/dlg/ - Duel Links General

First time opening a general edition

Useful Links:
>Starting guide

>Android download

>Android emulator
bignox.com/ (download, install, make a google account, download duel links from the playstore)

>Current Official Rulebook, last updated 6/27/15:

>Wiki with a wealth of information for the players:

>Leaked/Datamined Info

>Extracted files from the game

Farming Guide:

Other urls found in this thread:


Is it possible to climb to KoG with this deck? There are not many cards missing anymore and i am gold 1 right now.

God damn it, posted a wrong picture, i mean this one.

Not really.
I have a similar deck and I'm having trouble getting to plat

well i use one Magic jammer but i dont think that will change anything. What decks are viable to get to KoG?

>opponent summons Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Dragon on turn 2
>barely beat him using every single card I drew in that game

Meta decks, like Dino or Relinquished

Spellcasters need more support

Well i dont think i can collect that much gems to get dino or relinquished decks.

I just want them to bring more spell counter cards. Cerberus is cool but it's too niche to be used in actual duels

How the fuck do i win if someone has relinquished on the field?

Twisters/De-spells work. Or wait until you have two stronger monsters on the field to make an attack and destroy the equipped monster and relinquished consecutively.

I know its basically nothing but you can get Breaker the Magical Warrior with Pegasus' skill


I call him deadlus because if i get him on the field your dead.

How about actually reading up on decks guide and not being retarded? Dino is T1 and popular BECAUSE it requires almost zero gems to get.

Rate my Fairy/Light Deck. So far i have done pretty good with it. Currently using Tea but I think Keith skill would fit it better. Also, tired of people online always using Yami's skill.

>Deadlus has entered the battlefield! Do you respond?
>Activate Twister, destory Umi
>Opponent has entered their Battle Phase!
>Attacking with Deadlus! Do you respond?
>Activate Blast Held by Tribute

It works every time too you one-trick fishfags :^)

>hating fish

lmao have fun running "skill based" (meme decks) with clowns and traps kiddo, I'll happily farm you all day

t. the Dino/Fish player that got you buttmaf

How f2p friendly is this game?

friendly enough

>Not hating jap.deck

>Being this assblasted over called out for using the most brainless decks in the game

You need to put in some Celestial Transformations. I would replace Mask and Hane-Hane since your deck is very clearly going on the offensive



I want to molest the lolis

R8 Fairy.
Missing Zoldas and an Airknight but functional so far.

want a duel to see who has the best fairy deck? i wanna test


Thoughts? just got the second daedalus so tried making a water deck

Too generic desu. As-is it's a worse Dino that can maybe get lucky sometimes with a good Deadlus hand and a bad opponent's hand. You need the wave card.

You need to replace these Sharks

1 Umi in case yours get destroyed
1 Big wave small wave
1 Kaiser Sea Horse or Suijin

Get ready for Link Summoning in Duel Links

I don't mind that MC design

Thanks, I didn't know big wave was that useful. I replaced the sharks as you suggested and realized that kaiser gets the umi buff because it's dependent on the type not attribute. I'm a but iffy on adding the umi because it seems if it's destroyed I lost most of the time anyways but I'll see how it works now

Found in the DL files
Is this a Duel Arena pack?

Anyone find it weird that they would put real packs in the files? I think it doesn't necessarily mean Pendulum and XYZ are coming

Lads, 1 sort electro, 2 apples, 2 graves, 2 emissaries, 2 jesters, 3 combustibles, 1 warm worm, 1 tyrant dragon.

I have 68 packs left should I clear box or am I good?

>fish dek
>not t1

what the fuck is wrong with you. fish deks have a hard time because they live fast and die hard. if you don't draw Daedalus you're fucked. if the opponent has a trap you're fucked.

otherwise it's gg

so I got 2 Daedalus, should I go for a 3rd or move on to other boxes?

(literally only opened neo impact packs so far) I just wanted mirror wall and hoped to not have to buy the whole box to get it, then to move on to opening ultimate rising. But no, of course not, I have such shit luck.

Also, I wish they could do away with colored keys and make it so we just have to use regular keys, but keep the costs the same, and maybe add half the colored key cost to the regular key cost to compensate, but still be a bit cheaper and less ridiculous. (so if it's 100 regular keys + 50 green keys currently, it'd then be just 125 regular keys instead and no more colored key cost) cause this shit is annoying.

I'd also wish I could keep grinding without being restricted by insane cooldowns and shit and not have to pay to keep grinding (don't face money for it).

Why can't they not restrict you in these ways, and then to compensate maybe sell card sleeves and mats and other cosmetics (other than just the holiday ones currently) like other f2p games sell cosmetic items? As well as maybe alternative / special character skins and stuff like that?

Then, boosters (like for exp) wouldn't really be kinda mandatory like how it feels (I know that's not exactly the case, but 4+hrs for all duelist to re-appear? damn), instead simply be if you want to progress faster. There should be a constant way to grind for exp without any restrictions.

I also can't get Mirror Wall. Should i reset the box?

have, not face*, stupid autocorrect

Why reset? Wouldn't that just make it harder to get again? Why not keep going to increase your chance to get it? Or am I missing something here?

Well, because they want you to expend money duh

But yeah, I also can't get mirror wall for shit

no, you're not. is.

don't ever reset the box until you get all the cards (or at least URs, resource management) you want.

you're only making it harder on yourself mathematically speaking. just because you're at 75 packs left doesn't mean that the next box won't have the card you want at 25 packs left.

unless you like gambling, of course.

Post decks?

You need a Lord of D. to tame your Dragons

I bought two Gemini SRs, I don't give a Fuck.

I really wanted to make Magical Reflect Slime work in a defensive Suijin dek but gemini monsters are just so fucking bad.

Everyone saying Gemini is shit and too hard to double summon forget that Cry Havoc is in this game. Stop bitching and enjoy your free Gemini summons every turn.

it's the investment, son. you absolute need Cry Havoc to make geminis work.

meanwhile you could use literally anything else right off your hand. and they're not OP enough to outset the investment.

Geminis would be more fun if we got this and Dark Valkyria

>Dark Valkyria

reasonably OP for the format. then again, we got Daedalus.

>Jinzo & Chaos Sorcerer format back

I can dream.

>opponent attacks semen
>use absolute doble summon or whatever is called

Would this work?

Why aren't normal fusion monsters considered normal monsters?

Because they are fusion monsters

I tried it with Water Hazard and it was too slow, even for a defensive deck.

but I'll give it another shot.

Just came back against a fishfag. Most satisfying wins next to reliquishedfags

I stillget legendary ocean ptsd from my childhood.

Holy fuck the NPCs get really try hard at level 39 and you still get the same exp and same rewards

Wtf is this? I can't even auto duel anymore

>He spent money on the game

3x Amazoness Swordwoman
3x Gemini Reflect Slime
2x Relinqueshed
3x Half Shut
3x Bow of Ceal
+ The usual suspects (Twister, Ritual, Kuriboh)

>You will never get to try this meme deck because it is so far behind the pay wall it's not worth making.

>three blue eyes
>one farmed, two came with starting the game

Really made me think

whens the next box set? I've got 6000 gems on standby

He is talking about your playmat, tard

>Trash talking fish fags
>Whilst being a Keith fag

LOL. Please see

>sleeves & mat

not fooling anyone

Your card sleeves you colossal retard

Glad he didnt notice you're pay sleeves and mat you gigantic faggot.

That Valentines mat cost money? wow, amazing how everyone in valentines day had those when playing online. Seems like a ton of people spend money on this game

Of course they do. Normies can't understand enjoying a commodity without spending money on it.

I fail to see the problem honestly. Yugioh future is on mobile. better spend money now than later

fairly sure those are from the sale that just happened. from the fire box.

unless I'm missing something here.

>hating on people who spend money to support the game so it can be free for everyone else play

Oh yeah I spent 5.99 one time, btfo!

Valentines sleeves were Sleepy Sheep. You got Tea and Mai ones for buying 6.99 bundles or some shit.
Strike two.
One more chance to not seem like a liar on the internet.

>tfw you justify every purchase with 'it's just 10 bucks' but now it's amounting to nearly $50

Its not even the fact you spent money now but the fact you're backpedaling and lying left and right to cover it up.
Stay salty.

: ^ )

This is too real to me.
Even after I got the second Axe I removed it to fit Baou in my deck because Im a huge faggot and wanted all three usable Guardians.

I forgot I spent 5.99 like a week ago, but whatever. As long as you're happy I guess XD

>I forgot I spent money on a mobile game
>not being ridden with guilt and shame and remembering it for as long as you live

nah, you're just a lying cunt. besides, I'm pretty sure those are from the fire box.

why'd you spend money on the fire box?

: ^ )

Link to the clown deck?

Couldn't find it on the site


Reddit is way the fuck the other way you sheep. enjoy knowing that you are too much a retard to manually edit the texture files in the game to use custom sleeves/mats without spending a dime.

>B-But if people don't spend money the game dies and all the non-paying players wouldn't get to play so be thankful!

Not how it works idiots. The money Jewnami gets from those small purchases you make are 1% of the game's revenue. 99% is from less than 1% of the community called whales that have more money than they could ever spend and dump thousands$$ into the game to get everything because they can. Thats how the F2P business model works and always has.

Not him but why are you so mad?

that explains a lot. I always thought the packs were too fucking expensive.

How did I lie? I thought he was refer to my cards not mat. You shouldn't get so worked up over a mobile game ^)


I'm assuming you're lying because of the mental gymnastics and the fact you're so defensive.

like forgetting the ':', rendering your smiley blind.


why is the auto-duel AI so fucking retarded?

>summon 4 star weaker fish
>activate Big Small Wave
>special summon 4 star stronger fish
>with Suijin in hand

>bright yellow light on a pack
>get N N R
>rainbowlight on a pack
>get N N SR
What the fuck is this.

don't trust Kuribohs or the lighting. I got URs with a single Kuriboh.

the only semi-reliable way to tell are the letters and even them I got glossy Rs from them.

I had once letters and still got n n R. These lights and effect dont make any sense at all.

Rainbow, hieroglyphics, and character stare are usually for sr and UR, everything else is bullshit.

Would I be able to beat / farm lvl 40 ishizu w/ this deck? I don't have any javelins or wonder balloons to use against her cause I don't have gems to spend on ultimate rising cause I spent all the ones I had atm on neo impact trying to get mirror wall, but now I realize that it's taking so long to lvl up characters to get gems and it sucks I spent all those gems and didn't get what I needed yet and ultimate rising is leaving next month and I don't think I'll have time to get enough gems before then, but I don't wanna have to restart again cause I may not be able to farm ishizu; I hope what I have will still work.

>needle sunfish and yomi ship on field
>big wave small wave
>two high tide gyojin
>tribute them to summon daedalus
>nuke board

it's mental, but the deck is so strong it wins even after all those mistakes AI makes

This game has the worst AI i've seen in any game
>Black dragon's chick and REBD in hand
>Better set chick face down lmao

Kill me

Last Thread

No you fucking retard
Fuck off you fucking pedophile