>Wii U -FlimFlam69 removed the Brazilian method from the guide (you can still find it at: github.com/FlimFlam69/WiiUTutorial/blob/master/btimsg.md). The pastebin has been updated to contain that link. -People speculate about a new Wii U firmware version before or at launch of Zelda: BotW. Even if the Wii U is out of production, you may still want to use to block updates. -Boot0 code execution displayed at 33c3, along with boot1 dumping.
Nothing, tik hasn't been leaked yet, a bunch of people just spamming random strings of text pretending it's the decryption key or whatever. No one's posted any proof that they're playing BOTW early (e.g. video footage).
Alexander Jenkins
Jordan Cruz
Makes me wonder if there aren't really that many options in the game, like only 2/3 of those variations are available
Kevin Anderson
Well you could use my suspicious exe that I uploaded earlier. Just drop it next to a tik and run >tikedit key
or you could use a hex editor like HxD or Frhed and start writing the key at offset 0x1bf
Leo Nelson
Nothing serious yet. People got the PAL version of the game from NUS before it was pulled but it can't be installed without an actual ticket.
No one has the ticket yet.
Adrian Moore
Josiah Reyes
Nothing, the tik hasn't been leaked yet. Just people spamming random strings of text pretending it's the title key. No video proof of someone actually playing BOTW early.
Caleb Cook
you, me, and everyone else
Ayden Hughes
I checked mine against this and they match up.
Camden Taylor
Just brute force it. if we get enough people on this it's gotta owrk eventually.
Brayden Bailey
fuck tho didn't the game physically release in Saudi Arabia or something?
Leo Cruz
this please
Benjamin Russell
So I assume unless someone gets lucky and guesses the key, nothing will happen that gets us closer to playing the game? What if a physical version is leaked? The key is on the disc, right?
Ethan Moore
>159 files
Ignore that, the original user had a fake title.tik in there and I simply deleted that line from it, it's actually 158 files.
Angel Lee
Unless we have an application for it wouldn't we have to load it into our wii u for every single key?
Robert Mitchell
Spoon-feed me on how to hack my Wii U. Last time I checked I needed a 64gb SD card. Does that still apply?
Samuel James
Isn't that the one that's gonna have Hamtaro in it?
Xavier Allen
Only if you have a Deluxe Wii U and you are going to install rednand.
Just follow the Flimflam guide and feel free to skip the optional parts. I used a 16GB card and had plenty of room leftover.
Christian Richardson
so if the guy from the previous thread actually gets the physical US copy and uploads the title and key, what will I have to do to play if, if I have already done all the brazilian method prep?
Jaxon Powell
anyone know is the conection is ok?
Jonathan Wilson
my hashes
pastebin.com/raw/vGLRzCm1 I have this: >78c6f066999c23236afcba63fc414b52 *00000022.app so looks all good
you'll need to download the us version of the game then, hopefully he uploads the whole thing
Parker Roberts
So I'm guessing that in the last 9 hours it hasn't actually leaked. I went to bed.
Samuel Howard
ok so ive installed haxchi and homebrew. am i done so i can free games? am i supposed to open haxchi everytime i turn the wii u on?
Jace Roberts
You don't have to be on the cutting edge. Go to bed, user. Think of it this way: if it leaks while you're asleep, you'll be downloading it when you wake up. You also will know if there's an update, or if Nintendo is banning the shit out of everyone who downloads it.