/gtag/ - Grand Theft Auto General

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I just started Online, I've played single player a lot.
is everybody a fucking loser? I'm circling my gay ass plane for 10 minutes avoiding jet fire while a helicopter tries to take out 7 jets. then as I get the goahead to land, ground team dies. no points, no money, just a waste of goddamn time. at least when I lose a race I get 1K

Okay, just to clarify, after March 6th you'll still be able to transfer your character from PS4/Xbone to PC, right? Because if I'm reading this right it seems they're only shutting down transfers for last gen while current gen will be left untouched.

99% of the player base is retarded


Why is the comet such a piece of trash?

The best piece of advice you'll ever get is to not play GTA Online. It is a colossal waste of time via loading screens, pointless grinding, and cookie cutter missions.

>paid up to convert the comet into the retro custom
>spent a ton of money customizing it
>drive it out of benny's
>slipping and sliding all over the place
>not even that fast
sold that shit almost immediately. its a shame because it looked cool but it was just so bad for how much it cost me

>There are faggots who haven't completed the singleplayer even though they've had three fucking years to do it

Fuck you faggots just post pics

>B-b-but image posting is off line

Imgur it for me then you filthy humans

>ceo vehicles, spawn my buzzard to get back to my base quickly, my car's fucked up and on it's last legs
>it spawns on the overpass a block away from me
>truck horns honking
>horrible crashing noise
>the buzzard tumbles over the edge, crashes into the ground, explodes
>you must wait 10 more minutes

snapchat me that boipussy first

testing, why is Veeky Forums shitting itself?

The GTA subreddits are so full of corporate dick-sucking shills it's not even funny.


Tell me the secrets on how to play with your friends in GTA online.
The menus and social club are horrific to work.

I mean, he's half right.

I appreciate that the in game economy isn't just flooded with all the best shit. It actually takes a lot to get the money together for the expensive shit. Makes it feel actually expensive.

And relatedly, I appreciate that, if shark cards are going to be in the game, that they're as expensive as they are. I mean, I've never bought one, but I probably would have if they were cheaper, and I think that's the case for a lot of people. I think a lot more people would buy shark cards if they were either cheaper, or had better in game value.

So are all the guys saying "Rockstar banned me for no reason!" just lying, or is this a real thing? Normally I'd be doubtful but the amount of them I've seen lately has caused me to worry. I don't want to be banned for no reason. In fact I wouldn't like that one bit.

You honestly think 3.5 million people were all hackers?

We've had some mentally ill people in the crew get banned and then say "dindu nuffin". So, I mean, really.

Finally tried the import export thing, pretty gud to earn almost 1,500k with it. The new office garage and the Warstock vehicles are horribly expensive though. Is Rockstar expecting us to buy 10 shark cards per month ? Why not going for monthly subscription then?

Speaking of getting banned, I keep getting conflicting answers on whether or not I'll get banned for receiving money from hackers. I've been avoiding it as much as I can just out of caution, but can anyone give me a decent answer?

Depends on the amount you received or got dropped on you.

>400 hours and i have only just started trevor's dock heist setups

If they wanted me to play the campaign, they wouldn't have made the THREE main characters so unlikable.

I got 5 million 3 years ago and didn't get banned.
I got 2 million just a few weeks ago and didn't get banned.

I didn't bank that money.

I've avoided talking about the money drops in chat though. Just in case R* reads chat logs.
I never requested the money or said anything incriminating.

So is not banking it and shutting up just the key?

Might also be because 5+2 million is very little money to warrant a character wipe.

Ok, well what's enough? 10-20+? I just don't really feel like getting banned for this

>want to keep car clean
>need to shoot while driving
>no option to roll down window
>character smashes the window instead

I don't know. I'm only guessing.

just use melee to roll down window.

Alright, thanks anyway

Then it won't roll back up, so you're now going 240 KM/H on the highway with the windows open like a retard.

I mean, it's the same scenario with a broken window nonetheless, but they should've given us the option to roll down the windows since the game released. They won't add it now anyway, so all we can do is complain.

How can Rockstar read chat logs if they auto-erase after 4 or 5 posts? You can't scroll up and see previous logs like in other games, so I doubt they can.

Hell, there are people who admitted in public chat to being modders and being reported hundreds of times since hackers first infested the game, and he's still continuing his antics to this day.

Asking again for a PC crew invite, SC is Z4rif.

yeah man theres no more space for new people sorry i dont know what happened its not letting me inviting you

I lied to see of it would work, I assume most others are doing the same.

Use fist to roll down window

t. never heard of pageup

we are 200% savage in this game
no need for turn signals and rolling windows
especially when npcs drive like crazy and never use turn signals when they switch lanes in front of you


Took me so long to find this fucker.

it's not letting you because you're autisctic

>vehicle warehouse at davis
>any car sourcing mission that's along the train track allows me to just drive on the magical highway of no NPC pursuers for $0 damages and I get pretty damn close to my warehouse

Why haven't you moved your vehicle warehouse to the hood yet?

xth for r2k

i miss pat desu

>try out rocket voltic
>shitty gimmick
>try out ruiner 2000
>it feels like a shitty tryhards car with 2000 gimmicks
>use a hakuchou to do a thousand spins off of a fence or something
>enjoy myself


>Leaving millions of dollars worth of cars around blacks/mexicans.

>start criminal mastermind with randoms that seem to be decent
>do all the work so they dont die
>at the second heist i found out they are all hacking

they sounded like they were mentally retarded too like really really stupid. Is that the kind of people that hack on online video games?

pretty much
only skiddies, who have their hands up their asses, would use hacks and mods so they can keep up with decent and good players

still b e s t

We have an understanding.
They don't steal my cars and I don't bombard their shitty hoods with my fighter jet.

correct, rockstar is unable to see money your characters are holding. they can only see money stored in your bank account

That's completely not true. Have you ever even looked at someone's social club page?

If it was invisible to rockstar, that would mean you'd lose all of the cash you were holding every time you log off.


>any hackers? i need money pls

GTASeriesVideos is a fantastic GTA-based channel, maybe even the best one of them all, but they have the most cancerous comment sections I've ever seen in my entire life.

Some of them hate how they're visiting the old based GTAs like Vice City, giving out fresh guidelines and tips on finishing missions/side-quests like the Dirt Ring and Vigilante and all that jazz, and want them to milk the fuck out of Online despite how dry it is right now. They've done EVERYTHING they can do with GTA V and Online, you fucking autists, they've played for 3 times on 3 different platforms for your sorry ass.

Even Broughy's autistic Twitch fanbase is less retarded than the shitheads in GTASeries' comment section.

>being this naive

Such a shame you made it look like shit

>people on multiple infamys still dont understand how to find right pc on Big Bank

Is cumsalads going to be around today? I need muh locked content

I think you may be in the wrong thread friend
Here you go

try restarting the game before you change anything

>Still playing Pay2Day

>not using the rocket voltic to zoom through the sky

Your loss

I was considering going back to III and Vice City to finally 100% them cause of their guides. Hell, they only make videos about GTA Online stuff when there's actual new content or missions.

>when a tree branch decides to high-five you into the ground

Good job Equinox.

Nearly got my million up for an office but I get intrusive thoughts about a Zentorno...

I kinda like browsing the internet while the CEO does all the work.

>Off-roading on a motorcycle.
>Pass through a bunch of bushes okay.
>Go into another.
>Second set "happens" to have an indestructible tree branch in it.
>The second my front wheel makes contact with it all of my bikes forward momentum is transferred into me as I rocket off at 2x the speed I was going.

Last night I learned that free chrome Sport wheels are probably the most soul-crushing thing in the game to unlock.

>tfw your friend somehow dies 5 times during the heist so you have to carry him on your back the entire way through

I've had worse.

I legitimately had more fun driving a 130K car (Rapid GT) than a 2.2M car (T20).

This doesn't apply to everything of course, but there are hundreds of good examples of some items bringing you more joy just because of their simplicity and not clutching on a gimmick entirely.

Former can apply to the Bati or Hakucho letting you do stunts off of everything just by calculated wheelies, the latter applies to the Rocket Voltic relying on a rocket to launch you off ramps.

Please, chrome Muscle rims are an even bigger pain in the ass, makes me glad I glitched myself a shit ton of money just to avoid that grindfest.

Convince me not to save up my vehicle cargo money to buy a cargobob to just airlift everything everywhere

My warehouse is the LSIA one, and it's awful

literally asking for people to fuck with you

unless you have another player escorting you in a buzzard or something, you're a sitting duck

It helped me avoid shitty NPCs driving like autistic chimps and terminators in those god-awful Sultans and 900Rs, but if there is ever a jet shitter in the session or any autistic low level players beneath you with homo launchers, then you're shit out of luck unless if someone with a Buzzard or Hydra is protecting your ass.


Low Population/Empty Session: Good Investment.

Heavily Populated: Bad Investment.

With the detech bug, you run a bigger risk of doing a lot of damage to your vehicle cargo or even blowing it up. Just keep that in mind.

Normally playing in low or empty sessions anyways

What detach bug do you speak of?

Most of the people that got banned either used a Menu or benefited from a person with one

Banking doesn't make a difference

>lock ons

yes it does


You're retarded
Not only that, but I've had about 50m dropped on me from various Skids and I've banked it every time
Guess what? No ban

did you record when he spergs out and gets really loud?

It rarely happens, but it's still annoying. It's when the car you're hooked onto just unhooks for no reason whatsoever.

It happened to me twice when enemies spawned and my framerate decided to freeze for a millisecond, that caused a "desync" and made my ETR1 and Omnis unhook and take 10-20K in damage.

Out of the two months I've owned this office, it only happened twice, so it won't matter much.

Sometimes during import/export missions the latched car will unlock itself for no reason. Never really a problem before until the Import/Export update.

So, I've been asked to write a post about why I should be let back into the crew.

First off, I would like to apologize for anyone I have upset through the act of crewkilling, in particular, -Nessi. My actions were wrong, and I only realise now after having some time to think how those actions affected other people's gameplay. While other's just wanted to play the game, I thought at the time it'd be funny to try and obstruct that, for my own twisted entertainment. When you're in a guild, clan, crew, group, whatever you want to call it, with others, you don't expect people to stab you in the back.

In this case, I've done exactly that, and while I can't reverse those actions, I can say that I'm sorry for them. From here onwards, I can guarantee that sort of behaviour is behind me, and with that, I leave behind any negativity surrounding the incidents, and look at this as a clean slate.
I also acknowledge that if such behaviour arises in the future, or any complaints that fabricate regarding me (with proof, obviously) that I'm out of the crew for good, period.
Once again, I'd like to reiterate, if I've upset you in the past, for whatever reason, be it rudeness or crewkilling, I'm sorry.

I realise this may seem ridiculous for a videogame, but I feel it needed to be said. I'm putting it behind me with this post, and I'm hoping the rest of the crew can too. Big positive vibes, senpai.

SC: LubbyChudder


>apologizing about purging the crew of a 4'10 manlet

Don't let him back in.

Nobody needs to apologize for killing that faggot

Dude, you fell for it. They managed to squeeze an apology out of you and now they won't let you back in just to hurt your pride even further.

Yes, they are willing to reach that level of faggotry, but now it can't be helped. You should've murdered them some more.

or we can just hunt you down

Why are Rockstar such autists when it comes to coloring or customizing their cars?

God, they even applied pearlescent, just look at the dark blue accenting.

You'll never be this guy.

>Killing Nessi
>"hey I like this gu-"

>Apologizing for it

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