Smite General

Bully Scylla Edition

>PC 4.2 - King of the Kappa (New Japanese God: Kuzenbo)

>XBO & PS4 4.1 - Season Four

>New Egyptian Clash Map Reveal

>Season Ticket 2017 (Fantasy League)


>SMITE Tactics

>SMITE Rivals

>Linking your Hi-Rez and Twitch account to get free thing

>Get Curse Voice Apollo & Curse Agni playing with Curse Voice

>Hirez server status

>FAQ for all game-related questions

>/smgen/ Discord

The SMITE clans are SmGen (NA) and GenSm (EU), leaders are SethPhalange and HardyMcWilly respectively.
Post your name in the thread or send an invite to one of the leaders. WE CANNOT INVITE YOU IF YOU ARE ALREADY IN A CLAN

Other urls found in this thread:


>letting the old thread die
>this one will probably die




>it's another "have higher than a 49% win/loss ratio so you get paired with people who literally just started 10 minutes ago" episode


I spent 20$. I regret it

>5 posts in the new general after the old one just rotted half way through
>1st post is an old but sort've still funny gif/filename
>the next 4 are just autistic fanart and waifu faggotry

if waifufags leaving means the death of this gen this so be it

This game is actually dying. I can't even lie and say it isn't happening anymore.



So this

became this

and now I've dropped it. I don't exactly know what I'm doing with this.

Ashur, this is a fucking masterpiece. Don't drop this. God fucking damn it if you don't finish it!

drop it and draw better girls


Because the selection of gods that don't get roflstomped decreased hard.

thank goodness.

>no penis
gross desu

>guy is fighting someone
>don't know if he'll win
>go and help
>get the kill

>guy is fighting someone
>don't know if he'll win
>don't help
>he dies

There's just no winning.

ALWAYS get the kill or save the team.

This is a non-issue for anyone but XnarutoXsasukeX tryhards. Although playing so much joust has made me pretty good at being able to babysit someone a kill.

Kali and Thanatos are the only two you need to worry about stealing a kill from since actual kills are very important to Thanatos for the sustain and cooldown reduction, and in kali's case those marked target kills make a huge difference.
Everyone else is fair game though.

Try to to killsteal but secure it if needed

Hiro please Edition

Old: >Very Useful Links

>7.3 Patch Notes

>7.4 PBE Update

>Champion and Skins Sales

Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyoson

Come in and have some fun !



good job

If I see it's a 1v1 I typically respect that and go farm close by where I can get in if needed.

If you're taking on more than one I'm gonna try to be there, unless you're in their jungle 1v5 then have fun.

They should have never added stat tracking to the cards, way too many of my friends judge a guy for having more assists than kills then get completely shit on by them. And nothing's more annoying than your team not wanting to end the game because they're stomping so hard then all of a sudden the late game carries come online.


Holy fuck the Smite gen is fucking dead though


>it's a "the game is lost 8 minutes in and you call surrender at 20 and it fails 1/4 so you just non committally wander around and stealth feed" episode

Yeah our thread is just as bad.

This place is desolate.
I say we take over here until we can make a new thread!

Agreed. Riven best girl!


>Au Sol powerlevel over Kindred

nigga Kindred is the literal personification of death.

Kindred is an idea that will exists so long as sentient life form exist

Kindred needs to be moved up tier S as she is one the few characters who can actually kill Au sol lore wise.

There is a list on reddit that is far more accurate. Look at that one

I honestly think Kindred is solely the Runeterra personification of death. Which basically means there are as many "deaths" as there are other worlds beyond it.

So by lore, this is how it goes?

cosmic power gap
>Aurelion Sol
elemental power gap

and so on?


Death might work differently in the LoL universe, especially considering Kindred is only the death of Runeterra.

She's still like, the highest tier of power, but not necessarily the strongest

Jax is a meme at this point and his power level is only gathered from now non-canon lore.

Jax's lore is almost entirely non-canon now and even when it was canon it was just "really strong fighter"

but no one has ever defeated him, not even the gods, and this is without a real weapon

why would Riot fuck up the greatest idea on a lore ever?

it was literally confirmed by a rioter that Kindred would only stop existing once every other living thing ever created was dead

when that happen Wolf will kill lamb and "death itself" will die (because no one is left alive to believe in death)

Kindred even says so herself "those who fear us give us the most power"

Aatrox is a not a elemental power

he is a demon just like Tahm Kench who can be slayed albeit they possess significant power and its very unlikely.

Bards power level is really iffy. Zilean or Ryze might be more power than him


theres nothing keeping someone like Xerath from just going Dr.Manhattan on his ass and revoking his license to exist

I can't make my mind what to buy next, I'm going to play w/e I play a lot until I master it.

Ziggs or Aurelian Sol.

when asol was released someone specifically asked who was stronger. the rioter said that even galaxies die, and thus meet kindred. Death itself is above anything that is alive therefor.

She and bard are probably the strongest beings.

So what the hell do you build on thanatos nowadays? pretty much every item I used to build on him has been changed.

But Aurelion Sol was partly responsible for the creation Runeterra itself, which in turn led to their personification of death, Kindred.

All things must die, of course, but is Kindred really death itself, or only the idea of it taken form?

where is thorax when you need him

the way shes ingame is one of their forms

And the rioter literally said she is above aurelion sol. He created the cosmos, not the concept of life and death.

Im to lazy to lookup the post but I probably should since kindred/asol is brought up frequently

>its not possible to create something stronger than you

? ? ? ?


boots, Jotun's and titan's bane.
Then heartseeker, shield of regrowth and Ideally bloodforge..

Is /owg/ gonna come to?

>shield of regrowth & heartseeker

Man how the times have changed since season 2. I heard that the heartseeker bug for arachne was fixed, I'm assuming it's pretty obscene on her as well?

hey its me guys, new Moot. I will only allow image posting again if you can all agree that YORDLES ARE NOT FOR BREEDING


Who's the funniest streamers (montage fags don't count)? Incon is the only one I've found so far to make me consistently laugh (SIT YOUR BEAUTIFUL ASS DOWN JAMES)

we appear to be at an impasse

>its a thoth sits back and doesnt really do anything but spam his ult charge then whiff OVA

No, no. How do I explain this...

I don't believe death is something, even in League, that can be truly be bound to a physical form, infinite or not.
Death is like existence itself, I think. It's not a "thing" so much as it just "is". There's no true form of personality to it because it's simply a part and the end of life.

Like, say Sol finally kicks the bucket. He's a cosmic being of the highest caliber, creating worlds, stars, even life itself with his massive powers.
He wouldn't see Kindred at the end. He wouldn't see anything because he doesn't believe in them, a Runeterra creation. He would simply stop being; AKA dead.

As I said before, I don't believe Kindred exists as it's known on Runeterra in other planets in the League universe.
Like, the raw magical power of Runeterra, as well as the fear of Death by its denizens, gave Kindred a tangible form first in the The Man, and then as Kindred as we know them.

I poorly explained my viewpoint, I'm sure, but what I'm trying to say is that Kindred is equal parts Death as they'rere merely the idea of it, in that they'll eventually die themselves despite Death being beyond a concept or persona.

>He wouldn't see Kindred at the end. He wouldn't see anything because he doesn't believe in them

why dont you EVER fucking play the game or pay attention to the lore before running off at the mouth with all this head cannon trash?

Au sol himself says that he can die however he tends to come back because hes a being of pure energy or something.

Au Sol is not almight as he FEARS other creatures mostly whatever the fuck runs the void dimension

>I know a wound so exquisite could never be orchestrated by scuttling creatures. No. There must be more behind this intrusion. I shudder at the thought of what kind of entity is capable of inducing such a volatile rift.

why would a all-powerful omnipotent being be scared ?

also kindred does exist in a bunch of different universes

thats why they have so many different names. dont forget that Bard and Kindred travel between universes to do their work

I don't see how literally any of that has to do with what I just said. Sol wouldn't see Kindred because she's an entirely Runeterra original idea. He'd die, and I guess come back, but he wouldn't see anything when it happens.

Also, seriously, what the fuck does any of that shit about Sol being scared have anything to do with what I said? I didn't say he was all powerful, omnipotent, or without fear.

she isnt an entirely runeterran idea read the fucking lore before you start ramming your keyboard holy fuck

Am I actually in /lolg/?

Death? Of fucking course it isn't an entirely Runeterran idea. I'm talking Kindred, as a thing and person, is purely Runeterran from creation.


no you're in /dfog/

How did disallowing people to leave games past testing phase

How active are the other servers EU is fucking ded

>Lolbabs invade your general
>It doesn´t even matter because your general is dead

turtle man just needs a whole new kit 2bqh

He's fine Kappa

>check match history
>all my losses are 40minuites games
>all my wins are 10minute games
Not really fun

New thread

>tfw you're playing support and your adc is new and the enemy jungler is Arachne and you decide to fuck with him about it.

I'd really like to see some gods doing more unique things rather than just being another god with slightly changed mechanics and graphics. I've done some super casual dota 2 over these past few weeks and holy shit the huge variety in character kits is amazing.

Anyone tried polynomicon on Hel yet? Does she just tear through shit now with a BA that does actually more than her MP build if in Dark stance. If not is this a good or bad idea? And why?

>I've done some super casual dota 2 over these past few weeks and holy shit the huge variety in character kits is amazing.

That doesn't amount to much because all the shitty heroes can be written off as BadX.
It's the nature of Moba's like how Enchantress is BadChen and BadSniper (or how sniper is a Bad Lone Druid so she's also a BadBadLone Druid) even then depending if she wants to farm or play aggressive. This is on top of the many heroes that get shat upon because they have so many counters, don't offer much of anything, flat out obsolete or only work in super niche scenarios.

What's happening in this thread?

I remember when poly used to be core on every single magical god in the game.



It's amazing how many people you get who just blow your mind how retarded they are.

Coming from league, this is a new level of retardation only thought imaginable in shit regions like Brazil or Turkey.

No lad, rah is auto pilot

you're an auto pilot

Positionning is harder in SMITE because of the view, so when your average jajaja pick Anubis because muh damage, go ball deep in his lane without warding the jungler can just come from behind and he won't see him comming when in league the top view give him more time to react

How can other moba even compete?

How is Bastet easy to play? Most people on YouTube say they don't play her because they can't figure her out.

It is so easy in a game like this to stalk opponents from side paths. People really need to clear their left or right when they need to. I wonder if they should add a function like this in game. Being able to turn your character's view while still facing forward.

How can you look at that picture and actually think it's credible?

Topkek. Here is how to play her: 3 the mage, 1 near mage, 2 the mage, ulti the mage, 1 back to safety

> I wonder if they should add a function like this in game. Being able to turn your character's view while still facing forward.
That would remove the whole point of the view. You just need to ward

Don't forget, when you have nothing else to do use your ult to backdoor.

Also if you main her, get that weeb skin and spam vgs while at it

Also Xbalanque for the passive

Only people complaining about KS are assassin shitter who will end with the lowest player damage and need to compensate with a big kill score to stroke their e-penis.

I go something like:

Bumba's + Bluestone/DT > Warrior Tabi > Shield of Regrowth > Hydra's Lament > Titan's Bane > Spirit Robe > Bloodforge.

I build him a bit more tanky because i play him mostly on solo, but I'll think it will work on jg too.

Meant for Also, i think Heartseeker could be good on him if you got bloodforge for the power spike(you can either switch Hydra's for Jotunn's, removing Spirit Robe, or you won't be full cooldown), then you just have to stack the item in the jungle before initiating.

No, that would make mechanics way too convoluted and fuck with the very premise of the game.

So you can't actually get anything off the weekly free gems unless you save for a year?