/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General

generic edition
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>Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.43.05

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boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/Dwarf Fortress/

>Dwarf Therapist (Out of Date):

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>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:

>Video tutorials:
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1A3FE72C0DCAC66 (Dated, but good)

>Text tutorials:

>This pasta:

Strike the earth!

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>not tournament finale edition
one fucking job


>decide to let that human lieutenant bowman go
>go for a drink
>come back to find her chasing my lord with her bow with no arrows
>attack her a bit barehanded
>accidentally tear off her clothes

Same way you fight other things. Hit them and don't get hit by them.

The best way to fight beak dogs (or any other animals) is to hit them with weapons until they die.
If you managed to get killed by one, you probably don't have very good equipment, or have low defensive skills.

It's like one of my itchy elfnimes!

6th for cute elf bois

Annie's manager here.

Gotta say, this is a puzzle. I had an obvious answer to Brunhilda, but figuring out a good answer to Efeye's build has me a little stumped. The answer to Ecstasy was to outskill him, but despite the pretty significant point difference between Annie and Efeye I don't think I can match her(he) in skill.

Just wanted to you let you know, I'm having a lot of fun puzzling this out.

Quite, just got back and saw that.

Hit 'em with a minecart at high speed!

Upgrade your weapon? Can you afford a shield/skill maybe?

>If you managed to get killed by one, you probably don't have very good equipment, or have low defensive skills.

I took off my armor so I could be sneaky, did I fuck up?

Wearing armor doesn't make you less sneaky as far as I know, but it wouldn't have made a difference. Joint damage has pretty much obsoleted armor. Especially when fighting a larger opponent.

Could consider actually buying her some damn clothes to put on.

You better win this shit and avenge brunhilda. destroy that bitch (male)

I mean it still blocks edged damage pretty well right. IMO wear a helmet, breastplate, and gauntlets at least. Especially against animals (like beak dogs) that don't have weapons and bite alot armor can be useful.

haha, yeah right. because that helped brunhilda so much.

sir yes sir!

How much reading do I have to do in this?


About as much as any other video game.

Are central staircases really that bad for fps? what should I do to prevent fps death from the beginning. I want this fort to last at least 50 in-game years for a megaproject. (will post more details later)

>because that helped brunhilda so much
actually checking the logs, it looks like it helped a lot. Hm.

So was screwing around more with my dorfaboo idea and ended up turning the smokebomb interaction into a ninja-rocket-boost effect, poof, WEE OH SHIT FUCK WHEW.

Derp, replied before you fixed the pic:

Force translation doesn't care if the originating attack was edged or blunt. Any attack that hits limbs or head is likely to result in debilitating damage to the nearest joint whether it did any damage initially or not, unless the thing that hit you was considerably smaller.

>Can you afford a shield/skill maybe?
wouldn't fit the character at all.
>Upgrade your weapon?
adamantine longsword was gonna be my answer to brunhilda. I'm not ruling steel out of the equation though.

Yeah, I considered getting a shirt for whitey the poo but wanted more points for biting/etc.

Was just a suggestion. I actually have very little knowledge on how combat mechanics work in DF so i might just be spewing a whole lot a bullshit but it seems logic that if you can't outskill her(him) this time then the next best thing is to win through attrition and being naked probably isn't going to help you do that if you get shanked.

Anyway. I'm rooting for you. Don't let Annie's tournament arc end in tragedy so we can move on to the inevitable beach filler arc.

armor is basically useless with the game mechanics how they currently are.
you might deflect a blade, but you'll take joint damage that will basically disable you.

someone correct me if I'm wrong because I'm a little rusty


I made a fully golden palace for my baron.

armor still can be useful, especially in regular sized humanoid duels with normal strength stats. joint damage is pretty brutal, but it's still better than catching blades with your squishy guts.

If you want your fort to last you should start looking at a reduced embark and population.

Now go back to tumblr.

What are you doing on the surface?

It's more interesting to build outside, got a little town thing going on.

what should my adventurer's stats/ equipment look like before facing a dragon

I have a copper whip, an iron shield, some bronze arrows for throwing, expert in lashing, adept in dodging, and expert in fighting

>Now go back to tumblr.
Be nice.

A town on the seaside with a golden Barony.

Should be fine. Don't fight it in the grass.

Maybe hands and feet you don't need its much but I think a helmet and breastplate will protect your vital organs, prevent being gutted, etc.

What will tou do when you get a duke and count?
Turn it into a tower with extra floors out of platinum/aluminum? Will the monarch's throne room be pure adamantine?

Try to injure at least injure two legs to make it slower. Dragons in DF don't fly so if you manage to cripple it you're good to go. Don't lower your shield, and as said, don't fight on grass, the dragon will set it on fire and you will be quickly consumed by flames.


it breathed fire and my weapon + shield boiled and I was killed instantly

I though you auto-blocked dragon-fire if you had a shield in hand

Yeah that's completely wrong, if it's enough of a hit to do joint damage it would fuck that limb up WAY more and still do joint damage.


It doesn't matter how much more the limb is fucked up. Joint damage to any joint from shoulder wrist will make you drop what the hand is holding. Joint damage to any joint from hip to ankle will make you fall down. The only time that's not the case is in that narrow range of force where the tendon/ligament is bruised rather than torn. A limb hit in that range isn't going to debilitate the limb anyway even if it's uncovered.

Ill worry about it then time comes.
I'm listening.

I'm skeptical.

'bout what

Maybe you failed to block it.

Also attacking with your shield, you might have still been recovering with your shield and thus been unable to block. Should have tried with the dagger or whip instead IMO.

never gave me a chance

I picked my attack and got the "you are deceased"

o dang, I didn't even see that, I usually have my whip as my first item, that kinda fucked up my surprise attack

Couldn't you recreate the mines of moria?

Force translation doesn't always equal "you're crippled on that side" though, but if you don't have armor on you get to encounter a whole lot more "and the severed part sails off in an arc" and hits which don't cut it off will still do joint damage.

With armor you're much harder to delimb, can get "but the attack glances away", can get "but the attack is deflected by the armor", and the armor itself is going to soak up some of the momentum even when it doesn't directly prevent all damage, which means: yep, less joint damage.

Oh, I didn't expect you to sit, I figured I'd have to shoot you so I just worked out what to do with the body... huh... this is kinda awkward.

Yeah, I think bashing with the shield prevents the autoblock option.

Today's computers couldn't handle such a huge embark.



this time I didn't even get to attack it
I blocked the dragon-fire but the boiling weaponry got me once more

Anyone got an archive link to the first tournament?

Hmmm, are there weapons on the ground?

>things smell bad when you're dead
Toady you cheeky cunt.

In all seriousness, though, I've never seen that happen before. I've fought and killed several dragons since the dragonfire buff, and never took a lick of damage from successfully blocked dragonfire.

didn't see any
are my raws fucked or something then? I don't remember modding at all, nor do I think dragonfire is moddable

Nevermind, found it.

>giant gray langurs

the monkees are bullying me

I can't see how that would be the case. What kind of terrain are you fighting it on? I'm reaching here, I doubt this will be the answer either.


blocking fire is retarded anyway you're playing as it should be

so are invasions still unlikely? what was the fix that made it so that invasions and sieges happen a shitload more often? Just change the pop cap of goblin civs/sites or what?

has the game gotten any harder in the past year?

>so are invasions still unlikely? what was the fix that made it so that invasions and sieges happen a shitload more often? Just change the pop cap of goblin civs/sites or what?
invasions work as they should now, taking time for the armies to actually travel to your fort.

>has the game gotten any harder in the past year?
The game? no, but force now transfers through armor somewhat, meaning you can now take damage even through full adamantine. applies to everyone though, so combat is just more deadly overal.

how would one kill them then? arrows and sneak attacks?

I often get "sieges" which are a dozen goblins getting into the map and then leaving without doing anything, I still haven't figure what that's all about.

Other than that I get sieges quite frequently.

Well, candy blocks damage much better, attacks with crappy enough weapons vs superior material can just get deflected a lot, heavier armor helps soak up momentum though, and the stuff that doesn't get deflected/soaked can get passed up the limb to a joint and do damage, plus the armor can get damaged unless it is artifact quality.

Rate the newest iteration of my goblin fort.

Also, I don't see what all the complaints are regarding nobles. Its pretty fun to give them fancy rooms and such while the peasantry suffers in commieblocks.


Well that's the idea. Only the nobility gets smooth walls and floors, as you can see at the top. Everyone else is just wageslaves producing goods for glorios goblin industrial machine.

how do I mod dragons to fly? do I need to give them wings?

>rewarding the bourgoisie at the expense of the proletariat
It's like you want Grandpa Marx to rise from the grave, spread his glorious beard like a pair of wings and fly over there to lay the smack down about how the actual socialist revolution was supposed to take place over a timescale of centuries and include a point where technology advances enough to automate most forms of labor in order to free the individual to pursue a life of study and contemplation or craft and construction for it's own sake, rather than at the whims of some capitalist society.

[FLIER] is sufficient, adding wings just allows things to lose the ability to fly via damaging them.

Derp, forgot that you need to give them flying gaits, copy over the lines from any flying creature and paste them above the walking gaits.

Pretty cheap toobeedesu.


I mean I'm a goblin civ so I figure its the sort of thing they'd do. I mean sure they cooouuuld smooth out the rest of the fort, but then that would remove a factor by which they could compare themselves favorably to their worse-off peers. The nobilityy deliberately keep the rest of the fort in shoddy condition to make their own smooth and opulent rooms look that much more extravagant.

Needs more verticality/interconnection. Someone in the far back of those sleeping galleries probably needs to walk close to a full ingame day to get to the forges.

I'll add another entrance near the western civ district then.

Maybe that's why they send such large sieges, and so often. They just need to get rid of the riff-raff.

why does the wiki make absolutely no mention of parrying attacks with your weapon?

Seems pretty reasonable given how populous gobbo civs are.

Yeah I know, I was just being a tard.

>Arena testing indicates weapon skill is more powerful per-point than any other combat skill (assuming the appropriate weapon is equipped!), it contributes to offensive ability and parrying.

Yeah I found that after posting that. Still, it's only a single mention and the only indication that anyone who updates the wiki is even aware it exists. It's not even that new of a feature, is it? Seems odd that that's the sole mention.

Parrying is pretty poorly understood, not enough research to really post up there on exactly what the rates are, what the priority of autoparry/block/dodge is, and so forth.

Is FPS death due mostly to NPC pathing or an abundance of items on the map? If its the latter, could I avoid it by just selling a ton of shit?

Sorta, smashing shit with a bridge or dropping it in the magma sea is better.

Am I the only one here who can't upload images?


Just checked /qa/, and it seems to be sitewide.

I hope the gook gets his shit together before the Tourney finals start.

Gobfort just got attacked by the only dragon in the world. Its fully grown. RIP.

>dragonfire has no effect on wooden walls and floors

but y

>annie mae sounds just like ANIME


constructions (collective name for walls, floors, fortifications and stairs) can't be destroyed. maybe in the future, but not in the current version.

Oh well that's annoying. I set up a wooden wall blocking the entrance in the hopes it would be dramatically burned down as the dragon storms in, but it looks like I ended up saving the fort. My FUN has been stolen from me.

Yeah Toady really needs to fix this shit some time in the next 10 years in the meantime Rimworld actually outclasses DF as a colony management game, regretful to say

>Rimworld actually outclasses DF as a tower defense game

we liv


pretty clever

Will megabeasts leave your fort eventually or will they stay forever? Considering opening the gate and accepting death.