Threadly reminder that little nig isn't the new hero. She is a robotics and AI expert, who will build the new Omnic Doomfist voiced by Terry Crews. (hence the omnic language under the new doomfist in this poster)
Stop the spider memes.
Bentley Long
who /sombra/ here?
Charles Wood
woo boy time to buy yet another golden gun that i will have equipped for like 5 games max until i come to the conclusion that it looks like shit and then i unequip it for the rest of days
when will blizzard add something worthwile to purchase with comp points?
Carson Phillips
What is Widowmaker
Adrian Robinson
Bentley Gomez
Sombra online.
Kayden Anderson
>primary fire is a BB gun >invisibility rendered totally worthless by "Here I am!" >hack requires several seconds that you could have just spent actually shooting/killing the enemy >teleport throws a big gamecube on the ground the enemy can stare at until you appear >ult is basically a big "lol wtf was that, nvm" for the enemy team >ugly chica spic nails, horrible skrillex haircut >voice actor sounds like she forgot her prozac
Terrible hero design. 0/10
Julian Rivera
Andrew Nelson
Jose Gonzalez
same here. honestly, I'd recommend taking a break for a bit so things can cool off. it's definitely not a healthy environment for mind.
Brandon Lee
Who is Mercy
Gavin Moore
How did you do?
Nicholas Perez
Nathaniel Martinez
The third Doomfist already exists in the story, Reaper has banter mentioning him. YOU stop this meme.
You can only take one to the ball. Sex may or may not be on the table, but you will have to:
>dance with them >buy them drinks >keep them entertained >stay with them all night
Which one?
William Lopez
Why do they always wait to make the update live at the beginning or middle of the seasons?
It fucks up the game. They couldn't push it out today?
Luis Hall
Michael Hill
Although I regret not getting it for Sombra, I love DVa and you get five actual gold items for her.
Kevin Kelly
Hunter Ramirez
imma ask again Autistically maining lucio got me to masters, and i got enough points for my first golden gun. Should i say fuck it, fuck around in comp and main McCree the whole season and buy the gun for him?
Henry Morris
Genius nigras oh lordi
Nathaniel Morris
>I and two friends that I always play with decide to make a last push for a higher rank before the season ends since friend #1 is 2850 and friend #2 and I are both 3350 >everything goes well, winning a lot >suddenly I get a random disconnect >-60 SR >we continue playing nonetheless >we still keep winning >final season score: friend #1 3030, friend #2 3520, me 3494 >mfw
Aiden Perez
It would be nice to see them do another piece like this at some point with the new heroes added on.
I wonder when he lost that part of his arm. He still has it in the photo with Winston and the rest of the group.
Josiah Thompson
>muh 5 gold items
thats like saying that you should buy rein and zarya because theyre the biggest and most obvious ones
Anthony Clark
Oliver Brown
S1: 52, only did placements S2: 2357, only did placements. S3: 2557, got only 2200 at start, worked up to that in a dozen or so games.
I think I'm actually going to try for season 4 and see what happens instead of just doing placement matches the day competitive is about to close up.
Carson Cook
So if I got to 1 SR this season, does it means I'm pretty much guaranteed to be bronze in the next one?
Kayden Allen
can't even get mad at this cause is true. Also I hate her fake, forced latino accent.
When she says "Didn't see that coming." makes me rage hard.
Evan Perry
Landon Foster
... no?
Jacob Harris
But I never wanted a golden gun
An animated spray would be nice but I'm not that good nor do I have enough time to play
Ryder Gray
Leave it to a trumpfag to think that 0.8 is multiple seconds.
Jaxon Allen
I don't want to fuck them.
Again, sym or dva
Jonathan Edwards
Screw the rules I take both Amaris
Asher Moore
And for femanons.
Parker Clark
Give me the bleu woman.
Xavier Lopez
>Overwatch >continuity
Jordan Watson
>liking shadbase
fucking KILL yourself with bleach in your mouth and anus
69 2222 2481 Comp is a bad meme and I only do it for gun points
Zachary Cruz
Angel Hill
>spider meme Let me let you in on a little secret seven vagánias. maybe more Imagine
Cameron Clark
Yes, no doubt.
Isaac Carter
I know. Like I said, I wish I had gotten it for Sombra who happens to have the least amount of gold overall.
Noah Phillips
David Fisher
>play all season >
Brayden Miller
Kayden Collins
Hunter Fisher
>I wonder when he lost that part of his arm.
I keep thinking that he loses it when the Overwatch HQ blows up and when it all falls apart.
In the back of my mind I keep thinking it should be that Reaper betrays him and takes his arm off when McCree doesn't go with him. Like McCree turns away from him and Reaper shoots him from behind and takes his arm off. And it's his good arm.
Dominic Hughes
don't know if I buy ana golden gun or soldier, I play way more ana but soldier golden gun is cooler
Zachary Edwards
off-topic, I always laugh at how in TF2 the hats have at least x10 more polygons than the weapons.
Grayson Carter
Yeah about that
But I'd go for Jesse anyday
Nathaniel Thomas
>shadman Every day we drift further from god's light
Andrew Edwards
>I don't want to fuck them
Might as well take Tracer then, she will probably at least be fun to drink with
Alexander Reed
They don't even need to re-do the artwork, just keep adding heroes.
Gabriel Thomas
I've changed my mind.
Caleb Gray
How can you have fun with this game if not in comp? I legit don't understand because I can't.
Samuel Torres
it might look like progress at first but it isn't thanks to welfare ranks in s3
not thart i really care, i only had about ~20-30 hours played in each season, this game is boring
Camden Jones
Next hero is/was named Orisha and is a quadruped robit with African motif (gold, green), gatling gun, and a barrier that's like if Mei could deploy a Reinhardt shield at a target location
It's happening
David Fisher
Widowmaker by far. Both players and waifufags are absolute shit-tier.
Joseph Robinson
the newer ones yea
Evan Lopez
I like the big pictures of the whole cast
Matthew Green
Literally me lol, except I'm not very aggressive with my complaints
>bad off-model roadhog >bad off-model everyone except torb and rein
No, thank you
Grayson Flores
>inb4 boosted
Luis Foster
>But I never wanted a golden gun Really? Reeeaaaally?
Nathaniel Evans
>want golden pharah >mediocre at best with her
Charles Reyes
>all the black supremacists and their reddit cucks crying over no dumfist >crying that its a little girl Is Blizzard, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Oliver Cooper
>pick Tracer >thrash the enemy team with massive elims >pick Sombra >can't even kill a support before they escape
Never going to be viable
Grayson Anderson
Charles Price
2511, career high. Got to it at literally 3:58 pst. Miraculously, the team I won with ran four fucking DPS on Volskaya.
Ethan Wright
>people caring more about shademan instead of this
Logan Lee
Only problem is he left before the HQ blew up.
James Rogers
Angel Anderson
>Might as well take Tracer then, she will probably at least be fun to drink with god no, she's one of the worst
I don't understand how people can have fun in comp.
If you just play the game without communication or something and just ignore your team I guess that's some kind of fun but it doesn't seem really good.
Else you just have tryhards and autists and people who care way too much about a 4-digit epeen
Gavin Hernandez
>S1: 68 >S2: around 3600 >S3: 3800 I could have pushed into GM but it was not worth playing in this fucking tank meta, I even got some decay at some point
Ryan Barnes
Who did you guys play in TF2 and who do you play now?
>TF2 Demoman Crossbow Medic >OW Junkrat Ana
Dylan White
I'm with you senpai. Got it before I even got my season end points.
Wyatt Green
Redo it with the proper white turban.
Charles Wood
Tigole for sure, but Chu and whoever the producer is are not. Let me remind you that Kaplan was a hardcore forum troll - and probably still is, in disguise of course.