Sorry, deleting other thread. Didn't have any good Shinbi memes
Owen Baker
>3 fucking matches >lost all 3 >We weren't even bad, we just sucked at team fights more than them I want to die
Isaiah Lewis
Chill, I didn't see the last post/post count before I posted that
Just had this shitty game, not sure if I should keep playing; I want to play Steel but every time I get in a match, I queue with retards. My teammates were toxic the entire match, Aurora kept spamming good job, our Grim was typing like he was hot shit despite giving the enemy free kills and our jungle kept bitching at someone because they didn't dive in. My elo keeps dropping like a motherfucker and I feel it's a game of chance rather than skill when it comes to winning a game or not.
That kill seemed fair to me, towers are a bit of a problem but this isn't the video you want to show people to prove your point.
I don't get it, just because they're a famous cutesy Korean in their games means they're similar? They don't have anything else in common.
Jacob Wood
no, Shinbi is LITERALLY dva. as in she is a literal diva.
anyway what the hell was wrong with your Grux player?
Hunter Thompson
Shinbi is nothing like Dva you racist
Kevin Phillips
The dude was crazy but that whole game was a mess, he went nuts after one of our teammates made the mistake of getting close to him when they had a Gadget's stick mine on them and he died because of it. He kept trying to take the enemy from the back but they just jumped him. I would try helping the dude escape but he'd stay trying to fight a Gadget when he had a quarter of health.
I think he's just trying to say that Shinbi is literally a diva, not D.Va he's just wording it to get (You)s
Ryder Brown
this game will be quite humorous when ebin figures out voice chat. gadgets bombs are pretty bullshit though, would've tilted me too.
>tfw you just won a 4v5 >tfw you can't post an appropriate face because jap moot destroyed uploads
Jeremiah Thomas
I know those feels I've been on this terrible losing streak; either because someone D/Cs, someone on our team meme picks/sucks ass, or the enemy is acting as a group and no one on my team can listen to commands other than the poor jungler who tries to be everywhere at the same time
Ayden Mitchell
>that filename kek
Joshua Young
>finish second image >still can't upload
Zachary Peterson
you can't upload but why the hell was this possible? /a/>
Charles Ortiz
shit I don't do that often enough
Jack Garcia
>Veeky Forums pass members
Lucas Lee
>Go jungle with K-pop >Go left with K-pop Best girl has finnally arrived!
Hudson Allen
anyone wanna play paragon?
Oliver Reyes
You do
Camden Taylor
>go into match >Grux and Shinbi go offlane together >afk 10min in
How I love unranked
Hunter Thompson
>every Shinbi >10+ deaths Do they really expect every hero to be easy to play? Literally every Aurora maim transferred to Shinbi, I have played against only 1 Aurora today.
Fucking FOTM fags
Camden Brooks
They're probably just practicing with her user. Playing against bots can only do so much and besides, testing out a new hero can be exciting. Soon people will get good with her and she will either be devastating or she will fall off. Either way, she'll be put in a tier soon enough, and then we can all complain about brain dead she is.
Luis Kelly
Nope. When Aurora was released everyone became a pro. Same with Countess.
Shinbi is on an entirely different level. And I'm 100% sure they haven't practiced in bots and just jump into queue especially with their universal decks and windcarvers
Tiers aren't going to stop people from playing Shinbi. Guarenteed.
Most people can't even get 8 stacks let alone 5 within the 7 second window.
3 weeks of this shit, and then the next hero if it isn't a support or is also difficult to pull off 3 more weeks of feeders.
At least if someone locked in Aurora first time she's baby mode easy to play.
Jordan Martin
>They're probably just practicing with her user. Mr I play for fun, some people don't want their elos fucked up its a bjf fucking problem i dont give a fuck if they're practicing i will report and make it a point to tell them to kill themselves
Lincoln Rivera
Anyone wanna try Narbash/Riktor for a few games and kill Khaimera early-game while he tries to farm jungle? I've got a great Narbash build to do it. I'll be on all day Wednesday.
Nathaniel Cooper
Then perhaps this is a nice change of pace? If this is a hero that requires actual skill to use, then the majority of new friends will drop her once they see that they're not getting the results they want. Just give it like a week, or more than likely, a few days.
Okay user, but there are ways around that. >go in with a 5 man pre-made >use vgs for commands and see if you can convince Shinbi to jungle during the draft >draft dodge But most importantly >teach/don't be toxic Some players may have real potential with her and if you want her to be more than just a hot serving of cxp for the enemy, then try to tell her what you want and what the team needs >inb4 fell for the bait I'm aware, so enjoy your you
Asher Fisher
Evan Turner
Well mr professional player, some people play games for fun and don't care about your virtual points. If someone afks, trolls or obviously has no idea what he's doing than he's a faggot who needs to be reported, but if someone just sucks or has a bad day, especially when playing a new character hating on him is just childish. Yeah, we definitely need this ranked mode.
>want voice acting in game already >but the current leaked voice lines are all cringy as fuck
what the fuck the lines were written by an autist
Hunter Barnes
Which lines are cringy? I like gideon super line >BEHOLD I OFFER YOU A GLIMPSE
Grayson Hernandez
why are all of epic's games early access trash but you can't complain about it being bad because it's in beta forever
Juan Wright
Finally >hiro reliable for anything
Julian Perry
The game isn't in early access anymore
Aiden Walker
I think most of them are actually pretty good, I like them. Muriel sounds annoying and some of the Dekker's line seem cringy, but others are mostly fine. I can't wait until they implement them, hopefully with some more character bios alongside.
Brayden Perry
Anybody is going to play in a moment?
Liam Nguyen
I mean I could but im a goldie with meme decks
Gavin Rivera
Well if you don't have an issue with playing with two guys who play just for fun and might fuck your elo up than be my guest. If not, I'll understand.
Ryan Mitchell
Gavin Peterson
Ah, all right, I have you in friends already, just give me a sec, I'm playing with a friend who's been away from the game for some time and he have to check up a few things. He was pretty good back when he was playing though.
Angel Perry
I'm going to marry Shinbi!
Asher Fisher
Are we gonna start regularly playing together when ranked comes out?
Adrian Foster
Christopher Russell
wouldn't ranked be more of a reason NOT to play with Veeky Forumsshitters?
James Kelly
it's still """""in beta""""" that's early access
Logan Hughes
No. Early access was when you had to pay or get invited to get in. This is open beta.
Adam Morgan
That's assuming they're all shitters, but seeing as the few of us here enjoy the game and would love some quality matches (not shitting all over new players and not being shit on by people who are playing as a team while you're stuck in solo queue). At least, I certainly wouldn't mind getting gud in ranked with the people from here.
Kevin Gray
I usually stay solo because matchmaking is so bad if you duo and don't play like hardasses you'll most likely lose. And as someone who queues very fast and concentrates, it's difficult to get over a loss you could've won.
Can't wait for them to give us two different modes.
Mason Watson
>I usually stay solo because matchmaking is so bad if you duo and don't play like hardasses you'll most likely lose Why is this? Me and a friend are both gold but as fast as we team up we end up in matches where no one picks a support or we have 3 junglers.
What the fuck.
Ethan Stewart
prob because there aren't enough players or proper rank to group elo closer. You can have pretty even team elo but it could still have a 300 elo difference between players. Check the teams elo on agora when you finish a match to see who you were paired with.
Jacob Howard
But solo queuing is very inconsistent as far as the skill of your teammates. Slightly longer queue times sound worth it so long as you know you have a real teammate and will have some influence in the flow of the match.
Asher Reyes
I've duod triod and five manned a lot already. I go on winstreaks solo, 50/50 if I team up. You have a higher chance of winning if you can beat the uncoordinated players.
Once people get coordinated you can't even have fun at that point.
I've gotten straight up afks after teaming up or just 3 unreliable players. Rather not risk it.
Owen Parker
>get second pick >first pick takes Shinbi Sometimes it's like they'll pick Shinbi even if they don't wanna play her
Gabriel Richardson
>teams are no fun You can still meme if you want Nothing feels better than disappearing so all the enemies group together to push one lane only to have steel ult them, Gideon succ them, Aurora ass blast them, Howitzer anally assault them, while the Murdock ults in the sky with an emote to follow for max bm You just need to find people willing to have fun regardless of their ELO
Carson Wood
Whats the point of the farming phase?
Why doesnt the game just start with everyone at least level 7 with their skills and some filled out cards?
Thats when it starts to get fun anyway. We dont need these long ass matches. Game is slow enough already.
Noah Davis
There are already games like that and they're called arena mobas. To be honest I'm also unhappy about many things in new mobas, but the basics are so cemented right now that they're basically unchangeable. Farming is not one of those things though, it's pretty much crucial to the basic idea of moba
Josiah Torres
>they're called arena moba
Lucas Turner
>know-how to play Shinbi >pick her when I can >someone else doesn't get to play Shinbi >they feed and lose all game So either they feed as Shinbi or feed as something else nice
Adam Torres
What's the point of base building
What's the point of the Ancient era in Civ
What's the point of eco rounds
What's the point of starting weak and gaining power
Michael Johnson
It's his first moba calm down
Samuel Nguyen
All those things are fun to play through.
Here its just standing around slowly left clicking on brainless minions for 10-15 minutes while you wait till your character can actually do something interesting.
Michael Powell
>teams do the 2v1 in off lane >enemy team gets fb off of our offlaner >i move to offlane and even it out >shit on the enemy with my off laner This happens every game, why do they like to lose?
Nolan Kelly
If you find that so dull, then play Jungle or Offlane. Jungle has to move around constantly and take gank opportunities, and Offlane can't farm safely at all.
Gavin Gonzalez
>99/100 Shinbis feed and blame everyone else for losing Why are people so shit, shes so fucking easy.
Luke Mitchell
Nobody ever develops the abbreviation anyway, half of people couldn't probably tell what it actually stands for. And yes, I know many people who call them that, it's just intuitive, what's the big deal?
Jackson Morales
Dude there's nothing "intuitive" about "arena moba". It's fucking retarded. EVERY MOBA takes place in an "arena". Moreover you've just added an extra redundancy to a term that already has like three redundancies. It's unspeakably retarded, I've never heard it before, and I'd never like to hear it again.
Aaron Russell
It is, "normal" mobas maps are played in something that resembles a battlefield rather than an arena, even if it's in the name. This other type of mobas we're talking about takes place on a much smaller map and focuses on battles between characters rather than pushing, so it actually resembles an arena. The name might not make sense, but it is intuitive especially when you consider that many people probably don't even know what "a" in moba stands for and it is used. Whatever, I don't want to argue over that.
Jackson Wright
Greystone nerfs when?
Parker Moore
How do you think Epic plans on fixing the card system? Do you think they might introduce a way to purchase actives separately from your deck?
Daniel Jones
What is there to nerf about him? His ult is strong since it's a resurrect, but he can't move making him really easy to burst down as soon as he comes back Before level 5 he's easy to deal with, but after that you just need to play a bit more cautiously. Mid to late game he becomes really easy to deal with
Jack Brooks
Moba would be boring to me without farming. It's like a mini RPG every game and how good you are at it effects the overall outcome.
if you don't like it I recommend playing HoTS
Jaxon Flores
haha yes lets nerf greystone
we can start with that ability that forces players to focus or chase him to the enemies side of the map that ability is too strong
Christopher Collins
Eitber nerf his ult or nerf his obscene damage He's naturally tanky, he gets to attack freely after level 5 because if you "kill" him with no dash, blink/stasis card you'll die while he lives He can use his ult to dive, take turrets, while building full damage.
Not balanced at all. Especially when you might waste an ult blowing his
Jonathan Jenkins
>our Kwang was 1200 elo >enemy kwang was 1400 Kill me
Adam Rogers
>we have an adc already >autistic fuck picks Serath jg into grux and Rampage Wish i could dodge every game with a Serath
Adam Johnson
Is she so bad or do people playing her tend to suck? I haven't tried her yet.
Ethan Sanchez
People who play her suck and don't know what they're doing
Aiden Nelson
Just learn to play around his ult and to force it out with a poke Greystone isn't much of a threat so long as you have some forms of CC or have someone there to support you
Julian Gray
I don't have a problem with Greystone My teams do I can't control the other 4 players
Nolan Phillips
>people building aurora like an adc Wew No wonder their ults haven't been doing any damage
Samuel Rogers
>4 straight losses because none of the teams played any hero with CC, had a Shinbi, or forgets about the Paper mache Core
Nolan Johnson
do you type in chat before match? I've started doing this recently and was surprised with how agreeable most players are. nothing like Overwatch's player base.
Gavin Flores
Is this game robot and gay free?
I need to know before picking it up.
Sebastian Foster
>robot and gay what? >free yeah it's free and so are all of the heroes
Asher Morgan
I do, they don't say anything until I flame them after the match is over
Jacob Lewis
Does this game have robots spreading robot propaganda? Does this game have gays spreading gay propaganda?
This is important.
John Murphy
>take a break from paragon for a while >come back >shinbi
what were they thinking
Parker Sanders
Uh, not that I'm aware of.
Brayden Scott
What exactly is "robot propaganda"?
Colton Lopez
Doesn't mean he should be nerfed. Just means that you're playing with people who don't know how to play
Evan Foster
It does. If he's so much to deal with on the average player, imagine on an adept player with a good teamcomp
He needs a nerf. You shouldn't have to alter your entire build to deal with one player.
Jeremiah Davis
Trying to convince us than robots can be alive and be anything else but mere tools.
Good. I'm downloading the game.
Parker Gray
I honestly wish they'd stop making heros with no CC appealing It's a retad trap
Daniel Johnson
>drop from mid-gold back down to the cusp of silver in 2 days >one cause is people think it's TDM and ignore minions pouring into our inhibitors, then core, to chase kills Played my first game as Kwang (probably should have bot game'd him first, but the bot AI is worse than terrible): 6-6-15, not too shabby. How do you folks build him? Crit?
Zachary Martin
how many melee characters have been released in a row?
Luis Martin
Well there is Krunch who is a robot, but seem to be a very advanced entertainment robot without an and there is Muriel who seem much closer to being sentient but it's still implied she's definitely not human-like. I don't know if this triggers your autistic obsession, if yes you can just not play with these two characters. Heroes will surely get more personality when the voice acting is implemented.
6 I think? Kwang, Countess, Krunch, Seraph, Aurora and Shinbi. Bellica was before Krunch if I remember correctly. There is supposed to be one more before another ranged one, I hope they will then make a row of ranged ones for difference.
Caleb Gonzalez
*without any real personality
Henry Sanders
But you don't need to alter your entire team comp Just have an escape ready or a blink charm, bait out jump/ult, and then get out of there Greystone is durable due to his ult and natural armor, but once he ults he might as well be dead because it's so easy to kill him. He's also the only hero who you can force to ult which is a major disadvantage even if compared to someone who blows their ult willingly
>so much to deal with on the average player The average player won't know how to use him effectively and will continuously blow their ult and get killed.
>imagine on an adept player with a good teamcomp If you're solo queuing, then you probably won't find one especially at lower ELOs. However, if you do run into that situation, then you're playing in a higher ELO and should have a good teamcomp of your own and maybe even a Greystone of your own.
Greystone is like Aurora in the sense that below average players get fucked by average players, but adept players will know how to counter fuck her
Jack Bailey
So there's no lore or voice acting yet? I just noticed the website is kinda barebones.