I've heard many people from Bosnia talk about this, and recently a family from Sarajevo my uncles hosted in the 90's came visiting and they said that Republika Srpska troops are seen moving along the borders frequently. I found nothing online talking about this. What do you think?
Another war in the Balkans?
Seeing how the Army of Srpska disolved and was integrated into the Bosnian amry, your full of shit.
Not that I wouldn't enjoy seeing Muslims and Serbshits kill each other, I doubt something will happen.
Well the balkans are still full of blood thirsty rural simpletons living in poverty. Especially Bosnia.
So yeah I guess it could happen. Why not?
I know shit about the subject desu but since it's close from my country I come here to ask things so don't be a salty cunt
Here is the most probable scenario
>ablos chimp out
>start attacking non-albanians
>non-albanians shoot back
>NATO bombs the shit out of Macedonia for disturbing the poor opressed albanians
>war starts in Bosnia
>NATO has to bomb the shit out of the Bosnian Serbs to get them to stop storming UN compounds and killing everyone inside
>war starts in Kosovo
>NATO has to bomb the shit out of Serbia to get them to stop doing German style civilian reprisals
>war starts in Macedonia
>"don't even try it cunt" -NATO
I see no issues here.
>Mfw we will see a modern day "Raze of Carthage" in the Balkans
Really, there should have been a genocide of Serbs after/during WW1.
I would miss the rakija and Yugoslavia propaganda music.
Alois Irlmaier and countless of other claryovants predicted this thoughout the centuries
Here's hoping the serbs and kebabs will remove each other so thoroughly that only the Croatian master race will remain.
M8 I know that WE WUZ WHITE and shit but it's the Balkans, none of us have a drop of master race in our blood anymore.
B-but Hitler-senpai said... ;_;
Hey I'm an Albanian myself, I don't give a fuck if /John Paul Jones/ doesn't consider me white.
I'm smart, helpful, likeable and have a bright future ahead (hopefully), who cares what some random Stormfag think is "white" or not?
go cry for chameria
Go cry because you have finally read History and realized the "Serbia is le based kebab removers and doesn't afraid of anything" memes aren't true.
I'm actually greek lel
I'm actually a Croat-Celt mix and I'm going to marry an asian woman so I'm just memeing over here tbqh family.
I wish you well. Even if you are a dirty shqiptar.
See, the Balkan is such an abyss of failure in the modern day that we have so many embarrasing memes about each other.
I could have just as easily continued about a shit ton of other things wrong with Greece as you could with Kosovo/Albania.
I wish the Austrians would anex us again. They were based.
>being unironically complimented on Veeky Forums
Welp, the Biblical apocalypse is here.
Thanks, all jokes aside. Have fun with your asian waifu.
Meanwhile, I'll be having fun with pic related.
>See, the Balkan is such an abyss of failure in the modern day that we have so many embarrasing memes about each other.
>I could have just as easily continued about a shit ton of other things wrong with Greece as you could with Kosovo/Albania.
I honestly hope you guys never fight. Watching Balkanniggers go at it on the internet helps me understand why my ancestors watched cock fighting.
>I have to watch random people on the Internet fight over old memes so I can validate my existence
>Casual entertainment is the same as 'validating your existence'
You know, I thought you were actually a reasonable person until now.
You do realize that your analogy implied that you come on here to have some semblance of fun in your shit life?
You do know that peasants watched cock fights because their lives were completely shit on the other hand?