Who would win in a fight the entire collective of the saami peoples versus darth maul?
Saami vs darth maul???
Well Darth Maul has the force and a lightsaber but the Sami are crafty sons of bitches. I have no idea who would prevail
saami had a few jedi temples
Good point but what about his double lightsabre?
what the fuck are you talking about?
On the one hand we have deer and snow mobiles but on the other they have the technologies of penis gourds
According to both Norse and Finnish mythology the Sami people are highly skilled wizards
They got him
>but on the other they have the technologies of penis gourds
>penis gourds
>Darth Maul has penis gourds
what the fuck are you smoking?
t. Hwan empire sympathizer
you do know they were the ones that removed 32 flavors of emotions from the genepool because the emperor was obsessed with eugenics, right?
Wait, are you actually a Sami?
not him but i have saami ancestry
they are all neets. lots of finns up in the chan
Im not saami but I do agree that they have autistic powers.
>they are all neets
For the first time, I want to live out the Dances With Wolves fantasy.
Well if we'd add Väinämöinen in to the fight, the tables would be turned
What do you mean?
But its the saami bs darth maul?
Checkmate athiest
No way they would fucking win alone. The sami can barely hold out against global warming
"Dances With Wolves" is a story about a white guy who goes to live with Indians and ends up being the best Indian. It's got a number of obnoxious variants, so much that I've seen an entire movie that was just a subversion of this.
I want to live among the Sami, and learn their NEET ways.
Well the saami are cucked feminists nowadays so I'd put my money on Maul.
what were they in the past?
Darth Maul got cut in half but came back anyway so my money is on him.
Maul obviously Saami are weak af. He could just stand there spinning around in circles and slaughter all of them.
This is also the funniest post I've seen in ages
Hwangook dindu nuffin
toasting in epic bread
mongol reindeer herders and alcohol
Darth Maul killed Liam Neelon. He has this.
Lmao "liam neelon" XD
>Liam Neelon
Little known Indonesian actor.