''What Max and Chloe are doing these days?'' Edition
Previous Thread: Life is Strange is an episodic interactive drama from DONTNOD Entertainment. Set in the Pacific Northwest in the town of Arcadia Bay, the player follows the story of Maxine Caulfield and her seemingly newfound ability to turn hella gay and rewind time. At the prestigious Blackwell Academy, Max must prepare with Chloe Price for the incoming storm of returning to her hometown after five years. Available on Steam, PSN and Xbox Live.
>Throughout the game it was consistent so it just seemed to be the norm for that world.
Yeah but I live in the real world and have never heard anyone speak like that. It's just so silly. I laughed at the dialogue the entire way through game, but It didn't make me dislike the game. Part of the fun I think. It helps give the game some of its charm and character. The game would have been worse off if it was too serious.
I think first and foremost people shouldn't give each other too much shit over which ending they think is best, or any of the other choices for that matter. Its aggravating when the general is filled with walls of text of people shitting on each other. I'm not sure how much of it is intentional baiting, but its annoying regardless.
Both endings are flawed but fitting I think. The writing probably could have been better but we could play what-if all day. All we can really discuss is what we are left with in the end. And despite being flawed both endings represent the message of the game in different ways. The message being, in my opinion accepting your decisions.
Robert Myers
>What are Max and Chloe doing these days? They're living in their apartment in Seattle. Both have finished school. They're not far from Max's parents and only a few hours from Joyce and David in Arcadia Bay. Max is doing freelance stuff and selling her photos/ entering them in contests and she is also getting hired by people for portraits, events, or whatever. Chloe's been waiting tables at a local diner (The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree) and has been looking at buying and fixing up an old muscle car. Both of visit friends and family and go out on dates about once every week.
Brayden Thomas
Can someone upload Pricefield.jpg with the accompanying text? I'm trying to but keep getting Error: Upload Failed. Never seen that before.
Lincoln Allen
I'm getting that too, so weird
Josiah Carter
Did someone add it to some kind of prohibited list and not allow it to be posted/ flag people trying to bans? I hope not.
Jayden Jackson
what the fuck I can't post images as well
Blake Stewart
Image uploading is broken on all boards.
Xavier Ramirez
Okay. I'm getting it for other images as well. Seems to be an issue with Veeky Forums itself. I'll have to go see if other threads/boards are having this issue.
Ryder Ward
Hiromoot shuts down some of the servers for nighttime in NA, no worries.
Ian Morris
Okay, imagine theres a picture here of Max and Chloe looking at each other in the pool.
It's very cute
Ian Cooper
>>What are Max and Chloe doing these days?
When Joyce and David are out of the house, we all know what Chloe and Max do.
Hop like rabbits!
Or maybe... >Chloe and Max don't return to Arcadia Bay when Blackwell re-opens, but stay in Portland. >Kate Marsh contacts Max when she doesn't come back. >"I'm with my girlfriend in Portland." >Kate spurns the devil worshiping hedonists. >Without high school degrees, they don't find jobs. >They end up living in Chloe's truck. >After a few weeks in prison, they seek help from their parents. >Max's parents, mad at her for wasting their money by ditching private school, won't let her stay with Chloe and bring her back to Seattle >Max's parents blame Chloe for Max's bad behavior and prevent her from contacting Chloe >Chloe is abandoned once again. >Joyce, a conservative southern woman, and David, a traditional Republican, send Chloe to conversion therapy in return for paying her debts. > Kate suggests a clinic run by her church. > Chloe is raped by multiple male orderlies each day to ungay her. > Max wakes up. > "Wowsers. What a horrible dream. Good thing I sacrificed that blue haired dyke to save the town." > Goes down the hall to suck Warren's morning wood.
Not sure which.
Gavin Sanders
Even if I can't use an image I'll still call you a fucking retard. Fucking retard!
Henry Lopez
I guess we all have to use our imagination now:)
Jayden Cruz
Good to know it's not just us then. Still, wonder why he turned stuff off. Hopefully some maintenance is just being done and it's not something that's going to become the norm. I haven't seen any announcements or news saying to expect this.
Wowsers that's cute. Also really gay.
David Jones
You guys have no idea how much I hate the word ''imagination'' now
Xavier Scott
Here's a picture of Chloe wearing a rainbow shirt, and asking Max if it's the gayest she's ever looked, to which Max responds no. Chloe, perplexed, asks what can be gayer than a rainbow, prompting Max to tug on her shirt and tell her to take it off and get on her bed to find out. Chloe agrees that is much gayer and that Max should show her.
It is approximatly 80% cute and 20% lewd
Nathaniel Young
>Wowsers that's cute. Also really gay. "Hella gay, Maxine." "Max. Never Maxine." "Maximum gay." "Wowsers, Chloe. You're such a d-dork--Hey! What's in my sui--OH GOD!"
Anthony Morgan
I feel you. That word irks me now.
On another topic, is this the true way to reach 750 posts?
Jack Bennett
>On another topic, is this the true way to reach 750 posts?
Unfortunately, yes.
Christian Garcia
This is all Michel's fault.
Caleb Perez
Oh that mean old Michel. Torturing poor girls, causing a storm, and then blaming them for it.
John Carter
To add: How the separate endings represent the game's theme of accepting your decisions.
Bae ending >max sees that has she fucked up time and space >she believes that to fuck around with her power anymore would be a bad idea >she decides to allow the universe to destroy the town as revenge for her tomfoolery >she accepts that she has killed many people for her own selfish reasons >rideintothesunsettogether.jpg
Bay ending >max sees that her time adventures have caused more bad than good >she believes that she has to undo the damage she caused >she decides to go back and never use her powers in the first place >she accepts that she had to make a personal sacrifice in order for things to continue as they should >sadmusic.mp3
These are the reasons why both endings make thematic sense and why I will always defend the bay ending as a good ending to the story.
Where the endings fall apart is when you begin to deconstruct the logic the of the game. The fact that time travel is involved opens up a whole can of worms regarding broken logic. Almost any story regarding time travel has plot holes in it, and I personally believe that to sit back and over-analyze the issues that time travel brings up is to miss the art in question. What this means for me is that I think it's better to take the endings at face value and see what the artist was trying to say rather than obsess over the actual logic that drove us to the end.
So in closing, I think both endings are fitting but flawed. It may be possible to write a better story but too much speculation is time wasting. And I think that to over analyze the time travel logic is counter productive. The endings should be taken at face value and extrapolated from, rather than trying to pick apart how the endings came to be.
I dont really know why I wrote all this, just sorting it out in my head I suppose. Does anyone agree with me? Am I a filthy baycuck or do I bring up some good points? Am I just talking to space?
Jack Price
>she decides to allow the universe to destroy the town as revenge for her tomfoolery >she accepts that she has killed many people for her own selfish reasons Oh that is such bullshit and you can shove it.
The Bae ending is Max coming to the conclusion that maybe she's responsible for the storm or maybe it's always been coming (As has been shown). Either way she's not going to find out. Destroying the photo is not only sparing Chloe some kind of "fate" but sparing herself the question of if she could change it. She's decided regardless of the answer that Chloe is priceless to her and she's not letting her die. It's not dooming anyone else or allowing something bad to happen because she doesn't know what will happen. Things may turn out fine, or terrible, or anywhere in between, but Max and Chloe will face whatever future awaits them together
I never saw letting Chloe die as an acceptable ending (Even if it made logical sense, which is does not) to me it's admitting defeat and fault. It ends with Chloe dead and Max soon to follow.
Sebastian Wright
>Okay, imagine theres a picture here of Max and Chloe looking at each other in the pool. Now imagine the pool turning red, full of blood. Corpses, only Max can see, filling the pool. Chloe's completely oblivious to it all, bobbing up and down in the thick red crimson and laughing while splashing Max with it. Thinking it's all a joke when Max starts screaming, until she passes out and goes face down out of fear and shock. Max is going to have that nightmare every night.
Josiah Foster
I'm gonna sleep now guys, we can't post images but please don't let this thread die. Thanks.
Brandon Allen
Maybe you'll have some nice images in your head as you dream. Sleep tight, user.
Andrew Moore
I think you're misinterpreting me a bit. I agree with what you're saying. But...
>she accepts that she has killed many people for her own selfish reasons
>She's decided regardless of the answer that Chloe is priceless to her and she's not letting her die
are the same sentiment to me. A selfish action. She knows this storm is going to cause damage and that she may or may not have started it. She is choosing to accept that the storm is going to do its thing regardless of her own involvement because she is committed to Chloe. A completely acceptable decision and the one I chose on my first play.
The problem with this ending is how extreme the destruction of the town is. Poor writing to amp up the drama of the "EVIL SELFISH MAX". They don't even look for chloe's parents? David was in a literal bunker, and Blackwell is pretty much a bunker itself.
Wyatt Peterson
>extreme damage to the town I see someone other than Michel has been using their imagination.
Jayden Robinson
Isn't that the canon bae ending? I'm just going off what other anons have complained about regarding the damage to the town and the fact that Max and Chloe don't even bother trying to help.
William Gomez
That's the fault of the writers not explaining a thing. And I do not consider saving Chloe to be selfish. Yes, Max has a strong interest and desire in keeping her alive but should Chloe die would anyone really be better off? Chloe's mother and stepfather would be left with nothing and I don't think they would survive. Joyce already has depression issues, David PTSD, and they would never had had the chance to apologize to Chloe. All the people Max helped throughout the week lose the lessons they learned. Kate may still end up on that roof or in another perilous moment. Then there's the effects it would have on Max. I stand by the idea that if Max was NOT supposed to save Chloe, she would never have gotten any power. To put her through everything and leave her with nothing is one of the cruelest things imaginable.
As for them not searching, again blame the writers/devs. There's plenty of potential explanations for how people in the town survived. And it's been said that perhaps Max and Chloe drive out of Arcadia Bay after a day or two when they already know who is in what condition (Nothing to support or disprove this). So even if you're view on things is valid because everything is open to choice/thought, I find it to be very condescending towards those who saved Chloe (and rejected what the game was trying to hint, without offering evidence for) and unfairly harsh towards Max. Treating her as if she did do something wrong by unwillingly activating a power she never asked for.
Hudson Howard
The game clearly shows the damage done to the town and it is nowhere near the levels of some massive supertornado caused by messing with time. It looks like a regular, naturally occurring, EF-2 or 3. They had every chance to show how many people died or what havoc occurred but they chose not to.
Caleb Baker
Dude, what the fuck? how come there's stil somebody keeping these up?
Camden Kelly
Our little community is very dedicated.
Ian Mitchell
Cutepost-... Oh god! We can't even do that! It's over! Everyone reach under your chairs and take your assigned cyanide capsules!
Brandon Rogers
Do it faggt DIE
Nathaniel White
JSYK, I picked bay in my first playthrough.
That said, even if you don't "deconstruct the logic the of the game" or try to "pick apart how the endings came to be" and just look at the endings thematically, bay is still a terrible ending because it goes against the main theme of the game: destiny.
Throughout the game, we've seen Max change the destiny of everyone around her all the time. She saves Chloe's life about 6 times (maybe more) and saves numerous other lives (or doesn't). She changes the personalities and relationships of her peers with every photojump or rewind. Basically, she changes fate all the time.
What's the one fate she can't change in every single episode? Arcadia Bay's destruction.
She: >Has a vision about it in the very intro of the game before gaining her powers >Jumps through multiple, vastly different timelines with all of them including the arriving storm >Reads an email from Sean Prescott straight up saying the town is going to have "a fucking enema" and that it is it's destiny
If the idea of destiny being an unchangeable force were to apply to anything in the game, it's the storm.
So with nearly 4 episodes reinforcing the idea that the storm is coming friday and nothing Max does can stop it, ep5 comes along and infodumps the player that it's all their fault because they changed the timeline, and that it's actually CHLOE'S destiny to die in order for the storm to magically disappear.
Not even getting into the fact that Max can't undo her powers the way Bay shows it, Bay implies that it was Chloe's destiny to die all along because she dies so many times throughout the game, and that the storm is a result of Chaos Theory because Max unthreaded time. The theme of Chaos Theory does not apply to the storm at all and it's so fucking stupid.
It's a complete 180 from everything the game was building up to. Thematically, story-wise and logically. Bay is forced tragedy, it's not fitting at all, and it is heavily flawed.
Jordan Collins
Well, hi, you know me as Yuvna. Yes yes yes, LiS was a very good game indeed.
Jason Jenkins
literally who
Ryder Phillips
>Yes, Max has a strong interest and desire in keeping her alive but should Chloe die would anyone really be better off? Chloe's mother and stepfather would be left with nothing and I don't think they would survive. Joyce already has depression issues, David PTSD, and they would never had had the chance to apologize to Chloe. All the people Max helped throughout the week lose the lessons they learned. Kate may still end up on that roof or in another perilous moment. Then there's the effects it would have on Max.
I agree with all of this and this is why I will always choose bae. Not to mention how cruel it would be to Chloe herself. She would never get to see her best friend again, never make her peace with Frank or David, never get closure regarding Rachels disappearance, and she would die alone on a bathroom floor.
>I stand by the idea that if Max was NOT supposed to save Chloe, she would never have gotten any power. To put her through everything and leave her with nothing is one of the cruelest things imaginable.
I'm not really sure where I stand on the origin on Maxs powers, but I respect your interpretation, and realize that such an opinion probably influences the way you see the endings.
I'm not trying to come off condescending, I'm just trying to explain the way I see the endings. And I personally don't think it's fair to expect the bae ending to be without its emotional hangups. There has to be a consequence for choosing to save Chloe, and that consequence is admitting that maybe you could have prevented the storm. I'm not blaming anyone for their choices, and I'm not trying to paint my interpretation as the only correct one. I just dont have anyone to discuss this game with
Sloppy writing to play up the drama. Flaws, like I said, it just happens that this flaw causes a lot of division in the community.
Justin Wilson
do you think max made chloe quit smoking or did chloe make max pick up the habit because max is a beta
Juan Sanchez
Thomas Davis
i think chloe died, i fucking killed her i like kate better
Adam Ramirez
Michael Lewis
>i fucking killed her
You are not Max, though.
Ryder Ortiz
im nathan jefferson, your worst nightmare
Andrew Sullivan
baby, you're my dream :^)
Grayson King
I'd guess that most people who played on release day had been invested in the game for much longer than people who picked it up since and sped through all 5 episodes in a couple of days. If you're more invested, you're more likely to think about the choice emotionally rather than as a basic trolley problem type dilemma (or just basing the choice off the conversation on the cliff). That's what caused the shift.
Adam Brooks
What the fuck why I can't post images
Joshua Peterson
Regarding the tornado vision at the very beginning of the game. I'd consider that a premonition or a warning rather than proof of an event that is certain to happen.
Regarding the ever constant storm in the alternate timelines, I would say that the storm was constant in those timelines because Max and her time traveling abilities were constant in those time lines.
The Sean Prescott email, was in my opinion an intentional red herring. 1st playthrough I thought the missing girls were the result of some sort of cult. Kate mentioned being pricked in the neck (stealing virgins blood?), and there is a lot of native american "magic" around blackwell, spirit animals, totem poles, strange weather etc. So I think the email was to throw new players off the track of the actual issue and make us suspect the Prescotts even more.
So what I'm trying to say is, I dont really see the Storm as being an "unchangeable force" and because of that I think that the bay ending could totally reverse the storm and save the town.
I agree that Chaos Theory doesn't really make much sense in regards to the storm. But what we do know is that Max believes she may be responsible for the storm and she says so in Ep5.
See this is the meta problem in my opinion. The game has to make sense, but it also has to ignore some of the absurd logic that time travel brings along with it. At some point we have to decide what matters to the plot and what we are able to overlook. And no one will ever be able to agree on this matter.
After my 1st playthrough I thought a lot about the logical errors the game made and was upset about how they detracted from the endings being justified or making sense. But after going through the game a 2nd time I didn't have as much of an issue overlooking some of the minor details and focusing on the endings in a more thematic manner.
Eli Lopez
Chloe quit on her own. First because she doesn't have much money and she only want to spend on stuff she and Max absolutely need. As well as because she's living with the Caulfields for that time and won't want to intrude. But as time goes on she will realize she doesn't need them. She'll feel better, breath clearer, and end up with more money than she had. It's a win/win
Chloe will approach Max and let her know she intends on quitting and ask for help. Max will ask how, and Chloe will say that in addition to the patches and gum that whenever she has a craving to smoke, Max just needs to kiss her. Fill that urge with something much more fulfilling. When Joyce and David learn Chloe quit smoking they will both be happy.
Christopher Gutierrez
What kind of asshole gave Max a warning of something she allegedly causes before she even has a chance to cause it? There has to be a reason and "so she could learn not to abandon friends" or '"So she could say goodbye" does not even scratch the surface of explaining or rationalizing it.
Isaac Moore
Thats a good question, and I don't know the answer. I'm not sure how or why Max got her powers. Maybe the force that gave Max her powers and the force that caused the Storm are different and are working against each other.
Sebastian Powell
Where were you when cuteposting died
Brandon Hernandez
/lisg/ can survive without cuteposting, we just have to use our imagination.
Ayden Adams
If that's the case then I get the idea letting Chloe die was a ruse. Making Max think she was averting a tragedy while allowing an even bigger one will occur as a result of Chloe dying. So Chloe is meant to survive, and the storm is just a hissyfit by whatever force/being is not getting their way. Maybe some part of the universe, maybe the Prescotts, maybe something unknown to everyone. In the end it's all a tiny thing and a storm is not the end of the world.
Dominic Anderson
>Is she truly healed if she's never truly happy? "truly healed" and "truly happy" are terms far too elusive to cause a paradox. Furthermore, the two aren't mutually exclusive. As you say, >That conclusion, along with the events of the week, led to her epiphany and a change in character. Her willingness to scarface herself, for the town or for Max, would show that she has healed and that she is happy because she is with Max. Or maybe not, again the terms "truly healed" and "truly happy" are too vague.
Caleb Cooper
When the mist descends, and hope is gone We'll freeze a dream To last until another dawn
Ayden Sullivan
Now your using your ...noodle...
That's one interpretation. If we are saying that there are two forces at play I would argue one being Rachel trying to lead the girls on their investigation and the other being the universe reacting to time being distorted.
Aaron Phillips
Forget the horror here
Wyatt Rodriguez
Life is Horror.
Jeremiah Hernandez
There was that one Prescott that died in the past and said he would take his vengeance. Maybe there's two conflicting spirits. Henry Aaron Prescott, trying to destroy the town; and Rachel Amber, who because of the bloodath now has a tie to the land and is trying to protect it. But Rachel uses her status as a spirit/guardian to give Max the power to save Chloe and solve the mystery to expose Jefferson. Meanwhile HA Prescott is trying to help his family gain total control of the town so nobody can challenge them.
They would succeed if the storm destroyed everything. However since Max and Chloe exposed Jefferson, Nathan, and by extension Sean, the Prescotts will never win their attempt to control the whole town. Instead they are disgraced and possible imprisoned. Rachel can rest peacefully know she helped (and played matchmaker) for her friend she lied to in life, that Frank now has closure, and that her death has been avenged.
Justin Garcia
Why was that song even on the soundtrack? It wasn't in the game or any of its trailers? Maybe just some unused part from the Hospital ending or something.
John Jackson
Max is innocent and she did nothing wrong!
Zachary Collins
Truth! It's hella unfair to criticize her with hindsight or outsider knowledge!
Caleb Ross
>what no one knew is that Max would later go on to use her time travel powers to rob liquor stores and gas stations
Parker Rodriguez
>Regarding the tornado vision, I'd consider that a premonition or a warning rather than proof of an event that is certain to happen.
She gets the exact date of the storm from her visions, that's incredibly concrete
>The Sean Prescott email, was in my opinion an intentional red herring
The trailer for ep4 has Nathan explicitly referring to the storm. The line is in the game files, the Prescott's absolutely had something to do with the storm (until ep5 erased it), all that other stuff about superstitious events are theories from side characters trying to make sense of the situation.
>I think that the bay ending could totally reverse the storm
By having Chloe die at a specific point in spacetime? Max can't undo her powers, so bay implies that Chloe has to die right then and there in the bathroom for the storm to disappear.
>she may be responsible for the storm and she says so in Ep5
She only derives this from Warren, a high schooler who just learned about time travel, and his OOC theory that time travel = chaos theory = max did the storm. That's the ONLY evidence to suggest Max's powers (not Max herself) is responsible for the storm.
Your asking us to forget everything in the game and look at the endings at "face value". Forgetting everything before ep5, forgetting that Max shouldn't be able to undo her powers, or that the storm should still come no matter what, or any of the game's logic and just going off of Warren's infodump, Max cannot be blamed for the storm at all. She didn't choose to change time, she didn't choose to summon a storm, but the moral of bay is pretty much, "you shouldn't fuck with time, you have to make a sacrifice, accept destiny and move on", and it proves this moral by forcing Max through a week of heartbreak, trauma, and disaster, just to blame it all on Max to prove a point? That's like killing a person with a gun, giving it to a kid, and telling the kid it's all their fault. It doesn't prove anything, it's lazy writing.
Samuel Allen
Max isn't that petty!
She would cheat the stock market and horse races, fuck those baby-killing yuppies, then she'd buy a luxury sailboat for her and Chloe and explore the world like pirates
Julian Thompson
Max only uses her powers for good! Or when she or Chloe does something silly like spill a drink. Or when she's bored and wants to rewind certain objects or freeze time to play with Chloe. Or freeze time as Chloe enters their place so she can seemingly instantly strip herself and Chloe and create a romantic mood
Elijah Kelly
>it's lazy writing
I'm not really arguing for either side in this beyond saying that we have two endings and they are what the writers gave us. The writers must of had some sort of artistic vision for what each ending represented and while they have flaws, the endings try to say something regarding the themes of the game: acceptance, destiny, and whatever else you see in the narrative.
All I'm trying to say here is that the meaning of the Bay ending shouldn't be discounted as "not making sense". LiS is more of a piece of literature than Sci-fi and focusing on the Sci-fi elements detracts from the art. The game and the writers IMO would rather we consider the themes of the game (and the endings) instead of the mechanics of time travel and superstorms.
I'm going to bed, it's been lovely talking to you all. Hopefully I didn't come off too pretentious and someone sees where I'm coming from.
I dunno. Sbel lost everything he made :( The models of older Max and Chloe, the custom maps, the first person and free-photo scripts. Everything. It sucks.
William Hall
Haven't been here in a while.
Is a new game coming out for this series prerty soon? Any good fan games/fiction come from this series I'd assume it has a lot of potential ?
Colton King
this game fucking sucks
Brayden James
Not any time soon, maybe like a 1-2 year range? Love is Strange is a visual novel and it is excellent. There are also a number of great recommendations for fanfic in the OP.
Leo Morales
For fan games, check out Love is Strange, it's a dating vn based on the game's characters
For fanfics, check the compilation, though the most discussed ones are Eternal Return, Better Then, and Ouroboros
Thanks for your opinion and bump :)
Chase Rodriguez
Is guide to sucking cocks a good read?
Noah Lewis
oh nvm no url also hello user on google doc :3
Cameron Richardson
hallo :)
Cooper Cooper
>Go into the fic recs The fuck. I feel like David catching Max and Chloe swimming. I'll just turn the other way and leave.
Jeremiah Nelson
You don't say a word about what you saw, understand?
PM'd you $1000
Jordan Wood
Got it
Brandon White
Imagine there's a picture here with Kate hugging Alice drawn in a semi-chibi fashion.
It is substantially cute
James Roberts
Sometimes Chloe surprises Max with breakfast in bed.
Samuel Hill
Imagine there's a picture here with Michel's face photoshopped onto the BLACKED image meme.
It is an image of black humor, vengeance and defiance
Samuel Reyes
Jaxon Foster
[Image of Max and Chloe cuddling each other while sleeping] Sleep tight /lisg/
Justin Bell
Chloe deserves a long and happy life. Not to die in some bathroom floor killed by some psycho asshole.
Adrian Bailey
I wish someone would write a good LiS vampire fic, not the edgy one we have now.
There are so many opportunities for a comfy story
>Max trying to convince David to invite her into Chloes house in the middle of the night >Chloe covering Max in a blanket as they run her to class in the sunlight >Chloe complaining about Max fucking up her sleep cycle >Max casually drinking a squirrel while Chloe looks in disgust >Max asking Chloe why she wears more chokers and turtleneck sweaters in 80 degree weather >Max sweating profusely when Kate talks to her while wearing her cross >Chloe and Max go coffin shopping as Max awkwardly tries each one like a bed, weirding out the store owner >Max snuggling up to Chloe for warmth because she's cold blooded now >Max missing when she had a pulse while she listens to Chloes heartbeat
Maybe throw in some drama regarding Rachel and the Prescotts and Jefferson being a vampire hunter to tie it all together
Evan Ross
Oliver Jackson
Reminder that Marshfield is canon.
Joshua Torres
Before Episode 5's release: >Lol Mari's theories're shitty.It's way more than shitty to become true >Chloe has to die thing doesn't make sense.Don't worry they will come with unpredictable story >We're gonna learn everything about Max's powers,Rachel and Prescotts even Nathan,spirit animals.. >Jefferson knows about Max's powers >Nathan,Frank,David or Samuel's gonna save us >Victoria's with Max,she'll save her >(After seeing Cemetery scene from leaks) I'm sure it'll be Williams,Rachel's or Kate's grave. >Rachel's the doe and Butterfly and probably we'll see her in Max's dream >Blue Jay's Chloe