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Little cutie edition

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In a game with a person named widowmaker, no.

How do you have fun in this game? I do not understand.

I play ranked, I get leavers and people who tilt and throw before the game even starts every other match(and I'm not even exaggerating).

I play quick play, I get people on attack who just stand there in front of the chokepoint spraying and praying as if their w keys were broken, or run in one by one and die. Any sort of attempt to coordinate is met with "lol it's quickplay just have fun" as if dying over and over without accomplishing anything was fun.

And the amount of self-centered toxicity is insane. I literally tell my team I switch to sniper because we have no other way to kill the enemy Pharah pocketed by two healers, I kill her 4 fucking times in a row, and yet I still have some retarded russkie piece of shit whine at me because Pharah killed him when he went to the enemy side of the map out of my line of sight and got punished. At this point I'm pretty sure 90% of the players don't even have killfeed turned on, let alone look at it.

At this point I'd rather watch streams of pro players and tournaments rather than play the actual fucking game.

Threadly reminder that little nig isn't the new hero. She is a robotics and AI expert, who will build the new Omnic Doomfist voiced by Terry Crews. (hence the omnic language under the new doomfist in this poster)

Stop the spider memes.

xth for spider waifu

>Little chimpanzee edition



Efi short is out!

just quit, that's what I did.


She built the spider mecha, not Doomfist. The third Doomfist already exists in the setting.

Why have all the heroes added since launch been female?

First for Blizzard fixes

Probably uninstall and go play a different game.

Two nig girls in a row?

>Game of peace and diversity

Play another game
R6 Siege for example

I wish I was joking when I say that Mei needs to be deleted from the game.

>mfw they announced a new hero


>Ana's Biotic Rifle is a projectile when unscoped but hitscan while scoped



>it's a "mid plat team can't simply walk past the choke against symmetra + torbjorn cheese" episode

Another rerun?

why the fuck do people stand in the choke and just watch as symmetra gets teleporter up? DIVE IN THERE YOU FUCKING PUSSIES HOLY FUCK. I fucking hate this game

I don't have another game to fill the gaping void in my life until open beta for Midair starts, and that's still a while away.

I legit thought that's was a dog nose and now there was human-animal hybrids in the lore

Prove it.

>about to shoot/biotic nade an enemy with literally 1hp left
>teammate at full hp bodyblocks it even though they were nowhere near me

I'm just hanging around waiting to see if any decent community servers pop up and stay around. If I keep losing interested after that I'll probably only drop in to play when there's a new map or hero and see if the breaks help.

I dunno /pol/ would be an improvement over literal cp

So this is what's got /pol/ so assblasted today.

Has anything beyond "this person exists" been confirmed or are people just jumping to conclusions like usual?

>Efi builds the new Doomfist
Not a bad Idea, actually.

I honestly wish it was a spider ;_;

Because Ana needs a projectile that heals and damages, a hitscan that heals and damages, and an AOE that heals and damages, obviously.

Guys.. guys.. what if.. here me out on this.. what If the interview is old? What if she is 18 now and a delicious brown girl?

Anyone remember that voiceline data miners found for D.Va, where she says something about bigger mechs not being better or something?

What if we have a full on battlemech incoming?


so they just made her fatter and didnt fix the ass hump at all

blizzard is pathetic

>New hero is a female omnic spider tank

So now that blizzard is pandering to monstergirl waifu fags when are they going to finally add an actual loli?

find another game or do something other than play video games

>all this /pol/ faggotry cause of an african little girl
truly just as bad as SJWs

>all this shit flinging about nothing no one will notice the qt Bloo

what do you think

I dunno, she's kinda cute. Hopefully her voice isn't too grating though she's probably not the new hero anyway.


The saddest thing is that this thing is probably 100% fucking true.

Mei didn't get a Qi Pao, and Mei's story can already be inferred by the Echopoint Antarctica map.

Stop posting this.


I hope she's as niggerish as possible and has a kit more broken than ana so she'll be a must-pick and all you autists will be forced to play her

Chu already said it's in the present day.

That's just her talking to Zarya about the Russian mechs.

>delicious brown
>disgusting charcoal black
these two are not the same thing, have you ever even smelled a black persons skin?

You said this exact same shit last thread and we told you then that Chu confirmed that the interview is in the present time OW.


>It's a nigger

Chu said the interview takes place in the "Overwatch present day" so probably not.

Fug I should probably read your post first

Quadraped doesn't sound appealing either. That means its like a dog or a gorilla or something looking ass thing.

This has to be a joke they wouldn't ruin her brand new skin?



was this before any news of lunar new year leaked?

No one notices when you post 800 of them in a non shit-flinging thread either.

How could I forget

Why would she build Doomfist
Is she just a little shit disturber who took her grant to cause tensions between Omnics and humans because that's what Doomfist is doing right now

>new champion is a filthy negra

Because Terry Crews playing a guy named Doomfist sounds exactly like the kind of epic for the win XD shit Gearbox puts in Borderlands and Battleborn.

that's not fareeha amari

Hold up, hold up, what?

Okay, that makes three.

First with Zarya, the "size isn't everything".
Then "the best things in life come in small packages".
Now this?

What is it with Blizzard and making Dva liking small dick???

So basically the new hero is an african loli but you can't kill lolis in games so blizzard got around it by making it "OH IT'S A ROBOTIC REPLICA OF AN AFRICAN LOLI IT'S OKAY TO KILL IT"

it's going to look and act just like an african loli but it will be a robot she built instead of her


What if she's actually Doomfist disguised as a little girl? It's the perfect plan.

I don't know, I think it sounds BADASS

Because she's a little girl who looks up to her Overwatch heroes, and wants to help in any way she can.



Check the date, yes

>new hero is likely to be a mech loli
>d.va will still be trash by that point
Just end it.


Alright so the new hero is a black girl, that's cool.
But while blizzard is being so progressive, could they make a comic where they reveal mercy has a penis? that's all I want, it's not much blizzard

The new champ is a dragoon?


we wuz builders n shiz

>She's on a plane

>Junkrat and Roadhog on the plane

>W-what are you doing

>Roadhog: Crashing this plane

>Junkrat: With no survivors


I can tell you're extremely autistic because you're getting yourself riled up over shit that isn't true. That and you're a Mercyfag.

Omnic penis

What is your top and current SR?

Man sombra is so fun but her damage just blows

Why do I get the mongoloid players in MH every time? And the enemy gets their mains and are unkillable.

Why does roadhog wear the mask?


I got drunk and tanked down like 100 points and then just stopped playing.

I never would, user! I think it's fine if you think Hanzo is the best, though!

D.Va's Mountain Dew
She'll steal her mech shtick, and she'll steal her memes.

Nothing pisses me off more in-game then rewatching a killcam of Hanzo missing every single arrow fired at me until his meme arrow comes off cooldown and happens to aim this in my general direction.


New short is out. Features Efi and some new omnic?

So are Spiderloli and Doomfist two separate characters? If so, Doomfist voiced by TC when?

top 3278
current 3193

solo q

Why are people obsessed with going Left Attack Anubis? In my hundreds of hours of play I have never once seen going Left work, not even one fucking time.

Going Right and up the stairs however works almost all of the time

>people dont want a loli who remote pilots ANANSI-TRON5000X

Do you even West Africa?

Or even better. Since the link said Quadruped omnic...yo get this.

Shes going flying right? Well bad things can happen. Who can tell me how Dragoons are made in Starcraft?

And dragoons are quadrupeds.


2554 only played competitive for the season ending purple points today

Are you a bit ....?

cute is not how I would describe him really


Who are the retards who think the little girl is going to be the hero? At worst it's gonna be a robot she built or something.