so it's not like I'll be wasting a ton of money if I am unhappy with it.

Using chopping and cutting weapons, before blinding the enemies with flashbangs. Basic CQC stuff.


Somehow mesmerizing.

It's like I'm really on YTMND!


jean luc picard
of the uss

> Congolla(?) in 3U
Not in the game. Nothing really similar to it in the game either.

The only thing that's embarrassing is the stiffness on MHO's animations compared to mainline. Couldn't Tencent spare a couple bucks for mocap?

But you can see the running movement is very natural, obviously mocaped.

>Using chopping and cutting weapons, before blinding the enemies with flashbangs. Basic CQC stuff.
You probably think this isn't super accurate to MH

Frontierization is in full force nostalgiafags cry more cause its here to stay!

Oh good. Fuck that ape, so much. Killed 3U for me. Only positive that came from /v/ shilling Monhun was that the PSP had some awesome Musou games on it.

Why do randoms always want to talk so much? You join the hub to hunt but all they want to do is yak yak yak on and on while you're standing waiting for them to start the damn quest already. STFU and lets go already. Don't wait for a full room. Don't try and chat just start the damn hunt!

you must love charlotte

>webm unrelated

Yeah user I know. Some people just want to sit there and talk about the most meaningless shit. Like my friend Jorge. All he does is bitch that his girlfriend won't give me him.

I try to tell him, dude relax, you shouldn't expect girls to always want to suck your dick, I mean they are people too. I suggested he go down on her once in a while and he said that was faggot shit.

So I'm thinking "wow, that's some misogynistic shit" but I just tell him that it would most likely make her more willing to take a load in the mouth when she knows there's something in it for her.

He just gave me some lip service like he'll try it but I doubt it. I mean he never takes my advice or anything. I tried to tell him that selling his jeep and buying a bicycle was a bad idea, but he did it anyway because it saves gas and claims he doesn't travel very far.

Vous parlez français ?

share build pls

>finally got a max attack relic charge blade with good sharpness, 40 purple with +1
>nimbleness jewel taking up the slots
>no element

Another thing that pisses me off with randoms is the constant abandoning of quests. WTF is with it? They play like shit for a few minutes using up your lifepowder then abandon and wait in the hub for a minute before leaving. Why? What are they doing alone in the hub?

Are you kidding me. Conga wasn't in 3U.