Dueling Network General - /dng/

Thread #2459

Staples Edition

Last thread: New summoning mechanic: Link Summon
Explanation: ygorganization.com/memberdrawing6/

● YGOPro is an automated simulator.
>YGOPro (Windows): mediafire.com/file/baj95caex5si0n3/ygopro-1.033.A-Percy.exe
>YGOPro (Mac): mediafire.com/file/jpok5ejx0fvlu5k/ygopro-1.033.A-Percy-nopics.dmg
>High Quality YGOPro Images: ygopro.co/Forum/tabid/95/g/posts/t/23339/The-Ultimate-HQ-Card-Project
>Manual Card Updates (place inside the expansions folder): github.com/Ygoproco/Live2017

Useful Links:
>Current Official Rulebook, last updated 6/27/15:

>Wiki with a wealth of information for the players:

>Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market:

>OCG decklists:

>TCG decklists:

>TCG/OCG news sites:

>Hypergeometric Probability Calculator:

>Official /ygo/ ruling test:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Tyranno's Rage (February 25th)
●OCG Starter Deck 2017 (March 25, 2017)
●OCG: Code of Duelist (April 15th)

●TCG: Raging Tempest (February 10th)
●TCG: Fusion Enforcers (February 24th)
●TCG: Duelist Saga (March 31st)
●TCG: Structure Decks Machine Reactor & Dinosmasher’s Fury (April 13th)

Before asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards carefully
● Lurk and read the archives
● Google your deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event, see the provided links above
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play

Other urls found in this thread:


first for ghostricks

2nd Eternal Reminder that Red-Eyes is best Dragon Bro



What's the best deck to play Eidolons with that is not zoos?



Reminder that Eidolons are secret rare.

Nice, added to the collection. Keep up the good work.

>Harpies are pretty masculine tonally speaking, and they can link no problem. Stick with them, but if you want a real pride parade crystal beasts are all you, and their pends will make them playable at least.
>Otherwise play Dark Magician because it has the best design currently.
Crystal Beasts are gay (not in a good way)
Dark Magician might be ok, I really love Dark Magic Curtain.

I read a few of their effects.
I don't get it.



>eidolons already leaked
Where's the rest of the set?

>Aleister randomly a super

>I don't get it.
Your guess is as good as mine.

>Elysion Invokada
Elysion confirmed girl
>Merkabah Invokada
Same for Merkabag

I've said since she was revealed she was cute and my cardfu.


What are staples?
We just don't know

Even fuffals are secret rare, nothing is safe


How is a "Magical Meltdown" a field or location?

>Kaleido chick and Crimson Fox nowhere to be seen
Yeah i am going to accept that shit is going to pull a Superior Dora and take 2 years to come here

Is there ANY deck you can build from this set with a single box? It seems like half of the cards for any given deck are Secret.


You get a secret per pack ya know

In the OCG
>Heavy Storm is banned
>Herpes Feather Duster at 1
Any reason for this?

The odds of you pulling full playsets of multiple Secret cards of the right archetype in a single box are pretty low.

you called?

I want to get into competitive again, how much does the average tier 1 or 2 deck cost and what would be the most expensive things?


Around $1000

Dimensional Barrier is really, really good and it's like $70+ right now. But really I'd say wait until we see how Link Summoning goes before you invest in anything that might be dead soon.

REad The cARD

>Barian Warrior Rank 4
>topped 8 a regionals
Man Turkey is shit at Yugioh.

>Magical Meltdown
>Omega Summon

Can they just fire the person in charge of localization already?

Barrage is a >$100 3 of

Still waiting for Dolls/Qlips/Hunders/Toadally Awesome tier stuff.

This isn't bad enough

Secret Rares are a mistake

Can someone tell me the point of Link summoning ?

Xyz= Trade 1/2 monster for An Ammo using Effect Monster

Synchro= Trade Weak Monsters For Stronger Effect Monster

Pandleum= No one use it so i have no idea

Link = ??????

im noob and just starting to learn the game

Link Summoning is "if you want to keep using the other ED monsters, you have to buy the new ones, goy."

Pretty simple:

Harpie's: Blow up their scales
Heavy: Blow up their scales AND your scales and reset the scales for yourself in order to combo further than you could otherwise.

secret rares used to be fun back when we only had 2 per set.
I still have my laughs when I look at my Invader of Darness then to my envoys, specifically to CED

It's Xyz with more generic materials and it uses monster zones for its effect instead of material ammo.


>Still with this meme
>You can pull all 24 secret rares that you want with one box
Nice try konami

>using heavy storm on your opponets turn
>using feather duster on your own backrow
Most Ygo players really can't read or think can they?

The point is to kill old decks by pushing new mandatory product. You cannot make proper use of extra deck monsters now without link monsters.

Now I'm sad that we didnt get a Xyz monster that launches its xyz materials for burn damage with a cannon.

>You cannot make proper use of extra deck monsters now without link monsters.
You get one Extra deck monster zone, and one is all I need.

>You cannot make proper use of extra deck monsters now without link monsters.

Please explain

I hate myself.
I hate stun.
I feel sick.

>half of Pharaonic Guardian
>That Wacky Magic!
>That Wacky Alchemy!
>Magical Something
>Toadally Awesome
>Yosenju Kama 1, 2 and 3
>the need to change names that have gratuitous english names in Japan like Predator Plants, Entermates, Entermages
>Slfer the Executive Producer

Like I said before, can we PLEASE fire/kill/replace the people in charge of localization?


I hate how they made the AI use forbidden or multiple copies of restricted cards. I just want to use the deck for a test drive, not to have to face this mess.

Seriously, Solemn Judgement and Strike in the same deck? Who thought this was a good idea?

We did.

My nigger.
In my build I don't play the turner I use duality for the draw power. I always go back and forth on poison of the old man though. Either for 3 Demise or another mont, raigeki and warning.

You want the tuner because it's searchable off humid and is a quick LP gain that you can do during your opponent's turn.
I should run demise, yeah.

The Japanese.

Just remove them if it's that big of a deal. AI can play with less than 40 cards.


That sounds good. I'll get it a test run.


I just want to kill and replace the guy in charge of the banlist for some Abyss Actor faggot or something, so he can make changes and fuck up the current meta along the way

You can't on mobile.

Lick Rin's pussy!

Lick Rin's glans!

Never ever in the TCG

>Pendulums in the ED are in fact ED monsters
My dick is so hard right now.
God, I wish I could see the face of those 3 retards that argued for 2 threads about Pendulums not being ED monsters.

Yes, I know I'm late.

Flicking Rin's Ice Bell

>tfw zodiac beast drancia

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

Too late. My OEM now easily use the Link mechanic and were hardly affected. The worst is me needing to get rid of an ED monster, which I use link-1s for that.


>gets to destroy any 2 face-up cards for free

In an age where every card seemingly has an mst type effect this is overkill. There's also an xyz that lets you destroy ANY card on the field for the price of 1 material monster.

shut up gum gum ya dum dum

Are you calling me stupid?

Well, if I'm calling you stupid, then I guess I'm calling myself stupid, too.


Just fuck already

But I'd rather fuck you.

Which cards can banish your own dark monster(s) on your opponent turn?
I want something on the lines of "During either player's turn, banish 1 dark monster, blah blah blah" just whatever that involved banishing a dark monster.

Envoy of Chaos

>All those people crying about how they cant use ED monsters
>mfw im Blue-eyes player
>mfw im barley effected

Finally i can crush people without some bullshit Xyz's to stand in my way !

>No Wyrm Fusions
>No Fish Synchros
>No Pyro or Thunder Pendulums
>No Rock Tuner
>No Machine, Pyro, Rock, Plant, Thunder, Dinosaur, Sea Serpent, Reptile, Psychic or Wyrm Ritual

Is Veeky Forums shitting the bed with image uploads for you guys?

>Thinking XYZ is hurt

>can't Spirit + 38
>barely affected

>During the End phase
Damn, the more i try to find ways to meme kaleido chick into other decks is just getting hard. Best thing you can do is splash that chick in lack lusters because of the new ritual, you dump her, and then use BLS envoy of beginning to banish chick and you have heavy attackers BUT i am sure BLS can't OTK as hard as Lunalights can, but hey, more ways to run over CWSD and The lightning would be nice, specially since BLS gets rekt by said cards.

new ritual spell*

>CWSD and The lightning would be nice, specially since BLS gets rekt by said cards
Envoy of Chaos

So with the setting and theme in Vrains we can expect more computer themed archetypes and jokes right? I expect a Binary Nibbles/Byte/Word theme deck at some point and hope its cute art.
It's been said it some thread ago, but Yu#6's rivals ace better be Encryption something to counter Decoder. Binary-Eyes Directory Encryption Dragon? Something like that.

Oh, now i feel stupid, i tought The lightning's ORIGINAL ATK became 5000, still, i forgot to mention backrow, which is another thing that fucks up BLS hard

Yusaku is going to get a dragon
decoder is just a temp like junk

I don't play YGO since the GX days.
Best way to learn XYZ/Synchro/Pendulum?
I like that link mechanic so i want to play again

>Be Digital Bugs
>Gimmick is giving Xyz extra effects and Defense Position shenanigans
>Can't do that too well and is very xenophobic
>Zoodiacs comes along and can do whatever Digital Bugs try to do but better while not being xenophobic

Honestly just play against CPUs on YGO. I kinda stopped playing YGO after the end of Zexal (not cause I hated Pends, just randomly) and got back in halfway through, and I found YGOPro CPU pretty helpful.
Just grind em out.

>I like that link mechanic so i want to play again
you don't need to worry about the rest then

Synchro: MATH, sum the levels of the tuner and the non tuner, send them to the graveyard and summon a synchro monster whose level are equal to the monsters you send (i.e. level 2 tuner + level 4 non tuner = level 6 synchro)
Xyz: Fusion on steroids, just stack two monsters of the same level (2 level 4 monsters) and summon a rank 4 Xyz, xyz materials are not considered cards on the field btw so don't think you can trigger shit like sangan
Pendulum: They are treated as spells on the pendulum zones, you can special summon as many monsters as possible if they are inbetween the scales (i.e. scales 1 to 8, you can special summon monsters whose levels are 2-7) and pendulum monsters go to the extra deck when send from the field instead of going to the graveyard.

generic light bug series

If you wanna learn how to Synchros, I suggest testing out Blackwings
For Xyz, I suggest Raidraptor
For Pendulums, I got nothing

Ruris are shit for learning xyz since they rely almost solely on RUM. Utopia still has the purest Xyz deck.

But they're not birds!

Im more that sure that the OCG told the TCG not to make its exlclusive good anymore. I mean how else can you explain the sad excuse that are Subterrors and Spyrals, Hell why did they even bother with giving Subterrors 2 secrets and 3 Ultras?

>GF tries to get into the game
>She asks me to lean her my computer so she can play ygo
>I explain her how it works and gave her some tips
>Hours later she gets mad and eventually frustrated
>"This is too complicated, I can't even survive 3 turns"
>Okay, maybe she got into ranked and got fucked by zoodiacs.
>Get worried because she probably fucked my ranking with the losses
>Everything is the same, she didn't even go online
>See her deck recipe, dark magician girl shit + buster blader support running hybrid support (sage's stone, buster blader tuners) and things like the sorcerer from the pyramid of light movie, some maldoche xyz, random synchros, dmg the dragon tamer, dark paladin and bb fusions.

Yeah, I should drop this dumb bitch.

Maybe BA was a fluke and TCG is really SPY??? levels of incompetent at deck design.
Can't wait to see TCG's exclusives on Link Monsters, what delicious blunders await us.

Sekrit Links meta archetypes once MACR comes