/wotg/ - World of Tanks General

"tiger is good" Edition

Clans (look them up yourself fag):

Clans are organized welfare. A social construct to keep people playing long after the game has lost all engagement.
Clans are houses of drama. They are an obligation that no sane person would willingly sign up for.

>where do I look up tanks
>how do i find ppl to platoon with
Dont be yellow and ask in the Veeky Forums channel (though it's almost always dead)

War Gaming is still trying their hardest to completely ruin this game.

Artillery is still cancer.


Other urls found in this thread:


Stop playing accurate tanks

I'm sure you all agree with this by now, but threadly and friendly reminder that the Centurion Action X is the most aesthetic tank in game.

Stop playing historically defeated tech trees..

since wg doesn't seem to give a shit about actually making good decisions for the long term, I'm going to say "no".

It's not that they don't care, it's that this is still in beta. You just have to wait for the full release :^)

>full release
that's what console is

I really don't like their proposed light tank nerfs. They are going to kill light tanks, i mean all light tanks get nerfed. They nerf the mobility and hp they destroy the gun, they lose scout matchmaking thus reducing their profitability. They are bumped a tier thus increasing repair costs and shell costs. The tier 10 scouts are objectively worse than the tier 8 scouts of now.

So wargammings proposed "buff" to the light tanks will absolutely destroy them

>tfw the console version will become the better version of WoT in 2017
Time to jump ship.

Is there a way I can sort my tonks by most creds earned on average?

There is quite literally ZERO reason to play a T8, T9 or T10 LT when the BC and TVP exist

The only way they can fix LTs and make them a relevant distinguishable class, a quite effortless move that requires zero dev resources, is to simply bump their max viewrange to 500 in contrast to all other tanks having 450. That's it - you now have an excellent scouting class that can stack viewrange skills/equipment and technically x-ray through every single bush in the game. The ultimate anti-TD.

First for snek a shit

What's the pop like on consoles anyway? If they've got more than eu it would be funny in sad kind of way.

>xbox live
Has there ever been something so revolting?

>Has there ever been something so revolting?
PSN is arguably worse now.

Polish infested EU servers.

>Has there ever been something so revolting?
he says while giving his shekels to WG for virtual tanks and currency

Anyway you don't need a PS+ subscription to play WoT on PS4

Calm down zazie

>implying I've given WG a single cent.

Also, if I waned to play on console I'd need to give Sony $499.99 Snow People Monoply Money.

I'll just stay on my current platform.

yo ho ho, a pirate's life for me :^)

CHINESE STEEL MOUNTAIN > british tin can

Is there a write up anywhere of which light tanks are getting nerfed further in the new patch?

Funny way of spelling 'burnt marshmallow'

>played for 250 hours
>still don't know which nation/tree I like the most
Maybe I'm just autistic.

all of them

Funny you should say that. Forgot me webm.


>The more skilled player beats a shitter
That Caernavon looked like a shitter judging from how he used his tank. Anyone with enough skill can make a bad tank good, and a shitter will make a great tank awful.

I'd take quality British engineering over a hunk of charcoal any day.

But how badly?


How did he make it work?

Fighint at ranges of about 1000m against T-34.

i have a question
if a tank is hit by a non penetrating instantly fusing he shell would the starting velocity matter towards its effectiveness?

Maybe a little but not really to any noticeable degree

Patch going live on the slav servers. 23 februari for us lads. Who /hype/ here?

Just researched the Maus, I'm perfectly ready

me too. If only I had the credits to buy it....

>firing 4 shots is unicum WN8 in T30

well I know what I'm padding my stats with

If you think that's good for padding, check out the values on the JP E100 :^)

>3 shots


I dunno m8, I guess it's just the fact that half the time when you shoot you aren't going to be using all of the alpha, like finishing off tanks at 500-800 hp or whatever.

how do you counter teammates that forget how to left click?

Same with the t30, i twill be hard to deal the 700 dmg per shot

The bigger the alpha the more +/- 25% rng can fuck you

but they are slow, have long reloads, have bad accuracy and gun handling so some shots will troll into the dirt or autobounce armor areas, and are easily destroyed.

>8mil ready to buy the Type 5

It's pretty close in the AMX40 too, and you have the benefit of low tiers being full of shitters.

They'll take my luchs and ELC from my cold dead fingers.


>doesn't block you when you first flank his side
>just accelerates foward
>shoots top of your side instead of turrent cheeks
Shitter deserved all of it.

Though I must say that the maneuverabilty on the IS-2 took me off guard.

the ak goes chop cop chop
used the 20mm tho cause im a tryhard scrub

you just know they'll never get clicked because never spotted

you don't have to buy it do you?

>up to 92.1% on first three mark
is it happening, boys? maybe i should play the tank more than just once or twice a day to get the daily double in it..

is the t54e1 a fun grind? i'm bad at tanks that encourage me to be a shitter, and that includes
fast alpha tonks.

>mfw I figured out how to get a consistently high wn8 every day
The trick is to stop playing after you finish your daily 20k

That way you don't get tilted and progressively get worse.

>tfw almost have 2 marks on this

Used the gun depression :^)

Don't get too confident, I got to 94% on my T32 and dropped back down to 91% real quick.

I still got the 3 marks though

>tfw no even at 90% in my firefly

>hit 89% in my E5 and got my hopes up
>tfw I'm now back down to 85%

>since release, objekt 252 has been overperforming when compared with its peers
>because of this, we will be making some adjustments toward the is-6 and is-3 to bring them up to par
>we will improve their rate of fire slightly, and increase the armor so that they can compete with the objekt 252
soon tm

Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Tier 9
Tier 10

pls no

>release OP premium tank
>predicted and demonstrated to significantly outperform other tanks of the same tier
>instead of nerfing the tank the only logical solution is to make more over powered tanks
Who the fuck is calling the shots at WG?

Proof fast firing high dpm tanks are superior to high alpha slow firing tanks.

Newfag here. Why is the T-34 the best tier 5 tank?


>mfw trading 1 for 1 against some dinky little fast firing gun with my exceptionally thick gun that has high alpha

good rof, pen, gun depression. conditionally good mobility. honestly i have 3 moes on it and i can't quite say beyond that. strongly recommend it though.

Seal clubbing is fun I suppose

>just aim at the LFP guys, it's only 220mm!
>tier 8 mediums don't have 220mm penetration without spamming premium
>even the tier 8 premiums with 225 pen will only penetrate the Obj 252 LFP 50% of the time
>and go fuck yourself if you shoot anywhere else on the Obj 252 because it's 300-350mm
>meanwhile the ST-I is supposed to be the more heavily armored tier 9 Russian heavy and it has 240 on the UFP, 180 on the LFP
So basically this tier 8 premium is harder to kill than an ST-I, has 440 alpha just like an ST-I, has higher HP/t than the ST-I...

Very good Russian balance, komrades.



>can of lighter of fluid armed with BB pellets
> a good tank

I concur. I do hope that the mods do not ban you for this. reeee

Why play the Pz. III/IV when you can play the Pz. IV H?

show me your shiny medals

Because the Pz III/IV moves twice as fast as the Pz IV.

Yeah, but it dies twice as fast too.




Pz III/IV actually has better armor too. 110 effective armor on the UFP and 80 on the LFP makes it near invulnerable to lower tier tanks and gives it like a 50% chance to bounce a lot of same tier guns. Meanwhile the Pz IV has between 40-80mm all across the front.


>Finally complete 5th skill for Tiger II crew
>Don't wanna play the tank or crew anymore

Anyone else have this problem

>5th skill on Tiger 2

>5th skill for Tiger II
This is a top level wehraboo.

post pics

The Pool's medal and Kolobanov's medal are both on the Obj 140.

I would but I'm on console and can't find a flash anywhere.

Is having 5 skills uncommon or something for most people?

Considering the Tiger II is shit, yeah it's pretty rare for someone to stick with it enough to grind out 5 skills.

It's somewhat uncommon, but it's rare on a tank as bad as the tiger 2

This game is the computer equivalent of monkeys throwing their own shit at each other.

Only I'm pretty sure the monkeys have better accuracy than slav programming.

Thank you for sharing you opinion.

>still no waifu fagging
Euros must still be sleeping.

It goes to show how retarded these devs are that I actually checked WoT news sites to confirm this rather than see it as satire first.

OKAY who called PZMOE????

fucking americans


Nope, just a dood that can't wait for the day of the rake

Is this Ev? If so fuck off bud :^)

