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It's not like I wanted to go to Kiev anyway.

this is now an ogre magi thread ggeneral

This is now an Adelaide thread

This is now an Crystal Maiden Thread


I'm sure I wont have to remind you what thread this is

I love Maki but can someone explain to me this Adelaide shit?

Adelaide is my girlfriend.

Aussie slut.

Goodmorning Dota 2, today I'm going to the gym and then having a shower, to not be smelly

haha good one ;)

Sinneddonut Bulldogs first dong into donger

Ladies and gentlemen I presente!!!!:

Octarine legion :3


2k mmr

>dead thread on a juicy day
dotards dotards

who gives a shit about subhumans



demolition dudes is the green net worth line

demolition dudes is the green net worth line

demolition line is worth the green net dudes


>"we have the late game"

green net worth is the demolition dudes line

100% smelly doturd

net line is worth the green demolition dudes

dudes the green demolition line is worth net

demolition net is the green dudes worth

though about goying to the ukraine major because it would have been like €100-150 total for a week vacation
apparently all the tickets were scalped
in hindsight, good call, don't want to die from russian artillery fire or sent to a russian gulag for being in a warzone

green demolition net is worth the dudes line

Dumb team mate stories thread anyone?

>have a Turkish blood seeker on my team
>notice the anti mage has aghanim's scepter
>tell him not to ult him and ping that he has aghanim's scepter multiple times
>he ult him anyways
>get hit by his own ult , dies

Report my team afterward in the chat

is the dudes demolition line worth green net

no you retard
>am gets aghs
>play bloodcyka
>get cykamail
>ult am
>activate 'mail
>run around
>kill am
nothing personnel, it's primary school math kid

dudes the green net worth line is demolition


the green demolition is dudes net worth line

this game is not worth my time

if we can push at minute 10 whats the point becasue if u have the late game u auto win lollllllllllllll just take it late ROFL LAWL ROFLCOPTER GOES XD XDX DX DX DX DxXXX


>CK str 20 + 2.9
>pit lord str 25 + 2.6
>pit lord's passive exists

why isn't he ever built as a right clicker

bullcuck's lone druid is still pretty good

reminder milo dindu nutin he's a good boy....ravaging lil boy anus is enlightening it's in our culture for a millennia we should be proud of it..

>"we have the late game"
>lose before we get to late game
explain this dotards



>not going superior utility -> core underlord by getting AC and Abyssal as your fifth and sixth slots but aura items as your 1st-4th


>not going vanguard 5 minutes in with maxed aura and proceeding to do whatever the fuck you want because you take LITERALLY literally 0 damage


Is that even possible?

Firestorm is % damage, so it benefits from Veil.
Aura means he will eat lane creeps, and farm jungle rapidly at little to no health damage.

Basically: He isn't built as a rightclicker because he is slow, gets kited, and can't reposition well.
Meanwhile CK has +1/2/3/4x damage on the ultimate, and Reality Rift is a anti kiting ability alongside the stun.

That said, its fun to build SNY + Orb of Venom + Blink on Underlord.

buildings? they'll fall after I farm my 7th slot just wait.

Ok guys which hero is good to build Veil of Discord on?

Except for Ember. I don't wanna play Ember.

>people complaining they can't buy tickets for a tournament held in a warzone

Yeah I was thinking about going also but held off buying flights and hotels before having the actual tickets. Seems like I'm not going.

More money to the new baiku fund I guess.

About 3 years ago, what did Admiral bulldog use to buy on furion after he bought null talisman and blade mail?

pushing lanes is scary we need to wait until all our cores and supports r farmed

>be abdul
>backstabs your old friend
>total silence after that
how can a man recover after being treated as such?

What if when aegis carrier dies, it puts a slow (similar to wraith king ult), but on their own team? Falls in line with the nerf cheese/punish mistakes theme, while still retaining potential to be game winning. Alternative is a speed buff similar to axe dunk, but for the killer's team.

thats like some memeback tier shit why do u want somehting that?

dota 3 when

icefrog is bruno

Who counters sniper mid? I like playing TA and Ember, but feel like sniper counters them pretty hard in lane. Other than Viper, who doesn't give the same dominance over the game as TA and Ember do, I can't think of any counters. Ideas?

is this real

>when everyone on your team are totally fucking retarded when it comes to building items
>your shitterfiend builds blink AND shadow blade, doesn't build a bkb against invoker, phoenix, and slardar
>your slark builds NEITHER, builds a bkb
>your kotl builds a guardian greaves instead of a scepter at minute 34
>you've had a pair of guardian greaves since minute 19


So I need my team to help me out? What if I can't rely on that?


go stack camps and farm the jungle or some shit pop shrines bottle crow. 1v1s mid rarely result in kills u need ur team to come gank the litttle ape

ember can counter sniper
just don't walk into hohohaha shrabnel xdd and your fire shield won't disspell
let him push and have yoru support gank or go to his side when picking up a rune and kill him

it's a team game
just don't play

>Karabas & sharks scammed Valve off of their tickets
top kek

I mean what a fucking mess.
Valve doesn't even care to properly sell tickets anymore.

>Valve let some dodgy fucks sell the ticket.
>They sold like 30 to 1 person for resale.

I've played League and I'd take Riot over Valve any day, How is one company so fucking incompetent.

Valve quite clearly does not care about DOTA 2 anymore. It's a micro-transaction cashcow at this point.

Yeah I stopped giving them money a long time ago, They're one of the laziest companies ever despite getting a shit ton of money from Dota 2 players for a good 6 years.

what did bruno do that everyone suddenly says he's a traitor?

>be Icecuck.
>be Valve-cuck.
>LGD's Ruru cheats her way to API key.
>Has access to ALL DOTA 2 DATA for 3-4 years.


fucking shit tier company

just end it
fucking go and burn in hell

answer this

literally no reason why valve doesn't sell the tickets on steam
even if the venue has an exclusive deal with a distributor, valve could buy all the tickets themselves first
and only sell max 2 per person, and needing at least 2000 hours of doturd played

he can be a rightclicker but he doenst need to be build as one, eventually you can be one with proper items and not meme items like graves
I like to go dominator + travel
then shiva, AC/vlads, and abbysal and in late game he's pretty strong and tanky
Dominator gives him all the utility he needs
i get +2 mana regen, movement speed, attack speed, and the lvl 25 depends

Yeah, people like to get mek arcanes pipe and shit, but its just so boring, and he moves so slow that i feel he does nothing other than deathball
My builds gives him room to do anything, not just deathball

because he can farm fast early game and build a quick mek+pipe and push shit in

>cheat to api key
literally just go to this site
and put as your site
you literally get 100k requests per day without contacting valve
I made 5 api keys with new steam accounts and used a script to scan tf2 profiles for easy unusual hat sharking
valve didn't give a fuck

She had a developer API key, not a normal apikey.

She used a dev key, you can get even scrim replays with that.

The fact that nothing, not a fuck thing has been done infuriates me, if this bitch was at the boston major and i knew about what happen would slit her throat.

I am really lost here
can you please give me some context user?

>end of the week
>still have all my coins left just about because i'm always too cautious to spend them
>go all in because we have a good comp and they picked like shit
>my best hero
>get a walking courier shitfest with a toxic feeding mid ta using racecar no ult (??) build
>bf aghs juggernaut
>tree that might as well not be in the game
>jungling silencer

It just isn't fair dota bros.

Lgd owner ruru had api key that had access to everything in dota, replays, etc for years. Any private scrim, strategy, etc wssnt secret at all, the dirty chinks knew everything, and also they where haggling items on there million dollar betting site cause the key let them do that

>matchmaking literally starts placing me with leavers several games in a row to ruin my 70% winrate

Since you guys aren't very smart, I'd like to give you some information on LPQ:

> Reporting someone in LPQ does nothing.
With the one exception of reporting someone after their last LPQ game.

> Leaving a LPQ that has already been abandoned does not give you more LPQ games. It's the exact same as regular matches. The only reason it will still say the consequences is because the consequences are simply "If you leave this game you cannot be counted for winning it"

> If you leave with 5 more games to play you won't have to play anymore games.
So basically if someone fucks your game and you are on 5 games left? Just leave. Most of the time you will save your self time.

> LPQ actually uses hidden MMR.
I'm not sure on the exact ranges but it does use it. That's why people will say there's better games in LPQ.

thank you user
well thats fucked
how long ago did this happen?

>gaben too shy to ask nips to also make wyvern onaholes
dotards? DOOOTAARDS?

gaben doesnt support degeneracy

being told to be yourself is not the same as supporting that person to insult their host nation

>i would literally kill someone because they cheated in a video game
Come on user,

>sing is now playing slark to grind mmr
uhhh slark babs, i thought the hero was shit?

>haven't played solo for like 2 years, always party
>do it tonight because I just feel determined to play
>first game someone DCs and doesn't come back before the game even starts
>second game someone abandons during pick phase
>third game someone abandons after fucking up a gank

Is the solo experience always this bad?

fear said on stream a while ago that slark allows bad players to get to 6k because its a hero that forgives mistakes more than any other hero in dota by a large margin. makes sense that some shit player like shitshit would pick him up

shit like this happens in unranked because there is no penalty for leaving games

ranked games dont have this issue

More like he is a hero that capitalize on the really long list of mistake that pubbies commit