/fhg/ - For Honor General

Viking confusion tactics edition

>New players:


>Hero guides[2/12]:
Conqueror: pastebin.com/d3qQXKGa
Kensei: pastebin.com/Mg9HRqjW

Multiple hero video guides: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkiUfT_3_4AnTBKwzZQO7-fDgKDzwPRPr


>Character damage values

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>Story mode collectibles:


Other urls found in this thread:


First for fuck the law


When will they fix Raider's running grab, so that he doesn't put the opponent down and just knee them in the face because he was met with 1 millimeter of wall-edge?

I heard the servers went down earlier

did the counter GB thing get changed?

>spent 10000 steel and still no warden gilgamesh blade
RNG piece of shit

Did someone list the frame data for all the vanguard classes here like yesterday or was I imagining shit? If so where can i find it thank you

Peacekeeper is 100% not a slut. How could people even think that?

How dare you?!

post emblems

No, they have implemented that patch yet, just a hotfix for pc

n-th for I love big black vikang dicks! White knights and baby penis weebs just can not cut it!

Oh yes this picture has so much fun going on in it! And in Peacecutie!

>cropping out your name


>not including me funny witty reaction in the screencap
I would be butthurt if I had commented on it


cutest hero

>including reactions in the screencap


>queue some 2v2s
>be at the last sliver of health against a full HP turtling conqueror
>revive my teammate because the conq has trouble finding his attack button
>everyone, including my teammate gets pissed off at me
>beat the full HP conq alone
>next round my teammate lets the enemy kill him so they can gang up on me
>they fail


Not supposed to be a spectacular show of skill especially with that inefficient revenge use, just found it funny how buttblasted people get about what is an essential part of the gamemode.

s-salsa please

When will they fix it so I don't slide right off of people if I don't make perfect 100% contact?

oh alright. thanks for the info
its PC, and you see my name at the end as I go BLOODTHIRSTY

cropped it to save file size

Buff Raider.

I play lawbringer and warden


Anyone on PS4 want to group up for the deathmatch orders?

That, too. Also, it's orange, but people can totally run right at you and YOU get affected more by that, than them. It's utterly bullshit. Over-all I am content with even having his slow attacks and all, if they just fix the fucking grabbing.
If a character is focused around something, at least make it work properly, and well.


Secret Princess Himegoto

>cropped it to save file size

why wouldn't you just lower the resolution

Lock On toggle y/n

remove gear stats
they wont allow for tanked to be fun


why shrink the whole thing when I can just crop the hud and other useless shit out?

I don't know, I'm daring I guess

>techs a guard break after a parry

Did the guard break patch hit?

Stop playing Kensei you're ruining everything

Dominion/Elim would be unplayable without Revenge. Although, most people here hate 4v4 modes, so I guess that's the idea.

I have no idea how to fight people as Raider outside of just mashing unblockable with low health in Revenge, because people are too busy to try to get through the second health bar due to greed, to even realize I'm about to cave their fucking head in.

They should make his charge cancelable into a guardbreak and increase his HP.


this is what you wanted WHY AREN'T YOU HAPPY HUH

I've been playing Kensei since I started the game.
Can't stop won't stop.

I'd rather see kenseis than any of the other samurai shitters


>One round of elimination
>Having a close fight
>Both critical
>Friendly Kensei literally steals my kill, and then kills me with friendly fire
>Revives me
>Get in a other fight
>Tries to do it again
>Gives her revenge
>We both die

>Orochi taunts me after killing me in a elimination game where they were 4 vs me
>he rages in chat after I kill him when we're 2 vs him

because it looks like shit and you didn't even reduce the resolution much by cropping it

how does shoguki supposed to deal with peacekeeper and nobushi and warden and orochi

Ubisoft dev here.

Was about to do it but your stale /pol/ meme convinced me not to.

Try a more original approach next time.

Now back to working on the Kensei and Conq fixes.

Who here /generouslyletting4v4players3-0themforthecontract/?

>everyone's jumping attacks home in on me from 10 feet off and instant kill me
>if I don't land pin point on top of someone I lose 99% of my life

I don't understand how half the shit works in this game.

he got buffed?

I'm sure theres webm wizards out there who could have done a better job. I think it looks fine

>get's GB
>Pushes backwards instead of right heavy for garunteed execution kill
>instead lets them run away

You should feel bad.

Does anyone else feel like parry windows are super long compared to deflect or superior lights?


>Start off ok, try to main bezerker.
>ok with deflect get some kills in sorted.
>eventually pub with friends in elimination
>Start tilting hard
>suddenly for the next 10+ games I cant seem to land a single attack and i fuck up most of my dodges/parries/blocks/deflects.
>every time they fuck up im too slow to even punish it.
>reaches the point where I just give up and let them kill me.

what do to get out of this hell?

Taunt spammers get salty easily. more news at 11.

>That fucking wall


>opened 4 crates for finishing vikings + samurai campaign
>3 Guimond blade and 2 Guimond spikes

This weapon looks like fucking ass I hate it.

>typing -1 x00 is wizardry

You went out of your way to make it look like trash if anything.

>he thinks taunting means literally anything

don't you have some league games to be policing

you're right. in hindsight that would have been the best course of action, but I was thinking she would hit that barrel and let me get a free heavy anyway.

>top of my crass

>Play Peacekeeper in 2v2
>Up against a Warden
>He's getting a bit salty and saying it's not fair
>Normally I'd just tell him to man up but something was different
>"You can do it, you have to believe!"
>"Come on sweetheart, more offence!"
>He starts getting really excited in chat
>I beat him but not by much, he really improved
>Wants another match but the retarded matchmaking puts us together on a team instead
>Says he's going to leave but he had fun and that I should have a nice day


>Play with any character
>Match load screen shows me as an orochi for a split second every time
The game is trying to tell me something here

xth for Peacekeeper bouncing on that Lawbringer dick

please respond

Two mechanics that are made utterly worthless by Parrying

Superior Block Light Attacks

Literally what the fuck is the point of these two things when parrying is not only safer but gives you more options.

What have I done

>Be Rep 2
>Have an 89% winrate in Duel, no ragequitting
>Have a 80% winrate in Brawl
>88% winrate in Elimination
>Have a 25% winrate in Dominion

I feel like I don't know what I'm doing in Dominion. I lose almost every game. My team mates and myself (as I am not Rep 3 yet) are severely undergeared compared to our opponents (I soloqueue) and sometimes run into groups or 3 or 4.

Even though I top the scoreboard for my team, we always lose.

I try to capture a point and sit on it to boost it, but unless I am actively trying to capture other points, it's almost always they control B and their point (or ours, if I am on their point).

I have two "Win 5 dominion games" quests, because I wasn't even able to win 5 games yesterday.

Buff what exactly.

In the middle of your screen, you have a white dot that's half-transparent. That's your targeting mechanism. If you point it towards the person you want to target, you will target them. Though if you're off by a few pixels, it'll pick some bumblefuck different target.

Posting Law

lawbringer are brotier
if you are reading this lawbro,i was that orochi who helped you drop down those vikanz shit and slutkeeper on point C

Warden's Superior Block light attack sets up his vortex and deals an instant 40 damage. It's objectively superior to parry->GB->start vortex for that alone.

Deflecting is shit.

Why are you acting like a hoe

Stop playing the shitter class.

Well it's too late for you now user, you're becoming a buttslut


>salty taunt spamming rage quitter detected

Please wait 5 seconds



>Separate duel and brawl winrates when they're in the same category

Stop fucking lying.

>winrates mattering when AI games count towards them

ur like some exhibitionist that doesnt care about all of the kids minds ur ruining while delving into ur fucked up fetish

kill urself

desu superior block is the biggest meme in this game, its really strong

The best berserkers I've seen were in duel and they were the most defensive assassins I've ever seen. But that's kind of the game in general.

>You went out of your way to make it look like trash if anything.
it looks fine, don't have an autism attack.

Go to him

Dont have a stroke man

That goblin face ruined Kingdom of Heaven.
Almost as much as the rest of the movie ruined itself.

But user, I improved his mood! His death in that final bout ended not with moaning about Peacekeeper and how I'm a shitter, but instead a "nooooo I was so close ^^"

It was kinda cute.

pls respond peacekeepers keep taunting me

>pol meme

maybe so, butt varg vikernes the vikang is a part of /fhg/ now

Who trying to squad up on psn? Dominion/deathmatches getting boring


Why do PK players act like little hoes?

Same as namefags and eRPers.
Still cancer. Especially if you proclaim it like that.

>this is considered orochi top tier play


>after sticking to Knights finally embrace my inner weeb/baseball fan and try out shugoki
>muck around a bit in training mode
>first game: duel against a berserker
>round 1: end up at critical health, manage to land a demon embrace and insta-KO
>round 2: start on the cliffside, sprint and do a charge, knocking him off the ledge in the first two seconds
>win round 3 via another insta-KO DE

Feels so cheap but it feels so GOOD

>later get into a duel with a Raider
>we both spend as much time trying to ledge each other as we can

It's a d20-roll. Either you'll hit a normal jump. Or you'll hit a fucking teleport-jump that makes you hop half the map and still kill them. Or you'll jump short, in the wrong direction and die from the tiniest jump.

A 20-crit roll is when you knock someone down a ledge, and you actually turn around mid-air for once to kill the person instead of being stunned after the jump and then obviously GB'd off a ledge because you can't tech it from that particular stunned state.

do you think ubisoft would transfer stats and gear from ps4 to pc?

>Long drawn out fight against a defensive conq
>Get him to critical health
>Looking for that last hit
>Parry him
Friendly Orochi runs up and last hits him
>I get 5 points
>Orochi gets 20-something

I've never been so mad at something so trivial.