/svg/ Shadowverse General

"I like to have anal sex with several men at the same time" Dark Dragoon Forte

Shadowverse is a free-to-play, collectible card game similar to Hearthstone /hsg/



2/26 UPDATE:



Read this guide for the upcoming GranBlueF event in February 23:

Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (store.steampowered.com/app/453480/)

Official Website:

Learn about the mechanics and classes here:

FAQ for newbies:

Netdeck and Meta trends:

Good cards to pick in Take Two (Arena) (credit to @pekonyan_sv):

Take 2 Card Rankings from some dude called msmochi (Warning: Severely outdated):

Card Collection Tracker/Pack EV Calculator:
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All-in-one Steam undub and uncensor:

Art package (Basic, Classic, DE, ROB):

A growing collection of animated golds/legendaries:

Come here if you want to search for card artworks:

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You can listen and download both EN/JP voices for cards at this place:


February 26th, Haven will rule again and there is nothing you can do about it.

mating press daria !!!!!

>"I like to have anal sex with several men at the same time" Dark Dragoon Forte

These nerfs are not fair, Elana, Midsword, and Tempo Elf went untouched for the entirety of DE and they were just as bad.

Why is CG giving in to the hearthbabs?

Slogging through the story mode battles with no cards and shit RNG in the final missions is the funnest. Really.

Are there any good English-speaking Youtube or Twitch streamers? Kripp got me to try the game out but he only puts out videos for Shadowverse when they pay him to.

I can't wait for Elana to resurface and make every aggro player want to kill themselves!


pretty plz.

cygames probably thought it would all be dealt with by introducing new cards, and they were right

in the case of daria though, nothing but a nerf would suffice, or would you rather they introduced 4pp aoe spells?

It's bad to state the truth?

Or are you so naive to imply that Forte doesn't know the joys of anal and group sex?

Elana wasn't as bad
Tempo Elf clearly wasn't as bad, because Tempo Elf is coming back right now and its winrate could never reach Aggroach
Midsword was as bad, but the big kicker to it (Otohime -> Sage) got gutted by all the new, efficient clears that were printed

So no, they weren't as bad as Aggroach is now

Reminder that you can run 3 odins in a deck, so think about that next time you have to banish 2 kawaii and a Mr. Bones skellington fencer.

Those decks were not as bad. They were just the strongest decks at the time.
Losing to Daria is incredibly frustrating, because when they do they just win so hard there is nothing you can do about it.
OTK Roach is just cancer. That 100k points Master player with a 70% winrate Roach deck is the absolute proof of it.

She only likes thick dragon cock.


thanks hag,

you can't name a single more autistic match-up than Nephthys v. Nephthys.

Daria is a badly designed card that never should have been made with her current ability. It's literally flip coins to win or brick.

>tfw joined midway late january
>hear how all these DE decks and cards got powercreeped
>scared next expansion might powercreep even roach, dshift and daria

dshift mirror, now where's my prize

Assuming both players arnt retarded whoever drops the first mordecai wins.

Seraph v Seraph with no Odins.
The most garbage match-up of all time

I died on his turn 8, how are they ok with a deck that literally just autowins versus any deck that isn't aggro? There was absolutely nothing more I could have done to stop this.

>you can't name a single more autistic match-up
>more autistic match-up

What does that even fucking mean?

Talk like a normal person.

>Never play Rune

>Unpack an animated Professor of Taboos

Jesus christ.

I'm pretty much obligated to make a dirtcraft deck now, aren't I.

Go for the mill strategy not the minion strategy. With the mill strategy you can safely win about 50% of the time.

Pls no, dirt is boring as fuck to play against.

What's the most broken mechanic in the game and why is it _____storm?



Powercreep ruins all card games eventually.

Are you talking about the strat where you don't play minions so they can't target anything? Literally every time I do that they they still OTK on turns 7-8.

But Professor of Taboos is so baller.

Threadly reminder that Nephthys is the one true god and that Saha Luci heretics must be exterminated.


>that autist that grinded to 100k in master in only 3 weeks in

Eh, I suppose I need to give him credit for proving that the deck needs to go.

You can win about 50% of the time if you do it right.

You will soon be begging Cygames to revert the Daria nerfs, my little shadowshitter!

Turn 4 Levi is 4/4 has his 1PP 3 damage fireball and you have still enough mana left for piercing rune.
That's 11 damage in turn 4, with a bit of luck you will see the exact same shit two more times.
It's just all around an bullshit deck.

Right, that must be why Dshift has a nearly 70% winrate vs Nep decks at master.

Honestly it's things like this that make me kind of glad we bombed them in WW2. Cygames just has an erection for Shadow, they nerf two "OP" (not in my experience) but Shadow somehow always gets a pass. This card literally makes my favorite craft, Dragon, unplayable.


Nobody likes you Daria


ETA 18 hours

Why burn her when you could put her in a sex dungeon and use her as a cum dumpster?

Why would you nerf the class that's been bottom tier for half a year? If it didn't destroy ramp dragon shadow would be unplayable right now.

dshift is the most overpowered card in theory and the ultimate finisher, gives you extra turns and refunds all your mana, effectively giving you more than 10 mana to use at a time while you can't interact with anything and just watch as the dshifter finishes masturbating and cumming all over you

control will never be able to beat it as long as you either, 1. can't prevent her from drawing/spellboosting dshift or 2. can't do anything in their turns, so it all comes down to cygames introducing new game mechanics in the next expansions, and the game is pretty young and has a long way to go

I wonder what's worse though, a world without dshift where everyone just plays 20 turn games, or an aggro world where games last 5-6 turns

It's literally reparations for banishocaust. 6 million last word followers were banished, know your place goy.

>responding to obvious bait

Like I said, my favorite craft is Dragon. I don't want to play spoopy skeleton simulator, I want to be the dark knight to all of this aggro in the meta, but Shadowcraft isn't letting me. How is this fair?

Roach as a deck is already gone. There is nothing to powercreep there.

>wah, why can a class hard-counter mine?

Now you know how Shadow feels against Haven since DE and even now. Shut the fuck up.

also forgot to mention dshift lets you emote 3 times for every turn you earn for the ultimate FUCK YOU

DShift is really fucking stupid. It's absolutely horrible design and the fact that they haven't done anything about it is unbelievable. A single card that completely invalidates an entire fucking archetype is not okay.

20 turn games means you can play meme decks, it's clearly the better option.

Requesting a concede please


>Go full aggro
>Finish off the shadowbaby with burn on turn 8
Works every single time

Because the only thing that'll burn then is the sensation in my dick from all the AIDS THAT SHE HAS


People in masters are bad at this video game.

So I climbed to AA0 with haven and forest, which are already lvl 100 but I was thinking about grinding with other classes at least to 70 for the animated cards. Can you guys give me a rundown on what the fastest, most reliable decks per class are? I'm skipping rune for now.

You can have decks that counter control without them being overbearing like Dshift is. Having a deck with 70-80% winrate matchups is pretty fucked up.

Sword and Rune (Daria, I guess) are the fastest hands down. Fast games, easy score.

Need concede pls. 22517

While it's true there are a lot of shitters even in Master since they obviously climbed up there with fotm, there is no denying that it's an unfavored matchup against Nep.

t. Avid Nep player with 5 copies of her

Every other class has a decent aggro deck, maybe deck dragon. Rip face dragon.

>I'm skipping the best class for now


let's be honest here user, the only reason shadow "counters" dragon right now is because dragon's only viable deck is very slow

if face dragon/storm ramp was still a thing, nep shadow would get absolutely destroyed by your fortes

>except dragon*

Thank you, Mary

>getting destroyed by forte

You never pilot nep, right? Thanks a lot for that 8/4 Pluto.

How is turn 2 bahamut slow?

Guess this hand won't be as triggering in a few days now.

Daria only got a slap on the wrist. The deck is still pretty strong.

Roach also only got a slap on the wrist.

storm followers have short lifespans which is expected, and dragon can ramp so they can play forte earlier than you can pact

besides, you wouldn't pact a forte when you can khawy, but it would also be useless since forte dies in the trade, so I don't know user

Ty very much eris!

>Levi kills my 4/3, 2/4, and piercing rune finishes my 6/2 on turn 5
>Same shit
Nope still triggered

Daria is the most broken fucking card they have ever released.
I cannot believe someone actually thought Daria was an okay card to print. I cannot fucking believe someone thought Daria was okay. Why the FUCK DOES DARIA SPELLBOOST IN ADDITION TO DRAWING 5 FUCKING CARDS IN ADDITION TO HAVING SPELLBOOST HERSELF ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME

>Not being able to use one drop followers or whiffing on a gobu 3/4 of the times.
The deck is dead user.

Since they are rarely played these days, I have only faced a single Face Dragon over 140 matches I had. He managed to throw up to 3 forte at me, but I already started warding up after the first one for that to mean anything.

You realize that the combo is still there.
Sure it's less consistent, but it doesn't even matter. You can just play an aggro forest deck with the roach as a finish. You can also just play tempo forest, which is high tier 2 by the way. The deck will live on no problem; you can't keep Forest down, as we've all seen throughout the game's history.

When will the next expansion be announced? I need hope in my life right now.

Is it safe to D/E 3rd Satan? 3 has to be too slow for any deck, right?

I don't see how Storm Ramp beats Nep either. The only times I ever win that matchup is when I get the Ramp of my life off and they don't just instantly kill Forte.

Ramp is not slow. It's literally just Khawy and double Mordecai cucking their Bahamuts and Genesis.

The funniest part is that a similar card existed in MTG but was weaker. It was still way too good and was banned.

This You don't even need to roach combo. Just dump 1 drops and soccermom and get a strong lead and you can finish with just 1 roach.

probably in another week or so.

Flavor of the month. Namely tier 1 decks of the current meta since they have good winning odds against most deck, which means easy score.

I'm curious, what's the card?

I can't stop winning!
I won't stop winning!
I don't even know how to stop!

Expansions are every 3~ months like clockwork. If they follow the schedule they've been on, within 2 weeks.

You are having sex with Forte when suddenly the feds break into your sex chamber and arrest you

"You are under arrest for sexing an underaged girl"

"That's horseshit she told me she was forte!"

>you can't keep Forest down

Truly the best cinnamon roll, who won't let hardship stop her.

>I build all my control decks with 3 Bahamut and 3 Odin
>Never lose to Mordecai, Khawy, Elana or Seraph

I honestly don't understand why some control players refuse to main 3 and 3

You have to understand Rune only had one tier 1 deck despite being the pet class. Now Rune just need something like a 9 drop with an earth rite to win the game to reach its proper place.

stop playing a broken deck, probably

Daria is Treasure Cruise and Gurmag Angler combined.

Anybody in the top 1000 for Master? I wanna know how much further I need to grind.
>tfw 7500th