Remember to report and ignore all goon shitposts, easily identifiable by "pfffHAHAHA" which is apparently some kind of signature.
Star Citizen Information:
>FAQ for newfags
>CitCon2016 Full Presentation:
>Star Citizen Official YT
>Subscriber Vault pics and JPoint Magazine Archive
Referral code randomizer:
Elite: Dangerous information:
Be aware, Thargroids are currently grabbing ships out of witchspace with unknown intentions. it is advised you shoot the fuck out of them whenever possible.
Gamescom info:
>Frontier Official YT
>Other games:
Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC and E:D to become playable.
shill-red ded thread
/scg/edg/ Star Dangerous Elites General #134: Skipped Edition Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
When can I pirate Dads in multicrew?
third for why do laser guns run out of ammo
For all the shitposting I do about this game I admit this screenshot has good graphics.
They aren't plasma guns?
it is called a laser rifle
what just happened here
You need a pirate org?
Psyche, I'm not letting you in
Reddit ruined Elite:Dangerous.
Got aimbotted, kid. Nothing personnel.
The only time you're going to find value in Arena Commander is if you team up with someone you actually know on VOIP and practice that whole wing commander thing.
Tactics you see the AI using to infuriate you in pirate swarm, like whenever you shoot at one of the pirate ships it immediately starts flying away and doing spirals and shit while all of its teammates converge up your poop hole. It's all about dynamically changing attack/defense roles on the fly so that whatever your opponent starts trying to do immediately becomes extremely difficult. This is that real military shit, it's about playing it safe and annoying your enemy to death, never exposing yourself.
I actually completely forgot they were having a problem with that, and that you can submit video proof.
you look like that sad face cat
This triggers me as a survivor of a space ied with horrible disfigurement. I demand an apology.
missions are not shared between open, private group and solo modes
if you've emptied solo of missions, or don't want the ones spawned there, you can go into open to find new ones etc
you don't need to go anywhere in it
just switch mode while sitting on the pad, and if you find any in open/you are filled up with missions, just switch back into solo and do them
Who is this?
Deleted post? What did it say?
Looks like junk in that screenshot. Console graphics maybe.
A picture of a normie with a few small pimples.
The textures in the room and on the clothes aren't great, but the lighting looks good to me. That screenshot is from 2016, and the lighting has got better since then.
>set targeting to crosshair lag pip
>track it perfectly for several seconds
>not a shot lands
>set targeting to target lead pip
>shoot at it
>hits every time
Does anyone actually use the crosshair lag one? It's so inaccurate
Anyone on Xbone want to wing up in 17D for the final day?
ED is on consoles?
Looks like he is trying to pull off a jojo pose.
We share the same universe....
Yes, which is why they had to downgrade the graphics.
That's pretty cool, shame there's no actual crossplay according to google, but from what I've heard ED multiplayer is 90% shitshow anyway
the multiplayer itself is pretty good and can be very fun if you like combat
too bad setting it up is such a bitch
Reposting the Quince Farming Video
Switch between open/solo for more missions
I can't ever imagine playing it on a console, I can barely get by with Twin Sticks and a controller for the SRV
is there a way to fix the black screen of death when you kill enemies in a CZ?
I have been flying in open the entire time I have played, which is almost 350 hours. I have only left the bubble one time to go to Quince. I have been interdicted by a CMDR exactly one time; I was undermining and was basically asking for it.
It seems other people get to do fun stuff like wing up and/or get interdicted, I get shit. I know not to speed around stations when other players are there, so I've never been griefed either.
If you scared bitches would learn how to high wake to defend yourself and play fucking open, this game might be more fun. The meme of boogie men griefers that kill you instantly isn't real.
where do you currently live?
you don't have to be specific, but the instancing system gets pissy if you're out in bumfuck nowhere or have a slow connection
I'm in a big city, on a very good 150mbit connection. It's more of a general complaint. I've been flying a jump hauler for engineer shit, and I have never had an issue. I know there are way more people playing solo because they don't think they could defend themselves. I've never even had the need, this game is so fucking empty.
Sounds like you've been lucky.
I only play in Open as well. Rarely do I find other CMDR interaction, besides the generic circlejerks of some odd-station chatter.
I've seen a few occasions of trolling, people trying to block Mailslots, speeding to crash into other CMDRs casually chilling outside other ports, people saying they are "protecting" CZs (while also being WANTED) and trying to interdict CMDRS from getting to them.
It's just the general consensus that people don't want to put up with the faggotry that may or may not happen. I've only been interdicted once by another player, and it was a 4 man Wing, 2 Vettes, a Gunship and an anaconda. I CL'd because honestly, I don't have the time for it.
You can get an extra 3ly out of your jump hauler by switching to a size 1 tank. The 3a fuel scoop will keep you full no problem.
>play open
>occasionally find others to wing up with to do CZs or whatever
>always add people to contacts
>nobody ever wants to talk again after the first meeting
>nobody ever wants to wing up again
This game desperately needs a guild/corp system. The only way to find groups of people to play with is to go to the forums and apply for whatever autistic RP groups are recruiting.
>Find 3 cool dudes to wing up with. Stomp 17D CZ's together, laugh about going from Vipers to Condas in a day.
>17D goes on cooldown, everyone parts ways...
> No one ever plays again.
What the fuck man? I ain't gonna hook up with faggoty Aislings Angels to get solid groups going.
return to leddit, faggot
>two jumps away from Deciat
>forgot to buy a Meta Alloy when I was in Maia the first time, so on my second trip.
>finish fuel scooping and hit high wake before the scoop is stored.
>101% heat
>cargo door damaged
>cargo jettisoned
Fuck this game. I have other shit to play. Why the fuck am I doing all this unfun shit?
Also, I can't upload images for some reason. Today is about winning.
Is it just me or are black screen crashes becoming more common? I've had two in the past 30 minutes.
Reminder to write down your expectations for future patches, both in terms of features and release date, so you can't like to yourself when they are missed. Many of us have already abandoned the sinking ship, it might be best if you joined us.
Otherwise, have a great week.
>finish missions in quince, suicide as usual
>spawn back in miller port
>can't turn in missions
>prepare to write bug report and whine about muh lost shekels
>notice all the missions have to be turned in at dahm exchange and not miller port
turns out it is a legit bug after all.
time to write a report and get dat welfare
turns out it was temporary and I just had to land at drahm and then come back
fucking hell
I boost around the mail slot in my FAS, I don't give a fuck. Somebody crashes into me or I maul someone by accident, I can evade or weather the station guns for the few seconds it takes to clear mass lock, and that's assuming the other ship doesn't take 10 seconds to explode before the fireworks start.
>2 Vettes, a Gunship and an anaconda
So basically nothing that can catch anything.
That happened to me when I went to unlock Farseer right after engineers came out. I was fucking salty.
I got into my first real fight today /scg/
>decide to go do the "PI wanted" mission for shits and giggles
>usual shooting empty ships drama occurs
>while I'm getting revenge on the guy who presumably destroyed my ships, a hornet starts shooting me and some guy comes halfway through the fight to back him up
>don't know what the fuck is going on, it seems really laggy, not getting hit indicators half the time, but one of the times I click on him the hornet pops
>FTL away from the other guy since while he is shooting at me, I think at some point in this process I became an outlaw so he wouldn't know that the guy I'm killed is the asshole
That was fun
Also I want to mention I did this in a
Anyone else unable to post images right now?
Error: Upload failed.
>Error: Upload failed.
It's flaky working, I couldn't start a thread on /g/ for a while but eventually got it up. This post has taken more than one attempt.
Is there any actual difference here or just visuals?
Sorry about the typo, meant so you can't lie to yourself.
I'm glad you came back to correct yourself and apologize. Good on you.
Fucking hell what a champ. I had almost given up on getting an apology for that spelling error. Thanks for pulling through, man!
I was trying to get started with engineers by doing the frame shift drive first, since that makes sense to me. Not fucking worth it if I have to do shit over and over because VISION.
Just be a bit more careful and you'll be fine. I believe in you anons.
Sounds like it was entirely your fault for not securing your shit
>tfw youre driving down the highway when suddenly your engine starts acting up and dies, causing your trunk to explode and blow your valuables all over the road
This thread seems pretty slow
Which one's? Because last I checked, Elite is getting pretty consistent updates by a dedicated team.
almost as much as Veeky Forums
What if it could copter?
I wanna fuck Saryn
she'd toot all over you
then where would you be
What should I roll for on an Ignis riven?
Damage Status and some elemental damage i guess
+damage vs japanese
+image uploading
-pass buying
>not pulling over (deploying heat sinks) when it starts making funny noises
>b-but i didn't have breaks (heat sinks) installed, why should i ever need those?
Still your fault.
>Woke up when sorties rotated
>Just now beat sortie 3
Ended up soloing after failing to connect all day. At least I got a riven
I'm not defending that guy for being retarded with fuel scooping but heat damaging your cargo hatch, of all things, and then causing it to jettison all your cargo is pretty ridiculous.
Enjoy your $30 DLC for planetary landings that were promised as part of the initial game package along with features like being able to get out of your ship and walk around
This is /wfg/ now until we can post images again
Oberon buffs when? I'm tired of getting his useless fucking parts
Hello /wfg/
Maybe Elite or SC will have mecha and sexy riguits one day.
Never even fucking heard of your game until now
he must have taken a shitload of heat damage before that, unless the cargo hatch breaks at 99% health
Oh hey boys
Is wia around or is he still consumed with the fires of indignation
Titan armor is supposed to be "halfway between the current heavy armor and the power loader from aliens" so that'll be a thing eventually
hadnt played star citizen in 8 months, was excited to see how things were going. it was still tremendously buggy. the controls keep changing.
are there planet landings yet?
tell me some cool stuff you did in star citizen plzzzz
I thought your game was dead
I'll give 1,000p to whoever posts an image with their ign first
dat nigga ded
Should I upgrade my excalibur or wait for the prime version to be unvaulted?
How do you do this?
Literally the only new thing since Crusader became available on december 12th 2015 is this
We're getting planet landings and a playable area with multiple planets and also fix to the network issue that causes shit framerates "in a few months maybe"
You posted a link to an image, not an image
so does Elite Dangerous actually have instanced on foot pvp combat? I thought it was a spaceship flying game?
ED promises to have that as paid DLC later down the line
SC has it now, see video in
I thought Elite Dangerous was in early access?
>Star Citizen
Why is this shit taking so long to release?
The fps combat looks like a shitty blacklight retribution ripoff what the fuck
Apparently ED devs decided to take what they had made and call it a game, then go and sell promised features like planetary landing and FPS / ship boarding as paid "post-launch" DLC.
Star Citizen is taking so long because since they had so much goddamn money they decided to make 8x more game then they were going to, and as the scale of the project got blown up so much, so did the time of development. Was originally going to be basically Freelancer 2 and now is going to be eve on acid.
TTK is a bit slow but you need to remember it's designed to be part of a semi-hardcore MMO where dying is a problem, not an instant respawn twitch shooter which is what it is being played as here. Still possible to have a bit of fun with it though. Not my video but
>EVE on acid
hmm, never got to play EVE, but have always been intrigued by the whole "dying matters" feel of it.
Isnt SC buy to play?