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New BE killer contender Edition

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>New BE killer contender Edition
BE killed itself with trust masteries.

If it's like the DS explorers, the only thing it's killing, is itself

>Free star quartz with every featured summon
What a deal

The problem isn't the TMs, it's that the game is boring and isn't even good for nostalgia because of all the original characters taking up space. Steamrolling the content doesn't make it more interesting.



>set up TMR macro
>all it does is click on the quest then stops working
What the shit



>Every image is ant-sized
Paladin, Ranger, Dragoon, White Mage, Black Mage, Time Mage, Thief, and Monk confirmed
5 man gameplay

Who /was around for explorers with ffg/ here?

Time to empty those maxed friend points.

Nice picture.

>featured summon

Not like I need more Star Quartz since I have like over 200 pieces of it and I already have 4 Earrings and a Healing Staff. I'm still waiting on the good quartz items.

At least that means that Orlandu is on his own banner without any other 5*base for anyone who is looking to get the thundergod.

>via the featured summon

In any case, Trust Moogles or nothing. Star Quartz aren't worth extra summon attempts.

As user mentioned every image of it is ant sized, for some reason minus the logo.


So Shine's the only one worth pulling for the TM? Exactly like the banner we have right now?

Aww man.

You want the 5* base if you have Lightning. But otherwise yes Shine is the only one worth pulling for. Especially if you have Garland/DKC/CoD/Dark Fina and are looking to get Naruto later.

Who is this semon demon?

How many Chizuru TMs will I end up needing? 1 or 2?

Dat pose

We did it famalampai. thank you based EMPRAH bowie

She bounces

You will need 4 Orlandu and 1 Ramza in your team. So 4.

Wait what?

Mobius question: Is it possible to play both on my PC and my phone with the same save file?

You mean 3 Orlandu and one Ramza/Ayaka. Four is unsustainable without revives for those endurance bosses and shit like Bahamut.



>set up my own
>after one run of the entrance it tries to go into exploration every time

Is macro TMR farming just a ruse?

nobody gives a fuck about this krispy kreme trash.

>BEfags are frogposters

Certainly explains a lot.

She's a literal rose demon. Comes with poison gas as well.

finally my waifu shine is coming

I want that image to become an actual RK battle one day. We're getting there with Dissidia Bartz, we only need the rest of his harem, a playable Enkidu, and a CM where you have to beat them using only Gilgamesh and Enkidu.


>this girl
Why do people whine and moan about "donuts"?
They are cool and sexy

>my waifu shine
>literally only seen a sprite of her
>never seen her before this
>doesn't even love her

Fuck off, I claimed her first.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm okay with this.

Hentai rape flower? So am i

her name is asheterose.
she actually has a pretty nice tm, a sword with 75 attack and 48 int.
she's limited time, but she's easy to farm since this is a raid gacha.

So do you need tickets or lapis to pull her?

How is the new nightmare banner?

Just the raid coins. Not to mention that you can get a free copy of her if you get enough points.

they're doing Digimon collabs now? that's great!

Shit, I hope we get something like that in GL

You just have to fight in the raid.
It runs off it's own orbs and the payout is pretty good.

I thought I could just assemble my favorite characters and make them good through good equipment and abilities


Is Combat Nightmare worth for newfag?

>Memu keeps crashing
>setup for restarts doesn't work

Macro farming is a meme

>2.4 trillion hp


Why does JP look so much more fun than GL?

>using favorite characters
wrong game nigga

nigger who the fuck cares about the AI arena

So whatever happened to ff1 to 9 30th anniversary collection? Any announcements soon?

you can totally do that.
unless your favorites are from VI or IX

>that hp
what the fuck is that
how do you kill this thing


they're both traps

It's not that much HP for the boss fight. It's rather how much the players collectively have to go through to get more level bonuses per boss battle.

In JP Raids, you don't. You fight the raid boss until it does, or however many turns go by, etc. The damage dealt in that fight reduces the life shown no this screen here.

After the raid boss' HP gets to 0, it levels up. As its level increases, the Raid currency you get for clearing the raid boss fight increases. Over time, the level will decrease as well, shown by the timer there.

The stages are just regular bosses.
All the damage you do gets added with everyone else to whittle it down.
Notice the lvl 18? It raises with each bar depleted, The higher it gets, the more bonus points you get

*until it dies
*life shown on this screen

While you're right that there's still a lot of cruft on it, it's a SSB+ banner, which means the only relic Josef has on it is his 40% max HP medica which is actually not all that terrible

Something like Tidus's 3-hit water damage SSB is a lot shittier

I got some playtime with you guys. What little there was.

What is on the second banner that makes it a trap?

Because it's kinda like a a beta version where the devs get to test new shit out first before porting it over, so they more content and freebies.

That being said, I had a pretty decent JP account with OK/Orlandu and Balthier but quit after awhile. I don't enjoy playing in moon and GL's getting some of the JP features in a few days anyway. The same thing is happening to me now with OO desu.

Which one? The combat one is huge gamble while the other one is mostly outdated.

Yeah the combat one since it's the one that for some reason doesn't show the relics.

Orbfest planned starting on March 15.

You can always clock the "Relic List" on bottom right.

I just hope we get more non ticket/lapis units from events like that

>all donut banner
Welp, looks like I can avoid playing BE for a week.

do your dailies like a good little goyim

What you just said makes zero sense, there's no correlation whatsoever between banners and playing the game. You don't even play BE, do you?

yeah maybe

Cool banners make me want to play the game
shit banners do not.

Chrono Trigger collab when

I imagine you would've had plenty of downtime over the past few weeks/months then.

Finally, a chance to powerlevel my FFII guys. And in time for their next event too.

Nah, FF2 is cool. Ling was cute.


Is the Final Fantasy TCG any fun? I kinda want to get into it. If there are even any people playing in my area.

It's still alive? Holy shit. I remember playing it on PS2.

They tied the knot with the main story a while ago which brought a lot of people back for a time.
It now gets monthly updates which include: bug fixes, more endgame battlefields, higher level equips to compliment those battlefields, and small quests here and there to pad out the lesser plot points of the main campaigns.

Need to at least mini-level most of the canon teams for the Record Missions too senpai. You don't want to miss out on free mythril, right kupo? But luckily it's only the classic dungeons so no need to get them to 50 for most unless you want to do challenge runs

For the record the first batch of missions in JP were
>FFI - Citadel of Trials using a team of cores
>FFII - Jade Passage using Firion/Maria/Guy/Leon only, no 5th member
>FFIII - Saronia/Garuda using the core Dragoon, Ricard, Kain, and Luneth, no 5th
>FFIV - Sealed Cave using PCecil/Kain/Edge/Rosa/Rydia

And the rest picked out a certain dungeon and made you do it with the original team, some of them let you use any combination of realm characters but with a limit of 3/4 members based on the game. XIII requires a 2-man Vile Peaks run with Lightning+Hope only

I want olive actually. is shine good?

dunno about her abilities, but she has damn nice tmr, +30% atk and +10% physical dodge

When's the next chance to get Edgar's OSB?

Combat Nightmare :^)


Should I go for an 11 pull on the combat banner or save my mythril?


yeah, i saw that. I really want an olive to go triple double hand memes. that's like six hand. Imagine...

>This last reactor map
Holy shit this is huge

steal macros from redditors instead of going through all that hassle

Shine is good for TMR only