Did Julius Caesar really let King Nicomedes II fuck him up the ass for the use of his fleet?
Did he really slobber all over his dick for a boat?
Did he really let cock get shoved up him for canoes?
Romans are fucking faggots
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Nicomedes IV, and no, it was just a meme used by Caesar's enemies.
No, Julius Caesar let King Nicomedes II fuck him in the ass because they were butt buddies
Julius Caesar:
Every woman's husband and every man's wife.
Looks like this book has misled me, it says II, but upon further investigation you are right.
The Mediterranean world seems pretty gay though tbqh.
Pedastry and all that jazz.
Ya cunt talkin shit about the Queen of Bythinia?
It seems to be an indo-euro thing
Celtics and Germanics didn't to any extent iirc
not quite
>people take theories this far
This is how i can turn my autism into money no?
point is is that there were plenty of Indo-Euros that didn't fuck little boys (unlike Romans)
Gay/Straight is a Germanic and Christian thing. Whether you were fucking a woman or a man didn't matter, as long as you were fucking and not being fucked.
and that was the real issue with Caesars' fagginess, that he was playing the role of a woman.
nothing wrong with some ballsacks getting milked by other dudes as long as it was you getting milked.
>People still buy into 2000 year old propaganda
Yes, the Carthaginians sacrificed babies, Nero watched Rome burn while playing a lyre, Livia really was the most evil woman in the world, Constantine really was visited by an angel who told him to paint Greek letters on his men's shields, and Julius Caesar really was the queen Bithynia
tbf baby-sacrificing wouldn't have been all that surprising for most semitic cultures of the time.
Yes, recent studies point out.
butthurt populares detected
Wodan is Mercury
Wodan is the chief God, akin to Jupiter in status but not function.
Interpretario Romana might say that Wodan is transliterated as Mercury, in status Jupiter is more compatable to Wodan. Like Perun and Zeus for instance.
Wodan is the same as Odin, if you're more familiar with that name. The only similarity between Odin and Mercury is that they both lend their names to Wednesday/Mercurii/mercredi etc
the fact that he understood Wodanaz (the Proto-Germanic term for Odin, and therefore the most likely to be how it was said in Gothic) to mean Wodan, means he probably understands the different names of the one-eyed god of the Germanic peoples.
I remember reading that there were rumors Elagabalus sacrificed children. He was all about displacing Romes traditional pantheon with his Semitic religion so it would make sense.
It's not clear from his comment that he did understand that. He also said that he was the equivalent of Mercury, which is in no way a justifiable position.
Yeah but if they were actually talking to each-other they'd still translate Wodan to Mercury rather than Jupiter.
The Romans always referred to him as Mercury, even when talking about how the northerners held him as chief.
yeah, fuck it, i might just do an edit
>Trusting the opinions of Germanic peoples
Nevertheless he is closer in function to Jove
I'm not certain, other than being 'chief' they don't seem to have many other similarities.
here we are
perhaps the Romans translated him as mercury, but did the Goths? They probably would've understood that their chief deity is closer to their own chief deity.
>Yes, the Carthaginians sacrificed babies,
0 proof of that
that's what he's saying, unless you mean that there isn't proof to the contrary
>Whether you were fucking a woman or a man didn't matter, as long as you were fucking and not being fucked.
People keep repeating this drivel, but the romans didn't care for that difference. To them anyone interested in fucking men, was strongly suspected to take it up the ass too.
Rome was doomed from the start. look at their damn borders.
nah that bullshit. room was doomed from varus. germanica was never conquered and degenerency as shown in their silver denarius inflation (less silver per coin) reflects this ever since; within one generation it was a downhill run. Vesuvius sealed the deal on that one
>divine providence
>this dumb shit is still believed