I don't understand Eidolon decks, isn't it a simple matter of killing a 0/5 follower to pretty much render the whole deck impotent?
Robert Fisher
Spicy dragon memes
Matthew Watson
>can't be attacked
Cameron Lopez
For friendship.
Andrew Anderson
>can be Dance of Deathed >can be everything elsed
Aiden Ward
Nolan Flores
The whole event is basically "Luna and Morde go on a murder spree".
Nicholas Hughes
in 4 days Haven will reign supreme again, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
Elijah Wilson
>they run more than one >amulets still count down and do shit on their own
Christopher Sanchez
>they run more than one They can't even be used until turn 5, and dropping one is a massive tempo loss, and the odds of getting multiples in your hand by turn 5 without bricking is pretty low.
>amulets still count down and do shit on their own I guess that's why there are so many pure amulet decks running around these days.
Chase Sanchez
How daria (going second) wins now:
turn 4 evo levi, piercing rune, clear board, crimson sorcery to face for 3 turn 5 vomit 0pp minions on board and play daria to reload
post nerf:
turn 4 evo levi, piercing rune, clear board turn 5 crimson sorcery to face for 3, vomit 0pp minions on board and play daria to reload
I've seen people say that "the 1 extra pp matters", but I hardly see how it will make a difference. Would someone who genuinely believes this is a relevant nerf please explain to me why and how it makes a difference? Maybe give examples?
Blake Taylor
Connor Phillips
When's he getting a nerf?
Logan Perez
>Haven will reign supreme again
>Haven >reign supreme Dragon Ramp, Daria and Dimension shift frowns at you
>again lolwhut?
Elijah Mitchell
It should be "can attack 2 times per turn starting the turn after this card was played."
who cares its dead now haven is going to become new cancer now
Luke Bailey
or just change him from storm to rush perhaps?
Carter Fisher
It's shit. Fuck off.
Jack Wood
>yfw your only good decks are daria, OTK forest, and aggro blood Well fug most every other deck is expensive as shit for me right now
Luis Ward
Carter Reyes
>nerfing the one good card sword has
Colton Smith
1pp spells are essentially free whenever spellboosting is involved, it often ends up being an actual managenerator the literal same reason angelic snipe is important in dshift
Ryder Bell
Or you could stop bitching about a 9 PP card actually being worth its cost. That's like one thing SV does right, make 8pp and stuff actually worth using.
Caleb Walker
I pulled an animated Fairy Princess forever ago and now I just pulled an animated Rose Queen.
Is Thorn Burst deck Fun?
Chase Perry
>its dead now But that really doesn't seem to be the case. You can still play levi+piercing together. The only difference is that you'll be playing crimson sorcery on the following turn. And since it spell boosts all the same (1 pp to reduce the minions by 1 pp) you can always play it together with any minions you're dropping that turn. So instead of taking 3 face damage on turn 4, you end up taking it on turn 5 and dying to a daria board flood all the same.
Why cant Khawy kill the smaller minion just ONCE. Once would be enough, but it always kills my baha instead of Ringon. Im dying on the inside here.
Adam Robinson
read what he actually does you dumb motherfucker
Jeremiah Barnes
Carter Gutierrez
>this is the intelligence of your average dragon player
Evan Baker
Wyatt Bennett
>dragonfag intelligence
Daniel Young
dumb dragoon
Noah Thompson
Wait, what? Is the link in the OP wrong or something?
Also, more daria hentai when? Like what the fuck she's unreasonably hot but has basically nothing.
Robert Adams
who's that pokemon?
Julian Phillips
has it started already?
Jose Scott
Jacob Williams
>3) Win 3 times for each respective classes for their emblem >4) Win another 6 times for each respective classes for their sleeve
reading comprehension
Chase Mitchell
After Piercing Rune nerfs, Is crafting (not) Marisa worth it anymore?
I just want to meme on people and win.
Mason Sullivan
>deal 3+3 damage once >needs nerfing
Juan Ward
>deals instant 10 face damage on turn 9 >balanced
Dominic Baker
>daria can be 0 mana >albert is somehow less balanced than that
Anthony Hill
>turn 9 >10 damage as opposed to seraph literally winning turn 9? or roach literally doing way more than 10 damage turn 9?
Samuel Nelson
Should I vial my animated Elf of the Gemstones?
Bentley Johnson
Now you see here, listen on up If you could target your own followers with spells you could actually make fun plays Like using Entangling Wines to save your Baha if you have something like Archelon out
Xavier Sanders
>daria does 0 face damage
Those other things require comboing. Albert just does it on his own.
Robert Torres
His flexibility is what makes him over-tuned not his 9pp effect. If he was locked to either 5 mana or 9 mana, no one would complain about a card that shitty.
Jaxson Anderson
>If you could target your own followers with spells you could actually make fun plays
I miss this so much from this game, everything is enemy follower only.
Jordan Collins
So they will nerf the two most broken decks.
What is the new cryspot? Will crybbs whine more? Where are the guys talking about the game being destroyed by daria and cygames never nerfing cards? Will crybbs ever recover?
Samuel Edwards
Albert is just nonshitty windlord
He is fine and his flexibility is only thing keeping sword afloat
Josiah Cooper
Albert sucks and most Swordfags shit him out way before turn 9.
Wyatt Myers
>Those other things require comboing. Albert just does it on his own. >requires an evolve >gets blocked by wards You also forgot to mention these things.
Chase Harris
>roach >not blocked by wards
>seraph >not blocked by odin
Albert is barely even blocked by wards, if there's just one he can kill it and still hit face
Xavier Davis
>9pp 5dmg wooooooooooow sword is SOOOOOO broken!
Andrew Peterson
You're actually crying about a 9pp evolved follower doing 5 face damage on turn 9.
Connor Scott
No, he does 10 damage. It's only 5 damage if he has to kill a ward first.
Robert Kelly
yes but theres a ward on the field so he only does 5 damage
Adrian Campbell
Then stop being such a shitter you let a sword player get to turn 9 with a Ablert in hand + extra evo point in this current meta.
Brayden Cox
With any other card you would do 0 damage because all the damage would go on the ward.
Brandon Bailey
Still requires saving an evolve and he can only kill the ward and still go face if the ward is 5hp or less. If the ward has more than 5hp he can't go face and if he doesn't have an evolve he only does 3+3.
Josiah Gonzalez
How do you beat a Sword player in 8 turns when every turn from 2-8 he's playing at least one ward, sometimes more and sometimes with heals too.
Zachary Parker
>play removal for 5pp >play storm follower for 4pp >go face ???????????? ONLY ALBERT CAN DO THIS! WOW! WORLDS FIRST! 9PP WORTH DESTROYS A WARD AND DEALS 5 DAMAGE! NEVER HEARD FROM BEFORE!