/owg/ - Overwatch General

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When did Season 3 end?

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Reinhard this best Overwatch

First for Veeky Forums is a piece of shit website that should have died years ago.

Best girl.

Good night

Was starting to get a bid mad.

>another dark skinned female


Can we all collectively agree to pretend the last thread never happened?


also we made it to 1557 replies CONGRATS

If you want to continue from where we left off fuckboi reply to this post and not in the previous thread.

In other news, pic related will be canon. Deal with it.

Previous thread = suffering.



9th for loli nogglets

Thread theme:


Real French Assassin hours.

I think it would be neat if somehow Reaper was somehow Pharah's dad because I also think it's funny if Pharah's going on about Justice while Reaper plays dress up and is a terrorist

Can pol please fuck off from this thread?

>17 posts
>13 images

Good track so far


Axis Death Squad
Dr Zeigler

Japanese allies

Vichy France

let us never speak of the previous thread

nth for diversity means anti-white

So your plan to prove me wrong is just spout "You're wrong, I'm right! I'm sane you're not!"

Could you make it any more obvious you got beat the fuck out? You could at least try.

Daily reminder that Widowkeks are stupid as hell


Talk about the game, King Faggot.

PTR live when?

Someone make a collage of the [image] posting from last thread

IDK shit about science but wouldn't slowing Widow's heart rate to the point she turns blue also damage her brain?

Next Tuesday

>another tank

gee i sure can't wait for the six tank meta

i'm sure it's going to be great fun

>people complain about forced diversity
>half the human cast is already white and even more so if you include the white passing honorary aryan east Asians

Yes they are.

Please don't.

She only needs the smug sexy part of her brain which doesn't use much energy in the female brain.

>We're all humans
Oh, so NOW it's one race human race, is it?
Excellent. Then we can stop pushing "diversity" right? If race doesn't matter. We can stop giving scholarships to people based on race. Call off BLM. No more need for Diversity Officers in companies and Universities.

Oh wait... "we're all humans" is just an argument to shut up whites when they stop falling for bullshit

WOAH whats this?

Mas Sombra por favor.

Thank you for this

Pretty much, if less blood reaches the brain then less oxygen reaches the brain and those two things are pretty important.





I bet by complaining about black characters in Overwatch you are going to save the white race.

Soon as you stop shitting yourself over your infantile perception of being the superior race because you lack melanin every chance you get, insecure little bitch.

Anyway, Overwatch, a video game, full of fictional characters that have zero affect on you and your life, so stop being a /pol/tard and talk about the game instead of your failings.

Asian pride squad

She's one bone in the nose away from being a full blown stereotype in design.

Even mechas love Pharah

>already adding a pure african hero

>still no KKK hero

Fan interpretation of the canon represented in the valentines event.

Will you fuvk off you obviously have somesort of obsession with hating whites for their skin.
You might want to play another game since this has whites in it.

Do you seriously think they would reveal a character so unceremoniously?

She's an AI and robot engineer, the next hero is an omnic.

Reinhardt Wilhelm!

I hear he has nice Junk

So i have a master plan for farming easy competetive points in season 4:

I just loose all of my placement matches, get in bronze and recking every game to get mass points. And the end of the season i just rank up to diamond again.
Its flawless isnt it

t-b-h Ana's reveal was unceremonious

Because Ana was supposed to be in the game at launch, they just didn't have time.

>it's only media!
Yeah sure and media is never used to convey ideas. Like perhaps the idea that you should be inclusive and diverse. Even though YOUR race is the minority globally.
Don't see any non-white countries talking about how they have to be inclusive of whites.

And again, I've said fuck all about white being superior, I've only said whites have a right to exist and pushing diversity is killing the white race. The only race who's population percentage is growing. Whites are already a minority, they're becoming even more outnumbered, and even in their own country their population percentage decreases.
If you think that's not an issue you're not white

>reddit *STILL* clamoring for Terry Crews Doomfist

holy shit just how out of touch with reality can they be

Tbqh I really hope Efi isn't the hero. I dislike D.va enough, we don't need an 11 year old super genius prodigy

And I bet shitposting about OW will help your goal.

>If you think that's not an issue you're not white
I have black hair and brown eyes, according to /pol/ i'm not white, so why would I care?

friendly reminder

It's obviously going to be the omnic she built
>AI and Robotics prodigy

Seeing as how mild the impact Ana (on release), Sombra, and Oasis have had, I'm really more excited for gameplay and balance changes than for new content.

Dude, stop being so damn retarded for once in your life. Caucasians are not going to disappear, be hunted to extinction, or any of your other fetish fantasies. And I'm likely whiter than you are.

Now talk about the game or fuck off back to /pol/. You people are worse than bronies.


>holy shit just how out of touch with reality can they be
How are they out of touch with reality?

>using asterisks
How about you fuck off with that Reddit you speak of?
Clearly you fit in better with them.

Winston Jr. is building a body for Athena. Is like super obvious. There is no way Blizz would let us shoot 11 year olds

Dude isnt it obvious they are sexual fetishists. They just want to cuck the game up with a ten foot muscly black guy yelling OH YEAH BABY.

Because gook moot is useless.

Stop projecting.

efi porn?

Because Veeky Forums is exploding and has been for hours now.

>I've only said whites have a right to exist
that's where you're wrong, whitey!

and you're powerless to stop the global conspiracy of adding a few non-white characters to some video games

but he's right
media literally enforces anti-white propaganda and stories

you'd have to be retarded or blind to not see it

even fucking gays notice bias

can't open any images
guess it's back to work

>stormfront is samefagging this hard

>vast majority of characters in all western media are white
>'they're trying to wipe us out!'
never gets old

>people in life and this fucking general STILL think white genocide and Caucasian decent persons aren't things in 2017 reality

open your eyes, I don't think every non white acting or whatever is wrong, but the fact that "WHITES" are the problem is an undenying factor with current social and public media, or would you disagree?

Please post proof. Especially when we have CNN, the "central" news posting several African Americans badgering a Caucasian special needs folk to spout white hate love black, "Is this REALLY a hate crime?"

>actors aren't necessarily voice actors
>will sound jarring among the less known VAs
>wealthy Terry will put out an actual VA out of work during these strike-worthy conditions
>Doomfist's personality and voice may have already been decided and don't mesh with Terry
>muddying the original vision and "integrity" of the game for reddit's whim

Pandering to the popular opinion sure worked out for Borderlands 2.

Best boy has best butt. It's perfect.

what sorts of things have you heard exactly

I agree, Pharah could use a buff.

>implying there's some ebin conspiracy to kill whites via video games
>implying if you'd be dumb enough to let this influence you you wouldn't deserve whatevers coming to you
>implying white people can't go live in any non-white country they want
>implying overwatch doesnt have strong nationalist themes where everyones proud of their country of origin and theres heroic heroes that are against a metaphor for diversity
>implying its pro mass immigration or whatever to show a black woman living in africa

>this much controversy over a video game getting 1 black character
>she probably won't even be a directly playable character

>literally saying "open your eyes"

How did pandering ruin BL2?

They will literally never do it because its free advertising for Crews tv ad jobs.
Companies are not in the business of free advertising.

As long as you can see the truth, unlike most blizzard shills.

I'm sorry delusion isn't in your vocabulary.

speaking of racism what race is Reaper meant to be?

he looks mexican to me but my autistic friend says hes black

I think its the coolest hero concept yet. Apparently im a "nazi" for being white though go figure.

Don't tell me Hiro fucked the images again. I'm getting upload failed over and over

>muddying the original vision and "integrity" of the game
Who gives a single fuck about the ''vision'' regarding the personality of a character from a multiplayer shooter.

D'Va is only 15 and not only can we shoot her but shes given sexy poses for pedos to fap to

he fucked it, inb4 only pass owners can post them now

Bait. Hes white.

And if I see the truth, what will happen?
Instead of coming to Veeky Forums to talk about videogames i'll come to Veeky Forums to complain about white genocide in places that have nothing to do with politics?

/owg/ I have a week off of classes, what character do I pick up?
I'm already proficient with Pharah, Roadmeme, LĂșcio and Zenyatta. I've been working on McCree.
My group already has a really kick ass Ana and Reinhardt, so something other than those as well.

What rank are you?

For that rank that you are, do you consider yourself to be that caliber of FPS shooting game player in general across all other online shooting games?

He's a US citizen, shitlord. It doesn't matter what race he is.

he's a ghost

I don't even understand how the rank system works tbqh

>back to can't upload image mode
Okay, seriously, kick out the fucking gook moot, he's useless and has done nothing but ruin the site.

A T-rated game will not have killable children. Watching all the /pol/tards go on suicide watch over this is fucking hilarious.