Why lotsa egyptian, sumerian, akkadian, ugaritic, eblaite lit are preserved, but there aren't any phoenician literature/history/philosophy preserved
Why lotsa egyptian, sumerian, akkadian, ugaritic, eblaite lit are preserved...
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>well that's simple, you stupid OP it's because
>wait, that's not it
Shit, that's actually a good question. Maybe they had better access to papyrus and that kept them from using clay tablets as often.
Because it didn't survive.
But why hasn't Gaesatae metaphysical poetry survived?
Lots of latin and greek works were lost but a lot of it survived. No phoenician lit left. Why?
Clay tablets.
Because nobody fucking cared about what some loser civilisation wrote
Read contemporary Greek and Latin works, who ever mentions any Carthaginean authors?
Why didnt phoenicians use them?
>And if the Punic language is rejected by you, you virtually deny what has been admitted by most learned men, that many things have been wisely preserved from oblivion in books written in the Punic tongue. Nay, you ought even to be ashamed of having been born in the country in which the cradle of this language is still warm.
t. Augustine of Hippo
He was just being a muh heritage african faggot, next up you'll quit copy pasting from wikipedia and copy from a Tunisian nationalist forum
Phoenicians never existed
They apparently preferred to write on gold.
Mochus of Sidon
A meme.
They were a civilization of child sacrificing demon worshippers, and the valiant people who finally defeated them destroyed all of their foul grimoires so that their vile corrupting rituals could never be conducted again.
Same as what happened to the Aztecs and their "culture".
kys christfag
I know what the plot of my next D&D game is going to be now.
>If you think human sacrifice is a vile cultural custom you must be a christfag
This is why atheism is rapidly falling out of style.
More like, if a people had some barbaric customs (by modern standards), it doesnt that they couldnt produce anything of value and should be eradicated from the face of earth. Romans, greeks and most of the world had slavery up until XiX-XX c., which is by modern standards barbaric.
P.S. kys christfag
There's literally 0 proof of that happening other than Roman and Jewish propaganda.
The few children cemeteries that were found were all in the Central med and none was found in the Levant.
>Atheism was ever in style.
>This is why atheism is rapidly falling out of style.
It really isn't, in a few decaded there will be an incredibly low number of catholic priests in Europe
>people are either atheists or Christians
Yet another reason why the atheism meme is dying.
Christianity will die.
Atheism has never been more alive, Veeky Forums isn't the whole world, my sheltered friend.
>entirely separate and unrelated cultures level the same charge of child sacrifice by immolation at them
>people actually find "cemeteries" full of the charred remains of children
>lol they weren't found in the Levant though so it doesn't count!
Come on bro.
Why do you keep bringing up Christianity?
>people actually find "cemeteries" full of the charred remains of children
Most of them were unborn children, children's death was much more common in ancient times.
>people actually find "cemeteries" full of the charred remains of children
0 of which were found in Phoenicia (not that finding them would prove anything either way)
Because most Phoenician """""""""Civilization""""""""" was just trading, Jewing each other over, Jewing barbarians over, and sperging out about MUH CHILD SACRIFICE.
Then they got their shit kicked in and Rome took everything of value.
Anonymous 09/14/16(Wed)00:22:09 No.1691016▶
Because most Phoenician """""""""Civilization""""""""" was just trading,
yeah and founding like 40 major cities
>Most of them were unborn children
>However, that analysis is disputed; Patricia Smith and colleagues from the Hebrew University and Harvard University show from the teeth and skeletal analysis at the Carthage Tophet that infant ages at death (about two months) do not correlate with the expected ages of natural mortality (perinatal).[21]
>inb4 "lolwikipedia"
>0 of which were found in Phoenicia
"Phoenicia" was the entire civilization, not a distinct location. So unless you're talking about Phoenicia, New York, all the sites discovered were found in "Phoenicia".
Why you white knighting for the Phoenicians so hard bro? You have a dog in this fight?
Is that you Hillary? You should be in bed recovering from your pneumonia, not shitposting in defense of Moloch on a Sabine sand-sculpting mosaic.
That would make sense, though. Phoenician society was a more unbroken civilization than even Greece.
>Emerges in an Egyptian province, in the region of some of the oldest dating civilization and urban centers, all this before even pre-classical Greece and only a couple hundred years after the Mycenaean civilization collapsed.
>Carthaginians were directly colonized by Phoenicians, was wealthy and had many ties with Hellenistic culture after the advances of classical sciences and philosophy.
For the purposes of trading, yes, Mr. Autism, you are correct.
First of all I descend from Phoenicians myself.
" Many of those infants buried in the Tophet
were not then sacrificed, but were the ‘remains of the unfortunate young and unborn.
And because these unfortunate unborn and neonates had met with premature
deaths, they were treated differently from others who had died naturally but
had done so later in life’ (Schwartz 1993, 57)."
As you can see from the map true Phoenicians didn't do it, only after mixing with the native people of Europe and North Africa they introduced this practice, the rest is Jewish lies.
It's hardly "Jewish lies". Judaism preserves traces of its own tradition of human sacrifice in Abraham and Isaac and Jephthah.
>le meme that the bible is reliable! I am exposing the stupid meme that the bible is a reliable historical account!
>Le pop article xD
just kys my man, The OG Phoenicians never sacrificed anyone and the mixed Phoenicians probably didn't or did so very, very rarely.
>first of all I descend from Phoenicians myself.
That's cool.
Look bro all our ancestors have skeletons in their closets, odds are at some point in the ancient dusty past they all practiced human sacrifice/cannibalism/pederasty at some point, your ancestors just got caught on metaphorical historical camera doing it that's all.
It's nothing to be ashamed of unless you think it should be a valid practice to bring back today, and it in no way diminishes their place in history, anymore than anyone else is diminished for being a savage cunt back in ye olde days.
Everybody knows the Phoenicians were a pretty big deal in the ancient world. There's no reason to get all offended just because I made a fun post 2spooky "explanation" for why Phoenician literature isn't well preserved.
>everybody else's ancient documents are valid historical sources but the bible isn't because lolsuck it christfags!
Come on bro.
Fucking get off it. You aren't addressing the content of the article because you can't refute it.
wat m8? I didn't even directly comment on the historicity of the bible. It is clear that the Jews were more than just geographically close to the Phoenicians, they were also quite close culturally. Arguably the hebrews got their alphabet from the Phoenicians. It's obvious that there were diplomatic relations between Israel and Phoenicia as King Ahab married the daughter of the King of Tyre. Pre-exile Israelites worshiped much of the same gods as Phoenicians. The mention of Moloch was more than just a strawman used against polytheism. This was specifically forbidden and not just used to point and say "those evil polytheists". Most scholars accept that the book of Jeremiah at least in part dates back to the general time it claims and it has a pronouncement against human sacrifice. the fact that the Abraham and Isaac story praises the willingness to sacrifice your child out of devotion to a god gives clear evidence of a culture that at least occasionally engaged in human sacrifice.
The Jews came from Ur according to the bible, so they were not native to Canaan, do you want to use that as well?
come on man, you need to take a more nuanced view then just the bible is 100% wrong or 100% right. I didn't even say there was a historical Abraham and Isaac, just that the story gives hints to the culture that made and circulated the story
Ur of the Chaldeas was where Abraham left, not where the Hebrews come from.
Abraham is the man from whom all Hebrews descend...
Abraham is a fictional character
And he left Ur of the Chaldeas......
The Hebrews, the 12 tribes, are 2 generations later.
As are you.
glad we agree then
Phoenicians were a very secretive people. The Phoenician success fell on their ability to trade. Their main good was the dye Tyrian purple cloth made from murex. That single dye is the main reason for their success. No one else knew how to create the dye thus it was highly valuable. Due to this, Phoenicians rarely wrote anything down regarding their life style as it revolved around the murex. The reason there's so little documentation on them is because they didn't write much of it down for fear of the secret to making tyrian purple getting out and thus ruining their economy destroying their civilization. A tale I remember is that at one time a Phoenician ship was being tailed by some raiders. Rather than let the raiders capture the ship, the captain ran both of their ships into rocks destroying them. Upon returning home, the king told the man he did the right thing by sacrifcing his ship so that the secret of tryian purple wouldn't come to light. For his loyalty he was compensated with a new ship.
smuggled it all out to china
The Romans and Greeks did exactly the same thing
Why else would you found a city?
The Bible is a terrible historical document. I'd trust the Qur'an more than it.
Literally South Italians from Apulia created purple dye thousands of years before the phoenicians
Ever heard of the Bible?
The problem with Phonecian literature is that... it wasn't literature as you might understand it. It probably wa mostly registers of goods and the like.
Augustine also claimed to have read "Hortalus," a book which has supposedly inspired him, by Cicero. Said book's existence is being questioned by a large part of the scholars of Latin Literature.