Crash & Burn Edition Previous jej: The thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems out of blocks, in space or otherwise. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread.
WebM for physicians: >
List of currently known and vaguely not as dead /egg/ games (this list is not fully inclusive and if you think a game might belong here, feel free to ask): >Algodoo >Avorion >Besiege >Chode - Children of Ded Earf >Empyrion - Galactic Survival >Factorio >From the Depths >Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox >Infinifactory >KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People >Machinecraft >REM >Robocraft >Robot Arena 2 >Scrap Mechanic >SHENZEN I/O >Space Engineers >StarMade
Games that are definitely not /egg/: >Minecraft >The general that quite literally cannot be named. The Mexican scam artist one. With the shitposters. Fuck off. >Hearthstone, found in the hearthstone general, /hsg/, not in this general.
Information about these games, such as where to get them if they're not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:
10th for I finally bought Factorio. What are the best mods out there that are not Bob's or Angels. RSO and a radar mod is a given. Anything else before I dump another 100 hours into this?
Camden Nelson
i need this shit in my life.
Eli James
nth for THICC tanks
Jaxson Thompson
This face triggers me.
Evan Cook
Jayden Stewart
16th for gas the kerbs and dox /pol/
Joshua Young
Justin Adams
Weeble's Stuff is old hat. Savlonic is pretty alright though.
Jace Hall
I know SS13 has its own general, but does any /egg/bros play it? I tried getting into it a few times over the years but it always goes way over my head
Christian Phillips
>asking if /egg/ plays autistic space autism
Nolan Rivera
if it goes over your head you are not autistic enough for /egg/
Jayden Clark
is there a server or group?
all servers I tried joining are already a game in progress and every game is different. I never had the chance to actually playing a station from the start. I always get killed and can't respawn for days, then I just go play something else
Cooper Johnson
Yes, call me when they actually fix pipes and atmos.
Brody Jackson
I sometimes play, but mainly I admin.
What's broken right now? Which codebase?
Blake Allen
>load, aim, fire, find next target >all at once
Imagine driving rush hour while also texting while also being in a fistfight with an argy miget. All while wearing a bucket someone is banging with a spoon.
Kevin Smith
You shouldn't argue with armchair soldiers, user. Most can't even run a mile.
Samuel Turner
Only played VG, made like 10 bug reports on github and i'm less that 1%.
Wait, is he really thinking about giving up already?
Grayson Bell
Avorion is multiplayer, right? Is there an /egg/ group?
Alexander Powell
No, user. Lurk more. He's fighting the good fight and we're cheerleaders.
Ayden Fisher
Its pretty bad multiplayer. Like, really bad. You might as well play single player.
Brayden Moore
I honestly have been slacking in my /egg/making, Can I get rundown.
Benjamin Adams
Well, I don't normally spoonfeed, but I'm not doing anything else as of right now.
Here's a quote from a player on the forums.
Pic related is the dev's response.
Charles Scott
Bad how? Connectivity, content, community?
Jason Stewart
Its litterally like having an NPC in your world that can talk back with actual responses. Zero integration beyond that and you have to compete for resources. Some sort of race to the centre might be interesting, but little else.
The network will also only support a small number of players. 10-12-ish if memory serves. It might be improved at later dates, but I doubt it.
Lets not even talk about collision and combat, those are predictably bad.
Michael Johnson
>waah my fuckhueg ship isn't a fighter
William Jackson
...So people are literally bitching they have to think about how they build their ships?
Fucking. Why am I even surprised. Plebs are stupid.
Thanks m8. I liked the bit of Avoirion I played and am glad to see it actually evolve.
Why do autists insist on shoeboxing ships into circa WW2 treaty classes in any game with ship construction?
Nathaniel Roberts
>ponyfag Not surprised.
Liam Reed
Thanks I was looking for a guide like that
Dominic Richardson
They like to jerk off to it I guess. I personally liked to come up with names when i was 12. God bless I didn't have internet back then, it's much easier to burn paper.
Landon Wright
Classifying ships can be handy if you are dealing with an armada, or have a big enough group of people to actually make use of such terms.
Otherwise it's pure autism, and using an already existing system is simpler than developing your own. Look at sci-fi/fantasy languages that are just English with a coat of paint.
Jackson Thompson
So I'm trying to learn trains.
The system I'm planning out is supposed to accomodate 2-3 trains. This is the turnaround point I designed. Is there anything I could do to improve this design? After taking this screenshot, I changed the chain signals on the left and right rides of the loop to normal ones. This allows trains to begin entering the loop as soon as a train has cleared the entry point on the outside, which works decently from what I can tell. A single 2-3 train will take up about half of the loop.
Christian Brown
You are needlessly complicating things. Just like, run trains man.
Samuel Rivera
Classifying ships can be handy if you are dealing with an armada, or have a big enough group of people to actually make use of such terms.
Maybe in games where you have to make use of different ships. But in abortion you have one superfucking heavy main ship and that's it. It's super early and stupid to start naming things, but that isn't the worst thing, that ponyfaggot wants to standardize his own vision of ship classes as a gold standard for the game, I wouldn't be surprised if he was still in elementary.
Sebastian Lewis
You're an old hat m8
Joshua White
>wants to standardize his own vision of ship classes as a gold standard for the game
That's honestly typical for the kind of person that makes ship class threads. What use is a standard if nobody else follows it?
Hudson Peterson
Why do you need the extra crossovers near the exits? They can reach both tracks from the roundabout.
Nathan Perry
mY GOD. fTg IS LEGIT AS FUCK. Capslock. Why the fuck have I wasted my life playing spengies?
Justin Cox
John Reed
Well, alright, what would you call a vessel designed to provide long range fire using a hull 100 meters long, 20 meters wide, capable of a Mars/Earth transit in less that 3 months in ideal conditions and is lightly armored?
Christopher Carter
fast boat of long range shoot
Austin Ward
>fast boat of long range shoot
Good job, user.
Caleb Sanders
I'd call it "impossible"
Gavin Russell
Too far, man.
Jack Jenkins
Nobody did post WW1.
Christian Campbell
Didn't think about that, honestly. It's been fixed now.
Hunter Young
You could also make the tracks closer together. Only really need enough sideways room to fit a large pole or something. The roundabouts work great for 3-/4-way crossings too, though I've only done that with 2 tracks, not 4.
Kayden Rivera
I'm sorry sad kitty
Joseph Ramirez
Eli Robinson
FtD looks so fun, whats the catch? Devs are retards or something?
Caleb Brooks
it's dead
Matthew Cook
Dev* is an absolute retard, the game is being abandoned for a completely identical game.
Henry Moore
What has he moved on to?
Robert Morris
Sounds like a code refresh that he doesn't want to admit to, or maybe the game has gotten so fucking ugly that he doesn't want to look at it anymore.
Nicholas Barnes
It's a single-player only spinoff of FtD focusing on industry and civilization stuff It's also being used as a test bed for stuff that can -eventually- be ported back to FtD. Since it doesn't have multiplayer, it's easier to develop for Of course, that leaves FtD mostly dead in the water until then
Jackson Ross
when will spengies be good
Josiah Rogers
When some better game replaces it.
Joseph Watson
>image upload is completely broken What the fug.
>only two images were posted past the time it broke >both were baneposts what the fug
Aaron Martinez
>inb4 nagasaki hiroshima made it so only pass users can post images
Tyler Bennett
Dylan Watson
That looks like a good recipe for jams, desu. I found it easier to just lay tracks where they need to go and cover junctions as necessary.
Are you planning on having a single "unloading port" at your base?
Jason Rivera
The way to completely avoid jams with a roundabout like that is to just have the entire circle portion be a single signal block. So don't put any signals on the circle. Once one train goes in, no others can enter until it leaves. It can slow things down of course, but you won't have to deal with deadlock. And at max it could take a train like, 4 seconds to get through? Really not a big deal.
Best to keep them to a minimum, as said. Only use one if you have a very busy place and absolutely need trains to be able to turn around there (usually better to just have them be able to enter the network from either direction), or you have to have a split in the tracks.
And honestly you'd probably be fine with only two tracks each way. 2-3 trains is a lot less than you think, and they're just fine driving behind eachother.
Dylan Morgan
Camden Cook
That isn't the case luckily, /vip/ is having the same problem.
Christian Anderson
how do i prevent my construction drones from trying to auto repair my car whenever i run over a log?
Anthony Brooks
My desktop won't turn on, and now all I have is my laptop.
My laptop is a qt but it can't handle CPU melting physics games. Fuck.
At least I can still shitpost.
Mason Clark
How does Factorio multiplayer play out?
I installed a few mods after beating the game, and one of them is the Factorissimo mod. I redid some of my supply lines, and now I'm juggling an iron deficiency, a copper deficiency, a power shortage at night, and the need to expand.
So I wonder, in a multiplayer setting, do people sort of just go for one task (iron supply, copper supply, power upkeep), or does it become one big clusterfuck?
Bentley Kelly
Is like single player, except you can be in multiple places at once.
Hudson Brown
can I poast now?
Isaiah Flores
In other news, Robocuck got ELO matchmaking, but its totally fucked the game up beyond repair unless they gut out the ELO system.
Its so bad even the robocuk diehards are uninstalling.
>hearth box on the front >on the very tip >plus two useless dangly shits with two different sizes and shapes
Enjoy the ballistic coefficient of a oxford shoe, fag.
Aiden Ross
>guided misile >implying the unbalance will affect it
git gud
Ian Wright
Every correction reduces velocity, wasting fuel The increased cross section due to the boxes increases drag, which wastes fuel The box at the front is extra spacing, reducing the effectiveness of the shaped charge 0/10 would not even gift to North Korea as a practical joke
Juan Martin
Those missiles stabilize by fast spinning over, you know. A little imbalance make rocket fly with huge as fuck precession radius, which means - this hits earth pretty soon.
Jose Perry
the boxes are strapped/hanging, which means they arent affecting the weight balance, nor the rotation
Xavier Reed
>which means they arent affecting the weight balance, nor the rotation >nor the rotation Go grab a empty plastic bottle with one hand and a dumbbell with the other. Now stretch your arms and start spinning like an autistic top and tell me if it doesn't fuck the balance
Justin Brooks
>whats the catch?
The learning curve and time investment needed to make anything decent are too extreme for most. It has 41 tutorials. 40 fucking 1. Plus that one fag who needs to shitpost anytime anyone says anything good about ftd is pretty annoying.
Henry Stewart
Ballistic arcs of a jello atmosphere Capped speed CRAMS and PACs are godlike, lasers are shit, missiles are meh and advanced cannons are ok till something explodes within a kilometer, then they spontaneously detonate and delete half of your ship Shields conspire in making advanced cannons useless and railguns inexistent, thus making CRAMs and PACs even better 400000000000000000000000 features nobody wanted, 0 fixes to fundamental flaws of the game
No shit, you could replace the dev with the biggest tardosaur of the special needs area of tard school and you would not be able to tell the difference
Sebastian Wilson
>dumbbell nigger those boxes combined don't even have the weight of a single fin from the misile, do you really fucking think they are gona affect the misile?
and maybe i should have explained that TOWs dont spin
Carter Harris
I'd spend so much time playing this if it didn't run like complete shit as soon as there are more than two ships fighting each other
Logan Bennett
>do you really fucking think they are gona affect the misile? >gona >misile Yes
Jaxon Murphy
I can't even tell if you're retarded or baiting since everything you posted is incorrect.
>ballistic arcs You constantly cry about this but I've proved many times you can shoot enemies well over 20km away with a modest railgun
>capped speed Don't know what you're whinging about I've seen 190m/sec and it's probably possible to go faster
>crams and pacs Crams are powerless against subs, anything far away or anything with good LAMS. PACs are useless at moderate to long range.
>shields blah blah There is no shield setup, including multi layers that can beat the right advanced cannon or rail setup. you're just shit at the game.
>opinions like assholes, etc. Maybe you should spent lees time being a butthurt little fag and learn how to play
Henry Cox
>You constantly cry about this but I've proved many times you can shoot enemies well over 20km away with a modest railgun >railgun Str 1 shield. Railgun negated forever
Tyler Wilson
Hi Nick, you forgot your trip
Parker Nguyen
>ignores the webm of a railgun clearly going through a shield
Are you actually fucking retarded? Have another one
Jace Cooper
>>>ignores the webm of a railgun clearly going through a shield Those are frags going through the shield, not the shell itself Try again
Joseph Murphy
Guys, Infiniminer but in 4D. Challenge is to make a desired product in a relatively confined area, like 5x5x5x5. You have belts and rotators that can push objects between dimensions. Good idea? Shit idea?
Charles Hughes
If you successfully bait someone into proving you're wrong and posting egg content for a game that hurts your butt who really wins?
Mason Baker
Not him but can you post that same experiment with actual ships? For science.