/fhg/ - For Honor General

Can't Bonq the Conq Edition

Thrown off a ledge
>New players:


>Hero guides[2/12]:
Conqueror: pastebin.com/d3qQXKGa
Kensei: pastebin.com/Mg9HRqjW

Multiple hero video guides: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkiUfT_3_4AnTBKwzZQO7-fDgKDzwPRPr


>Character damage values

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>Story mode collectibles:

Other urls found in this thread:


Look I did a thing

finally, i can start posting my important pictures

Peacekeeper requires skill

Advice on next character to get to rep 3?
I'm trying ot decide between Warlord, Warden, and Conq, but I'm kinda iffy about picking up a shield character before we see what the roman plays like

>didn't touch peacekeeper during the OB
>decide to give her a go on a whim
>jump on people all day and stab them up
>fun as fuck
>get heaps of elims on people with no reaction times

peacekeeper is fun and best girl. fuck all the h8ers



To consistently defend against.

>>get heaps of elims on people with no reaction times
>Mfw my reaction time can randomly range from a senile tetraplegic old man to a gook on adheral

I hate how inconsistent it is.

reaction time has little to do with landing light spam

Does Warlord get a side heavy on guardbreak?

nth for fuck the law


How would you all propose changing the unblockable shugoki hug after he throws you against a wall? Shit is entirely broken.

Oh look it's every Lawbringer player ever..
"I play Lawbringer because everything else is EZ ;)" then gets owned and runs off to find an easier challenge.

So I just went out to the kitchen to make a coffee and as i'm standing there waiting for the kettle to re-boil, I kinda got lost in a stupor and watched my dog lay a fresh brick on the lawn. So then I started thinking; is it weird that I watched the dog poop? Was it an invasion of dog privacy to keep watching? Should I have averted my eyes? Like I said, I was mentally asleep, I wasn't really digesting what I was looking at. But I still watched my dog poo for a good 10-12 seconds straight, and i'm not sure if it's weird or not.

because of fags like you every game needs to have an edgy assassin class that shits on 13 year olds

thank you

Does the black and red make this symbol look edgy?

That is an important picture. Saved.

Have someone got the flail head that's used by poster Conq? Or is it yet another thing that they going to sell in cashgrab packs?


Don't get thrown into a corner?

Don't be near a wall?

Everyone gets a heap of damage off a wall stun.

I wanna ravage that princess

A top heavy, yes.

you can block them on reaction if you're aware

yw hunny

Don't get thrown into a wall... Shugoki is the slowest character in the game. If you somewhat ended cornered against him, you're either trash at the game, or you're playing Shugoki too.

I think the white offsets the edginess

What the fuck? Are there like no knight faction players in NA and oceanic?

it takes 90% of his stamina to do that

How the fuck do you fight Berserker?

He just mashes me to death and I can't get a decent parry in half the time

Wagie requesting map

Not on certain classes.

>PK Zone attack is 12 frames
>LB stance change is 13 frames

Literally not enough to switch guards if a PK just spams you.

>Lawbringer has 0 confirmed damage that isn't GB

Oh, sorry, he has A SINGLE LIGHT available off a slow, easy to dodge throw.

how do i not whiff shugokis backbreaker after throwing them against a wall?

if im too close to them i dont hit them, do i just not backbreak them then? or is there a way to still get it

matchmaking should be based on the character you are currently using not your best character and overall level

Apparently not. It is like 3 am though.

If you can't get a parry just block until he gets tired or tries to mix it up with a heavy you can parry.

Also learn to zone better, his stubby little axes don't have much reach.

Nice looking tampon.

matchmaking should be based on the character you are currently using not your best character and overall level

>Everyone leaves after 1 match
>Re-queuing puts me into an in-progress, losing match
>Once its done everyone leaves

Something I just found out: When out of stamina you can't get a guaranteed heavy attack out of a guardbreak BUT you can get a light attack in. Most enemies don't expect it and aren't ready to counter

Iframes will be the death of this game

Is there an alternative to getting good?

play peacekeeper

Spam guardbreaks and abuse stage hazards.

>tfw get 50 kills in elimination contract

I hate slow to complete contracts, especially when they're really not worth more than the ones you can knock out in a few minutes. I mean on average that's about 10 games of elimination which will yield way more steel and XP than the contract even gives.

play PK

whats the point of feinting against an assassin with a side dash attack besides blocking it? unless they are super late with it you dont have time to parry only block

>people actually losing to bots
>people AFK'ing in versus bot matches
>all viking and samurai players
>viking and samurai controlling map

Is being knight like, europes thing or something? Where the fuck are all the knight players?

>it's another "teammate comes to interrupt your 1v1 and spams light attacks at your opponent" episode

Nice looking tampon.

Excellent looking tampon

What is the plot of for honor 2

right here buddy


What is the meme behind this?

Man I made a mistake joining the weebs. I feel like such a faggot, and on top of that after playing more I feel Nobushi and Orochi are both shit tier characters.

I'm switching to the Knights fuck this. Tired of seeing retarded Orochis dashing everywhere and fighting terribly. Samurai are a fucking embarrassment.

nobody fucking picks nobushi what are you talking about
every "pro" says that shes pretty weak

just bought the game, post emblems for inspiration

no tampons

Apollyon is back and she is pissed.


You fight Kratos

I always watch my dog poop when I take him out, it's a good way to tell if he's healthy or not

Does duel vs AI not give any rewards? I was playing it because I've been having extra DC issues since the hotfix, but it would give me the "our servers are too busy to give you your end game rewards, check back later" bullshit except like other modes they never dropped.



disconected from 5 games in a row.

dont say i got shitty internet i have fiber optic

conqueror bots are OP

>ded Kratos

Rome wants their land back



But if it's not your internet, then it must be Ubisoft's fault and as a loyal cum-gargler, that simply cannot be.

Get better internet.


>assassins who just light spam

I feel like ubisoft won't address this quickly enough and once enough players figure out it's the top of the meta it will kill the game by driving everyone away.

You peruse Lu Bu

What's the most fun character?

shes low effort and low risk


it's the same thing that killed chivalry, sadly.
peacekeepers are the man at arms of for honor



none this game is shit
don't forget high reward

Shugoki, Zerker, Conq

I said fun, not run

Conqueror because you will literally never get wombo combo'd ever again
Except from slut keepers

This game has all round terrible game design. Play as much as you can before birdies in 4 months

Exactly. Roach is the most fun.

>Reviving someone
>They decide to respawn just as soon as the revive get almost done

How fucktarded do you have to be

Gun powder gets invented while some Kylo Ren type motherfucker who loves Apollyon so much decides to reignite the war between the now Renaissance era factions except this time you play as the shitflinger rather than everyone else. You slowly recruit a band of derelicts and criminals, and plunge the world into chaos once again all in memory of your waifu.


Just go full block into heavy, ez :^)


The world resets and history repeats itself but all the genders are swapped

Look up For Honor on rule34

What little lewds have been drawn up is probably on that site

there is no better internet in the united states.

us internet gives me 1 gbps down and up.

Thinking of buying. Can anybody give me info about

Is one week of champion status worth buying for 4000 steel?

what characters could I learn to cover the bad matchups of my berserker?

I've had games going fine for awhile, but lately fucking everyone is dropping, Joined a game with 6 bots, and the winners by far were disconnecting. I've been dropping as well. Really seeing the true ubisoft talent with for honor and wildlands lately.
